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View Poll Results: What's the lowest you paid for a liter of fuel?
Less than Rs. 20 88 32.96%
Rs. 21 - Rs. 40 99 37.08%
Rs. 41 - Rs. 60 64 23.97%
More than Rs. 60 16 5.99%
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Old 31st October 2021, 21:59   #226
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Lowest I remember paying was around Rs. 65 a litre back in 2017, when I first started riding my dad's bike. Even in March 2020 (days before the lockdown), I remember doing a full tank in my Santro for Rs. 72.27 a litre.

Funny story: I bought my first bike exactly 2.5 months ago. My first tankful was when petrol was Rs. 104/litre here in Bangalore, second tankful (earlier this month) was at Rs. 107.20/litre and today it costs Rs. 113.15/litre!

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Old 31st October 2021, 22:29   #227
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

The lowest I remember paying was just bellow ₹20 - may have been ₹18 or ₹19 in late 90s. I had just gotten my non-geared license and was gifted a Scooty

But relatively I feel that petrol is cheaper now. I remember you could have lunch in a decent restaurant for about ₹20 or a liter of petrol.
These days you would be hard pressed to get a cup of coffee around ₹100
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Old 31st October 2021, 22:40   #228
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Originally Posted by timuseravan View Post
These days you would be hard pressed to get a cup of coffee around ₹100
You can get full south thaali for 70 bucks. What place doesn't offer a cup of coffee for 100?
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Old 31st October 2021, 22:43   #229
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I feel I am old now

I remember paying Rs 8/liter long back. Not directly myself but my elders used to pay this much with me as pillion taking a joy ride whenever possible
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Old 31st October 2021, 23:15   #230
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember in 2002, I used to get little over 10 litres of petrol by paying ₹300/-. I bought my bike (Bajaj Caliber Croma) in early 2002 and it was kind of fill and forget situation because I used to get 65 - 70 kmpl. Those were the days
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Old 31st October 2021, 23:55   #231
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Circa 2002, petrol for Rs.28/litre in Trivandrum on BIL’s Bajaj Caliber- sometimes used to get even half a litre in Coke pet bottles!
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Old 1st November 2021, 05:49   #232
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Year 1972-73. Used to fill 5 Litres Petrol+oil in Lambretta Scooter for Rs. 8/- or so.
To go from point A to point B, many points were added, unlike now, when driving a km extra pinches the pocket.
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Old 1st November 2021, 06:38   #233
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember my dad used to pay ₹38/liter for diesel when we bought our Innova back in 2009 in Chennai. He used to fill full tank always and the tank would consume on average 47 liters, after the reserve light came on. This used to cost us ₹1800 for a full tank. This has now increased to ₹4800 in 2021. A ₹3000 rupee hike in 12 years is just wrong.

The lowest I have paid is ₹75/liter in 2019 when I bought my used Punto.

Just 2 weeks back I filled a full tank of diesel for 96/liter in Bharat Petroleum for my EcoSport. I tanked up again 2 days back and the price has increased by ₹6 in 2 weeks. I paid ₹102.04/ liter.
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Old 1st November 2021, 07:30   #234
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I started riding in around 1995 and driving think it might have been in the 17 - 20 Rupee range during those years from what I recollect. Still recall 100 bucks being a typical fill amount as a student for my KB 100.

Here is a link that shows historic prices - not sure how accurate it is.
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Old 1st November 2021, 08:03   #235
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember Petrol to be around rs 8-10 per litre but was still considered too expensive. It was the time when Italian made LPG conversion kits were very popular and we also had got one installed in our Premier Padmini.
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Old 1st November 2021, 08:10   #236
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember paying around 40 bucks during my college days in 2005..
My friend use to call me in the morning if I would be ok to shell out 20 bucks for the petrol to go by bike.. He would pay the other 20 for a litre..
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Old 1st November 2021, 12:05   #237
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I paid around Rs 30 during my college days and my friend shared half the amount to go to college. I have Bajaj super scooter at that time.
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Old 1st November 2021, 12:31   #238
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Here is the diesel price chart during my ownership of diesel cars starting from 2011.

Lowest was Rs 42.34 /-, this was during my first few refills.
Highest was my my last refill few days back which was 100.43/-
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Old 1st November 2021, 12:37   #239
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

When we got our first vehicle in 2009 - Hero pleasure, I remember filling in petrol at about 45-48₹ per litre ! 300 ₹ could get me a tankful of petrol and that was sufficient for 3 weeks of city riding. How I wish I could go back to those acche din
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Old 1st November 2021, 12:37   #240
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

17/litre for petrol around 1993 when I just started driving. We bought a Premier Padmini that was more or less mine to drive since Dad didn't drive much by then. A 500/- note meant pretty much a tank full (~30L) and those were college days so I would need to borrow it from Mom!

Paid over 5K to top up the Vento the other day and I was looking back on those days fondly!
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