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View Poll Results: What's the lowest you paid for a liter of fuel?
Less than Rs. 20 88 32.96%
Rs. 21 - Rs. 40 99 37.08%
Rs. 41 - Rs. 60 64 23.97%
More than Rs. 60 16 5.99%
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Old 1st November 2021, 14:36   #241
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

As a child, I've seen diesel retain at 3.60 Rs/liter and petrol at 15 Rs/liter circa 1986. The lowest price I remember filling was 57 Rs in Sanquelim in 2012.
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Old 1st November 2021, 16:43   #242
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Originally Posted by akshay4587 View Post
I do not remember my College days, since I was not the one paying for it
First Job, and then First Car in 2008, i definitely remember, Petrol dropping to 40 bucks a Litre somewhere in last quarter of 2008.
That reminds me, I have faint memories of filling up our Kinetic Honda's tank for a 100 bucks
So that comes out to be approximately 20 bucks a Litre. Talking about Year 1998-2000.
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Old 1st November 2021, 19:11   #243
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember the 1st time I had filled up petrol in my dad's Fiat ('94 if remember correctly) on NH3 (AB or Agra Bombay Highway of those days) and the price was around 19.xx Rs/Litres.
Those were the days . Then during my college days ('98 onwards) I remember the price was probably in the late 30's and by the time I finished engineering it was in mid-40's
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Old 1st November 2021, 20:45   #244
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

1992/93 I think petrol was in the high teens. There was a large hungama when the prices were raised due to the gulf war. I remember many of my dad's colleagues "scooter pooling" to office and back.

2002 - when I got my bike, it was 30/32 per litre in Bangalore.
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Old 1st November 2021, 22:03   #245
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Title of this thread could also be "how old are you"
When I was much younger my father used to test my math skills by asking me to calculate the cost of petrol when he filled our "Austin of England" tank. It was awkward when I was fumbling with 8 and 9 times tables as the cost was 80 /90 paise per liter. But when it reached Re 1 per liter I remember the joy of calculating the cost even before he asked me. Sadly the math skills were repeatedly easy @ 10 per liter and recently with 100 per liter. But now we have calculators and mobiles to do the needful
Yes, I'm quite ancient
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Old 1st November 2021, 23:22   #246
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I remember when I bought my pulsar back in 2006, petrol was around 40-45 rupees and I always used to tank up at the shell outlets. But a few days back I happened to visit a Shell outlet and filled up normal 91 Ron at 116 bucks per litre and got to know that the V power is close to 130 bucks per litre IIRC this episode made me reminisce of my good old days where Rs 500 would give me a full tank
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Old 1st November 2021, 23:25   #247
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

We got a used Suzuki Alto back in June 2005, upgrading from LML Vespa scooter. On the way to Mahalaxmi, with me present, my dad filled up 20L of fuel and the bill was for just under Rs. 900. Prices were quite stable till I got my first bike in 2009. I remember filling it up at Rs. 47-48/liter. In 2014, diesel was somewhere around 53 bucks only, that was the time when gap between petrol and diesel was quite significant.
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Old 2nd November 2021, 00:18   #248
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I can recollect a price of around 90 paise, probably in the late sixties/early seventies. I also remember the name of the petrol pump, "J D Sewag", in Tondiarpet, Chennai where my dad used to regularly tank-up our classic cars, namely Standard 8-1939, Hillman Minx - 1951, Ford-Jeep-1940, Rover 12 - 1937 and Chevrolet Deluxe -1950.

Then in the early seventies, I believe, the Arab Oil Embargo by OPEC caused the prices to increase almost 3 times and that's when many trucks that used to run on petrol were converted to diesel using the Perkins P6 engines.
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Old 2nd November 2021, 03:59   #249
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I started driving around 2005, fuel was in the 40-50 bucks a later range.

Diesel was 35 I guess.

I used to get like 2 liters in an LML Vespa for little less than a 100 bucks.

Used to get 10 lites for 500. Damn that was the time.

Today tank full is just under 7k in my diesel car. And 8 and half thousand in my prado.

What a day to talk about this because I am leaving on a 1500kms trip in like an hour and have to go fill fuel first.

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Old 2nd November 2021, 09:23   #250
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

If I remember correctly, I used to put Petrol for dad's TVS 50 at around ₹16 for a litre in 1995 and around ₹33 for a litre of diesel in 2009 for the Ritz.
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Old 2nd November 2021, 10:07   #251
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

When I bought my first car in 2006 - a Maruti 800 - I remember driving the car out of the showroom and tanking up at the petrol station next door at roughly 45 INR per liter. Have no clue about diesel prices since diesel was not even a popular fuel option at the time and very few people bothered about diesel prices - till the Swift diesel came out and changed all that.
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Old 2nd November 2021, 11:38   #252
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I guess that I am really ancient. As I have commented here initially

. 1969 August, when I bought my Jawa - Rs.0.65, yes 65 paise. Did not last long went up to Rs.1.25 (approx) within six months.

. 1983 when I took our Fiat from Delhi to Bombay - 5.24 in Delhi, a bit more in Rajasthan and finally 4.99 in Bombay.

Since then it has been rising monotonically.
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Old 9th November 2021, 00:15   #253
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Guess I had clicked this pic long back, just came across it in my phone gallery & thought there must be a thread to discuss lowest fuel price paid
Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid-save_20211108_234712.jpg

Works out to 72 paise!

Last edited by GrammarNazi : 9th November 2021 at 00:43.
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Old 9th November 2021, 02:22   #254
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

I started driving in 2006 and remember Petrol being in the range of INR 45-47/litre at the time. Fond memories of driving around in the humble Santro, which was incidentally my first car.
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Old 9th November 2021, 08:24   #255
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Re: Let's go back in history: What's the cheapest price of Petrol/Diesel that you paid

Between 29-30 bucks. With my first bike in college between 1998 and 2001. The petrol station used to give us coupons for 0.50 instead of change. Probably most people forgot about them and never used them so added to the pump's profits. But engineering students have all the time in the world and no money. We'd collect them and actually use that to pay for a liter of petrol! The look on the attendant's face when he realized he had to count out 29.50 in 0.50 tokens multiple times for 2-3 bikes, each just filling a liter of petrol! Imagine that happening now with petrol at over 100 bucks!

Originally Posted by GrammarNazi View Post
Guess I had clicked this pic long back,...Works out to 72 paise!
A pic of an actual bill from back then, sir you have just won the Internet! (Or at least this thread!)

Last edited by am1m : 9th November 2021 at 08:32.
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