Team-BHP - TATA Nano Hybrid and Hot rod

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NY times had this following about the hybrid and hot rod version. The hot rod version is the DC designed one.
Tata Nano Hybrid and Hot Rod Coming to Market - Wheels Blog -

The global feedback to this work by DC is similar to that on TBHP.

The news of the hybird was put asside by people agast at the look given the DC (as in how ugly can you make it). Besides it is a case of all go and no show.

So if one wants to stand out and does not mind looking like junk in the process this is the way to go.

The comments globally refer to this DC design as a kitchen appliance, a dustbin, Vomit etc.

DC should now be more carefull in his creations, as having created a global name for himself, it can be ruined by contraptions like this one that he lends a name.

TATA Nano Hybrid and Hot rod-nano.jpg
How much more horrible can a design get.
Reminds me of Darth Vaders Mask in Star wars for some reason.

The design deserves to be in the wierd and wacky mod jobs thread.


Originally Posted by Kart (Post 1628464)
Attachment 243373
How much more horrible can a design get.
Reminds me of Darth Vaders Mask in Star wars for some reason.

The design deserves to be in the wierd and wacky mod jobs thread.

and its worth mentioning here that the rear of that car is worse than the front you seelol:

this is a roadside stuff ! there are lots of people in our country who build cars from accident repairs, make bodies of jeeps etc etc .. i think DC has hired one of them as a subcontractor to build this one .
apart from DC s job on aston martin and amby rod , rest all is like this only . flaired up wheel arches some scoops here and there , some vents and very very overdone bumpers and all out of synk! this is another one.

Horrible design. How can they think of doing this to a cute little car?? Having so much experience in designs and creating such things??

+ 1 KART.

What surprises me is why not even one from all these people from DC/Carnations noticed that it is ugly?

I mean, is it so easy to miss the ugliness here? The sad thing is that the entire world will thing that we drive such monsters around.

I dont know what goes through DC's mind when he thinks of modifying a car but I think its mostly anger.

Mr. Chabria with all due respect I have a terrific idea for you, instead of the monstrosity what about selling kits to upgrade the existing Nano to the Europa. Thats a gorgeous design so DC doesnt have to do any designing, all he has to do is churn out high quality kits. What say??


Originally Posted by quattroa4 (Post 1628802)
apart from DC s job on aston martin and amby rod , rest all is like this only .

The AM V8 Vantage DC built was not designed by DC. It was done by Henrik Fisker, their chief designer. They basically outsourced making the concept since it was a one-off model made for display and it worked out cheaper with DC than with normal contractors. Folks from Ford were mightily angry that DC made such an impression on the public with its aggressive press releases.


Originally Posted by shortbread (Post 1628958)
Mr. Chabria with all due respect I have a terrific idea for you, instead of the monstrosity what about selling kits to upgrade the existing Nano to the Europa. Thats a gorgeous design so DC doesnt have to do any designing, all he has to do is churn out high quality kits. What say??

But the assumption is that Nano Europa will not be sold in India. Nobody from Tata has ruled that out. Tata might offer the Europa in India as well.

Why vents on the front for a car which has a rear engine? :Frustrati

This is plain and outright hideous!


Originally Posted by Cartman (Post 1629655)
Why vents on the front for a car which has a rear engine? :Frustrati

This is plain and outright hideous!

what a nice say,cartman!!!lol:
a very good information TRAPEZIO, I was under wrong impression then ! thanks for that bit.


Originally Posted by Cartman (Post 1629655)
Why vents on the front for a car which has a rear engine? :Frustrati

This is plain and outright hideous!

very well said, dude.
presence of mind, DC presence of mind.

gone are the days of DC's design which use to make a mark on enthu's, these design's nowodays can only be criticised, as they are still with the same theme what they use to be for DC Karma Sierra, Safari, Sumo etc, etc. this is a car, a Nano, which you come up with. is DC taking design tip's from Japan's midnight racing cars which they modify like this..

There sometimes comes a time, when someone who is reasonably good at something, thinks that he is so good that he can get away with anything. This seems to be the case with DC. He tried to take the Nano to the next level. Take it to the next level he did, but in the wrong direction!!


Originally Posted by Trapezio (Post 1628987)
But the assumption is that Nano Europa will not be sold in India. Nobody from Tata has ruled that out. Tata might offer the Europa in India as well.

I think it is a very good idea to make kits for NANO. Because even if Nano Europa is released in india, it would be much more expensive then say, fitting the europa kit.

oouchh !! my eyes hurt. The design is so horrible. Would really love to meet the designer at tat who approved the design along with the color scheme :D

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