Team-BHP - Which cars are major targets for auto thieves?

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In the recent thread of regarding Theft/Autocop, someone pointed out that Maruti 800s are most stolen vehicle in our country.

Is it true? Does anyone have any statistics on what models are most stolen cars in India? How and where do they sale stolen cars? Is it a nationwide phenomena of just belongs to few states/cities?

Unlike Europe/America, India doesn't have any vehicle history check facility (or do we?)
So, how to check for stolen cars in if buying used?


When we had our M800 (thats when everyone had an M800!), the car cleaner used to open all the M800's in the building with just one key!

I think that should say it all.

Given my personal experience, i would say wagonR is the most stolen (or tried to be) .. mine had three close calls. Every time the Gear Lock saved it. Autocop sucks though.:Frustrati

Hmmm. Doesnt it make sense that the most sold car is also the most stolen?

What would be more indicative is the number of stolen cars as a percentage of total cars of that brand on the road.


Should we also try to find out which segment cars are stolen the most? or atleast attempted to be stolen?

:thumbs up Surya

what to say guys christmas week on 24 morning i saw my car parked below the building at 9.00 am and by the time i came back to see at 10.00 am. My babes been missing. A good natured Arab found my car headlights on all night, windows open and informed the cops. 25th evening i find my car all intact only a dead battery. jumped start.

ever since bought a steering lock which has a set of 5 keys. Its a star angled key and the notches are different on all sides and has to be inserted in the key lock as directed. Its almost impossible for a guy to duplicate the key. The laternative left is to cut the steering wheel at 3 places to get the locking mechanism out.
Cost approx Irs 3850/= Main factor is that its a Visual deterrent and in most cases divert a thief to an easier target.

changed door locks to GM 9 lever - cost Rs 1000 approx.

also installed a cut out switch thereby the igntion wont start. the switch is toggle type and can be hidden to which ever place u would like it to be installed. bought the switch and installed it myself.
now my babe is secure but this word "impossible" does not exist for a car thief.

this is something best what u can think of.

This is simple. Marutis are the most often stolen cars... and it is very well known and acknowledged.

I have no experience of how to open cars, neither my friend has. Now a year back we went to Oceanworld near Hyderabad. We took a M800. Now it so happened that after we had unloaded things I was closing the doors... neither I nor my friend realised that the key was hanging in the steering console till I had locked all the doors.

What did we do? After scratching our heads for a while we looked around, located a dry, long twig. We pulled open the driver side weather strip, inserted the twig and pushed the locking mechanism. Khattt... the lock lever (or whatever is that in the door) goes up and the car opens...

Now, what else is left to say guys? :D


Originally Posted by Zappo
We pulled open the driver side weather strip, inserted the twig and pushed the locking mechanism. Khattt... the lock lever (or whatever is that in the door) goes up and the car opens...

I've seen that trick worked with Santro as well.... may be it works with many cars.....:D

Take out your starter or relay. The thief can steal only if he can tow away. IF you have gear lock then such measures are uneccessary.

lol: i wonder if a theif will steal a fiat palio/petra,a experienced one will never.


Originally Posted by 2fast4u
also installed a cut out switch thereby the igntion wont start. the switch is toggle type and can be hidden to which ever place u would like it to be installed. bought the switch and installed it myself.
now my babe is secure but this word "impossible" does not exist for a car thief.


hey ...thats smart...i had something similar on my splendor where i had hidden the switch under the seat....about our cars ...i think all maruti cars can be broken into within 2 mins using a scale....


Originally Posted by sbasak
I've seen that trick worked with Santro as well.... may be it works with many cars.....:D

Yes it worked in my Ikon when I locked the car with the key inside the boot!

well the most stolen car would certainly be the 800 maybe now the alto GTO mentioned the the car in mazimum demand has a high likelihood of being stolen ...

also cheaper cars are easy to dispose off they are usually stolen and driven out of the city/state/region ...

my 1997,800 was stolen in 2003 :(, at the same span of time 3 of my friends reported their 800's stolen ..

Well, I think Scorpio is also prone to get stolen...Three of my friends got scorpio when it just came in market and guess what, Two of them were stolen and one was attempted.Theif's ran away when owner saw them breaking into the ignition system.......

Here is an interesting link I found by googling :),00180007.htm

BTW, is any cell phone-based car alarm system available? a simple device connected to a cell phone which sounds a loud alarm when called from a pre-defined (owner's) phone? I guess this can even be made at home. Will this be useful?

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