Team-BHP - Acabion GTBO - Is it real?

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"Topspeed 342 mph or 550 km/h at 55% throttle, 120 mph to 180 mph in 6 seconds."
"At 110 mph not a third of the carbon dioxide of a Toyota Corolla Diesel."

Is it true as they claim?

Source: Acabion™ Visionary Motion
Specs: Acabion™ Visionary Motion

One great find there. Imagine the G-forces the driver must be under. :Shockked:

And it says the top speed is 600 kmph limited to 550kmph for road use. :confused: which road ? LOL.

BTW the rear looks more like a superbike, therefore its no wonder the power to weight ratio and some superb engineering can catapult this thing to such insane speeds.

They claim they have designed the car like this:

Instead of like this (like other manufacturers):

They also claim:
"The manufacturing standards are as high as top rank swiss watches like a 1 million Swiss Francs Gerald Genta."
"As materials we chose top-of-the-line avionic steel, titanium and carbon fibre."

I wonder about stability at high speed.Need to be properly study.Looks insane enough

it is true i read it somewhere else also . but dont remember exactly where .

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