Team-BHP - BMW invents headlight lenses which hide in the front panel; could debut on future EVs

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A totally un-necessary invention, surely must have wasted million dollars solving a problem that didn't exist in the first place. Someone get me the stuff what BMW is smoking. :Drl:

I don't know if BMW realise that they are making their cars uglier by tinkering with the grilles...larger grilles and now this? Why they would call this an invention is beyond me as this accomplishes nothing new except make the nose weird.

Wondering which is uglier, lights on or lights off :p .
Looking at this evolution of design only gets me to lament and sigh with despair on the timeless erstwhile BMW designs.

Few years from now, flashing headlights in ubercool BMWs will look like this :

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Originally Posted by anandhsub (Post 5479183)
Business Idea: Put ads on the billboard that passes for a front grille

There was a talk about installing e-ink numberplates in California. Don't they have implemented it; one of the planned features was displaying text like STOLEN instead of number.

Now this e-grille and the color-changing e-wrap (another BMW invention) could be the guiding lights for BMW well into the 2030s. I guess the mech engineers are getting served with gruel and pork spam in these days at BMW canteens while the electronics guys are being pampered with Steak tomahawks from that showy salt-sprinkler guy.

Am I the only one who is hating the so called new age BMW designs! :Frustrati Miss those classic ones now. One word 'horrendous'! What are they going to hide next? Tyres?

Or may be thinking futuristically, the entire car itself would be hidden and would only be visible based on the proximity of the owner. :disappointed

If someone is on the design side of things or knows people in BMW, please get us an inside scoop of how they decided to proceed in this design language. it's perplexing to me. BMW design peaked with the F10. Merc with the C207. Audi with the C7.

Merc has lost the spark in their design, C and E class look more similar than before!

Audi is the only one out the Marques which has maintained the design language.

Small Fender bender incidents could be very costly.

That being said, ADAS might be very careful in protecting the panel

BMW grille to get even bigger and include headlights. Patents the design.

New front-end styling treatment could see grille house headlights and other tech, dominating the face of future BMWs.

BMW invents headlight lenses which hide in the front panel; could debut on future EVs-123.jpg


Just when you thought the grilles on BMW models couldn’t get any bigger, the German brand has filed a patent for a new one-piece front fascia that incorporates the headlights into a seamless panel that could replace the conventional grille as we know it, as previewed by our exclusive image.

Documents filed with the World Intellectual Property Organisation reveal that the new panel could integrate the vehicle’s headlights, as well as a possible interpretation of the brand’s kidney grille, plus the sensors needed for driver-assistance systems.

BMW invents headlight lenses which hide in the front panel; could debut on future EVs-1234.jpg

BMW invents headlight lenses which hide in the front panel; could debut on future EVs-12344.jpg

BMW invents headlight lenses which hide in the front panel; could debut on future EVs-1256.jpg

The documents point towards a material covering the panel that can switch from opaque to transparent depending on the setting. This means when the car’s headlights are off the panel could offer smooth, slick appearance; when lights are needed, certain areas of the ‘grille’ can turn transparent, allowing for light to pass through. There’s also potential for various daytime running light patterns to be presented.

It’s called ‘light conductive tech’, and will also allow for a depiction of BMW’s trademark kidney grille, as previewed by our image.
However, many patent drawings are filed yet the tech never comes to fruition or becomes a production reality. It seems that BMW has thought ahead with its potential new design, though, as the filing also suggests that the new panel could be heated to avoid icing over of the display in colder conditions.


I am of the opinion that EVs should have minimal grill as needed for their cooling needs, be it battery or AC etc.

Recently saw the 7 series up close. I understand that you need more grill in proportion to the increase in power output etc but that size is not required. Its like having a giant rear wing in a car with FWD and a 90hp engine, there is no need for a BMW 7 series to have it, hope they change it soon.

What exactly is the innovation here? Isn't that essentially just one giant headlight with possible chrome embellishments to make it also look like the "grille"? The opaque to transparent glass feature has also existed on cars and sunroofs for over a decade.

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