Team-BHP - Auto-ban: German town goes car-free

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Auto-ban: German town goes car-free-pg30vauban_197465s.jpg
The Germans may have given the world the Audi and the autobahn, but they have banished everything with four wheels and an engine from the streets of Vauban – a model brave new world of a community in the country's south-west, next to the borders with Switzerland and France.
Wolfgang Konradi, a youth worker who spent years working in less sophisticated urban areas before coming to Vauban, says the district's teenagers behave like normal people of their age. "The problem is mainly the parents, they go around expecting their offspring to be perfect citizens, but that's just not realistic," he laments. Ina, his wife, said that since having their son, she had learned to appreciate the advantages that Vauban offered for children. But she added: "It's very nice here, but a bit like living under a bell jar. I certainly wouldn't want to live here forever."

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Note from Support: Link to Source: Auto-ban: German town goes car-free - Europe, World - The Independent
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Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Announces Plans To Build A Car-Free City.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has revealed an ambitious development in the emerging city of Neom that will be free of cars and roads.

The crown prince made the announcement in a televised speech on Sunday, confirming that construction of the development, dubbed ‘The Line’, will commence in the first quarter and be a “belt of hyper-connected future communities, without cars and roads and built around nature.

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