Team-BHP - Hello Everyone

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Hi all !

I am feeling overjoyed and I couldn't speak for a while. I am a die hard fan of team-bhp and dreamt of posting here and participating in the discussions some day. I often enjoy the temporary membership till the mods reject me and will immediately register to become a member lol: as soon as I recieve the rejection mail. Such is my enthusiasm and addiction level towards team-bhp.

Today at 4:44 PM, when I opened my mail Inbox, I couldn't believe that there is a membership approved mail ( coincidentally 4 is my lucky number :) ). This is Mani (Grand Drive) from Bangalore and took the delivery of new Grand i10 Asta (o) Petrol. I have read almost all the ownership reviews posted here and an ardent follower of team-bhp official reviews and subsequent posts following official reviews. The beauty of team-bhp official review is that each and every minute detail is mentioned and covered with perfection that everytime I visit official review of Grand i10, I learn a new thing or a feature about Grand i10 ( I read almost all the official reviews numerous times) and now it becomes a manual for me.

See you all soon.

Grand Drive


Originally Posted by Grand Drive (Post 3623210)
This is Mani (Grand Drive) from Bangalore and took the delivery of new Grand i10 Asta (o) Petrol.

Hello Mani, Welcome to Team-BHP!

Congrats for getting the Grand i10!

Do tell us more about you, your hobbies etc.

See you around buddy.

Hi Anurag,

Thanks and nice to get a first reply from you. I am a great fan of your support posts and suggestions that you give for Swift, Ritz and in general Maruti. I even thought of buying a Swift because of the support that you give here.

I am a great fan of GTO reviews and first thing I did apart from writing the intro here is thanked GTO for his Grand i10 official review.

I will soon write in detail about the PDI, ownership reviews, 3M experiences and so on. Apart from team-bhp, I love playing Badminton and to explore lot of places. Often admire the people who travel to Leh ( almost read so many travleogues of Himalayas ) and wish I will buy a 4 x 4 in the future to do a trip like that and write my travelogue here.

Grand Drive

Being a new member , I am unable to post replies to the threads. I read the Team-Bhp FAQ's section which states that the first 25 posts will be moderated. I can post in the 'Introduce Yourself' and 'I booked my car' thread ( which doesn't account for posts ) which awaits moderation and getting posted. But the same can't be done for the posts which are counted. Can mods / members guide me to post in the forum ?


Originally Posted by Grand Drive (Post 3623646)
Being a new member , I am unable to post replies to the threads. I read the Team-Bhp FAQ's section which states that the first 25 posts will be moderated. I can post in the 'Introduce Yourself' and 'I booked my car' thread ( which doesn't account for posts ) which awaits moderation and getting posted. But the same can't be done for the posts which are counted. Can mods / members guide me to post in the forum ?

Post anywhere in the forum, no problem.

Only thing is, the first 25 posts will be moderated and once acceptance from the MODS, the post shall appear in the respective thread you posted.

Also on the subject, JFYI. The following forum do not add up to the post count.

1. Introduce Yourself.

2. Shifting Gears.

Any posts made in the above two do NOT increase the count. One liners are considered as spam. Beware! :)

All the best!

I am not able to post in the Bangalore Directory -- > Places to fill Nitrogen in Bangalore thread. Can you please clarify on this ?


Originally Posted by Grand Drive (Post 3623661)
I am not able to post in the Bangalore Directory -- > Places to fill Nitrogen in Bangalore thread. Can you please clarify on this ?

Newbies aren't allowed to post in the Directory section :

Welcome aboard!


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