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Old 17th June 2014, 12:06   #31
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Re: The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report

Reviving this thread after a very long time. Why ? Because I managed to get hold of a thing for my car that I have been desperately trying to get since I bought the car.

It is a Golden Bowtie Logo for the Steering Horn Pad.

Petrol Beat case:
- All Petrol Beats come with a black horn pad with the bowtie in plastic black.
- Exception - Only Beat LT - Options Pack come with the golden bowtie logo.
- Models PS, LS, LT and LT(O) have Hydraullic Power Steering (HPS).
- LT(O) has Airbags.
- So the horn pad from a LT(O) cannot be fit on any other model.

Diesel Beat case:
- All Diesel Beats come factory installed with the golden bowtie logo on the horn pad.
- All the models have Electronic Power Steering (EPS).
- The clips and the moulding of a EPS horn pad is different from HPS horn pad.

So I was in a deadlock scenario with no options left.

Suddenly I stumbled upon AliBaba shopping website. Upon searching for Chevrolet products, I came across the logo that can be fixed upon the steering wheel horn pad.
Have heard good reviews from many people about AliBaba Express. I placed an order just now.
Now the wait begins for the delivery, which may take anywhere from 15 - 39 days (as per the seller).

Will post a report once I receive it and install it on the car.

Here are the links from Alibaba where you can order:

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-bowtie.jpg

Another thing which grabbed my attention, were the Interchangeable Inserts on the Steering Wheel.
I immediately started looking a Green one for my Beat.
Unfortunately, all of them were for Cruze. So any Cruze owners on the forum, please see the link below, incase you would be fascinated too !!

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-1.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-2.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-3.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-4.jpg
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Old 18th June 2014, 09:19   #32
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Re: The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report

Congrats man!! On another note, the golden logo horn pad is now available at Kropex. I suppose they charge Rs 450 for that (saw a beat owner changing his horn pad the last time i had my car serviced ). BTW,The inserts look nice
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Old 24th November 2014, 17:58   #33
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UPDATE: Chrome Interiors, Leather Steering with Chevy Bowtie, IND Plates

Well, being a long time since I posted about the changes to my Beat.
Here are the changes that I did, and the overall interior and exterior looks smart now !!
Next in-line is the DIY of a Universal Armrest.

Chrome Interiors:

Ordered a chrome strip of 5mtrs, from AliExpress:
Took about 45 days to arrive from China. Here are some pictures of how the interiors were, before and after.

Price: ~ INR 200


The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-20141115_154156.jpg

The Chrome Strip:

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-20141115_152529.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-20141115_152534.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-20141115_152541.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-20141115_152554.jpg

After Installation of Chrome Strip:

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9328.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9329.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9330.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9332.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9333.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9334.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9338.jpg

The Chevy Bowtie Steering Logo:

Bowtie Logo ordered from AliExpress:

Price: ~ INR 350

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9343.jpg

Steering Cover:

Done by Devraj:

Price: Not to be disclosed.

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9341.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9345.jpg

Overall Interior:

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9346.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9347.jpg

IND Number Plates:

Done from a nearby shop.
Price: INR 1000.

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9348.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9349.jpg

The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report-img_9350.jpg
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Old 21st March 2015, 11:04   #34
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Re: The Green Bolt - Chevrolet Beat LT Petrol (2011) - Long Term Ownership Report

Been a while since I updated this thread. Actually, touchwood, everything was just fine except for the door rusting issue (LINK) which has also been resolved now.

45,000 kms Service - 8th Service – Paid @ Kropex Chevrolet – 18/03/2014 - 36581 KMS Done
(I have lost track of the 40,000kms service record, apologies)

Issues Reported:None in particular.

Service Experience: At Kropex Chevrolet, Bangalore: Horrendous

What was bad:

1) Theft: In the last service, my Chevrolet metallic key chain was stolen.
In this service, my Ambi Pur was stolen. I had called up the service advisor to inform that I had inadvertandly left the perfume in the car. He checked and acknowledged and said he would keep it safe. While picking up the car, it was gone from the seat pocket where he claimed that he had kept.

2) Quality: The quality of washing has gone to dogs. There were water spots everywhere. Grease and oil spots on windshield, mirrors. Hard water (white stains) stains on all doors inside panels, evident that the car was not wiped dry after wash.

3) Expensive Service: Chevrolet is becoming a super expensive brand to maintain. More details in the service cost breakup below.

Service Cost: Total: Rs.3587/-

Break Up of Expenses:
Engine Oil - 3.75l@293.45/l = 1100.44
Washer = 24.45
Filter Fuel = 287.34
Filter ASM Oil = 125.76
Paid Service = 1225.00
Consumables (Oil/Coolant topups, misc) = 400.00
Here and there Silly Taxes = 424

The service schedule is 7500kms or 6months, whiever earlier.
A simple regular scheduled service costing about Rs.4000/- equates to about to Rs.10,000 per year. The total cost of maintenance has come to about Rs.40,000 in the last 4 years of ownership.

This means I am spending Re.1 per kilometre (On maintenance) that I am driving this car. Sounds expensive, not considering fuel costs !!!
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