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Old 29th January 2018, 09:24   #511
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
3rd Row for 2400Kms journey:

Insignificant update while the workhorse keeps clocking miles. The Odometer is 141,500 now and usual runs to Belur in kitty and a 2400 kms drive from Bangalore to Aurangabad and back during last month.

The last oil change was around 132,00 and hence the next Oil and other fluid changes are due soon. Also planning to get the injectors removed, tested and calibrated during the upcoming service.

Shall post details on that one soon.
Parag - 141k kms !! Wow am just amazed the way you clock miles on your steed. I recently did a 2k south india trip during XMAS but max distance was 425 !! You truly represent the Live To Drive community Parag
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Old 6th February 2018, 18:18   #512
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
My seats were done by my usual chap Nadeem who I have referred to many folks here on the forum. It was only the steering cover that I got it done through Devaraj.

Let me know if you still need his details.

For Devaraj, you can refer to this post/thread.
Thank you Parag Bhai.

Sorry for the late response. I was out of town for a few days.

I request you to share the contact details of Nadeem who did your Ertiga's seat covers.

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Old 21st June 2018, 17:52   #513
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150,000 Kms Update

Beyond 150,000 Kms....

Gliding through the highways, crawling by the city, this one is chugging miles while there is no pity!

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-20180601_175203.jpg

The Ertiga reached the 150,000 Kms mark at the beginning of this month while it was traversing through the city thoroughfares itself.

Usage trend since purchase:

A significant change over the past 2+years is the reduced runs to my workplace which otherwise easily contribute at least 95 Kms per day. This factor alone has ensured the pace to clock miles had reduced, well this is what I thought to till I tried to analyse this myself. Here is what I collated:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-usage_trend_150000.jpg

As you can notice, the fastest 10K has usually been in or under 2 months while it took anywhere from 3-4 months on all other occasions, except for the last 6 months which was perhaps the longest the Ertiga took to clock 10,000 Kms.

So somehow, the average usage has not drastically come down because in one way or the other, impromptu and planned long trips make up for the loss.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-50k-each.jpg

So that's around 18 Months for every 50,000 Kms on an average and that is no slow running at all. Thank goodness the workhorse didn't end up being a donkey there, LOL!

Life of the wear and tear components:

Here's a list of common wear and parts that were replaced in the Ertiga either proactively during a regular service or on need basis:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-replaced-parts.jpg

Apart from this, there are still many elements doing duty reliably right from the day they came along with a new car:

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-stock_parts.jpg

Issues faced so far:

1. Low speed wobble -

There are some important updates. I did mention here earlier that the wobble started soon after the rack was replaced; At least that is what I still think even today. So to address this, I have been casually visiting the ASC depending on my convenience over the last few months to get it resolved. The ASC has taken up this weird issue as a challenge and are happy to go the trial & error basis by eliminating anything that is suspicious and this still continues.

So the following parts were either replaced or swapped from the ASC's vehicle or as new and then I was asked to provide my feedback after thorough (really long distance) TDs. I would come back negatively and the stock/existing part was installed back because I am one of those who would like to extract maximum life out of any part in the car.
  • Swapped tires including Rims from another Ertiga
  • Replaced existing rack with a new One
  • Replaced Stabilizer Bar bush with new one
  • Swapped Drive shaft from another Ertiga
  • Replaced existing lower arms with new one
  • Swapped suspension knuckle (Entire left suspension with wheel knuckle, Rotors and Calipers as one part)
  • Replaced LHS Brake rotor along with Caliper Assembly

Even with all this done, at this stage, the issue remains unresolved. There is a very slight wobble on take off from standstill and the same is not felt either on steering or on pedals and nor can a passenger sitting around get the feel of this unless he observes very sharply.

This wobble is more pronounced when you accelerate swiftly from very slow speeds (it vanishes after 40 KMPH completely) and even when you decelerate/Brake and coming to a halt from around 30 KMPH.

Additionally, there is zero wobble at highway speeds, but when you gently press the brake, a humming sound is produced along with mild wobble - This was earlier ascertained as jamming calipers due to the lathe job on the pins to arrest the caliper noise. So the pins were replaced with new ones and the caliper jam was arrested completely. However, even today, if I am driving at 120, and I press the brake, the hum along with slight vibration is felt on the left hand side foot well area - None on the steering or the Brake pedals (no pulsations). With super long TDs, it is true that this one has absolutely nothing to do with braking because even the caliper set was changed to test this to rule out caliper piston malfunctioning.

This is something I am happily living with and still happy to troubleshoot till it gets resolved as this is really not serious nor irritating by any degree.

2. Injectors and clatter -

While replacement of the battery solved the issue of weak punch earlier, I somehow feel (basements are the best places) that the clatter is at times more pronounced and this is absolutely intermittent and here is when the throttle response is little on the weaker side (At least that is what I felt). All the other times the clatter is crisp and nearly flat and seamless and exactly then the throttle response is perfect. I have tried all brands of fuel and now nearly stuck with Shell around my home and the intermittent behavior is experienced from the same tank irrespective of whether it is Shell, BPCL or HPCL!

I have a plan to get the injectors removed, take it to the Diesel Injection experts here in Bangalore and get it tested and re-calibrated sometime soon as I am more than sure that at 1.5L Kms, they would have accumulated the usual block and causing this. Again, this is not something that is bothering me much but I am very curious to see what the test results say and it will be a good benchmark for many MJD cars as I have also heard from ASC that there are cases where injectors have failed as early as 30,000 kms.

Parting Shot:

There's no update without the picture of your car. Here is something I clicked this morning after returning from my kid's school along with another BHPian friend. The car needs a much needed wash, something I will wait for another week or even weeks due to rain forecast over the next few days.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-20180621_094207.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-20180621_094207-1.jpg

One of the days ahead, I will take close-up shots after a proper wash!

Last edited by paragsachania : 21st June 2018 at 17:56.
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Old 22nd June 2018, 07:55   #514
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Re: 150,000 Kms Update

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Beyond 150,000 Kms....

Usage trend since purchase:

A significant change over the past 2+years is the reduced runs to my workplace which otherwise easily contribute at least 95 Kms per day. This factor alone has ensured the pace to clock miles had reduced, well this is what I thought to till I tried to analyse this myself. Here is what I collated:

Amazing stats Parag. Crisp and provides the most crucial things over your entire ownership. Some things like Brake pad and suspension life is amazing. My cars have hardly seen 1/4th of those numbers. Happy to see the car chugging along and wish you many more miles.
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Old 22nd June 2018, 08:38   #515
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Re: 150,000 Kms Update

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Crisp and provides the most crucial things over your entire ownership.
Still I missed out on battery somehow that lasted nearly 4 Years and incomparable with the battery of my WagonR that did 7 years(replacement battery). But then, we are talking about Diesel vs Petrol.
Some things like Brake pad and suspension life is amazing.
As you noticed, the 2nd set of pads lasted only 64,000 kms against 82,000 kms from stock although my usage over the last 2 years is mostly highways or super early morning commute and I expected these pads to outperform the stock in terms of life but somehow they didn't; my driving style remaining the same throughout!

One of the reasons for this could also be due to the caliper jamming on LHS wheel which may have caused this 'premature' wear OR I would blame that on the quality of the replacement part in comparison to stock.

Regarding suspension too, few months becore there was a short report I posted here few when I used all 3 rows with adults and did 185 Kms from Hassan to Bangalore and how I suspected the suspension would have aged but I was surprised that in many undulated sections of this highway, especially over small culverts, the bounciness effect was zero and things felt stable. Else here would be the first hint that my car's suspension has started to deteriorate like now you would normally notice in most first and second Gen Hyundais when you are following them on the highway.

So during the last service to be doubly sure, I had asked the ASC to check the suspension and replace if necessary only because I was wary about its age now but they called to inform that the suspension is going just fine.

Happy to see the car chugging along and wish you many more miles.
Thank you. Let the monsoons get more active you know where our vehicles need to chug along soon .
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Old 22nd June 2018, 16:57   #516
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Re: 150,000 Kms Update

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Beyond 150,000 Kms....
Congratulations again for completing this major milestone, parag! And a very nicely compiled update about the history of the car.

I am surprised too with the life of the suspension, 1.5L Kms and still on the stock set is just awesome. Especially considering the state of our roads and the number of speed breakers that we need to negotiate.

Wishing you many more happy miles!

2. Injectors and clatter -

I am very curious to see what the test results say and it will be a good benchmark for many MJD cars as I have also heard from ASC that there are cases where injectors have failed as early as 30,000 kms.
I am one of them as the injector in my Linea is still untouched. :-)
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Old 22nd June 2018, 18:19   #517
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Congratulations Parag, can't wait to hear 200K update soon

Looking at your ertiga, I decided to hold on to mine till something irresistible launches in the near future
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Old 12th July 2018, 08:56   #518
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag Bhai, One more milestone done and dusted. Kudos sir !!

My 2013/July Ertiga recently touched 80k. Still running strong. I have one question though. I have used the below cars. Number of years in brackets. Maruti-800(5)->Figo(4)->Vento(7 and going)->Eritga (5 and going).

I am 6.1" and a bulky frame. Experienced seat sagging only on Maruti. Did you observe this on your tall boy and ertiga? Also, any contacts who can fix my driver seat? It's at a point where my butt gets numb due to the lack of firm cushion support. I drive 60kms per day for work. I did try some Jugaad ( Blankets, Soft pillows etc, didn't help )

Thanks Bhai ! and Wishing you a lot more of safe & reliable miles.

Last edited by Samurai : 12th July 2018 at 11:36. Reason: too many blank lines, removed.
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Old 12th July 2018, 09:41   #519
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rajwheelz View Post
I am 6.1" and a bulky frame. Experienced seat sagging only on Maruti.
Did you observe this on your tall boy and ertiga?
Definitely yes but I cannot say if it is the foam, especially in the center has gone soft over time or has been that way since day 1. In fact, I realised this when I drove a friend's Ertiga last year and found the seats more firm and supportive than mine that I instantly fell in love and was thinking if I should go for a new cushion from MGP.

However, My WagonR is 12 Years old now - Done 2.43 Lacs and the seats are still the same (Soft). So I thought this is a Maruti thing.

I am also someone who loves little firm seats for long drive but that hasn't been the case with both my cars. I guess the flat wide seats on both and nearly a chair like sitting position compensate for this softness as you don't really sink into the seat cushion.

Also, any contacts who can fix my driver seat?
As far as I know, none that I would recommend. Even my own seat cover fella once pasted foam on the WagonR's seat and he was honest that it won't be of much use. I basically wanted him to include some amount of lumbar support and that would also give a nice shape to the near flat seats.

I guess to get this corrected, you will need professional approach - I also know Imperial (Seat Covers: Imperial INC (Bangalore)) in Bangalore may or may not really welcome such jobs. Other good seat cover chap I was recommended recently is from Cochin called rightfit who also accepts such customizations.

I have myself checked the workmanship of rightfit on a colleague's Duster and the outcome is impeccable and flawless! I know its Cochin and not an easy one to recommend for someone in Bangalore but you may check at both Imperial and Rightfit. I would suggest you take your Ertiga to Imperial than enquire on phone.
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Old 12th July 2018, 10:52   #520
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rajwheelz View Post
I am 6.1" and a bulky frame. Experienced seat sagging only on Maruti.
Did you observe this on your tall boy and ertiga?
Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Definitely yes but I cannot say if it is the foam, especially in the center has gone soft over time or has been that way since day 1. In fact, I realised this when I drove a friend's Ertiga last year and found the seats more firm and supportive than mine that I instantly fell in love and was thinking if I should go for a new cushion from MGP.
I too have experienced this and fixed it by a simple one. Details here.

The culprit was the softer springs, inserting form kept the springs tight.
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Old 19th July 2018, 07:38   #521
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag Bhai,

MGP rate for a new cushion is 9000/- excluding labor charges. And I almost wanted to go ahead and book before a puncture changed the whole plan.
The puncture wala near my home is my regular guy since the last 5 years.

But only yesterday did I realize that there was a car seat repair guy bang opposite the puncture shop. The owner seemed decent and knew what he was talking. He sat in the driver's seat and had a feel of what problem I was facing. He said it will take an hour to fix and I said YES !

The complete driver seat was taken out and then he showed me the sagged supporting springs. The cushion was fine. He cut out new springs from his stock of lengthy springs and perfectly fixed them onto the frame.

I could immediately feel the firmness I had when the car was new and whew, what a relief. Total cost 500/-. Am attaching pictures. Will let you know again after around 200kms of driving.

Thanks to you and Arjith for the useful tips.
Attached Thumbnails
Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-carseatcontact.jpg  

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-carsprings.jpg  

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Old 19th July 2018, 18:36   #522
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag sir, congratulations on completing the 1.5 L mark!

About the wobble issue - My cousin brother also has an Ertiga VDI which has done around 80k on the odo. He too experienced this wobbling in the car. Any person driving behind could easily make out the at car was wobbling. However the people sitting inside never felt it. At around speed of 40kmph, there was some moment felt on the steering wheel.

He recently got all four tyres changed to the same MRF make and the wobble is gone.

I know you are in the third set of tyres and just like you I am wondering what can cause the wobble in your case.
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Old 19th July 2018, 19:52   #523
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by ObsessedByFIAT View Post
I know you are in the third set of tyres and just like you I am wondering what can cause the wobble in your case.
In my case the first thing tried was a set of tires from another Ertiga.

After this didn't solve, rest of the troubleshooting followed over months.

Also, no one can make out this low wobble unless I specifically ask some real experienced folks to notice on super flat road surfaces. 3 weeks before when I drove to Anantpur I was with BHPian Funkykar who took a while to acknowledge that something was amiss.

If you read few posts related to this one, you know we have done it all except wheel bearing now which everyone things cannot cause this and last so long (nearly a lac kms after it surfaced). Having said that, am very curious to find the cause and the task continues .

Last edited by paragsachania : 19th July 2018 at 19:53.
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Old 15th February 2019, 13:49   #524
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag sir, Its been a long time and no updates. How's the car performing?
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Old 25th February 2019, 09:42   #525
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
Parag sir, Its been a long time and no updates. How's the car performing?
Hey Rakesh, this post of yours reminds me that I need to update the thread, which I will soon.

Regarding the car, since there are no updates, it just means its performing as good . Odo is almost 167,000 Km now. Office commute is almost nil as I continue working from home but somehow other drives around have been compensating for this!

Will post detailed update in few days.
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