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Old 3rd March 2019, 07:33   #526
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Regarding the car, since there are no updates, it just means its performing as good . Odo is almost 167,000 Km now.
Always glad to hear something like this. Looking forward to your update.
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Old 12th May 2019, 06:57   #527
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag, no updates for close to an year... How much is current odo reading?
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Old 20th June 2019, 08:58   #528
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

175,175 Km and still munching....

Sorry that I missed couple of posts asking for updates. Apart from the fact that there is nothing significant to report and that the Ertiga is continuing to do it's duty as before with quite a few long trips covered in the last 25000 Km, I too got extremely busy with work over the past few weeks that I haven't been able to compile a detailed update.

While all the details regarding the drives and services will be posted later this week, here is where the Odometer stands as on today morning when I was driving back home after dropping my kid from School.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190620_075631.jpg

And happily parked along its companion that will reach 250,000 in few more days from now.

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190620_080634.jpg
Bored of these now? Not at all. Each drive I took over the last few months only confirmed that I need a compelling reason why I should upgrade. It just chugs along and I do have my share of fun at times when I want to indulge in some spirited driving because it is an MPV and still car like!

The WagonR has different set of reasons (practical) that I won't get rid of him any soon.
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Old 4th July 2019, 17:33   #529
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Hello Parag Bhai,

One quick question. Are you using 195/65-15 tyres for the Spare as well? If so, does it fit into the space provided under the boot? I am still using the standard size for the spare and planning to upgrade to 195/65-15 to match with my four running tyres.

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Old 4th July 2019, 17:44   #530
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rahulb22 View Post
One quick question. Are you using 195/65-15 tyres for the Spare as well? If so, does it fit into the space provided under the boot? I am still using the standard size for the spare and planning to upgrade to 195/65-15 to match with my four running tyres.
My last 2 upgrades, 205-60 and 195-65 were with 4 Tires. I have retained the stock 185-65 as spare wheel although I haven't use it even once till now.

One reason is that I have faced very less punctures and second is that even if the tire is flat, my 12v Inflator has immensely helped to fix the puncture on the spot or drive to a nearby puncture repair shop.

So I wont be able to answer this query of yours unless I check this myself. I doubt if the spare wheel frame has enough extra space to accommodate the extra width of the tire, especially on the inside end. I can check and let you know.
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Old 11th September 2019, 08:58   #531
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Parag Bhai, a fellow Ertigan here. Need your advise desperately.
I own a 2013 ZDI. It's touching 1L on the ODO. Apart from the regular maintenance costs, the below additional repairs happened on the car
1/ Sync ring failure at around 15k kms if i recollect correctly
2/ ABS Actuator failure at around 70k kms
3/ Sync ring failure *again* at 84k kms
4/ Coolant tank crack ( Not sure what caused it )
5/ Seat spring failure and cushion re-firming

Now for the future costs:
1/ 1L kms, the SA at RNS motors Amruthnagar gives an estimate of around 25k ( Timing belt replacement, oils etc. ). Trust me, I am not much technically sound and hence believe the SA
2/ New set of tyres. Have a XM2 185/65 and planning to go for the same again.
3/ Seat sagging cropped up again along with squeaky springs. This time the middle row too
4/ Planning to get new seat upholstery as i am now seeing holes in the existing ones
5/ ICE upgrade to any Android based HU

I am budgeting Rs.1 lakh for all these.
Bhai, Can you please tell me if maintaining a car after it touches 1L kms, requires technical expertise or is it OK to go by the SA and get whatever repairs he recommends? The SA I go to is a decent guy and he was handling my Ertiga , no one else.

And, are my estimates correct or do I need to budget more?

Finally, i dont want to ask this, but do you feel it's better I move on to a new car? Maybe I was unlucky to get hit by so many part failures, but the car was and is a super one to drive. I am absolutely in a mind split a 100 ways. Not sure what to do.

Really appreciate your opinion bhai.
Thanks in Advance
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Old 11th September 2019, 11:15   #532
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rajwheelz View Post
1/ Sync ring failure at around 15k kms if i recollect correctly
3/ Sync ring failure *again* at 84k kms
From what I have heard, Synchronizer rings that are replaced now are designed differently and less prone to failure. In my case alone, I replaced them somewhere around 97,000 Km and now the Odometer is nearly 180,00 Km and I haven't experienced a single sign of Synchronizer ring failing again and I presume this set should last longer.

2/ ABS Actuator failure at around 70k kms
This is an unusual failure. If the car was under Extended warranty am sure this part would have got covered?

4/ Coolant tank crack ( Not sure what caused it )
Again, quite an unusual failure and never heard this before as a normal occurrence.

5/ Seat spring failure and cushion re-firming
When you refer to failure, do you mean the springs broke or they became weak? If its the latter, I guess you can get them repaired by installing a new set. I did it for my car in July and the seat base feels much firmer now although I still have to admit that each time I sit in my WagonR, the seats though smaller than Ertiga feels nicer and more firmer to sit. I guess this is to do with the quality of cushions that Maruti uses these days.

1/ 1L kms, the SA at RNS motors Amruthnagar gives an estimate of around 25k ( Timing belt replacement, oils etc. ). Trust me, I am not much technically sound and hence believe the SA
A break-up of the associated parts and labor would be good to have. When I changed the timing chain of my car at 120,000 Km, I remember also replacing the Water Pump which should be done proactively because a failure of water pump due to ageing can lead to catastrophic damage due to non circulation of coolant. So please share the details of this first before I comment further.

2/ New set of tyres. Have a XM2 185/65 and planning to go for the same again.
If you are driving your car regularly, there is no escape from the expenses for normal wear and tear parts like the tires.

3/ Seat sagging cropped up again along with squeaky springs. This time the middle row too
Middle row seat springs becoming weak is news to me. Except the driver side seat (For which I replaced the spings anyway), all other seats of my car are pretty much in good shape.

4/ Planning to get new seat upholstery as i am now seeing holes in the existing ones
You have installed Art/PU Leather? If so, then the quality of these may lead to cracks and wrinkles.

5/ ICE upgrade to any Android based HU
A personal requirement . In fact, I am also thinking to move the Kenwood Double DIN I have to the WagonR (Has BT connectivity) and install an Android Unit in my Ertiga.

Bhai, Can you please tell me if maintaining a car after it touches 1L kms, requires technical expertise or is it OK to go by the SA and get whatever repairs he recommends? The SA I go to is a decent guy and he was handling my Ertiga , no one else.
Please share the details of the estimate given. This will give me more clues to comment further.

Honestly, I am happy with few regular parts of my Ertiga that have lasted really long including the suspension which is still untouched at 180,000Km except bush replacement for front shocks once.

Finally, i dont want to ask this, but do you feel it's better I move on to a new car? Maybe I was unlucky to get hit by so many part failures, but the car was and is a super one to drive. I am absolutely in a mind split a 100 ways. Not sure what to do.
Share the estimate Raj. A lot will reveal there and I can comment based on that.
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Old 11th September 2019, 11:27   #533
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Thanks for the reply Bhai. ABS actuator was replaced under warranty. Can you please let me know where you got the seats repaired? The springs are sagged real bad and driving has become a real sore now. Yes, middle row is really surprising but we are a bulky family and also for some frequent city to turuvekere village runs, a lot of cargo is driven around.
There is a drive planned to Kanchi/Tiruvannamalai next weekend post which I am handing over for service. I will share here the estimates.

And as always thanks for the time spent on answering each of my query. Means a lot to me !
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Old 12th September 2019, 18:16   #534
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rajwheelz View Post
Can you please let me know where you got the seats repaired?
I actually got this done from my good old seat cover fellow who I have referred to many BHPians since I have known him.

He now has an accessory shop in RT Nagar. However, he considered my request the moment I called him and explained that I need to replace the weak springs of my car's driver side seat and immediately obliged.

I showed him few images posted by one of the member who had got this done for his Ertiga from some place in Amruthalli (was that you?). He procured these springs that were of much better quality and little thicker when I saw them in person and said the same are used for Sofa cushions as well.

Few images that I captured:

Removing Seat cushion to access the springs underneath.
Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_112409.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_112711.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_113246.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_113250.jpg
OE springs removed:
Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_113525.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_113855.jpg

Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_114727.jpg

Left - New Spring (Notice the thickness) Right - OE Spring:
Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_115639.jpg

New Springs fully replaced:
Tallboy welcomes longer companion | Maruti Ertiga VDi | 241,500 km-img_20190628_121330.jpg

The new springs were extremely strong (better gauge) that it took some effort to hook it onto both the ends. I was fearing that the hook would break but thankfully it did not and to be on safer side I also asked him to use thick zip ties on both ends.

Its been 2.5 months since the springs were replaced and I am definitely happy with the change because the driver side seat feels more solid now and doesn't sag.

Last edited by paragsachania : 12th September 2019 at 18:25.
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Old 12th September 2019, 18:38   #535
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Yes bhai, that was me :-) and yes it was a considerably weak spring set and within a year it sagged again. Can you provide me his contact number? I will visit him over the weekend.
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Old 13th September 2019, 17:42   #536
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by rahulb22 View Post
One quick question. Are you using 195/65-15 tyres for the Spare as well? If so, does it fit into the space provided under the boot? I am still using the standard size for the spare and planning to upgrade to 195/65-15 to match with my four running tyres.
Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
So I wont be able to answer this query of yours unless I check this myself. I doubt if the spare wheel frame has enough extra space to accommodate the extra width of the tire, especially on the inside end. I can check and let you know.
It seldom happens that you ask a question and Parag Sir don't reply. Here is the Answer to Rahul's query.
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Old 13th September 2019, 17:53   #537
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by Ertigiat View Post
It seldom happens that you ask a question and Parag Sir don't reply. Here is the Answer to Rahul's query.
Thank you but my spare wheel is still stock size - 185/65. My worry is how the extra width will be welcomed by the frame where it is fixed on the pivot/hinge.

On the other side (closer to bumper) you can twist the nut few turns lesser and accommodate the extra width but my worry is on the other side.
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Old 14th September 2019, 13:00   #538
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Thank you but my spare wheel is still stock size - 185/65. My worry is how the extra width will be welcomed by the frame where it is fixed on the pivot/hinge.

On the other side (closer to bumper) you can twist the nut few turns lesser and accommodate the extra width but my worry is on the other side.
I have 195/65 in my spare wheel and it fits perfectly in the provided frame. No issues faced till now (45K+ kms)
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Old 14th September 2019, 13:05   #539
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

Originally Posted by mobix View Post
I have 195/65 in my spare wheel and it fits perfectly in the provided frame. No issues faced till now (45K+ kms)
So that's it. Although I had no serious apprehensions that it won't fit I didn't want to confirm without sharing my own experience.
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Old 15th September 2019, 01:31   #540
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re: Tallboy welcomes longer companion: Maruti Ertiga VDi - 196,000 Kms up & a lot of DIYs!

[quote=A personal requirement . In fact, I am also thinking to move the Kenwood Double DIN I have to the WagonR (Has BT connectivity) and install an Android Unit in my Ertiga,[/QUOTE]


I own a 2012 Ertiga myself and this ICE HU upgrade has been on my radar as well.. Does anyone have any opinions on which unit to upgrade to and of course what will be the cost of this upgrade and any recommended guys to do it?

I also am thinking of changing my stock tyres to the Michelin Primacy 4ST 195/65 R15 OR should I go for 195/60 R15? Any Pros and Cons/ recommendations?

Thanks guys!!!

Ertiga 2012 Dec - 67K kms

Last edited by vikramv4u : 15th September 2019 at 01:36. Reason: Formatting
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