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Old 6th April 2010, 19:47   #3826
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Originally Posted by mailmishra View Post
Any Inputs Bhpians
go for philips rally 100/90W and relay+wiring kit. cost would be around 900 Rs.
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Old 6th April 2010, 20:54   #3827
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Originally Posted by pradipk View Post
It's not required to adjust the entire headlight assembly. It will be as it is, on the back side of head light there will be separate adjusters for up-low and left-right alignment change of the bulb. It's really easy & DIY job.

I would always align the headlight at professional alignement facility. They will have those equipements with lense etc (do not know what they call it as) and align the beams correctly. Most of those wheel alignment centres also have that normally.

Incorrectly aligned headlights are not good for driver and also oncoming vehicles (as most of us in this thread have upgraded lights). It looks easy as a DIY but a perfect alignment is only a chance. A small error/tolerance becomes amplified on highbeam.

Last edited by shyamhegde : 6th April 2010 at 20:55. Reason: typo
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Old 9th April 2010, 22:47   #3828
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Originally Posted by BolBolero View Post
Hi Guys,

Am planning to add extra lights to my Bolero for night driving on the highways. A of now I have the stock halogen bulbs for the headlight. I find them kind of wanting on the highways. Would like to upgrade them to a higher capacity or HID's if possible.
Besides this I would also like to put extra lights for added clear vision. Maybe Hella's. Am attaching a photograph to show where I would like to install them on my Bolero.
Would appreciate some feedback from the gurus and if possible, what specific lights I should be looking at.
Thanks in advance.

Guys I need advice regarding the above asap. Have seen the Hella 700FF and the Hella Comet. what are your views?
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Old 10th April 2010, 10:13   #3829
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Originally Posted by BolBolero View Post
Guys I need advice regarding the above asap. Have seen the Hella 700FF and the Hella Comet. what are your views?
First go with Philips 130/100 W for your Headlight with Relay and Cut-out (Wiring) Kit as your bolero have Glass Headlight Assembly.

That's what i can tell you now.
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Old 13th April 2010, 22:19   #3830
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Hey I have a Ford Fiesta 1.4 ZXI, recently i bought the philips xenon HID H1s, but the Ford service centre says i can't fit them as the headlamp housing has to be cut..should i go in for angel eyes (projector lamps)??? or would you guys know someone in Mumbai who can help me??
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Old 14th April 2010, 02:27   #3831
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Originally Posted by jsoni View Post
Hey I have a Ford Fiesta 1.4 ZXI, recently i bought the philips xenon HID H1s, but the Ford service centre says i can't fit them as the headlamp housing has to be cut..should i go in for angel eyes (projector lamps)??? or would you guys know someone in Mumbai who can help me??
The HID HI high beam bulb woun't go inside the housing because the hole is only small enougf for the halogen bulb, but there is option you can fix it which needs making the hole big enougf for HID if you are intrested in it, i will tell you how to fix it.
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Old 14th April 2010, 16:18   #3832
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Has anyone has installed HID Projectors for the modded stock HL unit. I have heard that it can be done. I want to upgrade my 97 zen to the projectors. Any help?

If I get the HID projectors kit for a cheaper price, thinking of a DIY project!
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Old 15th April 2010, 14:16   #3833
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Philips Rallye vs Osram and others

I run Philips rallye 130/100W through relay and ceramic holders on my Bolero. I am happy with its performance, but the heat from the bulbs sort of makes the reflectors go shoddy (I can live with it though). The light is a tad yellowish too.

Osram Silverstar is good, but do they come in 130/100W ratings or the lower rated ones would be good enough? I am also concerned about driving in the rain (White/bluish effective are they during rains?).
I do my bit of highway driving and especially on the notorious (read speed breakers) Mysore-Bangalore stretch to Kerala and back. I also have 3M windshield sunfilms (SPF 50), so I really need real powerful headlights. More the light, the more merrier I am

So people, please suggest me a good upgrade other than HIDs.
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Old 15th April 2010, 20:31   #3834
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Originally Posted by shyamhegde View Post
I would always align the headlight at professional alignement facility. They will have those equipements with lense etc (do not know what they call it as) and align the beams correctly. Most of those wheel alignment centres also have that normally.

Incorrectly aligned headlights are not good for driver and also oncoming vehicles (as most of us in this thread have upgraded lights). It looks easy as a DIY but a perfect alignment is only a chance. A small error/tolerance becomes amplified on highbeam.
Hey mate,

Where in Bangalore do you get this done. Please provide details.

I was running on "Philips H4 Whitelight Essential Vision 100/90w". Philips Lighting Hong Kong - EssentialVison

Offlate, I felt the power of these bulbs were diminished. I had put them about 8 months back. Last evening, I observed the light to be fading when put on High beam. Checked the lights, High beam was not glowing on Right Side.

I did check the low beam and is working perfect. Removed the bulb and figured out the high beam filament is gone.

I have the Roots wiring kit. Now my query to guru's out here is do I just replace one single bulb or replace both with something better in 100/90W.

Reading through this thread, figured out that Xtreme Power is quite in demand.

My requirements are,

1. Need clear vision during Rains - Its a must, will not compromise on this.
2. I felt the bulbs I was using were not that effective when the sodium street lights were on. Is it the case with all, or just this.

Please direct me to shop where I can get the original bulbs. I have heard there have many duplicates in market specially the Philips.
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Old 16th April 2010, 18:52   #3835
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Originally Posted by deepakchiniwal View Post
Hey mate,

Where in Bangalore do you get this done. Please provide details.

I was running on "Philips H4 Whitelight Essential Vision 100/90w". Philips Lighting Hong Kong - EssentialVison

Offlate, I felt the power of these bulbs were diminished. I had put them about 8 months back. Last evening, I observed the light to be fading when put on High beam. Checked the lights, High beam was not glowing on Right Side.

I did check the low beam and is working perfect. Removed the bulb and figured out the high beam filament is gone.

I have the Roots wiring kit. Now my query to guru's out here is do I just replace one single bulb or replace both with something better in 100/90W.

Reading through this thread, figured out that Xtreme Power is quite in demand.

My requirements are,

1. Need clear vision during Rains - Its a must, will not compromise on this.
2. I felt the bulbs I was using were not that effective when the sodium street lights were on. Is it the case with all, or just this.

Please direct me to shop where I can get the original bulbs. I have heard there have many duplicates in market specially the Philips.
Folks, weekend coming up. Don't want to live with one eye :( please suggest
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Old 17th April 2010, 08:32   #3836
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Originally Posted by deepakchiniwal View Post
Folks, weekend coming up. Don't want to live with one eye :( please suggest
Since you have mentioned that you need good visibility in rain change the white bulbs since white dont give much visibility during rains. You can replace them with philips rally 100/90w bulbs . Yellow light and bulbs costs around 150 each
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Old 21st April 2010, 02:49   #3837
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Hi Folks,

I want to install fog lights in my alto. IMO the OEM fogs are no good hence I was wondering can the fog lights of any other car (swift) be fitted into the Alto bumper. What would be the pros and cons..
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Old 21st April 2010, 10:38   #3838
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Originally Posted by ridinthru' View Post
Hi Folks,

I want to install fog lights in my alto. IMO the OEM fogs are no good hence I was wondering can the fog lights of any other car (swift) be fitted into the Alto bumper. What would be the pros and cons..
As far as I know, there are no OEM fog lamps for the alto. You get the aftermarket local ones. Maybe you can buy any local one and then change the bulb to a higher wattage one along with appropriate wiring for better performance..

And yes, do share your experience. Even i am looking forward to do this since long..!

Last edited by cyclops : 21st April 2010 at 10:44.
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Old 21st April 2010, 11:11   #3839
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hi fellow members,
i had a query in my mind regarding the installation of Philips extreme power in my alto. i wanted to clarify that would the installation of extreme power damage the reflector or the plastics in the headlight cluster due to heat?

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Old 21st April 2010, 12:09   #3840
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Auxillary driving lamps for i10.

I do a lot of night highway driving in my 2008 i10. I have been using Philips Xtreme powers for the last year and half and have also added OEM fog lamps.

Still, these are no match for the aux lamps most of the commercial vehicles use at night. Given the condition of our highways where you can never take anything for granted, the few moments of blindness really scares me. Recently, in a similar situation, a friend of mine ran into a pile of stones left by the side of the road, busting the radiator and the oil sump in the dead of night.

So I was thinking if I can't beat them why not join them and fix aux lamps myself. These would be ONLY for highway driving and will only be used in dire need. The intention is not to dazzle and blind oncoming traffic.

Has anyone of you successfully installed aux lamps in a hatchabck? I don't want to fiddle too much and keep cutting and welding to the minimum possible. Please let your thoughts flow.
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