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Old 19th November 2014, 18:28   #3466
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by anilp View Post
Good, that should sort the issue. Gear up to enjoy the post 7k rush and bounces off the rev limiter
Haha yes , have a Delhi ride planned next month if weather permits and that should be fun . Yet to hit the highway even once though post 400/500km , I have bounced off the rev limiter often(I like the rebound sensation ) , never held the bike for more than 5/10 seconds above 8k though (neither will traffic permit that ) .

I have a query , my observation has been when I shift near the red line from 1st gear onward , I achieve around 15/20km more max speed in 3rd than when I shift around 5k rpm . Is this why many riders drop a gear to utilize the entire power available from the previous gear before shifting up again ?
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Old 19th November 2014, 18:32   #3467
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by nasirkaka View Post
Junaid (art of motorcycles) was in the process of developing a nice and sturdy bash plate in aluminium alloy. will check with him on the status.

I did not fully understand. Do you mean on the 90 degree bends, we need to provide small V shape kinks? However i have limited access to laser cutting machine and press brake for bending, and not sure if there are tools available for specialized operations. Intention is to get the plate made in 3mm MS plate, powdercoated finish. Plan to get it made today. hope it all fits ok, and lasts the trip..

Spoked wheel is a possibility but will have to sacrifice on the tubeless. Was discussing with indimotard guys on this and they did mention that front is easier to convert, rear could be a bit of challenge, but doable for sure.
Originally Posted by nasirkaka View Post
As suggested by doc, Indimotard guys are the ones u can trust with major modifications such as these. Infact the pic of the modified 390, with spoked rim which was floating a while back was done by them. That bike is still lying at their garage. They are located lose to ESI hospital at white fields and their garage is called grease house.
Well there you go, these were the notches which I had mentioned. Gives rigidity to the structure. It is normally done at a sheet metal fabrication facility as they have to carry it in their normal process of bending.

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-20141119_1141431.jpg

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141118wa0002.jpg

The angle seems to be too steep and you need to redesign the bottom brackets. Also is it possible to weld a tube at the bottom of the plate that increases the rigidity factor, just a thought.

I had an oppurtunity to speak to the Indimotard people when they came out with the modded D390. The concern was on the procurement of the parts, build being not an issue. They had quoted close to 80k for the mods without the parts. So the cost with the parts will shoot up close to the cost of the bike. They also had plans of bringing out pootpegs, bash plates and such normal stuff, but it has not materialised till now.

I also had Junaid telling me that they had plans of a handlebar raisers, fuel can mod on the front end, bash plate when I met him at Rangdum. Need to meet him as he is a stone throw distance from where I work. If you have plan to meet him, let me know, we can have a mini meet at AOM.
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Old 19th November 2014, 18:44   #3468
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Originally Posted by basuroy View Post
I have a query , my observation has been when I shift near the red line from 1st gear onward , I achieve around 15/20km more max speed in 3rd than when I shift around 5k rpm . Is this why many riders drop a gear to utilize the entire power available from the previous gear before shifting up again ?
The 390 is a different beast compared to the bullet that's why you are observing this. You have to redline each gear to enjoy full potential. Like someone else said earlier, ride it like you stole it, hahaha. Ride safe and wear gear, bro. This one surprises me every time.

Edit: The power delivery starts in full stretch from 7k. That's why you are seeing this.

Last edited by anilp : 19th November 2014 at 18:45.
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Old 19th November 2014, 19:30   #3469
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
You are in Bangalore. So wh not go directly to the Indimotard guys. They have a fleet of 390s for the mountains. Sure many of them would be having spoked wheels. I've heard the Impulse front wheel is a direct fit. Please also check for engine sump bash plate when you go there.
Originally Posted by nasirkaka View Post
As suggested by doc, Indimotard guys are the ones u can trust with major modifications such as these.
I spoke with Shrikanth from Indimotard. He confirmed that spoke rims can be installed but the hubs have to be imported for it and I will loose ABS functionality. He is going to confirm the costing by Monday/Tuesday as he is out of town till then. Loosing ABS is little bit of concern but I can live without it. Need to check the costing before taking decision.

I have to also decide if I should put spoke rim only on the front or both. My rear alloy is just 3 months old.

Originally Posted by neil.jericho View Post
So I would suggest you take the hit on the wallet and replace both front and rear alloys with the ones from the new bikes.
I have already replaced the rear just 3 months back so I can get the front replaced now. But I want to check the feasibility of spoke wheels first.
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Old 19th November 2014, 20:21   #3470
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Originally Posted by vabs78 View Post
I spoke with Shrikanth from Indimotard. He confirmed that spoke rims can be installed but the hubs have to be imported for it and I will loose ABS functionality.rst.

Will a tube be required?
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Old 20th November 2014, 08:34   #3471
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Guys, please advise.

I want to increase the size of the rear sprocket. Most of my ride is either in the city or in winding roads. I hardly go above 120 kph. I can live with a topspeed of 150kph.

So my intention is to decrease the use of clutch in crawling traffic, and to have better pull in winding roads. I realise that I might lose out in mileage.

So please advise on

1. Which is better. Changing the rear sprocket size or thevfront sprocket size.

2. What effect it will have on chain life.

3. Will it affect the balance of the bike.

4. Where can I source quality sprocket as I live in Cochin, Kerala.
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Old 20th November 2014, 11:07   #3472
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by vabs78 View Post
I spoke with Shrikanth from Indimotard. He confirmed that spoke rims can be installed but the hubs have to be imported for it and I will loose ABS functionality. He is going to confirm the costing by Monday/Tuesday as he is out of town till then. Loosing ABS is little bit of concern but I can live without it. Need to check the costing before taking decision.
I'm pretty sure the rally guys do not use imported hubs for the front Impulse wheel mod. Maybe you could contact someone in Delhi (or Chandigarh) and check. Do let the forum know as well. Good to increase our fund of knowledge on available options.

I have to also decide if I should put spoke rim only on the front or both. My rear alloy is just 3 months old.
I have already replaced the rear just 3 months back so I can get the front replaced now. But I want to check the feasibility of spoke wheels first.
Personally, I would first try out the new improved stronger OE KTM rims. If they work, then you have the added advantage of using tubeless tyres - which is a huge advantage while on tour in far flung areas.

Do keep us updated either way.
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Old 20th November 2014, 11:30   #3473
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A curious thing happened when I searched for rear sprocket in KTM parts website. Check out the pic. It doesnt mention duke 390 bajaj, anywhere.
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Old 20th November 2014, 16:05   #3474
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
I'm pretty sure the rally guys do not use imported hubs for the front Impulse wheel mod. Maybe you could contact someone in Delhi (or Chandigarh) and check. Do let the forum know as well. Good to increase our fund of knowledge on available options.

Personally, I would first try out the new improved stronger OE KTM rims. If they work, then you have the added advantage of using tubeless tyres - which is a huge advantage while on tour in far flung areas.
Going for OEM rims is always an option, I want to explore the spoke wheel option first because apart from strength it can also look quiet cool in my opinion.

If someone can confirm about the Impulse rim then I can try that option with help from my local mechanic. I think the main concern there is what changes are required to the disk break mechanism..
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Old 20th November 2014, 16:09   #3475
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by vabs78 View Post
If someone can confirm about the Impulse rim then I can try that option with help from my local mechanic. I think the main concern there is what changes are required to the disk break mechanism..
As far as I know, the whole Impulse wheel itself is used. Lock, stock, and barrel. The axle is obviously modified using spacers.
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Old 20th November 2014, 16:14   #3476
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

But what about mounting disk break calipers? Does it work without modification?
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Old 20th November 2014, 16:16   #3477
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by vabs78 View Post
But what about mounting disk break calipers? Does it work without modification?
I think you can use the KTM calipers on a non KTM (Impulse) rotor. Unless there is a problem about curvature - the front rotor of the Duke is 300 mm (280 mm for the 200) while that of the Impulse is only 240 mm (same as the rear disc rotor of both Dukes).

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Old 21st November 2014, 11:26   #3478
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Anybody please advise me on what size I should upsize the rear sprocket. I searched the net but couldn't find out what the current size of the sprocket for due 390 is. Please help me.

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Old 21st November 2014, 11:46   #3479
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mithunvvijayan View Post
I searched the net but couldn't find out what the current size of the sprocket for due 390 is. Please help me.
Please mark a tooth on the sprocket with a piece of chalk. Then rotate the rear wheel, keeping your fingers far away from the sprocket (in case you like to count with your fingers .....), and count the teeth all around till you come back to the one marked with chalk, taking care to count it only once, either in the begining or the end.

You now have the number of teeth on your rear sprocket.

Now go to KTM Power Parts and order an orange sprocket that has more teeth.

First confirm with service guys if the hole pattern for the 200s and 390s is the same. If its not, confirm that the upsized sprocket is for the 390 while ordering.
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Old 21st November 2014, 12:18   #3480
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mithunvvijayan View Post
Anybody please advise me on what size I should upsize the rear sprocket.
Any specific reason for the upsize? More power wheelies??
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