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Old 2nd October 2021, 21:02   #721
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Guys is there much difference in the 10w50 vs the 15w50? Globally the manual say 15 but in India why do we use 10? Is it because motul 7100 doesn’t have 15w50? Thinking of maybe motorex or addinol. Will it harm the engine using 15w50? Or any other advantage or disadvantage using either grade?
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Old 3rd October 2021, 19:18   #722
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
I did check the website and it says its a Plug and Play setup which means you basically have coupler to coupler connection by design, so the next logical step would be to strip the motorcycle and start with disconnecting stock wiring from respective sensors, IC, Injector etc and then install the kit you have received.

From pictures shared by a fellow enthusiast I recall that Powertronics labels their wires, do check if the wires in the kit you've received are labelled.

Again from the picture posted earlier and the website image this looks like just a fuel controller and not a full fledged piggy back so it should be even easier as you'd not have to bother with the IC and sensors and only figure about about fueling related wiring, in which case I doubt instructions is really needed.

Anyways, posting really detailed picture of the kit you have received would enable others to better assist you.

Pictures from the product leaflet.
Though mine is the lite model , the instruction set and other details are same for both the product.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 3rd October 2021, 19:36   #723
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Thanks for that, but the somehow missed sending me this and the warranty card in the box. I spoke to them and they send me a PDF of the install. I hope to get it done in a couple of days!

Can someone please throw some light on my oil post? Appreciated!
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Old 4th October 2021, 13:51   #724
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

@derek - in a 10W50 oil, the number before the W is viscosity when cold and number after W is viscosity when engine is at operating temperature. This means a 5W50 oil will flow easier in cold weather as it has a lower viscosity than a 10W50 oil.

Since in India we do not experience very low temperatures, what is important is the number after the W. So when choosing an oil, if manufacturer recommends 10W40, then any xW40 oil will work.

Originally Posted by derek View Post
Can someone please throw some light on my oil post? Appreciated!
In other news, I am extremely happy with the FuelX lite I've installed! I did not expect this much of a positive impact. Bike is extremely smooth at lower rpms, and you can hold a steady low rpm without the bike bucking / rpm fluctuating (20kmph in 2nd for example). Engine heat also seems to be more controlled, takes longer for the fan to turn on. Bike feels linear, torquey and much free-er.

Overall it's a must have for the 390 adventure! I also clarified that this connects to the O2 sensor and controls the closed-loop part of fuelling. So its only for the inititial part of the rev band or upto 70% throttle. Thats why you wont feel any difference on a highway / at higher rpms / at wide open throttle. All in all I'm extremely glad I decided to purchase this little device.
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Old 4th October 2021, 15:48   #725
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by neoakshay View Post
@derek - in a 10W50 oil, the number before the W is viscosity when cold and number after W is viscosity when engine is at operating temperature. This means a 5W50 oil will flow easier in cold weather as it has a lower viscosity than a 10W50 oil.

Since in India we do not experience very low temperatures, what is important is the number after the W. So when choosing an oil, if manufacturer recommends 10W40, then any xW40 oil will work.
Ok that's great then! Thanks for the info. What's your choice of oil? Any preference to motorex or addinol? Or happy with motul?

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Old 4th October 2021, 16:13   #726
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Motul is decent enough. I change oil around 3.5K to 4k kms. I would like to try Motul 300v2 / Motorex at some point, maybe next oil change.
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Old 4th October 2021, 17:35   #727
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Guys, one question what is the RPM in 6th gear at 100 KMH?
I believe the 390 Adventure cruises at the lower RPM despite the gearing being similar to the Duke 390.

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Old 5th October 2021, 09:57   #728
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Neo18 View Post
Pictures from the product leaflet.
Though mine is the lite model , the instruction set and other details are same for both the product.
Wow, so simply put all it does is intersect the one sensor i.e lambda sensor and nothing else?

I would suggest you guys go for this with a pinch of salt, this seems like its basically a Booster Plug for the exhaust rather than the intake, and having read how modern ECU's are programmed to work I would be a bit more skeptical.

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Old 5th October 2021, 14:48   #729
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

On the topic of FuelX - I have seen RD recommend both for best performance. My question is, if the piggyback ECU can control fueling already by fooling the main ECU, why is an extra fuel controller like Fuel X even needed?

Originally Posted by derek View Post
Sorry buddy I don’t know what endless chain means.
Hey, Endless chain comes completely assembled as a loop right from the factory without any master link. Stock Duke and RC chains are endless. No idea if it's the same for Adventure.

Did your RK chain come as a complete loop from the factory or did you have to rivet the master link on to the chain during the install?

Originally Posted by derek View Post
But yes I got the 14T for the front. Bike is much happier in the lower gears.
Sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant was - The 14T sprocket that you got, is that an OEM one or an RK one?

Last edited by theredliner : 5th October 2021 at 14:52.
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Old 5th October 2021, 14:57   #730
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
Wow, so simply put all it does is intersect the one sensor i.e lambda sensor and nothing else?

I would suggest you guys go for this with a pinch of salt, this seems like its basically a Booster Plug for the exhaust rather than the intake, and having read how modern ECU's are programmed to work I would be a bit more skeptical.

True, being an impulsive purchase, I did not see any hardcore evidence of gains vis-a-vis the stock setup. Its more of a '"feel" that the down shifts have reduced through experience. More like how a bike "feels" when one opts for an expensive after market air filter and feels that the bike is now roaring ahead, though in reality, the change would have been miniscule to really notice in real world conditions
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Old 5th October 2021, 18:09   #731
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by theredliner View Post
On the topic of FuelX - I have seen RD recommend both for best performance. My question is, if the piggyback ECU can control fueling already by fooling the main ECU, why is an extra fuel controller like Fuel X even needed?

Hey, Endless chain comes completely assembled as a loop right from the factory without any master link. Stock Duke and RC chains are endless. No idea if it's the same for Adventure.

Did your RK chain come as a complete loop from the factory or did you have to rivet the master link on to the chain during the install?

Sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant was - The 14T sprocket that you got, is that an OEM one or an RK one?
Hi, so I got the RK 14T. You have option of this or the stock when you purchase them from indimotard.

Regarding the endless chain, no clue. Was fixed at a garage. Sorry wish I be of further help. But if I remember right it was one chain and then a small lock that had to be fixed on one of the links.

Last edited by Sheel : 29th December 2021 at 08:38. Reason: u = you. Chat and SMS Language are STRICTLY prohibited on Team-BHP.
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Old 8th October 2021, 12:50   #732
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
Guys, one question what is the RPM in 6th gear at 100 KMH?

Well, my bike runs a stock rear and 14T upfront so probably not much help. But 100kmph is just a shade less than 6k.

Btw, does changing the front sprocket give a speedo error? Does it over read or under-read?
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Old 11th October 2021, 17:43   #733
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Wow this threads gone to sleep off late. Well I’m going to ask, has anyone cancelled the cat con and gotten rid of the damn thing? Is there a way to do it? And if so, can someone please elaborate? Thanks!
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Old 18th October 2021, 08:03   #734
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

An update at 40,000 KMs
Last week, I completed my longest ride to date (~ 9,600 KMs) that involved Pune-Koteshwar-Kibithu-Pune.

Before the ride, I switched over to RK Takasago chain and it's done wonders. I did not need to adjust the chain slack during the entire trip. That's such a far cry from my Rolon chain days

Apart from that, I got the tyres changed with a combo of Metz lasertec in the front and Timsun in the rear. The combination worked wonderfully well in heavy downpours thereby proving its worth.

I also got the Maddog Scout-X ( which helped me immensely during night time riding in the cattle zones up north

The SW Motech Drybags ( is what I used for carrying the luggage and it also did its job pretty well (although I had to use bungee cords to hold everything together)

The bike performed flawlessly with no issues whatsoever. She was in her own elements while tackling very bad roads in Arunachal

All in all, a wonderful ride.

Here are few snaps.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-koteshwar.jpg

Koteshwar in Gujarat where it all started

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-kota.jpg

Kota bypass in RJ

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-cgarh.jpg

Chittorgarh in RJ

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-bihar.jpg

Somewhere in Bihar

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-assam.jpg

Somewhere in Assam

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-assam1.jpg

Bhupen Hazarika Bridge in Assam

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-aruna1.jpg

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-aruna2.jpg

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-aruna3.jpg

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-aruna4.jpg

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-aruna5.jpg

At various places in Arunachal

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-wb.jpg

Dooars in West Bengal

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-odo.jpg

The trip meter

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-246206154_10225997247454201_5885151232500662656_n.jpg

And that's the route map !
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Old 18th October 2021, 08:10   #735
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

What a trip
The 390 Adv being put to its perfect use, glad to see.

The FE numbers are what you actually got more or less or does it contain some error ?
If you did then brilliant and what speeds/rpms were you riding at ?
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