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Old 23rd August 2023, 10:46   #1126
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by harry_1732 View Post
This is incorrect. 8500 or 150 days and third service at 16000 or 240 days. Please cross check your source
My source is the official KTM service booklet. They've changed the schedule now

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Old 23rd August 2023, 11:56   #1127
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by cataclysm View Post
My source is the official KTM service booklet. They've changed the schedule now

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Thanks a lot for this update. Are you part of Chandigarh KTM Adv Official group?
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Old 23rd August 2023, 13:26   #1128
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by harry_1732 View Post
Are you part of Chandigarh KTM Adv Official group?
Nope. Would it be possible for you to add me to the group? I can PM you my number.
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Old 25th August 2023, 23:42   #1129
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Does setting the preload to the softest setting help with increasing the sag for 170cm 65kg rider? Although the test ride was comfortable enough wrt reach to the ground, would like a bit more footing for daily commutes.

Owners with similar height weight, how do you manage tricky situations wherein the bike needs to be peddled back on a slope, uneven gravel/rock sections etc? Do you consciously park the bike a certain way, use boots with thicker soles?
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Old 26th August 2023, 13:05   #1130
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by kedar3223 View Post
Does setting the preload to the softest setting help with increasing the sag for 170cm 65kg rider? Although the test ride was comfortable enough wrt reach to the ground, would like a bit more footing for daily commutes.

Owners with similar height weight, how do you manage tricky situations wherein the bike needs to be peddled back on a slope, uneven gravel/rock sections etc? Do you consciously park the bike a certain way, use boots with thicker soles?
Hello Kedar,
Had exactly same Questions till a month back when i was researching on it.

Not that i am an expert on this bike, just been 800km/20days for me so far. A drop in the ocean from my experience
I’m 175cm & 77kg-

1. Do not adjust the shocks to softest setting just so that you can manage the height coz of the sag. I would never do it or suggest it. The shock settings should be adjusted as per the load requirements / road conditions / riding style / comfort. Softest settings can make it bouncy & unsafe when stiff is better as per conditions that time.
As i feel, it won’t be the right way to manage height.

2. 50% of my riding so far, unfortunately, has been through bumper-bumper traffic! The first 50km-ish it felt a tall bike & that i might not touch my toe. By 800km i can manage pushing tip-top in bumper to bumper traffic just to move few inches every time. Weight plays important factor here (compared to pushing +200kg of other bikes).
If I move my bottom just a little to one side, i can get full foot on ground and push the bike.

So, I would say:-
Give it some time & kms - one learns the technique to it. It is not a deal-breaker to cancel the bike from your list please.

3. As many have suggested here- park with front facing the upslope. Plan a parking so that re-starting the journey becomes easy & fun. With luggage, ensure you park it facing upslope.
Not been on off roads yet.

Again, as many do it- to move it from nominal downslope:- press front shock & front brake - as shock bounces back release brake & pull back on handle- it always works to give that initial little momentum to at least get it moving & then some leg work! (Thats why it’s said-never miss leg day in gym )

4. Not using shoes with thick soles etc etc. Will you wear heavy thick sole shoes each & every time you take the bike out? So check with simple sports shoe/ office wear shoes/your riding boots as you will be in either one of them always.

5. Took one of the test drive during office closing times. Also tried parking wrong way to check if i can move this bike (we will encounter such crazy traffic always, not good highways only)
Suggest do a test drive. Will give a fair idea if the seat height, weight, pushing it tip-toe, parking & moving out, & few other things work for you.

For a gentleman having 170cm of good height, I don’t imagine the seat height will be an issue.

Hope this helps a bit!

Good Roads & Safe Rides Always
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Old 31st August 2023, 22:00   #1131
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

On the fence for some time now. Waiting to see how much interesting the new Guerrilla 450 by RE would be.
I feel I'm still inclined towards KTM 390 Adv SW. I feel the new Guerrilla may give that missing top end on REH 411. However, it may not be that much value the KTM 390 Adv is currently.
I've been riding REH 411 and really enjoyed riding it around except that missing top speed when needed. Although it was just for a few moments or for an overtake maneuver. Most times, I like riding winding roads and twisties, away from the super fast highways we have. With REH 411, I have been able to visit many off beat places but I feel I should be able to do most of it with the KTM 390 Adv as well.
I know it is KTM 390 Adv owners thread and the views would surely have some influence; thought of hearing / reading few more good things about it and hence the question, what do you guys think/perceive about these two (upcoming RE Guerrilla 450 and KTM 390 Adv SW).
Thanks in advance.
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Old 1st September 2023, 12:25   #1132
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post
Hello Everyone!
Low End Torque:- Going over tall pointy speed-bumps will need 1st gear. The long smooth speed-bumps needed 2nd gear.
I own a 2017 Duke 390. The addition of a FuelX Lite module has improved this nature at slow speeds drastically. I belive there are some Adv 390 threads here where they have installed FuelX and had a positive feedback as well.
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Old 2nd September 2023, 09:58   #1133
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by sac23 View Post
I own a 2017 Duke 390. The addition of a FuelX Lite module has improved this nature at slow speeds drastically.
Heard a ton good about FuelX Pro. It’s a highly recommended addition, I guess!

Still learning a bit about settings etc.
What is the impact on high speed performance, engine heating, vibes & FE?
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Old 2nd September 2023, 11:33   #1134
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post
What is the impact on high speed performance, engine heating, vibes & FE?
High speed performance - Close to none. This is not a performance mod per se. FuelX compensates for lean AFR. It does not make many changes in open loop/wide open throttle. However, I feel the clutchless upshifts to be smoother.

As per Race Dynamics Support,
FuelX is a fuel optimizer that is focused on refining and enhancing the motor to ensure it runs smoothly and is happy. It autotunes the engine to its best optimal parameters constantly monitoring, learning, and adapting to the conditions of the engine like wear and tear, riding style, mods like exhaust/air filter as well as external weather conditions and altitude. It can control the AFR completely, as well as reduce stalling, jerking, and bogging in the initial throttle range and provide a better throttle response.

FuelX has complete control in the closed loop and partial control in the Open loop to a certain limit. As a result, the engine will be running in an optimal condition, much cooler operating engine temperature and fewer gear shifts incidentally resulting in performance gains at the lower RPM and throttle percentage region. This initial response helps the engine to eventually push more at higher revs and throttle percentages and provides overall performance.
Engine heating is lower. The radiator fan turns on rarely.

Vibrations - No jerkiness below 4000 RPM. A single cylinder will never be fully smooth in lower RPMs.

FE - I rode the bike at speeds under 40 kmph and I got 35 km. I believe these are respectable figures for a 390. Before the mod, I could never ride it at such low speeds without lugging the engine. Yet, before installing FuelX, I did a short run on slow speeds for a comparison. At that time the stock bike was giving close to 40kmpl. But it was unrideable with so much jerk and engine overheating. After adding the FuelX Lite, it compensated for the low AFR. There is a reduction in FE to 35 from 40 but the engine is running healthier, the way it's supposed to be.
Under normal riding conditions, the FE has remained the same at around 25-27 km.
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Last edited by sac23 : 2nd September 2023 at 11:37. Reason: Grammar
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Old 2nd September 2023, 13:17   #1135
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Thank you sac23.
Appreciate the prompt reply.

Already heard amazing stuff about it, your review adds to it. Thinking of getting it installed during first servicing.

Pro or Lite?

-Did u not feel if u could get control over the settings than go with whatever it calculates?

-Lite calculating on its own than rider changing is also good option; let it work while we enjoy the ride.

- It depends on individual requirement, still, does Lite make it feel a half-hearted addition & that wish we had option to change?

Few add on questions

-Do we need to remap the engine post installation?
-Does it void the engine warranty since we are changing the oem settings for engine.
-It is an incomplete mod unless we have the exhaust mod for if. What goes in-needs equal outlet. Have you replaced the exhaust system?
-Will have to be supported with better air filter if its going to set a rich AFR. Any change of air filter?
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Old 3rd September 2023, 05:10   #1136
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post
Thank you sac23.

Pro or Lite?

-Did u not feel if u could get control over the settings than go with whatever it calculates?

-Lite calculating on its own than rider changing is also good option; let it work while we enjoy the ride.

- It depends on individual requirement, still, does Lite make it feel a half-hearted addition & that wish we had option to change?

Few add on questions

-Do we need to remap the engine post installation?
-Does it void the engine warranty since we are changing the oem settings for engine.
-It is an incomplete mod unless we have the exhaust mod for if. What goes in-needs equal outlet. Have you replaced the exhaust system?
-Will have to be supported with better air filter if its going to set a rich AFR. Any change of air filter?
My bike is stock and therefore, I guess the Lite version is plenty enough for it. Most people who got the Pro runs it in setting 5 or 6, which is basically the default map in the Lite version.

No, I don't regret getting the lite because I wanted a install-and-forget solution. If custom fuelling control is what you seek, might as well put in another 8k and install the powertronic ECU.

No need to remap. It's plug and play.

Yes, it'll void the warranty. Install it by yourself. It's easy. Remove before giving to the service.

It works perfectly on the stock bike. No need to increase air inflow or exhaust outflow.
As I wrote before, the stock map is intentionally set lean by the manufacturer to pass emission norms. That is, the bike needs 14.7 parts of air for every one part of fuel, denoted as 14.7:1.

For Example:
15.0:1 = Lean
14.7:1 = Stoichiometric
13.0:1 = Rich

The vibrations and jerkiness in lower RPM is caused by lean AFR. The FuelX module will correct it and make it 14.7:1

Please watch these videos.

Last edited by sac23 : 3rd September 2023 at 05:15. Reason: Added videos
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Old 3rd September 2023, 10:02   #1137
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by sac23 View Post
My bike is stock and therefore, I guess the Lite version is plenty enough for it. Most people who got the Pro runs it in setting 5 or 6, which is basically the default map in the Lite version.
Was not aware Lite is set on 6! This clears up the air. Makes sense to go with Lite.

Was worried about rich cut-off, warranty, supporting mods & fe, hence the add on questions.

Clears up all the queries i had.
Thx a million
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Old 3rd September 2023, 10:56   #1138
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by hiren.mistry View Post
Happy to share that I've picked up a pre-owned 390 Adventure yesterday. So far happy with it, this bike is so different to the Z900. I will need to learn a totally different style to gel with the 390 Adv.
Hi Hiren, read your post about recently buying the used 390Adventure. We’re shortlisting few 390 adventure in Mumbai for a friend and thought of checking with you on:

a. What was the approximate price you paid for your bike? We’re seeing 2020 bikes between 2.5 - 3L based on accessories and odo reading. We’re particularly interested in two bikes quoted around ~2.6 lakhs, first owners with all service records, recent tyre changes, decent accessories but slightly high odo of 22k

b. Anything specific we should look out for in a used 390 Adventure apart from standard checklist for used bike purchases?

I’d have recommended my friend to go with new X variant but he’s keen on the digital console plus all additional bells and whistles.

Requesting other 390 adventure owners to chip in as well where they can. Thanks!
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Old 4th September 2023, 12:35   #1139
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

One more recommendation for FuelX, you can't go wrong with either Lite or Pro. I have the Pro version on my Duke 390 and my riding buddy has a Lite version on his Adv 390. FuelX mainly addresses the fueling in lower RPMs eliminating the jerkiness resulting in smoother throttle response compared to stock. It's been over a year with FuelX and we've done a few thousand km and it's all good so far!
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Old 5th September 2023, 11:02   #1140
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

In the Owner's manual KTM advise using 50/50 mixture of 20W50 and kerosene to clean the chain, have anyone tried this method? Seems like this is a cost-effective method to clean the chain.

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