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Old 23rd October 2023, 23:58   #1186
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by siddhant View Post
Reading reports of other owners on this forum, some articles over the internet (MCN, Autocar for ex) and a few credible YouTube videos - all evidences point to the fact that the FE I got for the kind of riding I did was too low.
I've learnt a long time ago to take speed and mileage claims with a huge fist of salt. The only relevant numbers being those I manage on my own, repeatedly, consistently.

100-105 kmph means nothing really as a meaningful metric. Everyone has a different riding and/or driving style. Your right wrist and your right foot has a lot to do with the mileage figures you get. What is sedate for you may not actually be sedate for someone else.

Then there is braking. Weight. Traffic. Condition of your drivetrain. Bearings. Tyre pressures. Transmission losses. Clutch health. Wind. Gear. There is really so much that comparison with others is really meaningless.

Over a period of time you will find that for a bike or car you get a certain mileage. That will not change by much unless you drastically change something in your riding or driving style. But that will neither be natural to you nor sustainable. For you.

So if you are certain that everything is ok with your bike, you service ger regularly, put in good oil and fuel, abd get 27 kmpl or thereabouts regularly, then that figure is not low for you. Its your normal. You need to get concerned if it suddenly drops to 23 kmpl. Not even 25 kmpl.

Same bike, same car, my co-rider Rohit and me, he will get a good 5 kmpl (at least) more than I do. I cannot ride like him. He cannot ride like me.

I will end by saying that performance comes from the combustion of petrol. There is no other magic formula.

27 kmpl is pretty decent for some of us for what we get out of this mid sized engine. Which is frankly a lot. And I know a LOT of riders who ride like me who claim similar numbers.

Just for reference, most of my riding is at or near 110-120, with overtaking bursts on open stretches that touch 130-140. But for the most part the zone between 110-120. All day. And getting to those speeds as quickly as the bike and road and traffic allow me to. So no gradual babying of the throttle or gearbox either.

For others, they even see figures like 35 kmpl. 39 even!!!! But what does that mean to us? Just a theoretical number. Hearsay. I have NEVER gotten those figures. And I likely never will.

Maybe if I buy a Unicorn or something, I might. But not on my Duke 390. Ditto 15 kmpl for my Storme, where try as I might I get only 10-12. No complaints.

Cheers, Doc

Last edited by ebonho : 24th October 2023 at 00:27.
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Old 24th October 2023, 14:23   #1187
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
Guys, when you are quoting MID figures for fuel mileage, those are the instantaneous figures (over the past so many seconds/minutes) I thought. How then do you get an MID read for the fuel mileage of your total trip?

Cheers, Doc
Tankful to tankful method.
As to instantaneous figures- the FE on MID takes into account the recent km done & not the whole trip. So never got into noting down those.

Even if two riders go together the FE will differ. I feel it’s all how one twists the throttle & how is the bike maintained. Many other reasons as listed by fellow members earlier.

Putting up both figures i have been getting-
Calculating tankful when 1-2 bars remaining or low fuel indication:-

Today morning ride-
-Tankful to low fuel indication FE: 30.89kmpl.
- MID: 33kmpl.
(approx 70% highway at 110-130, 20% 70-80, 10% city ride)

Two days back, Saturday ride, same route, same riding manner
- 30.11kmpl tankful to low fuel indication.
- MID: 32kmpl

One month back, same route, but this time was at 130-140 mostly & harsh throttle movement-
- tankful method FE: 26.58kmpl
- MID: 29kmpl

Two top ups on weekend rides, same route with 80% at 80-100, 20% at 50-60, a relaxed ride-
- tankful to low fuel indication FE: 33.11 & 32.22kmpl
- MID FE: 34kmpl & 34kmpl.

Two top ups completely in city. almost all in bumper to bumper traffic-
- tankful method FE: 24.43 & 24.28kmpl
- MID: 30 & 28kmpl
Thats pretty inaccurate.

Two top up for offroads. Same route twice on weekend, 80% offroad, 20% city-
-Tankful method FE: 23.12kmpl
- MID: 29kmpl
Inaccurate again

From personal experience, i assume, the MID FE is close to thankful method only on long consistent stretch with steady speeds between 80-120 & relaxed throttle.
City traffic, off roads, twisting ghats, high speeds with harsh throttle the MID FE is grossly inaccurate.

Best practice is to remember tankful method FE, for different riding conditions & road stretch and take that into calculations (for your bike condition & personal riding style).

Comparing FE with others is good only to know if something has gone really wrong. Say more or less of 2-4kmpl will always be there due multiple factors. I am taking a ballpark figure of 32-30 for highway, 24-25 for bumper traffic & 23 for offroad.

For a 373cc engine which extracts such raw power highway 29-32kmpl is pretty good & high speed 26-28kmpl is fair!
I was expecting 26-28 max.
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Old 25th October 2023, 12:32   #1188
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Here the actual FE was around 33 kmpl while the MID shows 34.5 if we dont go beyond 6000 rpm.

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Old 25th October 2023, 12:49   #1189
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Speaking FE, This is what I am getting. This is the average FE after 11 fill ups. So it should be pretty accurate. I drive mostly in the City, with an occasional weekend long run.

Speaking about my driving style, I always try to keep the revs above 4500RPM, so most driving is in 3rd gear or 4th. Rarely put the 5th or 6th gear.

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Old 27th October 2023, 18:47   #1190
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by avjinder View Post
Dear team KTM,
No doubt KTM Adventure 390 is a popular choice among motorbike enthusiasts for its power, agility, and sleek design. And I too was bitten by the adventure bug and got a AdventureX in June. But my joy was short-lived, as I faced 4 breakdowns in the middle of road. Just 3.6k km covered and started facing ECM failure issues already.

When they launched the KTM Adv X, I heard it was stripped down version of KTM 390. But they even stripped it of reliability? Big question, only guys at KTM/Bajaj can answer.
Quick suggestion. The KTM customer support system is pathetic. I don't mean service quality, I mean their ticketing system. I faced the same issue with emails. It sends no email receipts/acknowledgments. Then had to call their number to note down my ticket/complaint number. Interestingly the customer care executive was able to find all my communication logs on his system

I now make it a point to raise an email complaint first to KTM for records. Call the call center to retrieve the complaint number and then send Bajaj Auto's Customer Care a copy of the previous mail with details of the complaint number and KTM in cc. Then I get a call from the service center by EOD about the escalation.
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Old 28th October 2023, 14:01   #1191
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

How is the RSA service offered by KTM?
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Old 28th October 2023, 19:48   #1192
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Never thought I would make a post in this thread. A little background first.

Long story short, today booked the 390 Adventure Rally Variant with the adjustable suspension. Comes only in the one orange/back shade-Ideally would have preferred one of the subtler colors, but that I guess is fine. Bikes are in stock and expect to take delivery this weekend itself.
So took the delivery today. A new bike after 11+ years with the Pulsar 200NS. Smooth delivery process and already rode around 80km today in a mix of conditions. Felt right at home from the get go!. Will share a detailed review after a few days with the bike.

A pic just after taking the delivery.

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Old 29th October 2023, 09:35   #1193
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Re: KTM 390 Adventure India launch confirmed. Edit: Launched at 2.99 lakh.

Originally Posted by JithinR View Post
Congrats on the bike.

Since two capable riders have now taken delivery before the weekend, I guess we can expect your riding impressions soon.

Eagerly following your updates despite this bike being beyond me (height 5.7ft ).
I am a cm or 2 shorter than 5.8 ft and I use 390 adv rally as my only bike. That to after 5+ long years of not riding any bike
Trust me the bike is easy to manage.

You should be able to plant one leg flat on the ground and that is more than sufficient.

Yes tight u turns, reversing the bike and parking it needs some planning but this is applicable to most bigger capacity bikes say re 650 and so on
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Old 29th October 2023, 09:47   #1194
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by siddhant View Post
Thanks for the tip. Will try out a similar interval.

That's because I got this FE when riding sedately - I mean, 95% of the time, I was below 100-105 kmph (which is not even 6k rpm) on this trip and was accelerating smoothly majority of the time.

Reading reports of other owners on this forum, some articles over the internet (MCN, Autocar for ex) and a few credible YouTube videos - all evidences point to the fact that the FE I got for the kind of riding I did was too low.
Yes this fe seems to be low.

For the speed and rpm levels you have mentioned I am receiving an fe of 30+ on a new bike with 600kms on the odometer.
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Old 1st November 2023, 07:23   #1195
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
So took the delivery today. A new bike after 11+ years with the Pulsar 200NS. Smooth delivery process and already rode around 80km today in a mix of conditions. Felt right at home from the get go!. Will share a detailed review after a few days with the bike
Welcome to the Orange family
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Old 4th November 2023, 00:07   #1196
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Never thought I would make a post in this thread. A little background first.

For the past 6-8 months Been on the lookout for a new bike in the ~400cc segment as an upgrade to my 11 year old Pulsar 200NS. Did not want a Royal Enfield and had eliminated the other options-Highness, Dominar, the jawa-Yezdi ones etc. When the 2 recent high profile launches- the Harley X440 and the Triumph 400 happened, was impressed at first look with both and had put booking amounts on both. Test rode the Triumph and did not work out for me. The Harley was better and although Hero-Harley have totally delayed and messed up the delivery plans, since I booked on Day 1, I had got the communication that I am part of the first lot and would get delivery by end of October. In prep for that, on Saturday, did one more test ride and although I did like it and easily covered my use case, was not getting that wow feeling yet. Felt maybe I was over expecting and decided on going ahead with the purchase.

When I stepped out of the Hero showroom, there was a KTM showroom just ahead. Now, in my mind, KTM always meant the Dukes and I knew the Dukes were not for me. So never even considered KTM bikes at all. For what reason I don't know, I stopped in front of KTM. Told me wife, lets go and simply look at the bikes. We actually sat outside thinking for 5 min if we should go. I went in, first thing I see is the KTM Adventure 390. A bike I barely knew existed. Looked large but sleek, imposing, tall and I totally loved it. Sat on it. I am 5'11 and the height was not an issue- Was almost flat footing both legs and felt comfortable sitting on it.

Still had no intention of seriously considering it, half heartedly asked for a test drive. They had the latest Adventure 390 Rally Edition as the TD bike. It had gone out for a ride. Waited for 20 min, no sign of the guy who took it. I said to my wife let us wait for 5 more min and then we will leave. The bike came in immediately after. I sat on it, again felt large and imposing. Told my wife, let me do a solo ride first. Then I started it and got moving- Oh boy!!! 30 seconds into the ride, I was totally sold on it. Perfect seating position for me, felt totally at home from the get go, and of course the engine- enough has been said about it. That, 'this is my bike' feeling I was missing with all the others, was right there with this. Took a fairly good test ride and came back, told my wife to hop on and then we went for another round. Because of the large seat, she was also totally comfortable with it. Would have booked it then and there, but the mind told to hold back.

Came back home, watched and read everything there was about the KTM Adventure 390, learnt more about the lower cost base variant-the X, about the new Rally Edition with adjustable suspension and spoke wheels, the pros and cons as said by experts, specific focus on city riding and heat. A lot of the major cons called out- The seat height, the price, the fact that from an off roader perspective it is probably not the best- were not deal breakers for me. Variant of choice was a confusion-The X seemed Value for money, but I did not what to skip out the safety features like traction control considering I am new to this segment, while I don't need the better off roading capabilities of the Rally Edition which the spoke wheels enable, considering that a lot of roads in Bangalore-especially in the IT belt where I stay, seems like semi off road trails anyways, felt the adjustable suspension would definitely be useful.

Long story short, today booked the 390 Adventure Rally Variant with the adjustable suspension. Comes only in the one orange/back shade-Ideally would have preferred one of the subtler colors, but that I guess is fine. Bikes are in stock and expect to take delivery this weekend itself.
Great choice man. You wouldn't regret it. I got too scared with my limited experience of Duke 390, just for the raw power. Went for the Adventure 250 finally. Boy I love it.
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Old 6th November 2023, 11:02   #1197
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

I've noticed in the rear master cylinder area that this hose appears to be pinched. Could someone please identify the hose in question and confirm if this pinching has any impact on the brake performance?

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Old 6th November 2023, 17:18   #1198
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Fellow KTM Owners,

Here is my query for you:

Last week, post fuel up, I tried to reset my Odo and the button just sank in and the screen went blank. The Mode button is fine. The SET button top is ripped and I don’t hear or feel the click on pressing it. The rubber is over 9 years old and would be prone to stiffness, so it broke off when I pressed it. Took a video with Headlamp on Full beam to show that the other functions are working like High Beam, High RPM, ABS. Unable to upload video so posting the photo below.

Apart from the screen, everything else was working. I wasn’t stranded. So I went home and completed my weekend ride near Pune.

Coming to the issue, I forgot about it once I got back from the ride. And the next morning, our help washed the bike (as he’s normally instructed to do) and I suspect some water might have seeped into the hole.

I connected with KTM since I just recently changed some parts, and they asked for the entire unit to be changed. Was given a rough figure of 8K for the change. Thing is, just because of the small hole (as you can see below) does it make sense to change the entire unit? I searched online for a FnG who specialises in Meters and the reviews of Bombay Meter Company, Pune were very positive. But I am also worried about obvious spurious parts being used.

Has anyone else gone through this? And what does TBhp suggest I do? Change the entire unit or check if the FnG can fix the issue. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

p.s. This is the only vehicle that I have ever ridden that still gives me THE FUZZ every time I ride it. Not sure about the 2nd or the 3rd gen, but the first gen Dukes have a special place in our motoring history. Numerous times I have taken a test ride of a Versys or Trident with the intention of swapping my bike. But every time I sit on the KTM, the same thought comes to mind. What exactly IS WRONG with my KTM? And then the test rides gets forgotten

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Old 6th November 2023, 17:31   #1199
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by DevilzzzzOwn View Post

Meter console shells are available on Amazon for 750-1000 bucks. Worth a try if the console itself is working properly.

Otherwise the console itself is some 7-8k.

Cheers, Doc
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Old 6th November 2023, 17:42   #1200
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

I'm new to the KTM UNIVERSE and many will be. The way previous posts assisted me from their first service experience, adding my experience & hopefully it may help other first time KTM owners.

Service was done 3 weeks back. And rode 1500km post that. I may miss out to mention certain checks that were carried out.

- Service done when odo was at 840km. Fixed it at Mayapuri (Delhi) at 10AM.
- Earlier the better, was the first bike in there so the staff was relaxed to start work on it.
- Requested if i may tag along the bike as service happened. They were pretty open about it.
- Staff wanted to know about issues faced. They preferred sorting those issues before commencing routine service.
- Courteous behaviour & a good long hearing of the issues.

Issues discussed:-
- Oil level had dropped significantly. Knew there is a burn off of 100ml/1000km, but could not see level even after tilting bike towards oil window side (checked before first start of day). Got me little worried on engine health.
- Light adjustment. The screws of left side panel were just not moving. High beam was pointing at stars!
- The fan keeps on running non-stop even when at 80-100kmph! It ran non-stop from start to s/w off.
- Coolant level had dropped well below min (checked before first start of day). Had specifically checked during PDI that it was near max level. So why the drop below min.


- Oil change. After tons of discussion in a group & earlier posts here on Motul vs Motorex, went ahead with stock Motul & Oil filter change.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2301.jpeg
It has to be removed from three different points. One on each side & one from bottom part.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2298.jpeg
The bottom drain will spill bit of oil on the exhaust pipe close to the cat. Wiped clean. Knew that this oil will burn when taking the test drive later. And it did. Bit of smoke during the test drive post service. Went off after 2kms. Nothing to worry about.

The drained oil was not too less to assess it as a faulty engine or leak. Maybe i was too worked up on engine or learning KTM levels. That was a major relief.

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The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2304.jpeg
Love the colour of new oil & the smoothness it will get.

- Panel screw for light adjustment: Three different staff members tried all kinds of tools to budge the screw, it just did not. In the end had to hammer a wedge into it & then hammer it to turn. Took like 25-30mins to get one moving.

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The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2310.jpeg
Whoever fitted it sure has supernatural strength. Took a lot of beating around to get it move a notch!

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2312.jpeg
Original fitted.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2313.jpeg
New screw.

It was not rusted. It was screwed in too tight. Right side panel turned with ease. However, staff changed both side screws just to be sure. New ones have a taller protruding head than original dome shape.
Adjusted the light focus later at night myself.

Electronics Check
- Checked working of multiple electronic systems. Took 10mins. I want to understand the display as to what was being checked & compare final results (curiosity bug inside me), but each system is given a numeric code & name is not displayed & the result is just Pass or Fail. Didn’t bother to trouble the staff that moment as more bikes started lining up behind.
The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2311.jpeg

AirFilter Check
- Have tried all kinds & brands earlier on previous bikes/cars & no hurry to add any performance air filter. Taking first service whatever the company desires. So, for the first service did nothing. Condition check, blew some air through it & fitted it back.

Basic chain slack tightening, condition check.

Brake fluid & Coolant
Brake fluid was sufficient. For coolant, checked for leakages. Nothing was found. Why such large drop in level- could not figure out. Just refill coolant so kind of pressed their refill bottle once & said done. Serious?! Told them to refill it again properly to a sufficient level between min-max. Why did they hurry this up?! Be on a look out for this.

Disc Brake check
Basic check of condition & fitted it back again. Since i was riding in a relaxed manner did not expect any major wear-tear. The issue of noise coming from brake-pads is common when they are new. Even i had for first 20-25kms. I never faced it post that.

Rev Limiter & next service km warning
Learnt the process how to do it from the staff. I set it to Rev1 at 8000 & Rev2 at 10000.
He set the next service at 5000km. When asked why not 7500, for Indian dusty & bad road conditions best to come in at 5-6k as even at this odo the bikes really need it. Why push till 7:5k. His experience.
Well, he spoke my heart. I prefer not to push next service till last km / day. Bit early is better, or even earlier if required based on condition & issues. Especially the first three services when bike is still kind of breaking.

Other Riders Coming in
By 11AM had finished it all. Waiting for chain clean guy to come in. Till then had good conversation with couple of riders exchanging experiences.

Chain clean & lube.
We can opt out of it. I love the process doing it myself always- mind relaxing process…but decided to go ahead & see how is it at KTM.
The staff put bike in first gear, poured a fluid from bottle for 5-6seconds. I mean- literally count 1 to 5 and thats it. He said clean and lube both are done!

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2320.jpeg
I discussed this with him & he said- thats how it is done! Mayapuri station really needs to improve on this. If they cant then don’t offer it.
Even that particular guy seemed totally off the professionalism & positive vibes as compared to other dedicated staff members.

Not something i wanted. Wanted to do it myself. So said no, but on second thought went ahead with it. Was told it will be after 15mins- so went for a chai. By the time i came back, same chain clean guy has literally sprayed it all over the bike. I wanted to check the process, but it was done. Maybe he did not want me there since I had poked him on quality of chain clean-lube he had done

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2315.jpeg
Machine that they use to spray it all over.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2317.jpeg
Sticky & wet. It was over done & left on bike dripping! That same guy- was seen no where now. He did and vanished. Had to be wiped off by another staff.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2319.jpeg
It’s a dust magnet.

He sprayed the polish over the tyres & disc brake! It creates a thin later over the brake disc which comes in between brake shoe & disc and makes them sluggish for few kms. Takes 5-10km for it to be rubbed off. Nonetheless, it was done.

There is poor network inside Mayapuri station at the counter. Take the first service coupon number from KTM app and provide it.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2474.jpeg
Discussed regarding chain clean and polish method & chargers. No refund even after that horrible pathetic manner of chain cleaning & lubing plus charging ₹183/- for it. Not worth it- opt out of it. Later tried calling KTM service regarding this & never got any response etc. Felt cheated on that aspect.

Test Ride After
- Anticipated brakes to be sluggish & they were. Took 5km-ish braking for polish to leave the disc brake.
- Smoke from exhaust pile where oil had spilled earlier as the oil burnt due heated pipe. It went away in 5mins. Nothing serious. Happens on any exhaust pipe with oil on it.
- The fan was still running nonstop. As such i wanted to give 30-40km for new oil to circulate & get through everywhere before assessing anything more on it post service.
- A fellow rider who had come for his first service had his bike punctured right outside the station! Pure bad luck happened just at 800km for him & good luck it was at service station gate! No pushing it around long. But that did leave me with a thought- shall i change over to tubeless.

EXPERIENCE AFTER +1500km from first service.

Engine Feel:- Smooth, it gets amazing smooth. And now even at +1500km old engine oil it still holds that smoothness. Motul is so far holding good. Motorex, will try it on later servicing- whats the hype about (curiosity bug again).

RPM:- No limit post first service & pushed it upto 9000 couple of times. One can still feel theres more power we can extract! Wow!

QuickShifter:- Works flawlessly! RPM above 4000 & shifted up-down from 4th-6th & vice-versa. Its been great for those quick downshifts for overtakes & settle in cruise again.

Cooling Fan:- It was again on after first service. But once had a ride at high speeds and since that day- fan comes on only when in bumper traffic or at a halt. Wonder how! Even at normal city 30-40km it does not come on. Nice!!

Chain clean & lube:- Next day did it myself. Good oily hands & mental peace. When something needs to be perfectly better do it ourselves.

FE:- there sure was a substantial increase. Before service i was at 25-27kmpl even at 80-100 on long rides. FE now is in my earlier post.

Air Filter:- It’s supposed to be replaced during 2nd service around 6-7k kms. But now at +2500km odo it’s in bad dusty condition. Better to change every 2.5-3k.

Rattles:- None. Been thrice on Summer Sprint off-roads (del-farid) throwing bike fast & hard. No rattles & loose nuts so far. Fingers crossed!!!

Suspension:- Have come to understand few settings as per the needs changing whenever required. The adjustable susp literally makes the bike glide! Loved this.

Light:- It is ok for city ride only. Highways rides with no illumination situation will need aux lights. Maybe after couple of weeks.

Mods & Additions:- I love a stock bike. Lot of research goes into setting up a balance between various systems & sub-sys. We change one & whole balance goes. No fancy stuff & HATE loud exhaust.
Have Viaterra stand shoe, Adv Tribe radiator guard after original plastic got cracked on a offroad run & bobo phone mount.

I could touch 5-6k on odo after a month.
- Any suggestions on better service locations in delhi-ncr?
- Anything specific to be kept in mind for second service?

Hope this helps new owners coming up for first service.
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