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Old 6th November 2023, 18:53   #1201
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
100-105 kmph means nothing really as a meaningful metric. Everyone has a different riding and/or driving style. Your right wrist and your right foot has a lot to do with the mileage figures you get. What is sedate for you may not actually be sedate for someone else.
Finally, got some time over the weekend and got to check the FE after the 2nd service. And, got a clear 2 kmpl increase in FE for the same riding style. So, the primary cause for the low FE was riding with the bad air filter. For the 390s, the max life of air filter is just 3000 kms. Surprisingly, there was (practically) no difference in fuel economy when I compared stock vs taller windshield (until 110 kmph).

Surprisingly, I was able to replicate the 37 kmpl FE on the MID after the 2nd service by riding between 4500-5500 in 5th gear (80-85 kmph). Obviously, not going to ride like that but the info will come in handy if there is ever a need to hypermile due to low fuel.

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post
Issues discussed:-
- Oil level had dropped significantly. Knew there is a burn off of 100ml/1000km, but could not see level even after tilting bike towards oil window side (checked before first start of day). Got me little worried on engine health.
- Coolant level had dropped well below min (checked before first start of day). Had specifically checked during PDI that it was near max level. So why the drop below min.
Oil consumption is just too much in this engine. On my Uttarakhand trip (4000 kms), I finished the entire 1L of Motul 7100 10W50 engine oil in top ups and still the oil level wasn't showing up in the glass. Just a couple of days back, I saw a comment in some Youtube video that oil burn was much less with the Shell Advance Ultra 15W50. Maybe it's worth trying that as well (manual recommends 15W50). Shell Advance Ultra used to perform flawlessly on my previous bike, CBR 250R.

I also faced sudden drop in coolant after first service but didn't think too much about it and topped it up at the ASC.

Last edited by siddhant : 6th November 2023 at 18:54.
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Old 6th November 2023, 19:08   #1202
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

It has been an eventful 1 week of ownership and have done close to 500km. Mostly random riding to enjoy the bike. I am working on the detailed initial ownership report which should be done in 2-3 days.

Meanwhile while I was browsing the Viaterra site for some tail bag options, came across this quick mount rear rack. I liked the look of it and the utility it can provide especially since I expect to do a lot of riding with pillion and on an impulse bought it. Was delivered today and I installed it. Couple of pics below.

After I did all this the doubt struck me as to how KTM will see it. Can there be a warranty issue as it is an additional non OEM part? Of course, it can be removed fairly easily if needed. How strict are KTM with all these.

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The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-20231106_184703.jpg

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Old 6th November 2023, 20:02   #1203
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

No warranty issues with hard parts install. Enjoy your new ride!

Nothing heavy, not a top box even on that rear rack plate. What is the weight qualification Viaterra offered for this part?
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Old 7th November 2023, 15:48   #1204
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!


My bike's first service is done, and OD reads 800kms. But the quick shifter is not working. I mean, is there a dependency that after 1000 kilometres, it will work, or does it have to be enabled by some software, etc., in the system, and then it will start working? I have enabled the quick shifter on the MID. If someone could let me know.

Thank you
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Old 7th November 2023, 16:34   #1205
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by shailinder View Post

My bike's first service is done, and OD reads 800kms. But the quick shifter is not working.

Thank you
It should work. No dependency on first service or distance. The sales guy did say to me you can use it, but preferably use regularly after 1000km. I did try it out a few times and works fine.
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Old 7th November 2023, 16:35   #1206
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by shailinder View Post

My bike's first service is done, and OD reads 800kms. But the quick shifter is not working. I mean, is there a dependency that after 1000 kilometres, it will work, or does it have to be enabled by some software, etc., in the system, and then it will start working? I have enabled the quick shifter on the MID. If someone could let me know.

Thank you
I have a Rally. QS is working right from day one.

- QS does not get ON at 1000km. It is on from default (if selected ON from MID selector).

- Post 1000km, the setting that gets ON is Rev warning setting (RPM flashing can be set as u req)

For QS
- It has to be more than certain RPM for each gear. RPM is mentioned in manual.

- Have noticed that min RPM 4-4.5k is required. Wont change if RPM is less than 4k no matter how hard you press on gear lever. Will damage the parts.

- Maybe you were controlling RPM till end of first service riding just around 4-4.5k. With no limit now, suggest keep steady RPM of 7-8k and then shift 5th-6th gear & vice-versa. Check once please.

- Initially it did require a little firm press on gear lever. More I used it, even more smooth are the changes now & with just a tap on gear lever.

* If it is still not working best to get it checked. Pls do not push hard it to work.

Last edited by Biker_Ajax : 7th November 2023 at 17:03.
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Old 7th November 2023, 17:30   #1207
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Red Liner View Post
No warranty issues with hard parts install. Enjoy your new ride!

Nothing heavy, not a top box even on that rear rack plate. What is the weight qualification Viaterra offered for this part?
Thanks Red Liner. I actually did not know the weight qualification. Asked Viaterra and their recommendation is 5kg. I had thought it can handle more. Not sure if 5 is an expected/acceptable number.
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Old 7th November 2023, 17:54   #1208
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Thanks Red Liner. I actually did not know the weight qualification. Asked Viaterra and their recommendation is 5kg. I had thought it can handle more. Not sure if 5 is an expected/acceptable number.
It is an acceptable number for a plate mounted without any supports as like a traditional rack mounted rear plate. Only very light luggage... Which at 5kgs is probably meaningless unless you ride often in the trails and need to carry tools.

This is a rack that has been designed to carry more weight.

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_20210313_050518_613.jpg

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

If you zoom in you will see all the KTM hardware has been done away with on the rear.
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Old 8th November 2023, 12:32   #1209
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post

For QS
- It has to be more than certain RPM for each gear. RPM is mentioned in manual.

- Have noticed that min RPM 4-4.5k is required. Wont change if RPM is less than 4k no matter how hard you press on gear lever. Will damage the parts.
Thanks for the clarification.

However, I tried using QS after the first service and was told to keep the bike at a higher RPM (read 6K and upward for the shift). I tried that; it works between 2nd to 3rd gear but does not extend 3rd to upwards. Since it stays firm, I am not pushing hard.

Does anything do with software updates?
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Old 8th November 2023, 13:35   #1210
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by shailinder View Post
Thanks for the clarification.

However, I tried using QS after the first service and was told to keep the bike at a higher RPM (read 6K and upward for the shift). I tried that; it works between 2nd to 3rd gear but does not extend 3rd to upwards. Since it stays firm, I am not pushing hard.

Does anything do with software updates?
It has nothing to do with software update.
I did see some YouTube videos talking of software update to enable it for base models which has it disabled by software.

Just to be sure- you have Rally ver?

If its Rally and enabled on mid, if it’s changing 2-3rd then its ON.
Higher the RPM the better it is, smoother it is.
(4-4.5k is kind of min required!)

The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img_2476.png
This is from the pdf manual i hv.
+2000 for every gear, then +2000 more.
>6k RPM is better.

2-3rd gear must be city riding. Too high rev will be required for low gear & speed. City cant get rev >6k on 2-3rd gear.

If I may suggest: use 5th to 6th with >7k on a long highway run to check it. Try 5-6 & 6-5 only.

Again, best not to force it.

Hope it helps

Last edited by Biker_Ajax : 8th November 2023 at 13:44.
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Old 8th November 2023, 17:16   #1211
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by Biker_Ajax View Post
Just to be sure- you have Rally ver?

If its Rally and enabled on mid, if it’s changing 2-3rd then its ON.
Higher the RPM the better it is, smoother it is.
(4-4.5k is kind of min required!)
Mine is a STD variant but I get the point. Thanks for sharing the picture and a general understanding of RPM vs gear comparison.

Let me try a few more times, before approaching the service centre.
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Old 10th November 2023, 01:37   #1212
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by virajvroom View Post
Quick suggestion. The KTM customer support system is pathetic. I don't mean service quality, I mean their ticketing system. I faced the same issue with emails. .......................... complaint number and KTM in cc. Then I get a call from the service center by EOD about the escalation.
All right, guys. Got the front Metzeler tyre replaced under warranty from the Service Centre. I can't name the Service Center; however, I had to hop from one to another to find someone who could help. Also, all my bikes have been from Bajaj and have been mostly serviced by this service center (since 2004). Maybe the loyalty helped. I came across a video that mentions this as a known issue.

The process took about two months due to a delayed response from Metzeler, Delhi. It's pretty unprofessional for a German , which I can't complain about, considering the cost of one tyre i.e., INR 14K+. As in the quoted post, this involved a bit of follow-up and escalation, but overall, everything was very courteous and respectful. The service center was kind enough to provide a used tyre in the interim, which I personally got fitted from a known tyre shop. I had to send the faulty tire to Delhi using a local road transport provider, which cost me around INR 900 (DTDC had quoted 2500 ) Then it took Metzeler a fortnight to ship the new tyre to the service center, and the service center took another day to replace it and also performed a routine service.

Cracks on the sidewall
The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img20231010172318.png

Jugad to carry the tyres to-fro p
Name:  IMG20231010172414.png
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Weighing the tyre at the transporter's premises
The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!-img20231012104714.png

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Old 10th November 2023, 01:52   #1213
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by virajvroom View Post
Cruise Control Guys!

I know we have Throttle locks. But I wonder if anyone has a good pocket to test this for the community. They managed to port the 890 ADV's cruise switch to the 390. The only caveat is it doesn't work with the rear brake as the 390 ADV's Canbus doesn't provide that reading. But that is fine, I guess as long as we have something ported from stock.
This has been with me for quite some time now. Unfortunately, the first attempt to install it failed. It seems to be a wiring issue, which I am in the process of troubleshooting.

However, I am sharing an unboxing video for those interested. I will keep posting the updates here.

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Old 10th November 2023, 19:24   #1214
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

[quote=virajvroom;5659106]All right, guys. Got the front Metzeler tyre replaced under warranty from the Service Centre. I can't name the Service Center; however, I had to hop from one to another to find someone who could help. Also, all my bikes have been from Bajaj and have been mostly serviced by this service center (since 2004). Maybe the loyalty helped. I came across a video that mentions this as a known issue.



Do you know the reason for these cracks?

Good that you have connections at Bajaj and they even assisted you with the following.
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Old 10th November 2023, 19:41   #1215
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Re: The KTM 390 Adventure Ownership Thread!

Originally Posted by shailinder View Post
Do you know the reason for these cracks?
Good that you have connections at Bajaj and they even assisted you with the following.
No idea. Based on my experience, that happens when the bike is kept in the same position for months without properly inflated tires and is simultaneously exposed to harsh weather. The bike's weight falls on the same point, because of which the cracks develop. But that doesn't apply to my case. On digging deep, I also got similar feedback from some of my Italian and Austrian acquaintances, but those guys are 'pro' level riders. So their tires are prone to wear out soon. And they really don't bother about these things as the cost is acceptable for the 890s and 1290s.

Also, to be clear, I don't have any contacts at Bajaj except for the showroom staff, who fall under a different department and have very little contact with the service guys. My love for Bajaj is that I keep finding ways to convey my feedback. Surprisingly it gets heard most of the time. But there have been instances that I haven't got proper support. My Pulsar 135 had a small oil leak which never got rectified in the past 6 years. It was a tini mini leak, so I learned to live with it. It's just last month that I had to get a major servicing done when my mechanic packed the engine with sealant and replaced the stock seals. And the problem was solved.

The important thing I have realized is to be courteous and patient and keep requesting help and searching for the right points of escalation. Which today's YouTube generation hardly does and just keeps posting aggravated videos against a brand. And a few compromises need to be made to end with a win-win resolution.

Last edited by virajvroom : 10th November 2023 at 19:57.
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