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Old 21st May 2023, 16:07   #16
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by b16h22 View Post
The torque values for pretty much all nuts and bolts are there. Might have to use a translator but I found it very helping. If you want it, please send me a DM
I do have the Indonesian version of the owners manual for the Strom, which I come to fathom thanks to religious use of the Google Translate. Most of the torque values are similar to that of the V-Strom 250 Twin. But gracias, you have a DM.

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Old 21st May 2023, 18:18   #17
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Try a performance air filter once. The bird flies
Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post
The SVC didn't inspect the airfilter during my first service, which was already overdue by 300 kms. My priority was to replace the engine oil and oil filter rather than the nitties, which were scheduled for a check the following service
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Old 21st May 2023, 21:16   #18
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post

The SVC didn't inspect the airfilter during my first service, which was already overdue by 300 kms. My priority was to replace the engine oil and oil filter rather than the nitties, which were scheduled for a check the following service. Being the OCD guy I am, the itch to check for the variables had started to fester, and hence the rather surprising find!
I would never trust the SVC guys, figured the air filter was not even cleaned once post 3 services, even worse there was a service done in Dec 2022, where the billing was done for engine oil and oil filter amongst other things, today when I performed the service myself, though the vehicle is under warranty, figured they had never changed the oil filter (as it was 2 years old) and perhaps even the oil. OEM Ecstar was very average anyway, changed to Motul 7100 and the engine is much smoother.

[i]Shame I didn't receive the owner's manual yet for my Strom. My R15's front caliper torque spec was rated at 35nm. Went ahead and dialed in the same on my torque wrench and set it to 40 nm for the Strom and it was perfect!
As per manual, it's 26 Nm.

Owner's manual is pretty detailed and DIY friendly.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-img_20230521_2106333932.jpg

Good to see another DIYer on the Suzuki 250 platform.
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Old 21st May 2023, 22:16   #19
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post

As per manual, it's 26 Nm.

Owner's manual is pretty detailed and DIY friendly.
Good to see another DIYer on the Suzuki 250 platform.
Right when RE left a sore taste in my mouth, it was always an eagled-eyed approach for me, notwithstanding the agony of a heartache. For some reasons unfathomable, I wasn't given the owner's manual, owing to the statement "Sir the books for two of our Stroms was lost in transit" They've promised to send a new one, and they've doubled it saying, it's in transit and you shall receive soon each time I request them for an update. How soon? Fingers crossed!

Meanwhile I was scouring the web for a decent English manual, though none appeared to be available for the V Strom as well as Gixxer SF250 or my Googling skills for have gone for a toss.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-manual.png

Interestingly enough, downloaded this Indonesian version from Suzuki's website just a day after the brake overhaul, and as pointed earlier, the GTranslate came in quite handy to translate and was quite helpful. Interestingly enough, the torque values for the Twin cousin is pretty much the same right from the rear axle bolt to the front brake caliper, most of the torque values are ditto, even the free play for the chain, clutch lever and what not.

I didn't get one physically, but I now have two technically.

Here's the grab from the DL250, an English version. Notice the torque values. Kindly click over it/zoom
The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-untitled-2.png

Talking about chain slackening, which I completed a few days back, it was right on at 65 nm for the rear axle and the joy of getting that thing dialed in and clicked.

Thank you DRIV3R for your kind words.

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
Try a performance air filter once. The bird flies
Seb, I was thinking along the lines of Fuel X Pro for the V-Strom, now that RD does seem to have a dedicated one for the Strom, which I am sure wasn't laid in their website the last time I checked. Perhaps, if you can throw some light on how's the difference been vis-a-vis stock and the Fuel X and where it does seem to have an edge? Primarily because the fueling for the V-Strom 250 SX for the most part, especially low-end isn't as snatchy/aburpt as the KTM counterparts. The fueling is very linear and predictable for the most part. I'd love to know how big the effect's been with Fuel X and the air filter mod that you've done, as the odo stands right now, would be helpful. I did have some after thought of modiying the AF cover by using custom made meshes for better air flow, for now ruled that thought owing to possible water ingestion.


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Old 22nd May 2023, 10:40   #20
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Fuel X gives a linear ride on any gear. Say, you run into a road hump or our ubiquitous pothole, you can tackle it without downshifting. Suggest you try the power-tronic (They were developing one, last year when I went there). This will give you a good burst of power, (something the bike lacks). You can max it comfortably. The performance air filter gives a good pick-up, but that's 6K
Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post
Seb, I was thinking along the lines of Fuel X Pro for the V-Strom, now that RD does seem to have a dedicated one for the Strom, which I am sure wasn't laid in their website the last time I checked. Perhaps, if you can throw some light on how's the difference been vis-a-vis stock and the Fuel X and where it does seem to have an edge? Primarily because the fueling for the V-Strom 250 SX for the most part, especially low-end isn't as snatchy/aburpt as the KTM counterparts. The fueling is very linear and predictable for the most part. I'd love to know how big the effect's been with Fuel X and the air filter mod that you've done, as the odo stands right now, would be helpful. I did have some after thought of modiying the AF cover by using custom made meshes for better air flow, for now ruled that thought owing to possible water ingestion
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Old 25th May 2023, 09:28   #21
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post
On the brakepads, am sure they have handed you the wrong set for the front, as the 250's front pads cost ~600 a set. The right part number is 59100-34891-000.
Hey Vijay. I just double checked this earlier this week, both online and with the service folks, and the set that you have is intended for the Gixxer 150. Please change them to the 250 specific ones whenever possible. If they still insist, please ask them to show the parts catalog to you and you should be able to verify for yourself.

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Old 25th May 2023, 10:12   #22
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post

Strom owners and Gixxer 250 owners do keep a tab on your brake pad(s). Accelerated pad wear has been documented, but mine seems to be the first V-Strom in its class to wear a brand new brake pad set to silt in less than month and 2.2k KMS of glorious ownership!

Definitely happy that I purchased a spare set. I could have squeezed 1000 kays more out from the old grazers, but that'd be an overkill for a part that designed to save you. Considering a couple of after-market brake pad options for the future, will log them if and when necessary.
One of my fried had his rear brake pads gone at 2k mark exactly, the stock pads have very bad life. It is surprising as the rear calipers are quite common ktm, enfield bigger pulsars all use them but this sort of early wear isn't reported.
The solution we found was to switch to versah ceramic pads and they have done 10k plus now on one bike.
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Old 25th May 2023, 10:14   #23
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post

Strom owners and Gixxer 250 owners do keep a tab on your brake pad(s). Accelerated pad wear has been documented, but mine seems to be the first V-Strom in its class to wear a brand new brake pad set to silt in less than month and 2.2k KMS of glorious ownership!

Definitely happy that I purchased a spare set. I could have squeezed 1000 kays more out from the old grazers, but that'd be an overkill for a part that designed to save you. Considering a couple of after-market brake pad options for the future, will log them if and when necessary.
One of my friend had his rear brake pads gone at 2k mark exactly, the stock pads have very bad life. It is surprising as the rear calipers are quite common ktm, enfield bigger pulsars all use them but this sort of early wear isn't reported.
The solution we found was to switch to versah ceramic pads and they have done 10k plus now on one bike.
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Old 25th May 2023, 10:42   #24
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by DRIV3R View Post
Hey Vijay. I just double checked this earlier this week, both online and with the service folks, and the set that you have is intended for the Gixxer 150. Please change them to the 250 specific ones whenever possible. If they still insist, please ask them to show the parts catalog to you and you should be able to verify for yourself.

DRIV3R, the pad I've used isn't just isolated to 155s. Incidentally they're interchangeable, the same, exact one that does duty on the 155, Gixxer 250 and Strom 250. But there's a catch, the one used on the 155 is an organic pad that looks mildly black with less copper fused which costs Rs. 383. The Vesrah Ceramic pad that's out there for the Suzuki, fits all three 155, G250, Strom 250.

The OE spec, specified one costs Rs. 680-ish for the Strom is significantly greyish-white in color with good amount of copper substrates along with a shim for reduced brake judder and noise reduction, which my 383 pad misses on, but they're both exactly the same dimension wise, even the pad material thickness is the same for both, they're ditto, as I've pictorially represented in my earlier post when installing vis a vis 155 and 250.

I've ridden close to 250+ kays with the 155 pad and I absolutely feel no difference in braking performance, in fact I feel I've gotten the progressive I've always missed on the Strom. I've purchased this pad as a spare, again as I already reiterated back in my posts, but I didn't knew I'd end up switching to spare so quickly.

I'd strongly recommend getting this pad as an option and use it, in case the 683/- variant isn't available. There's absolutely nothing to be worried w.r.t braking efficiency or performance, as they're 100% compatible, the only difference being different friction material, which is semi-sintered for the Strom and Organic for the 155.

Hope it helps.

Originally Posted by PreethamNag View Post
One of my friend had his rear brake pads gone at 2k mark exactly, the stock pads have very bad life. It is surprising as the rear calipers are quite common ktm, enfield bigger pulsars all use them but this sort of early wear isn't reported.
The solution we found was to switch to versah ceramic pads and they have done 10k plus now on one bike.
Surprisingly, my rear is just as good as new. The wear accelerates depending on which brake the rider prioritises. The rear costs some 580-ish OE for Strom, just for reference. But yeah, accelerated pad wear is a bummer.


Last edited by VijayAnand1 : 25th May 2023 at 10:48. Reason: Included Preethams post
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Old 8th June 2023, 21:02   #25
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Small update..

So far, it's been a smooth sail with the Strom 250. Broke the right side mirror during a trail run where I happen to hit a branch hard while turning. Those knuckle guards do an exceptional job of protecting the hand/knuckle from all the elements nature can throw at your disposal.

Now, I'll have to ride 180 kms to get a mirror set, thankfully used my KTM spare mirror for the time being.

The Strom took everything to its stride, gracefully and the beautiful weather stands testament to that.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-strom-1.jpg

Received my jacket a week back. Requested an L, received an XL, thankfully it was the only piece as the rest were all XXL and M. The fit and finish is exceptionally good, I'd compare the fit and finish to that of Astars Textile Jacket. The jacket comes with two liners, a fleece layer and a nylon rain liner.

What impressed me is this jacket has superb shoulder to elbow armor coverage. The armors sit wide, long and perfectly positioned which in turn means there isn't any gap between the elbow to fore-arm like most textile jackets I've experienced. Back protector is a simple foam insert, rest are all Level 1 armor I guess. In due time, would try to make a detailed review about the jackets and armor. But for now, they complement the bike and rider perfectly. Full 10/10 for the jacket/black bike combo.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-strom-2.jpg


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Old 14th July 2023, 21:52   #26
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Hope you're all doing well. Interestingly, came across this excellent video explaining the suspension mods for the V-Strom 250. The bike looks even looks super-capable with these mods. Great job by this chap!

Mods carried

ABS fuse, switch tapped from fuse box.
Himalayan front suspension innards
xPulse rear suspension.
260 mm GC from the already high 205 -- 55 mm more clearance as per the video, which puts it well in the Dakar category.

Here's the video.

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Old 25th September 2023, 23:44   #27
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Been a while since I'd updated the thread. Things had been slogging pretty much at a snail's pace with the Strom, albeit at an interesting and fun pace.

So, grab that plate of peanuts and cuppa and scroll along...


The plan to initiate an All-Strom ride was formulated sometime mid-September first week and a circular notifying the same was circulated to a dedicated Strom-owners WhatsApp Group.

The official flyer.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-oty-6.jpg

The above dates were confirmed after a poll conducted via the group to make sure maximum attendance was the priority and hence the dates were finalized on Sep 23 and Sep 24 after collating different venues, Mudumalai was finalized. In all, there were 25 riders excluding two back up mechanics.

Being a resident of Ooty, I was humbly asked to attend the drive from the starting point which was from Coimbatore, Arun Suzuki, which meant I had to chew the 75 kms to the starting point. A quick call to the organizers was done so that I can join the crew from Ooty as opposed to from Coimbatore as that would deter the hassle of me riding 160 kms on the same route.

Lo and behold, I was told, the goodies delivered will be handed over by the regional manager plus everyone had to be present physically to sign the Indemnity Bond and get their official tees and the ride would kick off sharp 7:30 after a photo-shoot and we're to be present at 6:30 sharp.

Weather forecast was grim and severe rain lambasting two days prior to the ride kept me in high tick. Leaving Ooty by 4:30 AM, Zeus was kind enough not to dilute the mood by further aggravating the already aggravated Ooty-Coonoor highways. Reached the showroom right around 5:48 AM in the morning.

Was greeted by the night security guard and him opening the showroom door for me to have a seat:

Me: Anna, yaarumae varalaya? (Hasn't anyone come?)
SG: Neenga dhaan sir first vareenga (You are the first to come)
Me: Oh appadiya, giggles (Oh is it)
SG: Sir, enga irundhu vareenga? (Sir, where are you coming from?)
Me: Naan Ooty la irundhu varenga ( I am coming from Ooty)
SG: Oh, appadingla, showroom open panren, ulla ukkarunga sir? (Oh is it. I will open the showroom, please sit inside sir)
Me: Thanks na (Thank you)

And so, opens..

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-1.jpg

30 mins later, the first batch arrives.

And that's me listening inquisitively seated in the front second from left. A brief 15 min session, good cup of coffee followed by quick disbursal of tees, dos and don'ts and the ride kicked off.

The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-4.jpg

Some riders had to chime in late and that eventually delayed the start time from 7:30 to 8:47-ish.

The rest of the riders were parked right opposite of this group.
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The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-6.jpg

Breakfast was arranged at Adayar Ananda Bhavan along the MTP-OTY highway. The place was chosen for its ample parking space. Following a sumptuous breakfast, one can sense all the hunger-ridden riders instantly switch to high-spirits (Good food really works wonders, I tell you) The official ride sticker and the desired number for riders was distributed outside the hotel, riders lit with good energy and everyone soon got busy peeling and adorning it to their rides. I chose the number 07. Don't ask me why!

And here's mine. The Official Mudumalai Insignia

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07 goes to the topbox
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A fellow rider's number
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Post the breakfast, the ride to Mudumalai commenced via OTY-GDLR and was uneventful. Lunch was scheduled at 2:00 PM at the resort. Frequent photoshoots and fuel breaks eventually meant we had to gatecrash later than anticipated at the resort.

Photos, videos and photos.. truckloads of them were snapped. Sharing a few..

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The Resort:

Named Wild Forest Resort, nestled midway between Kalhatti-Masinagudi highway. It's a simple, individual type cottage setup. The stay was accommodating and food was decent. Overall, the resort caters to all types of budget.

Distance: 7 Kms before Mudumalai from Kalhatti.. 8 kms from Mudumalai.

The cube that we belonged
The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-16.jpg

At night.
The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-34.jpg

The Other Side of Wilderness.

Post the gatecrash, crash-diet, quick bathe and our clocks reading 4:30. We planned to head to Mudumalai once again for the elephant feed session which happens on mornings and evenings every day at set timings. 8:30–9 AM abd 5:30–6 PM.

Having been here multiple times, but with the Strom group it was a different, hanging out with riders, late night chit-chats, sharing their experiences and riding through the night on the deserted road really spooked many riders, which they shared after reaching the resort was mirthful to nice to hear.

The Elephant Whisperers fame Bomman.

Quick Trivia: Bomman and his wife Bellie.

Hailing from Theppakadu in the Mudumalai forests of Tamil Nadu, the couple, Bomman and Bellie, belong to the forest dwelling community, the Kattunayakar Tribe. Their tribe originally lived on forest produce in the past and later became mahouts, taking care of elephants.

Bomman is an elephant mahout with the Tamil Nadu Forest Department, working at the oldest elephant camp in Asia, Theppakadu Elephant Camp. Bellie, who had initially feared wild animals after her first husband was killed by a tiger, was soon hired temporarily to take care of the two elephant calves. This is when Bomman and Bellie met and married each other.

The duo, Bomman and Bellie, are the caretakers who shower their raw and pure love for two elephant calves, Raghu and Ammu. In May 2017, the two-month-old male elephant Raghu, who was bitten by wild dogs, was rescued and brought into the Theppakadu Elephant Camp. Raghu’s mother elephant died of electrocution in Krishnagiri. In June 2019, Ammu was a five-month-old female calf orphaned in the Sathyamangalam forests in western Tamil Nadu.

From feeding the calves milk and food on time to providing for their medical needs, the couple have been tending the young calves as if they were their own kids. Even at a time when their son was admitted to a hospital with severe burn injuries and was battling for his life, the couple did not abandon the animals and took care of them. Their son succumbed to injuries later. After Raghu grew up, the elephant was given to another mahout. The couple currently lives at the Theppakadu Elephant Camp with Ammu.
Here's the gentleman in all his glory, simplicity and tete-a-tete with his babies.
There's so much to learn from people who live in the forests, their humility, their bravery, their love for the wild, their vast knowledge of the woods. I feel they just vibe at another level. God, I love these folks like this!

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The customary ensemble! Rest of the folks were out photobombing everything they bomb themselves to.

I'm the one with the Black and Red Hat
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The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review-30.jpg

24th morning, it was decided we hop a ride for jungle safari and promptly were awakened by 5 o'clock by our alarms, hopped on our rides and zoomed to Mudumalai. Booked our Mazda, and jumped on the cab with nothing but prayers to see something apart from elephant droppings, which was mostly the case, for most of the folks.

And boy were were we in for some treat..

Everyone onboard were hinging their necks like a table fan on swing mode left to right waiting to be the first to scream..SEE HERE.. Amidst the Isuzu-Mazda's wonderful diesel clatter, we enter the trail..
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And suddenly...
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And then a herd of Elephants spotted by me. Not one or two.. but four elephants and one beautiful little calf, all in one place..
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We then proceeded to see bucks locking antlers, peacocks in their glory and a baby leopard graciously cross us in two swift jumps in front of the van from R to L, which made the entire team on the right go hunky-dory, scramble to the left all in one go, much so that the entire Mazda was tiled to the left. Fun it was! We thanked the driver for helping spot the tiger and leopard. The driver was helping a fellow driver behind to help them spot, but was 200% sure all they saw were nothing but flora and fauna, as it was a matter of split second before they disappeared into the wilderness. It was an adorned trip.


Everyone were exuberated after the last itinerary for the day and headed back to our resort for the last photoshoot and gleeful good-byes. Since we had checked-in late, we were offered to check out late over the allotted time and most of us took the opportunity to hang around, do some modelling for their families and so the trip consummated on a mirthful note.

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Till Next Time..

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Personally thanked the organizers individually for a job well done and after a customary gang photo and waving good-bye, left to Ooty via Kalhatti. Funny that, as I am typing this, realized that I was the first to reach the showroom on 23rd and first to reach Ooty back again on 24th. Sure, was I never miss the MotoGP of Bharat.


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Old 26th September 2023, 08:28   #28
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by VijayAnand1 View Post
In all, there were 25 riders excluding two back up mechanics.
This must be super-mega meet of V-strom owners across India.

Superb narration of the ride event, it looks like organizers had planned very well. Ride stickers was a nice touch.
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Old 29th September 2023, 00:26   #29
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Originally Posted by sukiwa View Post
This must be super-mega meet of V-strom owners across India.

Superb narration of the ride event, it looks like organizers had planned very well. Ride stickers was a nice touch.
Thank you Suki san. It was indeed a great experience. Hopefully they entertain such rides in the future.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the wonderful DSLR pictures captured by my friend Sathish (who isn't a member) who was kind enough to allow me to share here, especially Bomman, Bellie and the Tiger and Elephant, for which he really took the effort, contorting in all directions to get that perfect shot.

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Old 30th December 2023, 17:14   #30
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Re: The Dapper Suzuki V-Strom 250 SX | A comprehensive ownership review

Congratulations VJ on this marvelous addition to your garage.
This thread of yours boosted me again to reconsider this beauty over others.
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