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Old 4th August 2015, 12:03   #931
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by ps_abhijith View Post
Not much sure if it is really tuned for fuel efficiency. From my observation, the indicator suggests 6th gear only after you reach speeds around 85-90 kmph. (though you can push the engine and engage 6th right around 65 kmph). The speeds suggested for each gear are just above the turbo kick in speeds. So I feel that the gear shift indicator has been tuned more towards keeping the engine always in the turbo zone, which may not be a fuel saving practice.
Could be that it is tuned for keeping the turbo engaged at all times but anyhow, I personally find the indicator a bit annoying.

Originally Posted by sourav9385 View Post
Congratulations mate!

Please do check out my month old i20 Asta CDRi ownership thread for all the answers you are looking for

I just got the 3M CR 70 sun film applied on the front windshield & front windows last week. Sadly, the weather in Chennai hasn't been all that sunny over the past week so I can't really comment right now. But it is getting hotter since today, so maybe in a few days I'll have an update for you
Hey Sourav, I must say it is one the most entertaining reviews I have read till now!! You have a witty sense of humor.
Your ride is looking really awesome after the vinly wrapping of the roof. I never thought I would go for the vinyl wrapping but after seeing your pictures I am really having second thoughts!! I like the glossy vinyl wraps as compared to the matt finish one's which I have seen quiet often on the Red and White i20's. Will be visiting 3M this saturday to get the CR 70 film for front windshield and will also enquire about the vinly wrapping.
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Old 4th August 2015, 14:44   #932
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post
It dint work. I tried with mine. First pressed both keys together. Then pressed unlock key alone. kik kik
Originally Posted by Nagato710 View Post
It didn't work. I would be glad if you could please ask around to hyundai guys.
I think there must definitely be a way to disable the confirmation honks through the car's Body Control Module (BCM). The workshop guys would have a full-fledged diagnostic scan tool through which they would be able to do this, but they may not be aware of it.

I'll ask some of the Hyundai Motor Plaza workshop guys if they know how to do this, when I pass by the place.

I think the i20 uses a separate, secondary horn for both the car's burglar alarm as well as the lock/unlock confirmation sound. If one wants, one could just unplug the connector that's plugged in to this secondary horn, but I do NOT recommend this, as it would defeat the purpose of having a loud burglar warning alarm.

Pictured below is the secondary burglar alarm horn, and the connector that I mentioned. It should be located in the engine bay, most probably near the front strut:

Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review-image.jpg

I repeat, unplugging the connector shown above (and taping over it) is very easy and would disable the confirmation honks while locking/unlocking, but I do not recommend this, as unplugging it would also make the burglar alarm function meaningless.

So the proper way of disabling the lock/unlock confirmation honks would only be through changing the settings on the car's BCM through an appropriate scan tool.

Last edited by RSR : 4th August 2015 at 14:52.
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Old 4th August 2015, 14:49   #933
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Wow, that was a great information. Thanks bro. Also, now comes the doubt. Can we use any other beepers instead of that horn there? I really like hyundai eon's unlock sound
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Old 4th August 2015, 15:01   #934
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post
Also, now comes the doubt. Can we use any other beepers instead of that horn there? I really like hyundai eon's unlock sound.
This should be very easy if the Eon's burglar/warning horn also uses the same connector. One could just remove the i20's warning horn, put the Eon's one in its place, and plug in the connector.

If it uses a different connector, then one might have to find an appropriate and acceptable way to connect the two. Cutting wires and taping them together is not recommended, as it may mess with the car's electronics and also void the warranty.

Last edited by RSR : 4th August 2015 at 15:06.
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Old 5th August 2015, 16:55   #935
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Hey guys, the Creta comes with trumpet horns(VW type) as OEM and I think they are from Bosch, which I could figure out from the initial ownership review threads. Any idea if we can get these fixed in our Elite i20's from the Hyundai Service center? Can you guys check with your respective HASS and I’ll do the same here.
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Old 6th August 2015, 17:56   #936
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review


Seems like Hyundai launched the much awaited Asta(o) with Touchscreen system , The price is hovering around 8.59 Lakhs Ex-showroom {Mumbai}
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Old 8th August 2015, 17:21   #937
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

And the wait is finally over!!

Paid my booking of 51k a month back, my dealer sent a mail last week that my ASTA Elite has landed and I had to pay the rest of my down payment for further procedure.

After reluctantly waiting for the AVN system over month and a half, I went to the dealership with a sad face to pay the rest of money.

To my brilliant surprise ! The dealership just received a new price sheet with ASTA (O) with AVN! Just 18 k difference and another month's wait. I was like HELL yeah !! Not in any hurry to get her now. Paid another 50 k to be in priority. Happy bunny here!

Sharing the price sheet for you guys.
Attached Thumbnails
Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review-image.jpg  

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Old 8th August 2015, 21:02   #938
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by 97octane View Post
And the wait is finally over!!

To my brilliant surprise ! The dealership just received a new price sheet with ASTA (O) with AVN! Just 18 k difference and another month's wait. I was like HELL yeah !! Not in any hurry to get her now. Paid another 50 k to be in priority. Happy bunny here!

Sharing the price sheet for you guys.
Hey congratulations on your booking, even I am looking to book the i20 Asta(O), but I am confused whom to buy from, Modi Hyundai seems to be least interested in selling the car so I visited Global Gallerie Hyundai today and they were pretty welcoming and promised the moon , but the weird thing is he asked for a booking amount of only 5k .

Anyone here with any experience with either of these dealers or can anyone recommend any dealer in Mumbai. This is our first time buying a new car and we have zero experience with any dealer. Any advise would be helpful.
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Old 8th August 2015, 21:35   #939
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by chirag08 View Post
Hey congratulations on your booking, even I am looking to book the i20 Asta(O), but I am confused whom to buy from, Modi Hyundai seems to be least interested in selling the car so I visited Global Gallerie Hyundai today and they were pretty welcoming and promised the moon , but the weird thing is he asked for a booking amount of only 5k .

Anyone here with any experience with either of these dealers or can anyone recommend any dealer in Mumbai. This is our first time buying a new car and we have zero experience with any dealer. Any advise would be helpful.
Go with Pramukh, Prabhadevi. Had brilliant experience till now. Tell them that the super excited guy in his shorts sent you. Ask for Mazhar the sales guy or Ashish the store manager
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Old 8th August 2015, 21:47   #940
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by 97octane View Post
Go with Pramukh, Prabhadevi. Had brilliant experience till now. Tell them that the super excited guy in his shorts sent you. Ask for Mazhar the sales guy or Ashish the store manager
Hey thanks a lot will visit Pramukh next week, will definitely give him your reference.
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Old 9th August 2015, 00:03   #941
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by chirag08 View Post
but the weird thing is he asked for a booking amount of only 5k .
Don't worry, 5k advance is just fine. Even I had paid 5k as the booking amount for my Elite I20.

The thing is that, even if you cancel the car they will find another buyer for it really easily, hence the measly booking amount.
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Old 9th August 2015, 01:00   #942
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by chirag08 View Post
Hey thanks a lot will visit Pramukh next week, will definitely give him your reference.
Anytime bud, have PMed you my name for ease. BTW booking amount is something that conveys your seriousness to the dealership to commit. So pay as much as you can and they'll be at your beck and call. This usually is better for cars that are in waiting list. Money or bolbacchan, that's what helps in Bombay.

My first car in this town was city (couple of years back) and the waiting was for over 3 months, I nailed it in 20 days - and paid only 10 k token and gave a lot of bolbacchan. So take a pick - I chose money this time cause I don't have time.
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Old 9th August 2015, 01:28   #943
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by 97octane View Post
Anytime bud, have PMed you my name for ease. BTW booking amount is something that conveys your seriousness to the dealership to commit. So pay as much as you can and they'll be at your beck and call. This usually is better for cars that are in waiting list. Money or bolbacchan, that's what helps in Bombay.

My first car in this town was city (couple of years back) and the waiting was for over 3 months, I nailed it in 20 days - and paid only 10 k token and gave a lot of bolbacchan. So take a pick - I chose money this time cause I don't have time.
I am only worried because I hadn't even heard of global Gallerie ,I only saw it because I passed by and decided to check it out and everyone else asked for 50k as booking amount with 3k cancellation charges.

Il make a decision after visiting Pramukh, by the way I don't think I can receive PM's yet , I am still on probation till I reach 25 posts
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Old 9th August 2015, 11:47   #944
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Just found out this post. They have listed elite i20 in the list of cars with best build quality under 15 lakhs :O
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Old 9th August 2015, 13:39   #945
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Re: Hyundai Elite i20 : Official Review

Originally Posted by vishnurajanme View Post
They have listed elite i20 in the list of cars with best build quality under 15 lakh.
It's hardly a surprise!

Other than those who're either totally ignorant, or filled with blind rabid hate for Hyundai as a brand, anyone who has experienced the Elite i20 knows how well built it is, inside and out.

The sharp fit-and-finish, the high quality precision build of sheet metal panels with good heft, the excellent paint job with no unpainted sheet metal, the high grade rubber beadings everywhere, the superb thermoplastic olefin interiors, the top notch way in which switches, knobs, buttons etc. operate and so on, they all scream the word "Q U A L I T Y" in unison.

How were Hyundai able to achieve this?

"Hard work is the secret of success!" - this is an unforgettable line from a Tanglish song in the movie Boys (directed by Shankar).

It's simply unbelievable to learn how hard working the South Koreans are! All that hard work is definitely paying off for them, and they thoroughly deserve each and every bit of success they enjoy worldwide, and more!

Long, long ago, people in the developed automobile markets used to laugh at Hyundai for the way in which their cars were built. The South Koreans tackled it in the only way they know. They got down to work, harder and harder with each passing day. Each generation of any Hyundai car turned out to be a huge improvement over the previous one, in every imaginable way.

They've advanced so much through sheer hard work and dedication, that the joke is now upon the very people who used to laugh or sneer at Hyundai earlier!

Rival manufacturers know this very well indeed! Even someone like Martin Winterkorn (CEO of Volkswagen AG) has nothing but appreciation and respect for the way in which modern Hyundais are built, inside and out. Take a look at this video of Herr Winterkorn checking out the Hyundai i30 at a motor show:

At one point in the video, there is a dialogue (in German) between Herr Winterkorn and his junior colleague, Herr Bischoff. It goes something like this:

Herr Winterkorn (W): Bischoff!

Herr Bischoff (B): Yes.

W: Take a look at this steering adjust mechanism! There is no disturbing sound (or unpleasant noise) in the way it operates.

B: Yes, indeed.

W: The guys at BMW cannot do this, we (at Volkswagen Auto Group) cannot do this. Then how are they (i.e. Hyundai) able to do this?

B: We actually did find a way to do this, but it was not implemented because of the cost associated with it.
The video and the frank conversation between Martin Winterkorn and his colleague is an indicator of where Hyundai stands in terms of build quality. While knowledgeable people and experts already knew how well built modern Hyundais are, the above video actually plugged the foul mouths of many rabid bashers of Hyundai (and Kia) around the world!

It's remarkable how much one can achieve through sheer hard work. I hope the folks at Hyundai and Kia continue to work even harder than before, and that they continue to earn the thoroughly deserved rewards for all their hard work and dedication!

Last edited by RSR : 9th August 2015 at 14:06.
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