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Old 5th June 2018, 00:53   #4186
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by caramit View Post
So friends I am at the crossroads

A longlist for 7 seater options quickly threw up a shortlist of 3 options

Hexa XTA
Innova Zx AT

I still have around 1 month to decide and then 1 month to get the car with me before the August deadline. Need your expert opinion and advise. Thanks
As stated by someone above, in the end what you should buy is basically tailored to your needs, perceptions and expectations. Going by your choices it seems your new set of wheels needs to be an autobox and a 7 seater.

Choice of automatic is great because that's where the future is and unless you are a mountain goat or an endlessly spirited driver, you won't miss a manual over an automatic with triptronics. Choices were limited 4 / 5 / 7 / 10 years ago. However, things have changed now and there are decent automatics to be had for big 7 seaters in less than 30 lacs OTR.

You have already assessed few cons for each of the vehicles. You need to simply stack the Pros against the Cons. Give weightage to each aspect - Example engine (20%), gearbox (15%), ride quality (15%), steering (10%), etc. All the items that matter to you and how much they matter to you. Make sure they all add up to 100%. Neither less than 100% nor more than 100%. Then score each of the 3 cars on those parameters between -1 to +1 :-

-1 = Bad (vs. the rest)
0 = Average (vs. the rest)
+1 = Good (vs. the rest)

So if you rate car A as +1 for engine, your score for car A with just engine as parameter will be = 1 x 20% = 20%. And if you rate car C as -1 for engine, your score for car C with just engine as parameter will be = -1 x 20% = -20%.

Same way multiply the rating with the weights for each parameter for each car and finally add scores for all parameters for each car. Your score's extreme ranges for each car, if you have done it correctly, should be -100% to +100%. Now whichever car scores the highest on the +ve side, that's what you should ideally buy. This is a pure analytical / mathematical approach.

If this approach makes you feel less human and doesn't tug the strings of your heart, then you should simply take a deep breath and buy the car of the 3 that impresses you the most, without asking too many people for their opinions.

Take multiple test drives in different weather, traffic and road conditions. Check & use while test driving as many features as you think you will be using pretty regularly and compare the ease of usage from one car to the next. You can either use the experience gained via various test drives for your scorecard scoring as explained above or for your heart driven decision. Asking a generic question what should I buy will produce biased comments - either tilted towards fanboyism of the car your audience drive or too much criticism for the option they ignored in their purchase process.

If you still have to ask questions, ask specific questions pertaining to certain drawbacks of the car (simply as an example, lack of rake adjustment of steering in Hexa - How does it affect driving ergonomics ?) and then you can get genuine answers from owners on whether they have a workaround that you can use or is that a compromise you can't deal with. Otherwise generic answers will only confuse you further. My personal suggestion will be to try the scoring method and also confirming if the top scorer amongst the 3 cars is what your heart really wants. For specific questions related to either of the 3 vehicles you can post in their respective threads. All the best for your car hunt !!
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Old 5th June 2018, 01:03   #4187
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by caramit View Post

Hexa XTA
Innova Zx AT

I still have around 1 month to decide and then 1 month to get the car with me before the August deadline. Need your expert opinion and advise. Thanks
Unless you have posted this query in the Innova and / or the XUV group seems to me you already made up your mind.

You TDed all three of them and read everything on tbhp, go with what you like.

No one can guaranty that you won't get a lemon, can happen with any of the three brands.

If you are looking for validation, there are enough positive experiences on this thread itself.

My ownership experience with Hexa has been great and relationship with TASS has been only for the scheduled services, no complaints there.

Hexa owners I'm in touch with are similarly satisfied.
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Old 5th June 2018, 10:15   #4188
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
I am posting this on behalf of my friend who took the delivery of his Hexa XM 4x2 delivery last week.

The dealer didn't acknowledge this as an issue, so he has escalated this to Tata and they have agreed to inspect his car.

Is this a known/reported issue?

Bought a Hexa XM 4x2 on 12th April and right after delivery, observed the below issues,
  • After starting the vehicle in idle condition with the gear on neutral, if you press the Clutch Pedal slightly(2-3 inches), there is a slight tapping observed on the pedal. This is there till you reach 20-25% of the total pressing length. Later it is not felt. Same happens when you start releasing the clutch as well.
  • Tapping is more prominent when on 1st and 2nd Gear/bumper to bumper traffic as the use of half clutch position is more.
  • Irrespective of which gear you are in, if you press the clutch pedal slightly the tapping is easily observed.
  • Tapping increases with the acceleration, more the acceleration the more quicker or faster it gets.
  • Same tapping is observed on the gear handle as well, but more prominent in 3 & 4th gear.
Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
Update from my friend: Tata service engineers test-drove the car and have acknowledged that there is an issue. They will discuss this with their plant engineers and will resolve it accordingly.

The term they used was "heart-beat" on the clutch pedal is abnormal.
Originally Posted by Prateek19 View Post
Did your friend get any word from TATA people?

Yesterday I took mine for inspection. The guy told me that there is a problem in clutch release bearing. It should be changed.
Sorry for the late response. Here is the update from my friend,

Finally, after multiple visits to Service Centers and a through Test Drive have concluded that the issue is Working as Designed.

With the help of Tata Customer Support Manager Nadeem Khan, visited KHT Motors for inspection of the vehicle. Senior Technicians Mahendran and Suresh Ollagaddi reviewed the issue and confirmed it is Functioning as Designed.

Design incorporated within Tata Hexa for Clutch Assembly, eliminates the bearing and other accessories between Slave Cylinder and Gear Box. Earlier, designs had the Slave Cylinder, Spring, Bearing, Clutch Plate and finally Gear Box. Pulsating/Tapping experience on the Clutch Pedal is due to spring, which flikers swiftly.

Was able to observe the issue in Clutch Pedal within more than 2 brand new Hexa XE Vehicles parked for delivery. However, had to wait for more than 20 Days to get hold of a XT Version Test Drive vehicle to confirm if it is observed within the Gear Handle/Lever as well. Tapping can be observed easily in 3rd and 4th Gear.

Thanks to Nadeem and Technicians in KHT Motors who patiently listened to me and addressed all my queries with thorough illustration.

Last edited by arun_josie : 5th June 2018 at 10:21. Reason: typo
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Old 5th June 2018, 10:52   #4189
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Originally Posted by TORQUE_AANJANEY View Post
As stated by someone above, in the end what you should buy is basically tailored to your needs, perceptions and expectations.
Thanks TORQUE_AANJANEY for your input. I do realise I have to do a more weighted comparison and see what it throws up.

Originally Posted by abhi7013 View Post
Perceptions vary. As per my experience, hyundai and Toyota after sales were pathetic compared to TATA. It could be surprising but in Bangalore, the service response from many dealers is amazing and your feedbacks are valued.
Regarding XUV feeling sedan like, trust me, if you have a laid back driving posture, then Hexa cabin and the feel of the SUV in city will make u feel you're in a true sedan. Its more planted on the highways as well.
Thanks. The dealerships in Noida aren't as competent and responsive yet. Toyota does take feedback after each service very seriously but my TD visits to Tata, Mahindra, Ford, Hyundai showrooms which also had service adjacent to them in the past few weeks did little to instil confidence.
I must however also concede how professional Tata dealership sales rep has been so far in terms of sending a rep for used car valuation, followups etc.

Moderator's Note: Do not make so many back to back posts. Use the Multiquote option () to respond to multiple people.

All the back to back posts have been merged.

Also, please quote only the portion of another post that you may need to set the context. Quoting a huge post for a 1-liner reply makes it very difficult for others to read.

Last edited by Zappo : 5th June 2018 at 11:16.
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Old 5th June 2018, 14:05   #4190
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by arun_josie View Post
Sorry for the late response. Here is the update from my friend,
Thanks a lot Arun. I also visited ASS yesterday for my 2nd service. I was told the same as told to your friend. I also checked in a new vehicle standing in the showroom and there was a pulsating effect. But, when the clutch was smoother than mine. I told them that now after checking the other vehicle, I am finding my clutch hard. As all other things related to my clutch are okay, I am not in a mood to disturb the factory fitment.
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Old 5th June 2018, 17:56   #4191
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Kishen.padiyar View Post
Are you sure it is 17 per ARAI?
No sir, I am not sure in fact, esp. after you pointed it out. It was mentioned 17+ on zigwheels and cardekho but after doing some more research some sites do show 14 also. So, not entirely sure. Maybe 14 is a combined city and highway mileage figure.
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Old 6th June 2018, 12:21   #4192
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by caramit View Post

Cons: I just hope it does not become a roadblock for me!!
Looks like you have the answer in your own post
Do post a review once you have booked the hexa Just kidding.

Do give a thought before shelling out such a huge amount for a car, no harm in taking more time to be clear.

If possible visit their garage and ask how things are from owners who have come for service. This could give a better picture than anything else.
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Old 6th June 2018, 14:15   #4193
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by caramit View Post
Cons: Stories of how Tata service may be a hit or a miss. I just hope it does not become a roadblock for me!!
If I were you, I would look for objective evidence on the 'hit or miss' reputation of Tata after-sales. One of the ways this can be done is by looking for recent results of a survey by JD Power or equivalent to check for the trends in customer satisfaction but then it can largely vary from place to place or between dealerships. So the next thing left for me is to visit the nearby service facility and have your doubts cleared to a good extent. Like someone else pointed out, see if you can talk to anyone who owns a post 2012 Tata car and get some inputs on how the experience has been so far.

On a lighter note, there are two perceptions that will never change in our minds irrespective of the actual scenario.
  • Fords are expensive to maintain.
  • Tata after-sales is a hit or a miss.
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Old 7th June 2018, 19:17   #4194
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Question for people who have munched quite a few miles on their Hexa Automatic for my new XTA with 750 kms on the ODO -

1.) Though I try to keep the engine as less revving as possible it at times crosses the 3k mark when I have to at times get a brisk push in traffic to close the gap. Is this not good for my engine ? Since this is an AT the control on rpms is far lesser vs a manual. Till how far the rpms are okay till the first service is done ?

2.) In line with the question above, can I use the sports mode at times for some spirited driving or it simply needs to be avoided till 1st service since gearshifts happen at much higher rpm in sports mode ?

3.) Does the vehicle speed still matter during run-in period as today with 6 gears we can amble around in 100 - 120 kmph in 2,000 to 2,500 rpm ? I have deliberately tried not to cross 95kmph and I have rarely hit that mark consciously trying to stay within the 80kmph mark.

Advises appreciated.
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Old 7th June 2018, 20:28   #4195
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From what I remember reading in this forum, rpms upto 3k are no issue during the running in period. In fact, you should try to avoid driving constantly at same rpms, and try to drive at varying rpms. However, red lining the engine should be avoided.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
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Old 7th June 2018, 20:44   #4196
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Originally Posted by nvldvr View Post
From what I remember reading in this forum, rpms upto 3k are no issue during the running in period. In fact, you should try to avoid driving constantly at same rpms, and try to drive at varying rpms. However, red lining the engine should be avoided.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Hi, if you see the manual it clearly states various max speeds, in each gear, that need to be maintained for both 4x2 and 4x4 variants. Also, it states that rpm should not go beyond 2/3 way of the way to the red area of the tachometer.

Note from Support: Post fixed.

Last edited by aah78 : 7th June 2018 at 20:52.
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Old 8th June 2018, 00:49   #4197
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by Gary_Aviator View Post
Hi, if you see the manual it clearly states various max speeds, in each gear, that need to be maintained for both 4x2 and 4x4 variants. Also, it states that rpm should not go beyond 2/3 way of the way to the red area of the tachometer.

Note from Support: Post fixed.
The owners manual says so and the in gear speeds only for the manual variant. That's why I asked the question. There is nothing as such for the auto gearbox. Is anyone able to share their experience and driving habit during run in period?
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Old 8th June 2018, 00:51   #4198
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Ya just ensure that you don't go beyond 110 kmph in sixth grade and don't push that pedal too harshly. Accelerate slow so that rpm remains within limits. Don't use sports mode. That's it.
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Old 8th June 2018, 02:57   #4199
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Originally Posted by TORQUE_AANJANEY View Post
The owners manual says so and the in gear speeds only for the manual variant. That's why I asked the question. There is nothing as such for the auto gearbox. Is anyone able to share their experience and driving habit during run in period?
I did not exceed 2000 rpm most of the time for my first 1800 kms, on the rare occasions I exceeded 2000 rpms was only after the vehicle was running for more than 1 hr or so (on longish road trips for overtaking)

City driving, I tried to keep the rpms varying and for long trips did not use cruise control till 2000 kms were on the odo.

I believe the rpm speed chart for the manual and automatic is nearly same for the purpose of running in the engine.
Try not to exceed the 2000- 2100 rpm and IIRC 120 kmph is around 2100 rpm at top gear for the automatic.

I got the engine oil, oil filter changed at the second service, probably an overkill.
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Old 8th June 2018, 12:21   #4200
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Re: Tata Hexa : Official Review

Big discount for Hexa (and other TM cars) aspirants:

However, what could be the reason behind this (other than what is communicated)?

1. Rapidly falling Hexa sale numbers?
2. Sales of other vehicles much below the expectation?
3. Preparation to clear stocks to announce something big for coming festive season?
4. To improve the credit rating as they want to invest big?

Whatever, great offer for those who were just planning to go for such a capable and now proven vehicle.
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