Originally Posted by Dhananjay_Desai I don’t know if Hyundai gives any additional damping for the variants with Bose speakers. I doubt it. And no, I don’t think it’s worth the risk for a new car at least. |
Originally Posted by IamNikhil Wish they did give such special treatment for the top variant, but alas, it's Hyundai we're talking about! Also, I personally thought that the sound setup does not do enough justice to the legendary Bose brand, it's quite underwhelming honestly...and just a marketing gimmick. Also, would advise not to tinker with the doors for aftermarket damping, especially if it's a new car. |
Ideally, the Bose system should have got better damping by Hyundai. If you hear back to back music on Creta SX (without Bose system) and SXO (with Bose system) the difference is very clear. SXO sounds better hands-down but if you compare the noise isolation, at least I could not feel any difference.
Does any car manufacturer give better damping for higher variants of their cars? Does any car come with factory fitted damping on the door and boot in up to 40 lac segment?
Originally Posted by amolout Scary and discouraging at the same time....  Hope August brings some good news on this front... |
Yes, all hopes are now sticking to 1st week of Aug 2021. I have been told that allocation of cars happened between 2nd to 7th every month. I am not sure how much play does your booking date priority is given vs. the dealer margin priority is taken into account while allocation happens.
Why can’t automobile companies in India give a tracking mechanism for the orders placed?
Why can’t the automobile companies offer a very transparent tracking mechanism post-booking of the car? I know that once the car is allocated from the factory, one can track/get updates that when the car has reached after shipping from the factory but I suspect that the car allocation from the factory happens only once the dealer places the order/release the amount for the car to the manufacturer which means that your car allocation is finally in the hand of the dealer.
How difficult it would be for the car manufacture to launch a portal where after booking, the customer can track when he can expect his car to go into manufacturing, are there any delays etc? Hyundai does give you a centralized booking id for each of its bookings so why can’t I track my car using this id? Why do I need to chase the dealer for the status? This will save tons of hours for both the customer and the dealer where customers keep on chasing dealers to know the status. Today you can even track orders of Rs. 20 for two samosas at Zomato) but surprisingly you can track an Rs. 2 million car!!!
I remember back in 2005 (that is 16 years ago), one can customize and order Dell systems through their website/helpline. One could have added additional RAM, or graphic card to the laptop and see the price difference of individual items and then place the order. Post this you can track when your laptop goes into production, if there is a delay due to part availability that was also notified and once the laptop is shipped (it used to ship from Malaysia factory to India) you can track the shipment. It worked beautifully and transparently. Why can’t this be done by the car manufacturer?
The reason I doubt that dealers have a play in getting the order quickly or delayed is that as I have seen the kind of margins dealers are making in things like accessories and insurance. If you check the forums of Creta on Facebook and you will find people uploading their quotations and the difference is huge among them. I have seen Insurance quote of Creta E (base variant) is higher than Creta SXO (if I compared it to what I got as a quotation). The same is with accessories where dealers are asking to buy accessories of a certain amount (can be as high as Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 lac) to ensure a quick delivery.
I am sure if TeamBHP members start discussing the ex-showroom price and insurance prices for Creta 2020, we all will see the way dealers are fleecing money from us.
What chances does a customer have who have negotiated hard during the booking, or have asked to match the insurance quote from outside or have not taken any accessories from the dealer vs. a customer who has gone for by the quote given by the dealer based on trust or just because they need the car quickly? Is this not a is daylight robbery/cheating? For the dealer, a customer who is buying more accessories or insurance at a higher rate would always be a preference (it makes business sense to them). And by not introducing any mechanism to track your order, car manufactures are prompting this behaviour of dealers.