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Old 4th July 2024, 16:46   #2236
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by TurboTorque View Post
Thanks for confirming. So, now the question is that, is it really a premium sedan compare to Honda City and Hyundai Verna? Because they classified Honda City and Hyundai Verna as a regular sedan. Did you ask them the reason to classifying Slavia as a premium sedan?
No I dint not. Really cannot head into how a business is run as these decisions arent taken at a reception level. They are considering it same as Octavia/Civic class for reasons not known to me, would be good though if they consider it normal sedans. Next time I will talk to them.
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Old 6th July 2024, 23:52   #2237
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Drove the Skoda Slavia today, 1.0 manual.

1. It didnt feel special at all. Unless the engine is revved hard, nothing much. NA 1.5 of my City or K15C is much better in the 2nd gear speedbreaker test.

2. Engine shines after 3000-4000 rpm., but not daily and in each and every instance one is excited to spin engine hard and drive hard.

3. Ride is good, but suspension felt soft. Yet to try out the car at regular highway speeds.

4 Excellent brakes, nice AC. For highway driving, this car could be a good choice, but not if one has to traverse miles of urban congestion day in day out.

5. Seats are comfortable, but clutch is on higher side with the biting point being in the last stages of travel.

6. Very small observation. Had to use wipe and wash function. My city's wiper have faster swipe than Slavia. Slavia's wipers felt like those on Brezza and Grand Vitara I drove a week ago : as if the motor is not receiving full current.

7. The trim on A-pillar and near the cabin light between sun visors definitely show how and where cost cutting has been done. This product is definitely not the VW of the past. My cousin has VW Polo GT TSI 1.2. That car feels two steps ahead in terms of overall fit and finish.

8. Again, never thought I would ever chip in this but : Grand Vitara's hood felt heavier than Slavia. I know, its not a scientific method to check safety or crash rating, but still this is Skoda/VW.

9. Dealer experience was so-so. Nothing to write home about, they need to improve. I have driven Brezza, Grand Vitara, inquired at Hyundai, drove MG Comet and now Slavia. Best dealer experience was MG followed by Maruti and then Nexa. Hyundai was the worst, Skoda managed to outclass Hyundai. Hyundai guy didnt seem to be interested in either selling the car or even offering a test drive vehicle. Couple this factor of sub par dealer experience with the fact VW group is hunting for a partner for India operations and confidence in the brand takes a royal beating.

10. The spare wheel isnt a space saver but the 4 tyres on the car were Ceat ( IIRC Securadrive) and spare was a full size MRF. Why so ? Also, in case of a full size spare, I would prefer to have same tyre as rest of the car.

Overall, nothing to motivate for a change from my City to Slavia. This is where, despite all the brickbats given to Honda, the depth of their engineering shines. The overall drive of my City is more or less at par with Slavia. NVH and brakes (rear drum brakes) are the only reminders of City's age. Slavia 1.0 engine makes nice sound when revved, but again, not everyday one wants to hear the engine note.

Last edited by aaggoswami : 7th July 2024 at 00:02.
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Old 8th July 2024, 15:48   #2238
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Hi All,

I own a Slavia 1.0 Style AT. The car has clocked 12K KMs so far and is scheduled to undergo its first service earlier next month.

Recently I have noticed that the engine is straining extra hard to pull the car through even on empty roads. This is true irrespective of AC is turned on or off. The gear shifts themselves also feel more noticeable.

Wanted to check if anyone else saw a noticeable drop in performance closer to the first service.


Last edited by Oenemaus666 : 8th July 2024 at 15:50.
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Old 9th July 2024, 20:50   #2239
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by Stellantis View Post
I set my ACC to 19 degrees & it is a chiller, irrespective of whether the vehicle is moving or stationery.
Hope this helps.
I haven't taken the car out in last one month, I did share your post with my father who used the car for a week when temperatures were around 40+ degrees celsius. My father said it made a huge difference, not small but huge!

I am yet to try it out but the only thing we changed is using ACC - I have always been using manual mode set to LO. Never tried ACC in peak summers.
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Old 10th July 2024, 10:49   #2240
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by sinharishi View Post
I haven't taken the car out in last one month, I did share your post with my father who used the car for a week when temperatures were around 40+ degrees celsius. My father said it made a huge difference, not small but huge!

I am yet to try it out but the only thing we changed is using ACC - I have always been using manual mode set to LO. Never tried ACC in peak summers.

Just out of curiosity, during the same time in June, when temperatures were constantly hitting 45+ degrees, I also went into VCDS & changed the HVAC settings from "moderate tuning" to "cold tuning, more air".

It made a huge impact on the effectiveness of the AC. After the iteration, I never had to take it below 23/24 degrees on Automatic climate control, even when it was peak noon outside. But I took a really bad hit on the mileage of the vehicle [went from 11-12 in city to 7-8], maybe because it's a 1.0, three cylinder engine.

I'm given to understand that in the 1.5 with this setting changed, the mileage doesn't suffer this much, due to the bigger engine.

Finally I rolled back the settings to OEM default, as it was giving me the same effect via ACC set to 19, without the drop in mileage.

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Old 10th July 2024, 14:17   #2241
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

You have added a sensible review. The Service centres indeed need a lot of improvement to compete with current players. They have worst of technical expertise, I had a very bad experience with Palace Skoda Mysore where for every small issue they deny to even take a step forward and help the customer to fix it.
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Old 14th July 2024, 09:53   #2242
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Hello All
After a long wait and the ever mundane daily traffic drives in the slavia 1.5 DSG, I had an opportunity to put some good rubber on the road
Drove from Bangalore to Udupi, Udupi to Jog Fall and then Udupi to Bangalore in matter of 4 days
The amazing coastal roads along with the constant rains made the drive such a beauty.
And what do I say about THE SLAVIA......
She is not made for the Urban Noise, She is Made to Make The Noise.
Just Loved Every Bit of The Drive
Special Mention about the trip to Jog Falls and Back. The amazing curvy well tarred roads with lush green forests on both side made the Slavia show her true colour's. My Mom sitting behind seeing me drive apparently got reminded of F1 drivers( Me Blushing).
None of the occupants were motion sick, none were complaining of back pain.. If At All everyone Compained that the trip was over way too soon..
Happy Motoring
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Old 17th July 2024, 14:52   #2243
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Hi fellow enthusiasts. Yesterday our Slavia met with an accident, causing the whole left ORVM to damaged. The part is not available at any auto stores, and Boodmo is quoting 3,000 for the part, with an estimated time of arrival of 15 days.

I also had a word with the SVC, they are quoting around 10,300 for the part (including labour). However they don't have the part available, and is quoting around 7 days wait for the part. Now, the left ORVM is a crucial part, as it also houses the left indicator.

My question is the price quoted by the SVC centre justifiable? Has anyone changed any of the ORVM before? If so, what was the price quoted? And why doesn't the service centre have the part available? I mean it's not a rare part, like a sunroof which does not get damaged easily. It's a very important part, which may get damaged in collision. This is my first experience with an European car, so I am pretty puzzled. I mean, the ORVM of our Santro is easily available, despite being a 16 year old car, whose production stopped ages ago. So what's the problem in this case?

After this incident, the right ORVM, is also acting funny. Though I have disabled the folding in of the mirrors while locking, the ORVM won't stay open if I keep the adjustment switch in the middle or 0 position. It will only stay open if it's in 'R' position. Can anyone please help me in this matter? And there's only one dealer in West Bengal, which is Global Skoda. So people please give some advice.

Thanking you in advance .

Last edited by Axe77 : 18th July 2024 at 03:37. Reason: Spacing fix.
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Old 17th July 2024, 15:36   #2244
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by Mitadru View Post
I also had a word with the SVC, they are quoting around 10,300 for the part (including labour ) . However they don't have the part available , and is quoting around 7 days wait for the part. Now, the left ORVM is a crucial part,as it also houses the left indicator.
My question is the price quoted by the SVC centre justifiable ? Has anyone changed any of the ORVM before? If so, what was the price quoted ? And why doesn't the service centre have the part available ? I mean it's not a rare part, like a sunroof which does not get damaged easily. It's a very important part, which may get damaged in collision..
Depends on the dealer. Two months ago I had the right ORVM knocked off due to a cab passenger opening the rear door of an Etios cab and it ended up twisting its door and breaking my mirror. The cost of the mirror without painting the cap was 6600 without the cover and glass. Both are sold separately and I didnt need either. But with that as well the cost should be around 7500. I went to the nearest ASC in Bangalore right after the incident and walked out with a new ORVM in two hours, thanks to their excess paper work.
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Old 18th July 2024, 02:18   #2245
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Did a short weekend trip to Amritsar clocking about 1100 KMs. I got WA WB done, haven’t gotten a chance to take my car to SC after the nasty pothole hit. However, I still feel something is wrong, the speed masking is terrible, 80 kmph feels like you are doing 100!

A new Skoda SC has opened up near my house, literally a stone throw away. Going to get the car checked this weekend. Question to experts - what should I be getting checked apart from the suspension?

The tyres have also become noisy even though a lot of tread is remaining. The odo is at 33,000 KMs. Thanks to the Jimny, the Slavia gave a respectable 17.1 KMPL

Skoda Slavia Review-img_0983.jpeg
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Old 18th July 2024, 10:07   #2246
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Depends on the dealer. Two months ago I had the right ORVM knocked off due to a cab passenger opening the rear door of an Etios cab and it ended up twisting its door and breaking my mirror. The cost of the mirror without painting the cap was 6600 without the cover and glass. Both are sold separately and I didnt need either. But with that as well the cost should be around 7500. I went to the nearest ASC in Bangalore right after the incident and walked out with a new ORVM in two hours, thanks to their excess paper work.
Thanks for the reply. So shall I mention this price to them ? Or is it okay to go with the price they offered? We are going to claim insurance anyway . Coming from a Hyundai, these long waiting times for something as basic as a mirror assembly baffles me. Especially since you said that in your car the ORVM was replaced within 2 hours . Please suggest the step forward.

Thanking you in advance.
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Old 18th July 2024, 10:24   #2247
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by Mitadru View Post
Thanks for the reply. So shall I mention this price to them ? Or is it okay to go with the price they offered? We are going to claim insurance anyway . Coming from a Hyundai, these long waiting times for something as basic as a mirror assembly baffles me. Especially since you said that in your car the ORVM was replaced within 2 hours . Please suggest the step forward.

Thanking you in advance.
The issue is with who has ready stock of this part. You can call the dealerships and ask them if they have it in stock. Second thing is insurance takes its own time to process and close the claim. I called up the dealer, verified that the item is in stock and then got it replaced paying by myself. Hence there was no other delay and I got it done in two hours. Similarly when the rear windshield was broken, the glass was not in stock and had to come from a nearby warehouse. I only dropped in the vehicle after the glass arrived and since I paid again by myself I got the car back in two days which included one day of periodic service.

Coming back to the mirror, the dealer will charge the listed price for the mirror and it won't change from one dealer to another.

Mirror body - 6446
Mirror glass - 807
Mirror cap without paint - 526

I only needed the mirror body and then there was some 600 rupee labour charge IIRC.
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Old 18th July 2024, 10:30   #2248
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The issue is with who has ready stock of this part. You can call the dealerships and ask them if they have it in stock. Second thing is insurance takes its own time to process and close the claim. I called up the dealer, verified that the item is in stock and then got it replaced paying by myself. Hence there was no other delay and I got it done in two hours. Similarly when the rear windshield was broken, the glass was not in stock and had to come from a nearby warehouse. I only dropped in the vehicle after the glass arrived and since I paid again by myself I got the car back in two days which included one day of periodic service.

Coming back to the mirror, the dealer will charge the listed price for the mirror and it won't change from one dealer to another.

Mirror body - 6446
Mirror glass - 807
Mirror cap without paint - 526

I only needed the mirror body and then there was some 600 rupee labour charge IIRC.
The problem is that there is only on dealership in whole West Bengal ,which is Global Skoda. And the breakup you mentioned for ORVM replacement, put's it in the the ballpark of 8000 rupees, which is a lot less than the 10,300 rupees quotation they're giving . So shall I bring it up with the dealer ?

Last edited by Mitadru : 18th July 2024 at 10:32. Reason: Minor spelling mistakes
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Old 18th July 2024, 19:06   #2249
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by Mitadru View Post
The problem is that there is only on dealership in whole West Bengal ,which is Global Skoda. And the breakup you mentioned for ORVM replacement, put's it in the the ballpark of 8000 rupees, which is a lot less than the 10,300 rupees quotation they're giving . So shall I bring it up with the dealer ?
The dealership also has to make money. They will certainly not fit parts at cost/break even. They might make some goodwill exceptions, but the moment insurance is involved they will push the envelope to maximise profits.

The remaining bit in your case probably includes labour for refitting the mirror and repainting the cap tweaked to the maximum limit that the insurance company will cough up.

Don't over think it. Claim insurance. That is what the enormous premium you pay is for.

What you should worry about instead is ensuring that they do a good job. Haggling on price will mean that they might compromise on quality. Before anyone says that that should not be the case and indulges in ethics whataboutery, well, this is India and dealers suck.

I had to get my car's bumper replaced recently (biker riding wrong way hits my stationary car, story for another day). Claimed insurance, claim processed in 1 day, got my car back in 4 days. All's well that ends well. FYI painting the bumper was the most expensive line item, not the bumper itself. This is where most dealerships make money (in fact they cannot exist without it).

Last edited by ashivas89 : 18th July 2024 at 19:24.
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Old 18th July 2024, 19:19   #2250
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Re: Skoda Slavia Review

Originally Posted by Mitadru View Post
The problem is that there is only on dealership in whole West Bengal ,which is Global Skoda. And the breakup you mentioned for ORVM replacement, put's it in the the ballpark of 8000 rupees, which is a lot less than the 10,300 rupees quotation they're giving . So shall I bring it up with the dealer ?
Why don’t you ask them for a printed estimate? They can’t overcharge whether they are the sole dealers or not. Most probably they are charging 1k or odd for painting the mirror cap.
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