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Old 27th May 2015, 13:30   #661
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Advice on which used car is better for the long term ? - 2010 Skoda Fabia TDI or 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6

I will be moving abroad soon.

I drive a Dec 2010 Skoda Fabia 1.2 TDI diesel which has done 67,000 Kms and is going strong.

My father drives a Nov 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Petrol which has done 35,000 Kms.

We are planning to sell one of the vehicles but are not sure which one.

- The Fabia feels solid and built to last and has the advantage of lower running costs being a diesel. However we are afraid of Skoda's reputation as being expensive to maintain in the long run. Also the car is out of production now and I am concerned about the availability of its spares.

- The Fiesta is a full sedan, is fun to drive and relatively easier to maintain. However the powerful engine means its not very fuel efficient and it does not feel as solidly build as the Fabia.

Considering that my fathers daily commute is less than 15 - 20 Kms within the city which car would you recommend we keep and which one should we sell? Boot space or prestige value is of no consideration

Look forward to your recommendations and your reasons for the same.
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Old 27th May 2015, 14:06   #662
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by kunaalsaigal View Post
Advice on which used car is better for the long term ? - 2010 Skoda Fabia TDI or 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6

I will be moving abroad soon.

I drive a Dec 2010 Skoda Fabia 1.2 TDI diesel which has done 67,000 Kms and is going strong.

My father drives a Nov 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Petrol which has done 35,000 Kms.

We are planning to sell one of the vehicles but are not sure which one.

Considering that my fathers daily commute is less than 15 - 20 Kms within the city which car would you recommend we keep and which one should we sell? Boot space or prestige value is of no consideration

Look forward to your recommendations and your reasons for the same.
Let me suggest - keeping the Ford for following reasons:
1. Daily running 15-20kms -
(assuming 10 kms to & fro) ~ that just brings the diesel engine's temperatures to optimum levels.
that's an 'okay' distance running for a petrol engine.

2. Reliability -
Assuming Fiesta doesn't have a list of niggles / problems already, it should be easy to maintain going ahead - for your father.
It's just run like 35K kms you say, hence it's major expenses are still at least 2-3 years away (my guesstimate)

Fabia, though solid right now, can drop a bomb any day (by thumb rule, It's almost halfway a regular engine's life) !
moreover, would your father have the energy & time to be super-vigilant whilst servicing it or such?

To further ensure everything is smooth, if you get Fiesta serviced / checked up before you leave, you can be much more confident, that it will serve him well.

3. He is already used to the Fiesta.
That's a big plus too, he knows what to look for & typical behaviour of the car. In a way - adds the "reliability" factor.

4. Running costs should be balanced out - by low maintenance + slightly higher fuel costs of the Fiesta.
(~The way you have described it, & looking at running of Fiesta, I guess - it is going to be around 500kms a month.)

5. Last & I guess, the least important point - if that's going to be the only car left in family, it is definitely good-to-have a boot on that -- (even though you say, that's not a deciding factor).

It could come handy - while you are back on holiday / when your folks want to go on out-station trips, etc. / heavy shopping trips / other whatever-once-in-blue-moon requirements.



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Old 27th May 2015, 15:16   #663
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by kunaalsaigal View Post
Advice on which used car is better for the long term ? - 2010 Skoda Fabia TDI or 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6

I will be moving abroad soon.

I drive a Dec 2010 Skoda Fabia 1.2 TDI diesel which has done 67,000 Kms and is going strong.

My father drives a Nov 2009 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Petrol which has done 35,000 Kms.

We are planning to sell one of the vehicles but are not sure which one.

- The Fabia feels solid and built to last and has the advantage of lower running costs being a diesel. However we are afraid of Skoda's reputation as being expensive to maintain in the long run. Also the car is out of production now and I am concerned about the availability of its spares.

- The Fiesta is a full sedan, is fun to drive and relatively easier to maintain. However the powerful engine means its not very fuel efficient and it does not feel as solidly build as the Fabia.

Considering that my fathers daily commute is less than 15 - 20 Kms within the city which car would you recommend we keep and which one should we sell? Boot space or prestige value is of no consideration

Look forward to your recommendations and your reasons for the same.
I'd keep the Fiesta.

It's only 35k kms v/s 67k kms on the Fabia
It's a sedan v/s a hatch
It's so much more fun to drive even though the Fabia feels more solid
Maintenance costs on the Ford are lower than the Skoda
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Old 27th May 2015, 22:14   #664
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Hi Guys,

Want some advice.

My 3 year old Figo D Titanium has done almost 70K. (No loan)

The vehicle is mechanically sound other than the odd squeak and rattle.

Maintenance bills so far have par for the course (5-6K every 10K).

I want to sell it off and buy a Ecosport Titanium D.

This would involve a financial outlay of at-least 5 lakhs (assuming I can cough up 6 L with the sale of the old car plus some additional savings).

Now the benefits:
1. New car feel.
2. Better ground clearance.
3. Better ride quality.
4. Easier for parents to get in.
5. Higher boot space.
6. Higher fuel efficiency.
7. Anything else?

The trade-offs:
1. Money money honey honey!
2. Anything else?

I know that the 5L invested would return some good numbers in a couple of years, but the heart still wants what it wants.

So, does it make sense (a bit at-least) or am I just being greedy?

Comments appreciated.
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Old 28th May 2015, 14:38   #665
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by batterylow View Post
So, does it make sense (a bit at-least) or am I just being greedy?
3 years is too early. A car depreciates the quickest in its early years. Translated, going forward, you will lose less per year of using your car. My suggestion would be to hold onto your Figo till at least 100,000 kms (if not a little more). Spice up your Figo a little bit (tuning box, ICE etc.) to keep the heart happy.

If you absolutely want to upgrade right now, buy a used EcoSport diesel. What you're losing on the Figo, you'll save on the EcoSport - related thread. Buy one of the earlier Titanium models and you'll get more features too .

Better ride quality.
Would disagree here. The EcoSport's firm suspension isn't plush. Not sure how much better you'll find it to be than the Figo's.

Higher fuel efficiency.
Disagreed again. The EcoSport is heavier and has a bigger engine.
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Old 28th May 2015, 14:42   #666
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
3 years is too early.
So, the verdict is greedy!

I was only apprehensive of the maintenance cost post 70K.

I think I will look for a remap then!

Worst case scenario will look out for a 2013 type used Ecosport.


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Old 28th May 2015, 14:48   #667
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

I posted an 8 year/78,000+ km review of my Mar 2007 Corolla AT.
At 78,000 km, the maintenance is not anything out of the ordinary. FE is lesser now at 8.5-9.5 in summers but since I drive a max of 500 km per month, the cost is not an issue.
I see no point at all (beyond boredom and the minimal excitement of buying a new car) in selling off the car. There is no loan on the car and considering how well it has held up, I see no issues in retaining it for another 5-7 years as a first or a second car.

By comparison, my old Corsa (2003-11) started falling apart beyond the warranty period and was sparsely used in the last 2-3 years of ownership. Sold it for 50,000.
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Old 28th May 2015, 15:02   #668
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by vasudeva View Post
I posted an 8 year/78,000+ km review of my Mar 2007 Corolla AT.....At 78,000 km, the 000.
My running is quite substantial and at my present rate of running I think I will be reaching one lakh kilometers in maybe a year or so! (About 4 years in total)

So I think I will hold on to it till it reaches 6 figures and then take a call.
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Old 28th May 2015, 19:12   #669
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by batterylow View Post
I was only apprehensive of the maintenance cost post 70K.
As a car ages, parts that have reached end of life (suspension, timing belt, brake discs, clutch etc.) will inevitably require replacement.

That said, I can assure you that retaining + repairing your existing car is several times cheaper than buying a new car.

Out of fear of repair, if you exchange your old car for a new one, it's like spending 100 bucks to save 20.
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Old 28th May 2015, 19:30   #670
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
As a car ages, parts that have reached end of life (suspension, timing belt, brake discs, clutch etc.) will inevitably require replacement.

That said, I can assure you that retaining + repairing your existing car is several times cheaper than buying a new car.

Out of fear of repair, if you exchange your old car for a new one, it's like spending 100 bucks to save 20.
I agree with GTO, 101%. I kept my earlier car for 10.5 years (151K kms). All the parts mentioned in brackets above were replaced post one lakh km. Though I could have used the car for few more years, I needed a bigger car for the family of 6. I like to tour to different places along with my family (and even extended family at times). So what was a better bet than an Innova, but a new one was causing a bit hole in the pocket, so started the hunt for a pre-worshipped one. After 10 long months I got hold of a 6 year old Innova (top end), barely crossed half century on the odo. Within 30 mins after seeing the car, I sealed the deal. Owner was quoting 8 lacs and finally settled for 7.4. Since I already had budgeted 8 lacs, I spent the balance 60K in sprucing up the car, new tyres, new seat covers, new 2 din audio, floor lamination, denting painting etc. So now here is almost a new Innova with me at half the market price, I could have never imagined that in wildest of my dreams.

I very big "thanks" to TBHP.

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Old 28th May 2015, 20:14   #671
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Would disagree here. The EcoSport's firm suspension isn't plush. Not sure how much better you'll find it to be than the Figo's.
The Figo's suspension is more plush for sure. The Ecosport is firm and crashes over potholes horribly.

Disagreed again. The EcoSport is heavier and has a bigger engine.
This is actually not true. I don't know how but the Ecosport is giving me better FE than the Figo. I was getting between 13-15kmpl in the Figo but Ecosport gives me 14-16kmpl easily. Gearing is taller and results in better FE I guess.

Originally Posted by batterylow View Post
So, the verdict is greedy!

I was only apprehensive of the maintenance cost post 70K.

I think I will look for a remap then!

Worst case scenario will look out for a 2013 type used Ecosport.

I changed from a 3 year Figo D Titanium done 38K kms to the Ecosport Titanium. Yes it was not needed but I was just too smitten by the Ecosport and wanted the upgrade.

I realised if I had to upgrade it had to be then at 3 years timeline. The old car resale would drop further and the new car price would go up even further.

Finally I sold my figo for 4.5 lakhs, exactly 2 lakhs below what I paid when new. Ecosport was picked up for 11.5 which meant I needed to put down 7 from pocket.

If I had waited till 2015 to upgrade when Figo was 5 years old, the Figo would have got me 3 and the Ecosport is now 13L on road, which meant 10 lakhs outflow.

Ofcourse, I looked at it that way as I had the desire to upgrade and the funds weren't an issue.

Ideal would be to keep the car as long as possible if you can get over that itch.
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Old 28th May 2015, 20:59   #672
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
As a cve 20.
Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
The Figo's suspensioch.
I am precisely thinking of the same, I don't know what will the car fetch two years down the line and what if the price of the Ecosport has gone up by then!

This is like the 2 years work experience IT grad who is looking for an MBA, now would be the best period to do an MBA. Its now or never.

But as suggested by GTO I did look up used cars and the prices for Ecosports' are not exactly what one would call a bargain, the cars on sale at-least in my part of India are being sold at a price not much below what I would pay for a new one.

The other issue is since the difference in interest rate for a used car vis-a-vis a new car loan is substantial, the savings I incur seems marginal for a used car.

But of course, getting over the itch is the difficult part.


A remap seems to be the best choice at the moment, or maybe I can pick up a tuning box from here and take it with me back to India.

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Old 28th May 2015, 21:06   #673
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Originally Posted by sbala View Post
Thanks !!! Yeah, I have decided to live with my current car till August 2014 for now . Its still a good car. So, no regrets in keeping it for one more year.

August 2013 - I had asked for advice on whether I should see my 7 years old Ford Fiesta which had crossed 1 lakh KM that time. Since it was mechanically good and as advised my tbhpians here, I retained the car.

May 2015 - 1.5 years gone and the car has crossed 1.28 lakhs KMs. And it's close to 9 yrs old. Have changed the clutch and some pulley, tensioner related parts. I might have to change/fix the following sometime in future

1. Power steering rack leak
2. Engine bedding
3. Suspension, brakes
4. Tyres in another 2k kms
5. And other parts that needs to be changed based on its age, wear/tear.

I kind of believe that this is the time to change the vehicle. What do you guys suggest?
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Old 28th May 2015, 21:23   #674
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by batterylow View Post
I am precisely thinking of the same, I don't know what will the car fetch two years down the line and what if the price of the Ecosport has gone up by then!

But of course, getting over the itch is the difficult part.
Well, I am one of the people who just cannot get over the itch. I have gone from a Maruti 800--> Zen --> SX4 --> Vento TSI all in the span of 9 years. The Zen was because I wanted power steering, the SX4 was because I wanted a boot and the Vento TSI was because I got the itch for a powerful Automatic. The only sane thing I did was that the first 3 were all pre-owned cars and the Vento was my first new car.

So as GTO suggested, may be you can balance the itch by looking out for a used Ecosport- But I think that is an option only if you are not taking a loan. A loan on a used car is way too expensive.

Looking over the advantages you have listed, in my opinion, many of the them are marginal benefits and I don't think you will actually notice a huge difference.

1. New car feel.- Agreed
2. Better ground clearance- Agreed
3. Better ride quality- Note too sure about this. I don't think it is better by a great deal. If you were looking at the Duster, this would be a big plus
4. Easier for parents to get in.- I assume the Ecosport with its higher stance will be more difficult to get in for elders?
5. Higher boot space- Not a major advantage as compared to say upgrading to a full size sedan
6. Higher fuel efficiency-Debatable. Probably the difference will be too little to make a major impact on cost

Having said that, if you heart wants the Ecosport and you are looking for reasons to justify it, then the heart wants it-No two ways about that. If you are sure you are not diverting the finances from something more important, then why not, just go ahead.

If it is just about an upgrade, may be look at something that gives you more visible advantages over the figo.
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Old 28th May 2015, 21:33   #675
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Re: ARTICLE: YOUR 5 year old car : Keep, Upgrade or Swap?

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Well, I am....the figo.
Well I did look at the Duster, but somehow was not convinced with the interiors after paying more than 2.5L over the Ecosport ( Ecosport D Titanium vs Duster 85 RxL Option pack).

The Lodgy is an option but I do not have the need for something so large and parking will be an issue with the Lodgy.

About the parents part, mum finds it tough to get up from the Figo as the rear seats are pretty low set. I assumed a taller car will make it easier for her to just ease out of.

The issue is that the ends don't justify the means. I want to change the car for the sake of change, and that is the dangerous part.
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