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Old 9th May 2016, 23:38   #20506
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by printh View Post
Morons- I feel enraged seeing your video even. But this type of incident occur at least twice everyday when I drive to work (130 kms in state highways). Good you maintained 70 Kmph in a 4 laned road, where most guys now keep it a norm to do 120+.
I have a Transcend Drivepro 220 and I've fixed a speed limit of 80kmph. Whenever the car crosses 80, it starts sounding an alarm and that helps us in keeping check on our speeds. Even my parents are aware of this so with the driver driving the car and them in rear seats, if they hear an alarm, they ask him to slow down. Moreover, my driver is a sedate driver. As far as driving sedately on a 4 lane road is concerned, there have been instances when a loaded truck/ tractor has popped out in opposite direction. I have driven in many states and I can say that you can spot morons everywhere.
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Old 10th May 2016, 11:22   #20507
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by binand View Post
These numbers by themselves are meaningless.
While what you've mentioned would certainly add a new dimension to the data, the numbers on their own certainly aren't meaningless.

Originally Posted by binand View Post
We need to normalize them to account for the various sizes, population, road lengths etc. of these states. Maybe if we compute vehicle density (vehicles per unit length of road) then...
I remember seeing some data like this. Having trouble finding it now, but the 'state' that made the biggest jump up was Goa. Showed a HUGE increase in accidents per capita. (Though it should also be noted that a large chunk of the accidents would be caused by 'visitors' to Goa).

Two more related threads:

1) WHO report

2) ABS & Airbag study

Last edited by Rehaan : 10th May 2016 at 11:25.
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Old 12th May 2016, 15:47   #20508
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by KiloAlpha View Post
Cabin intrusion is quite less, so if all had been belted up, IMHO it was survivable. However, whats more alarming is the fact that the body has separated from the chassis. TUV300 is a body-on-frame construction, so could it be that there is some compromise in build quality on that front? If so, I would be very shocked! Or, is it normal for such a separation to happen, due to the nature of the design?
It does seem like a serious design and safety isuue for the body to seperate from the frame in what looks like a medium impact collision. One has to wonder if this impacted the crumple zones in doing their work?
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Old 13th May 2016, 18:37   #20509
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by anupmathur View Post
Just for the record, bus and lorry drivers in North India flash their right indicators on the highway as a sign that you should overtake them (from the right!!!)!! No wonder India sees so many accidents. These are the result of abysmal or non-existent driver training and education.
It is in fact correct, and in my experience, have seen truckers do the same for both left and right when headlamps are flashed with intent to overtake. However this creates confusing scenarios where in some cases the truck or bus or cab may actually want to change lanes. Hence, the "give time" part. Let them do their manoeuver, the smaller and faster vehicle will get ample amount of chance to overtake.
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Old 14th May 2016, 14:27   #20510
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this S cross and Elite i20 in Okhla Phase III. Must have happened yesterday evening. I see this Scross almost daily parked at exactly same place. This is one of the first S cross I saw. Feeling sad for the owners.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-8fa5bfe5e557439797d4ef09ec1931b4.jpg

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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-156c442fed03432293bf637d2a6fd153.jpg

Last edited by Aditya : 16th May 2016 at 07:19. Reason: Blanking out number plate on request
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Old 15th May 2016, 15:00   #20511
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Originally Posted by sourabhzen View Post
Saw this S cross and Elite i20 in Okhla Phase III. Must have happened yesterday evening. I see this Scross almost daily parked at exactly same place. This is one of the first S cross I saw. Feeling sad for the owners.

This S-Cross belongs to a friend of mine, Rajiv Sharma who is a GM at PTC Punjabi. He posted his own pics on FB. Aug 2015 car. No one was inside the car when it happened. Feel sorry for him and the owner of the other car that took the brunt of this fall.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-2.jpg

Last edited by Aditya : 16th May 2016 at 07:16. Reason: Blanking out number plate on request
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Old 16th May 2016, 00:01   #20512
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Let me share an old experience which happened with me few years back. I suddenly found this old pic in my Laptop.

I was driving on Nh2. On the left lane there were two trucks one after another and i was on the right lane overtaking them in my Alto k10. I honked and flashed before the overtaking maneuver. I was around 100km/hr. It was a 4 lane highway. Suddenly after i overtook the first truck and i was near the rear tyres of the second truck he found a place where he could take an 'U' turn. Its not a place for a proper 'U' turn though. There was no cut in the median but a truck can manage illegally. So this guy suddenly pulls to the right lane and brakes! I some how managed to brake and not hit the side of the truck but no way i could stop an Alto from 100-0 in such short distance. I braked hard , pumped the pedal, shifted to 2nd directly from 5th and swerved to left lane releasing the brake pedal. And then the truck behind this one who was on his right track started honking crazily as i was closely in front of him after avoiding the first truck. Then to avoid that truck hitting me from behind i again swerved to right and set the car between two trucks! But unluckily the skinny tyres of the Alto could not take these harsh maneuvers and the rear of the car started skidding and without my control the car was turning 90 degree to the right side. I had no options other than releasing the brake else the car will topple. By the time i released the brake and pumped it again the cars front brushed the rear tyre of the front truck on its left! I was supposed to hit the truck on its right and trying to avoid the accident doing all the maneuvers i hit the left!

I feel a car with better brakes and stability the accident could have been avoided. If my K10 wouldn't have skidded at the end the accident could have been very well avoided. But what happens is for good. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Then i tried to catch the truck driver and chased him for the next 10kms. But that arrogant guy was so adamant he was like if i stop him he will hit my car! So what i did was i took a pic of his truck's no plate and avoided going for a further road rage. Took an "U" turn called up Maruti and got my car repaired. The guys at Maruti told me there is no point pursuing the truck driver. It will be a waste of time & money, so its better to claim the insurance. I did so. The front bumper, bonnet and few related parts were changed.

Lesson's learnt -

Even on 4 lane highways 100kms/hr is not a safe speed. One must speed up according to his cars braking and handling capability. Had i been at 80km/hr, i could have avoided this! Knowing one's cars limitation is very important! It may be a pocket rocket or anything which is good to hear!

No internal damage to the car. All the damages were external and cosmetic.
We were wearing seat belts and we were absolutely fine. Not a single scratch to us.

Though i do not own this car now but i do feel sad when ever i see this pic. This was the first insurance claim in my (then) 10+ years driving experience.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_4797.jpg

Last edited by Samba : 16th May 2016 at 00:25.
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Old 16th May 2016, 09:48   #20513
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this on my way to work this morning. Happened on HAL airport road, Bengaluru: moments before I passed the spot. The driver dint feel like he was drunk. Dint stop as I did not want to be another guy blocking the road.
Attached Thumbnails
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_6195.jpg  

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_6196.jpg  

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-img_6197.jpg  

Last edited by Vinodh_Gowda : 16th May 2016 at 09:58.
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Old 16th May 2016, 10:17   #20514
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Received this in whts app,
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Originally Posted by ank.nsit View Post
I would like to know what happens in such cases of "acts of God"? Is insurance claim possible? Or just a complete loss of the owner?
Yes, this will be coverd under insurance.
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Old 16th May 2016, 11:08   #20515
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Vinodh_Gowda View Post
Saw this on my way to work this morning. Happened on HAL airport road, Bengaluru: moments before I passed the spot. The driver dint feel like he was drunk. Dint stop as I did not want to be another guy blocking the road.
ok - this was the reason for the traffic pile-up today. I saw the EcoSport on the left side of the road when I crossed around 9:40 - didn't realize it had gone through this trauma earlier.
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Old 18th May 2016, 10:48   #20516
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this today morning at Bollineni Hillside. Trying to understand how he got there (other side of the road) and so perfectly aligned to the wall / pavement.
Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-bolliaccident_18may2016.jpg
Most probably happened sometime yesterday night - was not there when I returned from work yesterday at 8PM.
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Old 18th May 2016, 10:54   #20517
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Cross posting from the other thread -

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
What an irony.

A close relative's Duster crashed the same day these results were declared. The occupants are safe - no serious injuries. Front passenger has a hairline fracture on the left hand. No occupants on the rear seat. The car is a total loss, and the owner while looking for a replacement, was zeroing in on the Scorpio S10. I sent him this link and the report in PDF. Suffice to say he is reconsidering his decision.

Sharing a few pictures - If it was only a frontal hit, the cabin would have remained fairly intact. Speeds were higher than what the crash tests are conducted at.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsappimage20160517.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsappimage20160517-1.jpg

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Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-whatsappimage20160517-3.jpg

Last edited by Dry Ice : 18th May 2016 at 10:55. Reason: resizing pics
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Old 18th May 2016, 12:13   #20518
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by shubhodeepdas@g View Post
It is in fact correct, and in my experience, have seen truckers do the same for both left and right when headlamps are flashed with intent to overtake. However this creates confusing scenarios where in some cases the truck or bus or cab may actually want to change lanes. Hence, the "give time" part. Let them do their manoeuver, the smaller and faster vehicle will get ample amount of chance to overtake.
It is NOT correct. Indicators are ONLY for indicating others of your intention to turn/change lanes

using it to give way is just a practice developed by our country's Truckers and bus drivers.
Because of this, we have to "give time" to be safe ourselves.
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Old 18th May 2016, 13:19   #20519
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Samba View Post
Lesson's learnt -

Even on 4 lane highways 100kms/hr is not a safe speed. One must speed up according to his cars braking and handling capability. Had i been at 80km/hr, i could have avoided this! Knowing one's cars limitation is very important! It may be a pocket rocket or anything which is good to hear!
Anticipatory or in other words.., Defensive driving is what we all need to do irrespective of the speeds we hit on our vehicles. Highway drives especially are scary when it comes to these stuff and you never know who goes crazy and when.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-probably-dead.jpg

The above picture was captured by my DashCam a week ago. This is one such junction where people take U-Turns and I guess the bike rider involved was gone forever (The ambulance was in no hurry to move, which gives me this feeling)

The words you've mentioned (which I've put up in bold) are absolutely true. One must know the limitations of the vehicle more than the strengths of it. I know this pretty well since I own a Getz CRDi.., the first known pocket-rocket. Just for example, the engine on my car's just brilliant, but the brakes aren't! If vehicles like these end up with the wrong hands, then there sure would be a disaster waiting to happen.
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Old 18th May 2016, 13:31   #20520
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
It is NOT correct. Indicators are ONLY for indicating others of your intention to turn/change lanes

using it to give way is just a practice developed by our country's Truckers and bus drivers.
Because of this, we have to "give time" to be safe ourselves.
Sir, with due respect, in India our focus should be on survival first, and technical correctness later. The only laws really respected esp up here in North India are the laws of physics.

I am not going to teach the CORRECT methodology to a trucker whose path will cross mine only for 5 seconds in our entire lives.

I completely agree with Shubhodeep. I personally have a 5-second rule. When in doubt in overtake maneuvers, I take a deep breath, slow down and give it three seconds. Things often resolve themselves. The problem in India is that we use the accelerator far more than using our brakes.

Originally Posted by Dry Ice View Post
Auto crushed in Noida - 2 Dead

A school bus suddenly applied brakes, causing the auto-rickshaw to also break [brake] abruptly. However, a speeding private school bus, coming from behind, was unable to stop in time and rammed in to the auto ahead. The three-wheeler was crushed between the two buses.
If I recall the other accident thread right, then due to the relatively lesser weight of the auto, it will suffer greatly because the accident impulse acts on a much much lighter vehicle.

With the unorganized market making the auto "body", you can be rest assured that every possible corner would have been cut and safety would definitely be in the dustbin.

IMHO, the governments should specify a high strength rollcage in autos from the manufacturer itself, though I'm not sure how much that would help. But if it saves even a few lives and avoids a few serious injuries, then so be it.
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