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Old 15th June 2016, 14:40   #20881
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
Totally, Safety features would increase your survival chances but that doesn't mean your going to be safe no matter what happens.

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
People specially the ones buying High end car's should understand this.
Why restrict such understanding to high end cars alone. It should be a given while getting on to the road irrespective of the vehicle you are driving or the safety features it comes with.
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Old 15th June 2016, 14:43   #20882
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
Why restrict such understanding to high end cars alone. It should be a given while getting on to the road irrespective of the vehicle you are driving or the safety features it comes with.
What i meant was, People buying and driving high end car's usually take their car for granted assuming their car would be able to handle everything no matter whats thrown towards it, I know such people too which is just a shame. At the end of the day everything has a limitation.
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Old 15th June 2016, 15:13   #20883
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by extreme_torque View Post
There are no footpaths left especially in local areas where they are either used by vertically parked cars or simply used by the home owners for other random stuff. You will also see that they are walking on the road because there is no usable footpath and cars parked on either side of the road.
I agree that there are no footpath, but I disagree that this should not be the reason for walking on the roads. Even if the footpath is bad it is wise and safe to walk there than risk the life on road.

Few years back, we had a forum that fought for footpaths in Bangalore. Lot of work went into it, with finally High Court ordering for creation of footpath. The point of contention then was below Richmond Road flyover. Though small, 3 feet wide, today you find footpath there.
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Old 15th June 2016, 15:17   #20884
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
Racing on public roads is NOT light-hearted revelry. Suicidal stupidity fits the bill better.
Totally agree, suicidal stupidity describes it accurately. The way the perpetrators look at it though, is as a form of revelry, which is what I meant.

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
Totally, Safety features would increase your survival chances but that doesn't mean your going to be safe no matter what happens, People specially the ones buying High end car's should understand this.
Could not agree more, my point was seat-belts as nowhere in the article do they mention this little but very important detail. And we obviously cannot undermine the importance of safety features, as you said they can substantially increase your chances of survival.

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
What i meant was, People buying and driving high end car's usually take their car for granted assuming their car would be able to handle everything no matter whats thrown towards it, I know such people too which is just a shame. At the end of the day everything has a limitation.
This phenomenon is not limited just to high-end cars, but also to cars which give the big car feel to the owners, like XUV, Scorpio, Fortuner. Many a times I have seen these cars being driven as if they are above the law, and the usual rules do not apply to them. Again, no offense to owners, just my observation.

Last edited by harryputtar : 15th June 2016 at 15:26.
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Old 15th June 2016, 16:26   #20885
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Spotted this car at a sparsely populated new extension near Mysore.
There were tyre marks near the corner, shards of alcohol bottle near the car and then, there was the car itself- looking like it had rolled over quite a few times.
Well.. I'm not saying anything. :-|

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Old 15th June 2016, 20:41   #20886
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Originally Posted by Vik0728 View Post
The most gruesome part of this incident is the way the poor gentleman's body was thrown across from the impact. Also, what really has been puzzling me is the source of the video. It "ALMOST" looks like the one recording the video knew what was coming!!

This surely does not look like an intersection/CCTV clip to me. Any thoughts guys??

Observe carefully and you will notice that the body(head?) smashes the driver side window glass of the VW Polo in the video, before being launched into the car and tree behind. :(

Very sad to know that most of the times, not only do such people get to eventually walk away with such crimes, but even get to be back on the roads & behind the wheel!!
The accident spot is right next to my house. Iwas totally shocked after I saw this video. I can clear some of your doubts.

1. This is a residential lane with houses on both sides and not a main road.
2. This is a phone camera recording of a CCTV recording of a shop/house playing on the screen.
3. The intersection is about 500 mtrs away from the point of incident.
4. Mostly during night and early morning hours, cars are parked on both sides of the road, but still there are 2 lanes for cars to be driven.
6. I fail to understand why he was in the wrong lane. (Probably just overtook some vehicle? )
5. Sadly because of house entrances on that side of road the footpath is not continuous and people end up walking on the road.( though the the opposite side footpath is totally fine)

This incident has shaken me to bits, because many times there are small kids over there, old people walking towards the market. So now whats the best way to commute? Drive to everywhere and park exactly outside that location?
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Old 15th June 2016, 20:47   #20887
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Doesnt seem like the Fortuner hit the ambulance.

The picture seems to tell another story.

Also, in this case the bigger vehicle is not at fault.

Condolences to the old lady who died.

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
81-yr-old patient dies as SUV rams ambulance in Gurgaon

Gurgaon: An 81-year-old woman being rushed to hospital died after an SUV crashed into her ambulance near Huda City Centre early on Monday, leaving her with fatal injuries. Saawri Devi was being treated for a cardiac ailment at Arvy hospital and was being transferred to Fortis because her condition had deteriorated.

Instead, when she was wheeled into Fortis, Devi, a resident of Sector 17A, had multiple injuries. She succumbed three hours later.

Police said a Toyota Fortuner hit the ambulance near Huda City Centre Metro station around 5.30am. Saawri Devi's grandson was accompanying her but escaped unhurt.
An FIR was lodged at Sector 29 police station under sections 279 (rash driving) and 304A (causing death due to negligence) of the IPC against the driver of the SUV, who fled the spot, leaving the vehicle behind. The Fortuner, with a Delhi registration number and a BJP flag mounted on it, has been impounded, police said. In his complaint to the cops, Saawri Devi's grandson Hemant Yadav said his grandmother had been suffering from a heart ailment and was under treatment at Arvy hospital for some time. On the advice of doctors, she was being shifted to Fortis.

The accident, he said, happened just as the ambulance was about to reach Fortis.
"Suddenly, out of nowhere, the speeding SUV came and rammed into our ambulance. The driver fled the spot," Yadav told police.

No arrests have been made. Police said the SUV is registered in the name of Kuldeep Lamba, a resident of Khara in Delhi, and they were trying to get in touch with him, assistant sub-inspector Kanwar Singh, the investigating officer, said.
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Last edited by tanwaramit : 15th June 2016 at 20:54.
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Old 15th June 2016, 21:00   #20888
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Doesnt seem like the Fortuner hit the ambulance.

The picture seems to tell another story.

Also, in this case the bigger vehicle is not at fault.

Condolences to the old lady who died.
Doesn't it look like the ambulance just T boned the fortuner?

Have seen several ambulance's recently driving very recklessly, Hmm..
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Old 15th June 2016, 22:03   #20889
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Doesnt seem like the Fortuner hit the ambulance
Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
Doesn't it look like the ambulance just T boned the fortuner?

Have seen several ambulance's recently driving very recklessly, Hmm..
Unless the fortuner was standing still in front of the ambulance and it got t-boned, there is no excuse for what it did. The Fortuner is reported to have been speeding and unless someone is guilty, why go AWOL? The fact of the matter is that no one in India stops for ambulances (I have been honked at many times for going to the side of the road and giving way to ambulances). The car could easily have overtaken and then decided to turn or ignore the ambulance at an intersection. Either way, the Fortuner seems to have gotten in the way of the Ambulance and there is absolutely no excuse for such pathetic behaviour.
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Old 16th June 2016, 09:48   #20890
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by tanwaramit View Post
Doesnt seem like the Fortuner hit the ambulance.

The picture seems to tell another story.

Also, in this case the bigger vehicle is not at fault.

Condolences to the old lady who died.
Looks like different reporters are giving their versions of the story without verifying the facts. From the pics, it clearly looks like the ambulance is the one who T-boned the T-fort unless after hitting the ambulance, the T-fort hit something on its size but looks unlikely. Not sure what to believe though

EDIT - BTW after reading about the Honda city drunk accident, I have inadvertently started observing pedestrians. I have noticed that no matter how wide and clean the footpath is, people "WILL" walk on the road. How irresponsible is it?

Last edited by centaur : 16th June 2016 at 09:52.
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Old 16th June 2016, 12:22   #20891
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Just because the Fortuner appears to have been T-boned doesn't mean it's automatically innocent of blame. Plenty of idiots get T-boned everyday driving like a moron.
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Old 16th June 2016, 12:26   #20892
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Possibly but then the title for the articles is misleading where in it is mentioned that the fortuner hit the ambulance though I am not sure if by law the fortuner driver will get tried for breaking the law as an ambulance always has the right of way
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Old 16th June 2016, 12:40   #20893
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This past Sunday,driving out to Tumkur Road around 1630hrs via the Nece Road from Electronic City,had the opportunity of viewing a stunt jockey + 1 astride a RX100 & pulling wheelies to the left of the road at approximately 70-80 kmph.

What is interesting is, these delinquents kept swiveling their heads around to look for approaching cars and did their thing once aligned parallel with the passing vehicle. Exhibitionism:the obsessive desire to flash ones pea sized brains(in this case),mashed & strewn across the asphalt.

Nece Road now has a lot of pedestrians crossing the road and vehicles driving up the wrong side of the carriageway. Recipe for many an impending disaster here.
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Old 17th June 2016, 17:36   #20894
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Saw this on Vitara Brezza owner's club page on Facebook. No mention about how it happened. To me it looks like a hit to a boulder or something at high speeds, left front tyre is missing. Copyright of respective owners.
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Old 17th June 2016, 21:05   #20895
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This is what happens when you drive an SUV like you are driving a sedan. Pretty much looks like the driver couldn't control the vehicle (notice the narrow winding road), hit a boulder and toppled. Good to see that the cabin is more or less intact.
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