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Old 18th September 2016, 13:37   #21781
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
... This is a Zxi and it should come with driver airbag as standard...
Doesn't the ZXi come with alloy wheels?

If the guy has no plans of driving safe, it's just a matter of time. He wouldn't be so lucky always @ 130 kmph.
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Old 18th September 2016, 13:41   #21782
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Originally Posted by hangover View Post

Cops sometimes take control of a signal changing the lights looking at traffic. This is the cause of huge and in India. He will wait to allow a huge chain of vehicles to pass through keeping all other lanes locked up.

If he would do only his job, like writing up challans at all no parking zones, the automatic timer on those signals will keep all roads moving smoothly.
I don't know if its just me, but the cops seem to have taken manual control over nearly all the major signals in Bangalore of late.
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Old 18th September 2016, 14:03   #21783
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Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
Doesn't the ZXi come with alloy wheels?

If the guy has no plans of driving safe, it's just a matter of time. He wouldn't be so lucky always @ 130 kmph.
Nope. Only the ZXI Optional comes with alloys and that too in the manual only. Automatic didn't get it in any variant.
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Old 18th September 2016, 14:20   #21784
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Originally Posted by Swarit19 View Post
Celerio crashed near nagpur amravati highway. Saw it on fb just now (Know him because of the same online game we pass our time on). He was doing 130 and hit a container trailer (said it was running around 40kmph or so). He's safe though which I'm happy about.

Apparently the airbags did not open which is mind boggling
Given that the trailer was also travelling in the same direction at about 40-50kmph, the actual speed of impact was 130 minus 40-50, that is about 80-90. So that explains why it doesnt look like a Celerio crashing a STATIONARY trailer at 130kph. If that was the case, all the replies to the post would have "R.I.P." in them.

As for the airbags, this car either doesn't have them or they were not functional. You don't need a bigger impact than this to activate airbags. The apron is almost obliterated and the sensors are situated at the tips of the two chassis beams connecting the apron.
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Old 18th September 2016, 15:17   #21785
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Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Nope. Only the ZXI Optional comes with alloys and that too in the manual only. Automatic didn't get it in any variant.
It's getting confusing on which variant the car is.

The Zxi should be having body coloured ORVMS while the one in the picture has black ORVMS.

If it was the Vxi/ Lxi variant the indicators on the ORVMS wouldn't be there. But the one in the picture has indicators on the ORVMS. BUT it has indicators on the fenders too.

This looks like a Lxi / Vxi variant which was modded with the ORVMS from the Zxi variant.
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Old 18th September 2016, 15:27   #21786
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Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
It's getting confusing on which variant the car is.

The Zxi should be having body coloured ORVMS while the one in the picture has black ORVMS.

If it was the Vxi/ Lxi variant the indicators on the ORVMS wouldn't be there. But the one in the picture has indicators on the ORVMS. BUT it has indicators on the fenders too.

This looks like a Lxi / Vxi variant which was modded with the ORVMS from the Zxi variant.
Confusion is because of the colour. The ORVMs are body colored itself but in the picture it does look grey since the colour is itself grey. It looks like a ZXi manual or AMT. Hence there should be just a driver airbag.
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Old 18th September 2016, 15:28   #21787
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Originally Posted by pixantz View Post
Given that the trailer was also travelling in the same direction at about 40-50kmph, the actual speed of impact was 130 minus 40-50, that is about 80-90. So that explains why it doesnt look like a Celerio crashing a STATIONARY trailer at 130kph. If that was the case, all the replies to the post would have "R.I.P." in them.
Precisely. And I bet he would have braked hard and significantly reduced the speed before the incident happened. What I understood from his comment was that he was cruising at 130 so that is what would have happened or else the celerio should have been in much worse condition.

Have asked him about more details, will update you guys when he replies. Apologies for not having all info in the OP but he's quite flooded with comments on his post just like any one who posts such pictures would be.
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Old 18th September 2016, 16:15   #21788
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Originally Posted by --gKrish-- View Post
The front impact sensors are often located in the front of the car near to the sides of the grill(badly marked by me in the pic) and in some cars at the middle at lower height too. As their name suggests, they are front impact sensors, they do not detect impact from above, as in when a car rear ends a truck and slides under it.
Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
The airbag sensors are located towards the end of the front aprons. That is the place behind the headlamps for this car or rather the place where you see the two projections on the front bumper design. If this area is the primary point of impact, airbags are deployed immediately since the apron is the structural member that carries the force towards the passenger compartment and crumples. However, in this case the impact is on the front bonnet as seen clearly in the pictures and the rest of the damage is consequential.
We have been discussing about location of front impact sensors, but what exactly are they?

An air bag is only as good as its control system. On most vehicles, the bag is triggered electrically. Located in the front of most domestic vehicles are one to three "crash" sensors. These are positioned well forward in the crush zones so they will react almost instantly to the sudden deceleration that results from a frontal impact (anything up to about 30 degrees either side of center). Many European vehicles use only a single electronic crash sensor located inside the passenger compartment. The same setup is now being used in many newer domestic vehicles.

There are several different types of crash sensors. A commonly used sensor is the electromechanical "gas dampened ball and tube" design. The sensor is nothing more than a small tube with a switch at one end and a gold plated steel ball at the other, held in place by a small magnet. When the sensor receives a hard enough jolt to knock the ball loose from the magnet, the ball rolls down the tube, hits the switch and closes the circuit. The tube is slanted upward so the ball should return to its original position after an impact.

Another common crash sensor is the "Rolamite" design by TRW. Inside is a small metal roller that rolls forward under sudden deceleration and trips a switch.

Some vehicles have "spring and mass" crash sensors in which a spring loaded weight is deflected by the impact to close a switch. Most newer vehicles now have solid state crash sensors that contain either a piezoelectric crystal or a "micromachined accelerometer" chip that produces an electronic signal when jolted.
Semiconductor/piezo sensors are dirt cheap and minuscule. You can have a bunch of them all around the front section to sense impact from any angle/direction. Coupled with a good algorithm, they can be very effective(atleast in theory).

If the sensors are ball/tube types, its a matter of coupling the impact onto the sensors right? Is it this coupling issue that makes the manufacturers tell us how exactly to crash our cars? Does anyone know what kind of impact sensors are used in modern cars?
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Old 18th September 2016, 16:54   #21789
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Can't seem to find a way to edit my comment.

So this is how the convo went. Unfortunately I assumed it was zxi because of turn indicators on the orvms and had a driver airbag.

Name:  ss.PNG
Views: 5304
Size:  274.0 KB

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-14379657_10209212073792362_5711510799729112185_o.jpg
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Old 18th September 2016, 18:48   #21790
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Originally Posted by Swarit19 View Post
Can't seem to find a way to edit my comment.

So this is how the convo went. Unfortunately I assumed it was zxi because of turn indicators on the orvms and had a driver airbag.
Even I missed the indicators on fender part, hence sorry for the wrong assumption that it had an airbag.

This 'VXi converted to ZXi' is the most annoying thing I have heard. The SA told me the same story when O was buying.

So this lays to rest the mystery of the airbag not deploying. Good that the occupants were not injured.
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Old 19th September 2016, 10:57   #21791
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
1 dead after drunk driver in a Porsche rams into 12 auto rickshaws.
22 year old driver arrested.
Oh well. Nothing will happen of this too - the guy will go scot-free in some days. Remember a drunk female driver getting caught a few days back? Guess she is out also.

High time that the law comes down heavily on drunk driving.
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Old 19th September 2016, 11:36   #21792
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Just summarizing the points of the article.
  • Mercedes E250 rams a scooter around 2:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, killing 1 and injuring 2 of people on it.
  • Merc tries to flee but the car stalls, occupants flee the scene.
  • A mob of around 100 people enters the wrong apartment complex later in the morning, thinking the Mercedes owner to be living there. They proceed to vandalize 76 vehicles.
  • Cops arrive an hour after the attack began.
  • No sign of the Merc owner yet. Turns out all 3 people on the scooter were without helmets. Only 4 arrests made so far in relation to the rampage.

I really don't know what to say after reading this. Enforcement of traffic laws in Kolkata is a joke!

A number of areas have a major problem of groups of bikers (usually atleast 3 on 1 bike) zipping around with no regard for rules or safety. Cops seem to be scared to act for whatever reason. Cars owners are not blameless too. Drunk/Rash driving is a major problem (Friday & Saturday nights are the worst).

I have made it a point not to ever lose my cool even if someone bothers me on the road, or ever get into an argument with another motorist for any reason (even if they are at fault). It's just not worth it. I don't want to continue a long rant, so will stop writing here.
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Old 19th September 2016, 11:56   #21793
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Originally Posted by fordfreak View Post
A mob of around 100 people enters the wrong apartment complex later in the morning, thinking the Mercedes owner to be living there. They proceed to vandalize 76 vehicles.
Stupidity of our fellow citizens at its finest. Did they think all 76 vehicles were owned by the Merc owner? Or were all 76 owners responsible for the driving habits of the Merc owner?

I'd say common sense is the first victim of a mob, but then I'd have to correct myself - common sense never existed in the first place to become a victim.

Cowards find strength only in numbers.

Originally Posted by fordfreak View Post
Just summarizing the points of the article.
Thank you for the nice summary

Last edited by arunphilip : 19th September 2016 at 12:19.
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Old 19th September 2016, 12:53   #21794
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
1 dead after drunk driver in a Porsche rams into 12 auto rickshaws.
22 year old driver arrested.
Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Oh well. Nothing will happen of this too - the guy will go scot-free in some days.
From another thread...
Originally Posted by RohanDheman View Post
Looks like the blue cayman from Chennai crashed. Sadly one person lost his life due to the drive allegedely being drunk. RIP

From the link in that thread...
An auto-rickshaw driver was killed in Chennai early on Monday morning after being hit by a Porsche car being driven by a law student who was allegedly drunk.

Vikas Vijayanand, 22, has been arrested. At least three more drivers were wounded when, around 3.30 am, he rammed a dozen auto-rickshaws parked in a row on the city's Cathedral Road. One driver, 29-year-old G Arumugam, was killed on the spot. Some of the autos were almost reduced to a crumpled heap. (NDTV)

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Old 19th September 2016, 14:52   #21795
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Swarit19 View Post
Celerio crashed near nagpur amravati highway. Saw it on fb just now (Know him because of the same online game we pass our time on). He was doing 130 and hit a container trailer (said it was running around 40kmph or so). He's safe though which I'm happy about.

Apparently the airbags did not open which is mind boggling
Why does a car like Celerio have the capabilities to break the 100kmph speed in the first place? I think we should have car speeds restricted to a limit right off the factory.

Originally Posted by hserus View Post

Auto drivers parked by the side of Cathedral Road Chennai at 3:30 AM when a drunk kid in a Porsche t-boned them.

Some of the drivers were sleeping in the autos.

"The police only helped him and took him away" according to one of the injured auto drivers.
The student is the son of a lawyer working for Supreme court. I don't think we will hear or see anything more about this accident...
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