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Old 30th July 2009, 11:12   #2941
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Its sending shivers down my spine, never have witnessed such a horrifying Scorpio accident and thought mine was the worst.

The owner is critically injured but alive only due to the built of the car, after we had 3 topples in our Scorpio few years back, the pillars and roof was strong enough not to cave in and hurt our skulls which was my worst fear after i regained consciousness.

It was a big shunt at speeds of 60-70 and the moment i realized the drivers side door was touching roads, i was sure one of my family member was dead because dad was lying still at steering with no response but to my relief he was just shocked by what happened within 30 secs, the 3 topples, huge 3 bang sounds and occupants spinnin like those big joyrides, i can only imagine what that owner must have gone through, bus coming in straight at drivers door.

to the Scorpio for its build quality.
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Old 30th July 2009, 12:09   #2942
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Funny thing is the pics seems to suggest that the bus was in its lane and either the scorp was taking a u turn or lost control whilst coming from the opposite direction and skidded. Even if the driver was overtaking precariously I cannot understand the angle at which the Scorpio seems to be caught under the truck seems to show something that the scorpio driver has forgotten to do like if taking a right turn and this bus from behind was overtaking he may not have given his indicator common malpractice on our highways and therefore th bus clipped him on his right door but even that is implausible is they have both ended up on the extreme left in a ditch. Only thing that makes logic to me is that the either the scorpio came out of lane on to the higway without stopping agian a common disregard and the bus was to fast to stop in time. I just fail to see how this bus even if fast on a main highway lands up in a extreme left ditch within its own side of the road with the scrop under its right bumper unless the bus complete skidded around a highly unlikely from the way the pics look! So how can this be Bus driver fault?

Lets also remember the road seems narrow

Last edited by canonball : 30th July 2009 at 12:11.
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Old 30th July 2009, 12:11   #2943
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Any other vehicle and that driver would've been dead for sure.

I'm beginning to think that maybe a year or so down the line, I'll buy a second safer vehicle for touring like a second hand Punto (god bless low fiat resale )
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Old 30th July 2009, 13:43   #2944
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this picture shows the bus was on its proper side and scorp is being tubbed under the bus which might be taking a turn or comming from a side lane and they crassed on, sorry for the scorpio owner and driver.
for mahindra built.
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Old 30th July 2009, 14:34   #2945
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Originally Posted by canonball View Post
. I just fail to see how this bus even if fast on a main highway lands up in a extreme left ditch within its own side of the road with the scrop under its right bumper unless the bus complete skidded around a highly unlikely from the way the pics look! So how can this be Bus driver fault?

Infact I am unable to imagine how the scorpio ended up being hit sideways and then being dragged to the side of the road under the right bumper of the bus? On seeing it again, looks more like scorpio lost control and came under the bus. Wouldn't be surprised by that. Seen many SUV/MUV being driver rashly as if they own the road, whatever the condition.

People seem to be giving thumbs up to Mahindra for the build quality but the driver side cabin (pillars included) has completely caved in. I think it's more of a miracle that the driver even survived albeit with severe injuries.

Last edited by asr245 : 30th July 2009 at 14:37.
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:22   #2946
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This happened in the summer 2005. The driver of the Palio just opened the door and walked out. Shaken and stirred , of course.

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Old 30th July 2009, 15:29   #2947
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Originally Posted by pulsar56 View Post
The bus hit the Scorpio exactly at the front door!
Thank god he is safe!
IMO, We need that 60 kmph speed limit on Heavy vehicles asap.
I wonder why u should ask Heavy Vehicle to limit the Speed. What happen when this same Scorpio Driving rash on most of the NH/CITY road ? I believe all the Vehicle should have a Speed Limit.
I believe as it might be raining these days in Coastal KA and the effect is slippery road.
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:34   #2948
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Originally Posted by arin_12 View Post
I wonder why u should ask Heavy Vehicle to limit the Speed. What happen when this same Scorpio Driving rash on most of the NH/CITY road ? I believe all the Vehicle should have a Speed Limit.
I believe as it might be raining these days in Coastal KA and the effect is slippery road.
Can't really say who was at fault here. Good thing is the Scorpio driver is safe.
But heavier the vehicle and more the speed, the more difficult it becomes to control! You should see the speed at which some of the buses ply in TN, KA or KL to get my point and most of these are Old Ashok Leyland/Tata buses!

Last edited by pulsar56 : 30th July 2009 at 15:35.
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:36   #2949
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@ghostrider - The video is amazing.

The driver walking off after a somersault like that is simply mind blowing. I would rather give more credit to his luck than to the build of the car. I know Palio is built like a tank, but to survive such an accident is simply more than that.

By the way, do you know how it happened?
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:46   #2950
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@ ghostrider,

Aghhh, unbelievable seeing him walk out like that. Do you know how it happened, had he fallen asleep and had hit the divider which led to this somersault?

Car is built like a tank and he must be immortal to have come out of this crash on his legs.

Seems today this thread will get all bad crashes, if Scorpio wasnt enough now comes Palio

Last edited by coolboy007 : 30th July 2009 at 15:48.
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:53   #2951
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Still not clear how the Palio landed from above ?
Anyways, the Palio stole the show from TATA!
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Old 30th July 2009, 15:57   #2952
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Yeah, it was a bad crash ! If you look carefully, at the 50 sec mark, you'll notice that the road , which was a 4 lane road, becomes a 3 lane road. The driver probably got distracted and did'nt see the road becoming narrow. He crashed into the dead end which launched his car in the air. But not a scratch on him, thank GOD !
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Old 30th July 2009, 16:00   #2953
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Do you mean it was 3 laned and then it becomes 2 lane. I think you are counting the shoulder as a lane too. Anyway great observation.
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Old 30th July 2009, 16:09   #2954
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Yeah, I counted the shoulder lane as well. Should'nt have.
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Old 30th July 2009, 16:19   #2955
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Darrn.. watching slide by slide, the Palio has taken somersault sideways, before it landed again upright. Probably thats the reason the driver got out safe. If after it hit on its back, it turned the otherway, he might have landed roof-down and got crushed at that kind of impact. The car had gone up at least 5 meters before it landed... Incredibly Lucky guy he was...

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