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Old 22nd February 2020, 18:30   #30511
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by padmrajravi View Post
Great picture. Watching it makes me emotional.
BHPian binaiks has a travelogue of a trip in the same bus here:

Not clear whether the staff is the same. But he did give 4.75/5 for driving and 5/5 for crew behaviour.
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Old 22nd February 2020, 19:29   #30512
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

A Ford Fiesta Classic broke into two after crashing into pole. Must be doing insane speed.

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ford_01.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ford_02.jpg

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ford_03.jpg

A similar incident happened in Mumbai after a Ford Ikon broke into two after crashing into pole

Accidents in India | Pics & Videos-ford-ikon.jpg
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Old 22nd February 2020, 20:36   #30513
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Keeleri_Achu View Post
Glad to know that you and your family are fine. Forgive me for being blunt, but I went through the footage and I have to say that your wife is clearly at fault here.
Pardon me Keeleri but I disagree with the point that the driver is completely at fault here. From the dashcam footage it is very clear that the truck that hit the car was driving continuously in the middle lane. Also, the truck hit on front side was driving in topmost lane .

As per highway driving rules, leftmost lane is reserved for trucks, middle for cars and rightmost for overtaking on 6 lane highway.

What option is left for a car driver if all lanes are occupied by heavy vehicles? Wait endlessly till all trucks go ahead??

Those who have driven on Mumbai Pune Expressway, find the exact situation multiple times and are quite helpless because all 3 lanes are occupied by trucks.

I can't say car driver is at 100% fault here. When you see all 3 lanes occupied by stupid truck drivers, you naturally get impatient and try to escape as soon as possible.
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Old 22nd February 2020, 21:56   #30514
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Apparently, there was another inter-state bus accident killing 1 person. This happened near Hunsur on 21st Feb at 01:45 AM. I happened to pass by this sight at around 09:00 AM but did not see any accident sign.
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Old 22nd February 2020, 22:18   #30515
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Sarvodaya View Post
A Ford Fiesta Classic broke into two after crashing into pole. Must be doing insane speed.
If the RTO website data is accurate, this car was insured upto 23rd Feb 2020 and it gets totalled on 22nd Feb 2020.
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Old 22nd February 2020, 23:50   #30516
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by turbodude View Post
Pardon me Keeleri but I disagree with the point that the driver is completely at fault here.
I never said that the car driver is completely at fault. I said she was clearly at fault. But if you ask me for a number, honestly I would put 90% blame on her. If you go through the OP, you can see his wife mention that there was enough space to get through and shifted the blame to the truck driver. I don't agree with that. Like many others pointed out, laws of physics took over and the truck driver hit her when she cut across from the blind side.

From the dashcam footage it is very clear that the truck that hit the car was driving continuously in the middle lane.
The truck in question was overtaking a slow moving tractor. You cannot expect it to change lanes like a car. Obviously I don't blame him moving to the middle lane a bit early.
Also, the truck hit on front side was driving in topmost lane .
If you're talking about lane discipline, I would be more concerned with the car driver and the way she overtook the Tata Ace in the beginning of the video.
As per highway driving rules, leftmost lane is reserved for trucks, middle for cars and rightmost for overtaking on 6 lane highway
And there shouldn't be any slow moving tractors on the road according to the same rules.
What option is left for a car driver if all lanes are occupied by heavy vehicles? Wait endlessly till all trucks go ahead??
Clearly there was never an 'endless' wait in that situation. The trucks in the rightmost lane were doing decent speeds and she would've been able to over take them in a few seconds, had she been patient.
Those who have driven on Mumbai Pune Expressway, find the exact situation multiple times and are quite helpless because all 3 lanes are occupied by trucks.
Those conditions are not unique to Mumbai Pune Expressway. It's a pan India problem. I myself have been stuck in the same situation plenty of times.
I can't say car driver is at 100% fault here. When you see all 3 lanes occupied by stupid truck drivers, you naturally get impatient and try to escape as soon as possible.
I've no idea what you've seen, but from what I saw, had she waited for a bit, she would've been able to pass the trucks without any issue. She was impatient, made a bad call and paid the price. Period. And as expected, there were others with 'bigger vehicle is at fault' mentality present at the scene. Evident by the statement of police driver. And how can you call the tanker driver stupid? What if he swerved, lost control and crashed into the other trucks? Can you imagine the carnage? The car would've carried on without even understanding what had happened and the poor trucker would've paid the price. AFAIK bad drivers come in all sizes. And I can safely say that there are more 'bad/stupid' car drivers than there are truck drivers on the road. For once imagine if you were doing a cross country drive in a vehicle with a top speed of 70, one which takes 30-40 sec to get there, no creature comforts and every other Tom, Dick and Harry cutting in front of you. And then imagine doing it on a regular basis. Who would be more impatient?

When you're on the road, you are accountable for each and every decision you make. You may be able to get away with a bad call if the other person on the road is considerate. Unfortunately it doesn't work that all the time and at times you pay the price. If everyone in this country had been patient on the road, I don't think we would be having 2035 pages in this thread.

I stand by what I said and I'm happy that OP's wife acknowledged her mistake.

Last edited by Keeleri_Achu : 22nd February 2020 at 23:54.
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Old 22nd February 2020, 23:55   #30517
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by UMe View Post
Apparently, there was another inter-state bus accident killing 1 person. This happened near Hunsur on 21st Feb at 01:45 AM. I happened to pass by this sight at around 09:00 AM but did not see any accident sign.
I had crossed this spot at 2:45am same day. The accident happened on the road that goes through hunsur town. You must have taken the usual bypass route which is what generally everyone take and hence didn't see it. Since that road condition is bad, people prefer to take the town route these days. By the way there are reports from its passengers about the notorious Kallada drivers overspeedig resulted in the accident.
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Old 23rd February 2020, 02:04   #30518
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Originally Posted by turbodude View Post
From the dashcam footage it is very clear that the truck that hit the car was driving continuously in the middle lane..
..What option is left for a car driver if all lanes are occupied by heavy vehicles? Wait endlessly till all trucks go..
..When you see all 3 lanes occupied by stupid truck drivers, you naturally get impatient and try to escape as soon as possible.
Dude, your statements make me feel nervous at so many levels.

Anyone who has done any bit of highway driving would understand the need to have patience, especially when overtaking. Truckers use the rightmost lane as the left most is occupied by all kinds of slow moving objects - 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers, 2 & 4 legged! Else they will keep swerving in & out between 2 lanes which make things even worse.

The least us car drivers can do is acknowledge this & have a bit of patience ourselves. It'll make the lives of so many others that much easier.

Originally Posted by Keeleri_Achu View Post
When you're on the road, you are accountable for each and every decision you make. You may be able to get away with a bad call if the other person on the road is considerate. Unfortunately it doesn't work that all the time and at times you pay the price. If everyone in this country had been patient on the road, I don't think we would be having 2035 pages in this thread.

I stand by what I said and I'm happy that OP's wife acknowledged her mistake.
Well said sir!
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Old 23rd February 2020, 07:24   #30519
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by balenoed_ View Post
By the way there are reports from its passengers about the notorious Kallada drivers overspeeding resulted in the accident.
This Kallada sleeper bus was going to Perinthalmanna. It takes a longer route to reach it's destination, covers thalassery, vadakara and calicut enroute. This is probably done to ensue more passengers. We can just imagine the speed it needs to maintain the schedule.
I had travelled on the same bus to go to calicut, just couple of weeks ago
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Old 23rd February 2020, 09:18   #30520
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by UMe View Post
Apparently, there was another inter-state bus accident killing 1 person. This happened near Hunsur on 21st Feb at 01:45 AM. I happened to pass by this sight at around 09:00 AM but did not see any accident sign.
Found a Malayalam video to this.

From my experience I can tell that most of the staff are goons who don't care about passenger safety and they just want to get you to your destination as fast as possible.Once in route to Palakkad in their Volvo B9R,I had to go to the front to ask the conductor where exactly it would stop,at that moment I was left in shock seeing the speedo stuck above 120kmh.
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Old 23rd February 2020, 18:45   #30521
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All occupants safe even after falling from upside down from a flyover
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Old 23rd February 2020, 19:38   #30522
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Sarvodaya View Post
A Ford Fiesta Classic broke into two after crashing into pole. Must be doing insane speed.
Could also be that rescuers cut the car open to free the occupants. The cut looks almost too clean.
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Old 24th February 2020, 09:29   #30523
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by turbodude View Post
As per highway driving rules, leftmost lane is reserved for trucks, middle for cars and rightmost for overtaking on 6 lane highway.
Left most lane is for slower vehicles, middle for faster vehicles and right most lane is for overtaking. In the video the tractor is slower than the tanker which in turn is slower than the truck overtaking the tanker on rightmost lane.

Often it can be frustrating when a truck going at 60 kph is getting overtaken by something that is going at 62 kph. But even then, it is better to wait rather than risk life and limb to overtake from whatever gap available.

Originally Posted by Avinash_R View Post
This article reads more like an advertisement for the new BS6 Nexons rather than a news item.

On a different note, I would be worried about the handling of these cars if so many of them keep falling off flyovers every now and then! Anyone has data on their Elk / Moose tests?
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Old 24th February 2020, 10:01   #30524
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by sai_ace View Post
On a similar note - This video proves the stupidity of Indian manufacturers to provide just a single channel ABS (at front only) even in 300cc bikes like Jawa. We Indians do not know how to use the front disc brakes on our two wheelers and hence need 2 channel ABS.
Got reminded of a conversation with a TVS dealer few years back. I was told that delivery time for Apache RTR ABS version takes additional 2-3 weeks vis-a-vis the non ABS version.
Reason - Stocks of ABS version are usually low because majority of the customers do not want to buy it due to price difference (ten thousand rupees approximately)

Stupidity flows both ways.

Last edited by warrioraks : 24th February 2020 at 10:15.
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Old 24th February 2020, 12:30   #30525
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re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by NiInJa View Post
During my college days I had a similar incident on my Activa
I suppose Activa had Combi- brake then and that would have saved you.
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