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Originally Posted by vvivek85 (Post 4968006)
A clear case of break failure, those 2 gentlemen were lucky enough to escape unhurt.

One question, in this scenario if the driver changes the gear to the highest, will that not be enough to stall the engine and stopping the truck. Looks like the driver did not even try to alert by honking, may be a case of sleeping driver.


Originally Posted by saisree (Post 4967877)
But why were you asked to pay for them? You had the proof and they were drunk. You should have left them at hospital and asked them to pay by themselves. Humanity ends there but paying for those drunkards?

True at that. They were bleeding and the policeman requested me to do so, and as health care worker I obliged.

Horrific accident captured on Karimnagar - Hyderabad highway in Telangana. The accident victim passed away. I think if the Innova isn't equipped with a bull bar, the person on the bike would have survived.


Originally Posted by vvivek85 (Post 4968006)
A clear case of break failure, those 2 gentlemen were lucky enough to escape unhurt.

Looks like the truck driver was sleeping.

That aside, the reflexes of the two guys is not all that great. One of them (the guy to the left) is just trying to bend his body to start with. And even after they hear the bad noise of the bike going underneath, I don’t see them both trying to get away soonest. Or perhaps the video is in slow mode and hence it appears the reflexes are slow.

This just shows how the mobile screens can be such a huge distraction. Both those guys were glued to the screens.


Originally Posted by WhiteSierra (Post 4969170)
Horrific accident captured on Karimnagar - Hyderabad highway in Telangana. The accident victim passed away. I think if the Innova isn't equipped with a bull bar, the person on the bike would have survived.

RIP to him. But regardless of whether the Innova had a bull-bar or not, the biker was a fool to do that. He shouldn't have darted across the road. It's this lackadaisical attitude of people towards good sense that ruin their own lives and others'. Also, it's best for car drivers to not maintain such speeds at junctions and other diversions. :Frustrati

Another one from the weekend.

Bus with wedding guests from Karnataka meets with accident in Kasaragod, 7 die


A private bus, which was heading from Karnataka to Kerala’s Kasaragod for a wedding function, met with an accident in the district. Kasaragod District Collector D Sajith Babu confirmed the death of seven persons, including two children.

According to reports, the accident took place around 11.30 am near Panathur in Kasaragod. The vehicle is said to have fell from an elevated road, plunging into a house located below. However, according to reports, the house was fortunately empty at the time of the accident. According to visuals from the accident spot, the bus has been massively mangled, as it reportedly plunged from a great height. Some passengers were said to have been trapped under the bus.


Originally Posted by WhiteSierra (Post 4969170)

What a waste of life !!
These kind of bikers are a perilous menace , to themselves, and the other highway vehicles.

Being a regular highway driver, any bike on my line of sight alarms me, especially in the mornings and I prepare for their instant maneuver onto the highway :Frustrati just to be safe.

The Innova driver seems to have not expected any interference and did not slow down at all , but I think the blame should not lie on him in entirety !


Originally Posted by poised2drive (Post 4969231)
The Innova driver seems to have not expected any interference and did not slow down at all , but I think the blame should not lie on him in entirety !

That is the problem!. We MUST expect interference any moment from any direction.


Originally Posted by poised2drive (Post 4969231)

The Innova driver seems to have not expected any interference and did not slow down at all , but I think the blame should not lie on him in entirety !

The only issue with the Innova was that bull guard. I do not want to place any bets, but maybe the extent of injuries on the biker would have been lesser considering that the bike took the impact first. But nevertheless, absolute lack of judgement by the bike rider. What a waste of life indeed.


Originally Posted by jkrishnakj (Post 4969179)
Looks like the truck driver was sleeping.

I doubt if the driver was sleeping, as at 13th second, the driver tried to signal with the headlights. But i am not sure if he had honked.

If you look carefully just after the impact, you can see the inside thermocol layer of the helmet being left behind, either it happened due to the fact the belt of the helmet wasn't buckled up and the helmet got removed due to the impact, because the head of the rider is above the bonet level of the Innova, so i don't think there was a direct impact on the helmet. I am just assuming things, anything could have happened at that speed.


Originally Posted by WhiteSierra (Post 4969170)
Horrific accident captured on Karimnagar - Hyderabad highway in Telangana. The accident victim passed away. I think if the Innova isn't equipped with a bull bar, the person on the bike would have survived.

The foolish biker paying price of not judging the speed of Innova (was it legal though) & paying price with his life. Innova driver tried best to save the accident with frantic last minute hard braking it seems.

Moreover, the biker's helmet wasn't of good quality & doesn't seems to have been strapped up.

A video I caught during a drive last week. Glad it didn't result in an accident to other vehicles.

Tamil Nadu’s CM convoy met with an accident yesterday near Thoothukudi. This happened after CM’s car passed the spot, he is claimed to be sound and safe.

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Originally Posted by vvivek85 (Post 4969915)
Tamil Nadu’s CM convoy met with an accident yesterday near Thoothukudi. This happened after CM’s car passed the spot, he is claimed to be sound and safe.

Oh these convoys!
As if he is the POTUS.

No one cares if he is driving around the neighborhood. Exaggerated self importance, as if he is rushing to do some good work. This guy is going to the next spot for seeking votes.

Look at that speed! Damn! Triple digits, roads cleared, and still these illiterate buffoons manage to rear end each other.

The endeavour was rear ended, and I guess it hit the Innova subsequently. See how none of their cadres even cared to stop and check out the occupants.

Plus bullbars in both the Storme and the crysta. Clearly law is only for the poor and meek

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