Team-BHP - Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

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Atrocious behavior by the auto guy. He straightaway went into escalation mode for a feather touch. Well even if his auto is shattered, you still need to keep cool and sort out, not jump up and down like a monkey.

Some auto/cab drivers (not all) actually 'enjoy' this kind of an accident where in they are the run away winners. Any contact at an intersection or anywhere else means we can argue for eternity on whose fault it was. But here? You hit me from behind so there ends the discussion!.

I was once in an office Indica and another office Indica touched from behind just outside electronic city. Very mild touch, probably a tiny scratch!. Our driver was overjoyed :Cheering:. Out he went fully armed and did not even let the other guy open his mouth. Demanded around Rs 600, but that guy did not have enough cash!. So he borrowed from the employee in his cab and 'settled' the matter. Once we got going again, I asked our driver "do you really think there was enough damage to extract money"?. He shamelessly admitted " not at all. Just wanted to extract as he hit from behind and completely his fault".

On this unfortunate incident, neither the auto jump in front suddenly nor did he brake suddenly. It is just a typical bumper to bumper scenario. This guy was not concentrating hard enough. Forget brake light. It was evident the auto stopped.

If one were to micro-analyze the details, the car driver is more at fault. Auto driver merged into sufficient space. The gaps and space are exactly what we see day to day basis in every part of India.

The car driver probably was not attentive enough. With just inches of gap, we maintain in cities, it's obvious to be super attentive. In such slow-moving traffic, its nonsense to even say Autosuddenly braked :D

The auto driver's behavior was pathetic. The aggression, intimidation, and language used were horrible. Hope karma punishes him as the law couldn't do a thing.

Rear ender is almost always at fault, so in that sense, why would you blame the auto guy for that? It's an accident, sure - but I didn't like the part where that's also percieved to be the auto guy's part. He was not attentive enough IMO. And that's okay, it's just a minor hit, nothing major for either cars.

But the rest? It's crazy how the auto guy/his friends behaved. Like a bunch of goons. What right does it give them to threaten anyone? Just contact the police if they really want to escalate this. How on earth did they think destorying the car with the driver and his family in there was a good recourse? This kind of behaviour should never be condoned. Accidents/scratches might hurt your vehicle at worst, but such kind of goonish/mob behaviour literally hurt people!


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 5550135)
Welcome to Team-BHP

Testing me for Highway Code knowledge, and also teaching me for driving safely after passing the British driving test, he asked, "When does a pedestrian have right of way?"

One by one, I trotted out all the instances I could think of from the British Highway code. None of my answers were wrong, but nor did they satisfy him. I gave up. Here's the lesson in short form...
Dad, "When does a pedestrian have right of way?"
Me, "Duh, this... Duh, that... Duh, then..."
Dad, "Not good enough."
Me, "Duh, ok... when?"
Dad, "ALWAYS! We are not allowed to run over them!"
This is not [just] about law. It is about the practicality and responsibility of driving.

That’s some solid advice your dad gave. My dad also gave me a similar advice when I started driving.
Pedestrians are not going to move according to us, rather we have to move/drive according to them. We can scream and honk at them that doesn’t give us right to accelerate. You can be on foot in their stead as well. Don’t think you are superior just because you are driving a vehicle. Respect the safety of yourself as well as the others. We must be ready to stop, this was an advice from my instructor from MDS as well.

I do agree with the fact that in India it is nobody's fault but always the person who is hurt, needs to be the one catered to immediately.

My only question is, which also seems redundant asking is when the government has provisions and facilities built for safety of pedestrians, why are we to pay the price for their reluctant behavior.

I do think India needs to implement pedestrian laws just the same as they implement the road laws, otherwise there seems no use of increasing the road safety when the pedestrian are just going to be the same.

Every morning on the way to office, I see a few (fortunately just 2-3) people not even wanting to wait for their pedestrian signal to turn green, and this is in the peak Mumbai city (Churchgate), here the traffic seems to be a bit organized though, but people on the other hand are completely like pigeons, completely unwilling to budge. (Sometimes even when there are cops to control the crossings)

This fact just makes me think if it is really worth driving anywhere in India, since you can be the safest driver and still end up getting road raged.

Accidents are a part of life, but the probability in India seems to be at the peak and we seem to be always getting narrow escapes.

Also, IMHO it is not our responsibility to be the ones enforcing good driving lessons on the roads, as they are never taken positively. Rather just be a safer driver.

So does that also makes us Indians the best drivers in the world? I have not driven in any other part of the world!

I wanted to know what do you'll consider the safest countries to drive in/ drivers ?


Originally Posted by vidyanand (Post 5551142)
No wonder FIR was not filed.

1. Auto driver cutting in from left
2. On the video, heard an outgoing call ringing, so probably car driver wasn't attentive enough.
3. Too much aggressiveness and goon like behavior from the auto guy, the moment he got down from his auto.
4. A simple apology from the person driving the car would have de-escalated the matter.
5. Somehow I feel, everyone on the road are getting triggered for even the minor bumps.
6. An FIR should have been filed against the auto driver for his thug like behavior as he was verbally abusing the car guy and threating them by ganging up the mob on the road.

An accident occurred outside our society, apparently in the the late hours. The accident spot can be seen where there is the oil spill. The vehicles were moved from the bylane to the main road, mostly by the traffic police. It was a wrong side blunder. This is very common outside our society, irrespective of vehicle and owner/ driver. There is a U-Turn just few meters away. But people choose to come the wrong side into the bylane, to enter the society. No other details as of now.


Originally Posted by Rohit_Quad (Post 5552007)
An accident occurred outside our society, apparently in the the late hours…

Oh,oh, it’s a Tata vs. Tata. To all build quality experts out there: ”This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object".

Let the debate begin:
Contestant 1: “The Nexon has done its job well. The crumple zone has taken all the impact and kept its occupant safe. Just what it’s supposed to do.”

Contestant 2: “what crumple zone, da! Hexa didn’t even need its crumple zone. The bumper alone is sufficient!

The stage is open to everyone who wants to participate… :D

Attaching 3 more close up picks of the Hexa. Note the cracks in the windshield and the damage to both the rears of the 2 cars. I have posted this here so that, any of us, even if it for just few meters, won't take the chance of driving on the wrong side. We can never know, what might happen. The entrance gate that one of them was trying to enter via wrong side was just few feet away from the accident spot. Sheer bad luck for the guy going about his business. But this is just speculation, as i am not sure about the speeds that were involved to cause damage to such extent.

Got the correct info -

Both were on the correct side of the road, the white car was over speeding above 140kmph and crashed into the family inside black car. White car then lost control and crashed into the divider in front of our gate.

It appears that way (wrong side) because after crash the driver in the white car lost control and entered the opposite road.

Not sure of the location or the direction where these cars might be travelling though. Maybe that was the reason why both the cars have damages on the rear.

17.4301861, 78.3784165 are the co-ordinates.


Originally Posted by Rohit_Quad (Post 5552092)
Got the correct info -

Both were on the correct side of the road, the white car was over speeding above 140kmph and crashed into the family inside black car. White car then lost control and crashed into the divider in front of our gate.

140kmph on city roads? Either the info is not accurate or insane driving.


Originally Posted by Rohit_Quad (Post 5552092)
Got the correct info -
140kmph on city roads? Either the info is not accurate or insane driving.

It must have been 40 kmph and somone added the 1 clap:

Forget city, I don’t do that even on open highways.

Besides, the damage on neither of the cars warrants a speed of 140. 40, maybe.


Originally Posted by DevilzzzzOwn (Post 5552141)
It must have been 40 kmph and somone added the 1 clap:

Forget city, I don’t do that even on open highways.

Besides, the damage on neither of the cars warrants a speed of 140. 40, maybe.

Haha, could be. But totally doable in the wee hours. I feel it is a case of side swipe by the nexon and followed by both card ramming into the divider. Trust me, post 11pm, outside our society is the best spot for supercar spotting. I seen kids with rich dad's going way beyond 200 on that stretch. Ferrari's, R8's, Urus's, Lambo's, Phantoms, atleast half a dozen mustangs, n number of SBK's, a Merc GTs, Porches, are the ones I spotted recklessly driving outside my community while walking my dog. Sad part is most of them stay in the community itself :crying. Take a look at the co-ordinates I posted earlier. It doesn't show in the pictures, but I feel the hexa could be total loss.


Originally Posted by Rohit_Quad (Post 5552074)
Attaching 3 more close up picks ....

One car went into the other. Irrespective of knowing which was in front and which in rear - both those are rears to die for! clap:

Look at the cars after a major accident. Now that is why TATA is slowly climbing up the sales figures. Most likely the Nexon went into the Hexa (looking at its bonnet creased inward) and Hexa kissed the divider and lost its lower lip - but damn! thats how you build cars and thats how one walks away from a major accident.

PS - Hope no one is foolish enough to repair any of these two back to shape. Its a total loss and frame bent beyond repair and full air bag deployment crash. Claim insurance and rush to the nearest TATA showroom to buy another one - Period.


Originally Posted by N.A.GTC (Post 5551162)
Going to differ with your analysis here.

The car driver might have caused the accident, but the auto driver is 100% at fault for escalating the situation. Definitely a goon, and definitely deserves to be behind the bars.

In fact, what his conduct amounts to criminal intimidation and mischief. The police cannot take any action as both of these offences are non-cognizable (i.e. you have to approach the court directly). The way the auto driver reacted, not only did he not deserve an apology, he does not deserve to roam freely in the society!

If such a maniac attacks my car while my wife/family is there over something so insignificant (or, for that matter even on something significant), even I would not open the door or windows.

The car driver's assessment is wrong that the auto merged into the lane suddenly, that he braked suddenly, etc. No doubt he caused the accident. But for everything else? The video deserves to be circulated for sure.

I’m going to differ from you here. The car guy is at bigger fault. Firstly he hit the auto and secondly when he could have de-escalated the whole situation by saying a simple sorry. He let it escalate even further. If he went for FIR, cops would have leeched him off. He can get charges under negligence and rash act while putting life of others at a risk as well as provocation.
Just stating facts that they both are at fault. I also condemn auto driver’s behaviour btw.

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