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Old 15th November 2024, 15:10   #41371
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
Alcohol can never be banned. After a party, one should have a non intoxicated person ( one can turns among friends ) who is reserved to drive the car to take others back home. This small planning could have saved lives.
Things can be changed. In my mother country, both seatbelt laws and strict drink-driving laws were seen as infringements on personal liberty. Government persisted, and authorities enforced, with considerable severity in the case of drink-driving cases.

Within a few years, putting on the seatbelt became almost a reflex action. Families and groups on a night out would have one member restricting themselves to one alcoholic drink, and within time many decided to make that none.

It takes government action. It takes spending on advertisements, education, etc. It takes proper enforcement. But first of all, it takes somebody in power who actually cares.
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Old 15th November 2024, 17:49   #41372
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by krishnakarthik1 View Post
What happened to all those ADAS features? If and when it does get tested will it even get 2 stars? Or is the outcome just the result of a huge truck and a tree that any car would have become like that.
We all need to understand that the NCAP tests are done at specific speeds and those speeds are never ever in the range of 80 kmph or above, if we stick to the speed limits as tested, for sure the car will provide protection as mentioned.

The body shell and the panels of a vehicle are designed considering specific conditions and adding a safety factor to it. Any compressive, tensile or shear forces beyond the design capability will result in failure of the body shell and panels.

The braking system can bring a vehicle to halt within specific distances depending on the speed at which the vehicle is moving, it cannot be changed without changing the hardware that too to a certain extent only. All ADAS features are having limitations based on the laws of physics and the hardware of the vehicle.

One basic thing we must understand that our body is designed to withstand specific accelerating-decelerating forces, I remember seeing a video long time ago where it was mentioned that if a human body in a vehicle hits a solid block at a speed of 90 kmph or more, the chances of survival are negligible. Reason for that is simple - internal injuries.

No matter what the safety rating of a car is, if it hits a solid object 4-5 times its own weight at a speed of 80 kmph or more, probability of survival of the occupants are slim and will depend on how much time the body took to loose the momentum without hitting anywhere.

A much easier explanation is : falling flat from a highrise building, the longer the flight time the more the velocity gained during the fall and once the body hits the ground the velocity becomes zero in almost zero seconds. Infinite G-force, instantaneous death. Likelihood of survival is higher in case someone falls from say 2nd or 3rd floor (not striking the head first).

In case of hitting solid objects like poles, stationary vehicles or trees etc, at high speed the vehicle may come to a halt in a very short time or can go into roll-over or other motions, so survival depends on how much time the vehicle took to come to rest.

Hypothetical speaking, if a vehicle comes to halt instantaneously (zero seconds), the decelerating force (G-force) is infinite, so it will be fatal for the occupants.

Going against the laws of nature cannot protect anyone no matter which safety protocols are followed.

Last edited by Brumby : 15th November 2024 at 17:55.
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Old 15th November 2024, 18:18   #41373
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

If we think these kind of accidents are going to bring about changes in driving style in our country, we are 100% wrong. After having read about the harrowing Dehradun accident, had to drive out in afternoon and god it has become a nightmare. I really cannot comprehend why people are putting their lives at risk for extra 5 minutes, I mean there is something fundamentally wrong. I feel like getting out of the car, shake the person(s)'s shoulders and shout in their faces to not risk their and others lives, but I know its futile. End of rant
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Old 15th November 2024, 18:27   #41374
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I got a beating for running across an English pedestrian crossing, sixty-something years ago, without looking. I'm glad I was cheeky enough to mention right of way to my dad. I have never forgotten his reply...
He was right, dead right, as he toddled along,
But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong.
Thanks, Dad (1913-1990).
In my experience of 2 years in Sydney (my experience pales to yours ), taking public transport 5-6 days a week, If you're on the pedestrian crossing already like these kids were, then the vehicle has to slow down and stop after they see you. That's the reason I mentioned that the kids running across is irrelevant as they are already on the crossing in which case the biker should've slowed down and came to a stop already.

This is all theoretical in our country though, as I have never seen anyone stop for me or anybody else to cross the road whether we're on a pedestrian crossing or not. It's always a game of who blinks first and waving hands to make the cars stop . Even the kids should be taught better like another user already said, hopefully this is a learning lesson (non fatal) for everybody involved.
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Old 15th November 2024, 19:01   #41375
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

This Dehradun Car Accident had me thinking.
Hypothetically, if all things remained unchanged, would it have been less deadlier had there been a full metal sheet roof on the Innova instead of the Glass Sunroof ??

I would any day trust sheet metal to have more chances of protecting me instead of glass.

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Old 15th November 2024, 19:05   #41376
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by FiatDiesel View Post

Why is it tough for parents to inculcate basic civic sense in their children?...
You answered your own question.

To pass something onto the next generation; sense, values, responsibility, whatever, one has to have it themselves first, eh?

People drive their kids to school without wearing helmets or seatbelts, run red lights, drive on the wrong side, honk like crazy and hurl abuses if they get held up a single minute because 'they're getting late for work' or whatever.

What is the kid watching this while riding pillion or shotgun supposed to learn from this? Responsible driving? Civic sense? Respectful sharing of public resources because 'sadak mere baap ki NAHI hai' (road is NOT my father's)?

It's monkey see, monkey do. My apologies to actual monkeys.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 15th November 2024 at 19:22.
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Old 15th November 2024, 19:08   #41377
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by ScorpioYadav View Post
This Dehradun Car Accident had me thinking.
Hypothetically, if all things remained unchanged, would it have been less deadlier had there been a full metal sheet roof on the Innova instead of the Glass Sunroof ??
I would any day trust sheet metal to have more chances of protecting me instead of glass.
It wouldn't have made a difference. Sheet metal is far easier to bend or fold than glass is to break. The severity of the accident was such that even a Volvo or BMW wouldn't have protected the occupants. Only the driver's brain (may his soul rest in peace) could have possibly made a difference.
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Old 15th November 2024, 19:08   #41378
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Originally Posted by ScorpioYadav View Post
Hypothetically, if all things remained unchanged, would it have been less deadlier had there been a full metal sheet roof on the Innova instead of the Glass Sunroof?
The only likely difference a lack of sunroof would've made in this instance, is the mode of death of the individuals that 'lost their heads' peeking out of it. I say 'likely', because it's still possible to lose your head without hanging it out a sunroof.

The only deficiency involved here was mental, not material.

Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 15th November 2024 at 19:10.
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Old 15th November 2024, 19:09   #41379
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by krishnakarthik1 View Post
Requesting experts here to kindly analyse and give us their opinions. Very sad loss of lives.

Link below
No analysis required here No kind of technology or crash ratings can prevent idiots from killing themselves, irrespective of - age/ gender/ economic strata or whatever else allows them behind the wheel.

You drive a vehicle or even walk on a road, you look out for idiots. We were rightly coached - it is not just your mistake, it is also those of others that you look out for. Discussing idiot-proofing of vehicles through tech is definitely not solving this kind of foolishness.

Rash and negligent driving- that is it, period!

Driver education, owner education and parental control are inherently important. So many wonderful quotes on the thread - all coming from their elders, experience or training. That is what is required.
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Old 15th November 2024, 19:42   #41380
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Very glad that the car in Dehradun incident didn't mow down any innocent bystanders. As for the occupants, it's very hard to feel any sympathy for them - not sure why we should mourn them. They embodied everything that's wrong with Indian drivers:
  • Drinking and driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Glorifying reckless driving on social media
  • Exceeding speed limits
  • Racing
  • Sticking their heads out of the sunroof in a moving car

As the saying goes "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". And win they did.
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Old 16th November 2024, 06:27   #41381
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We all have been stupid in our 20s, its time to spread some wisdom now that I am approaching 40s.

A note to all young people: Most accidents occur in young age of 20s and may or may not involve vehicles. There is one common factor in all such mishaps (drunk driving, racing, jumping in waters, climbing mountains etc):

- 99% of time it will involve a group of people (of at least 2 people) as the urge to do something stupid comes from proving others that you are superior. It is a way of seeking validation from others. Alcohol consumption increases this urge and also boosts confidence.

- In that group, there is a minimum of one guy in who is overflowing with confidence but is dumb as a door knob.

- Be smart enough to identify such specimens and never let them take lead in any activity that involves risk of harming self or others.

- If they (and others taking his side) still insist to lead, there is an imminent disaster waiting to happen. Be decisive enough to get out of that group activity and isolate yourself first, even at the cost of getting shamed/rejected by them later. Do not delay and get into a situation where getting out is difficult (example: sitting in their car or on their bike)

- There is a chance that nothing bad will happen, and at that moment, if you feel that you are missing out on all the 'fun' by isolating yourself, you are one of the dumb ones too. Try not to be that guy.
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Old 16th November 2024, 07:29   #41382
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

The sad part with many of these sunroof joy riders is that they have a team bhp live to drive sticker on their cars!. There is a motoring culture developing in our country that seems to only learn lessons the hard way. We need to figure out who is more dangerous- the person doing 83 in a 80 zone or the genius sticking his kids through the sunroof? Cops abroad would look the other way if you were within 10mph over the speed limit but they would come down seriously hard on stunts that we see on daily basis. The laws of physics do not care for your cheap thrills.
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Old 16th November 2024, 11:12   #41383
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The trick to stay as safe as possible is to buy a car with maximum safety rating, and then drive it as if it has no safety rating at all. In short, defensive driving.

Please don't drive aggressively at all. Defensive driving is always best. I have seen that people who buy an suv for it's "road presence" as a main quality, are generally aggressive drivers. Road presence in my book is a euphemism for "move over asap when you see me in your rvm, or else!". A sane driver ahead of us will make way even if we want to overtake with an autorickshaw. A not so sane fellow will "rise up" to what he perceives as an aggressive show off and create unnecessary risks.

End of rant.
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Old 16th November 2024, 12:50   #41384
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
It takes government action. It takes spending on advertisements, education, etc. It takes proper enforcement. But first of all, it takes somebody in power who actually cares.
Perfect and I would add the most important factor of all - a driver who understands he's responsible for his co-passengers lives and has the sense to rein himself in when the urge to speed bites. A difficult ask when one is DUI AND young. We all know alcohol and driving dont mix. It can easily end up in tragedy like this where young lives were needlessly lost. Luckily nobody else in the vicinity of the accident was hurt.

I've seen the unedited video. It is gory to say the least. I personally feel some stills from that video should be shown on TV (especially during festivals when people tend to drink more) to make people understand what can happen if you drink and drive. It is similar to those graphic pictures on cigarette packets with an equally grim warning.

It's time the authorities take those kid gloves off and take serious steps to reduce drinking and driving. Such drivers pose a risk to themselves and others including innocents in their vehicle, bystanders in the vicinity and other drivers
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Old 16th November 2024, 14:23   #41385
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Re: Accidents in India | Pics & Videos

When I was younger, I used to fret about the possibility of losing either of my parents.
Now, when I drive, I fret about the possibility of them losing me.

And that keeps me sane—at least when it comes to my own driving. I cannot guarantee about others.
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