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Old 21st July 2010, 10:17   #6391
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Originally Posted by joecherian View Post
saw a fatal accident today morning, in front of Total (Airport road). BMTC bus mowed down a pedestrian crossing the road.The bus was driving very slow and hence it seems like it was the fault of the person who was crossing the road. I was in our office cab right behind the bus and our driver was lucky enough to prevent the cab from rear ending the bus. Unfortunately, the person got killed on the spot.Immediately after stopping the bus, driver and conductor started running in opposite directions.
that's just horrendous! may their soul rest in peace.

that area is known for people crossing the road without thinking! people don't look both ways before crossing and think the vehicles will stop when they see them crossing!
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:24   #6392
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I saw an accident in Soolikunte on Sarjapur Road while driving to my office in Bellandur from my house in Sarjapur. Near the turn for Delhi Public School, an Accent had rammed into a moped. I wonder what the moped was doing in the right lane (there is a huge divider and there is no break for the next kilometre or so). As I drove on, an ambulance overtook me. Later I saw one guy being shifted from an Omni into this ambulance near Decathlon. It didn't seem like this guy was alive.

Originally Posted by joecherian View Post
Unfortunately, the person got killed on the spot.Immediately after stopping the bus, driver and conductor started running in opposite directions.
To avoid mob justice I guess :-(
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:25   #6393
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My mom's car(Aveo U-VA) was rear ended on Dadri road(in front of Film City, Noida) yesterday!!( I was the one driving!)

It was drizzling and suddenly a truck just darted in the road, perpendicular to the traffic!

I saw a Dzire brake hard and I down-shifted immediately.
A merc rear ended the Dzire. And as I didn't apply the brakes (as U-VA has no ABS and it surely would've locked the wheels and I would've come close to ear ending the Merc!!)(Though I was traveling like 5 meters behind the merc!)

and used gear braking, I was able to maneuver out of the line.

just when I thought it was over, 'BAM' someone rear ends me!

This lead to me gaining momentum again and the car started to rush towards the just rear ended Dzire!

I had to pull the e-brake and steer in order to avoid the swift and i did!

then we all pulled to the side of the road!

and the vehicle that rear ended me was a NHC driven by a gal who was all apologetic(finally someone genuinely apologizing! That too in Delhi!), claiming that 'she applied the brakes but nothing happened' like I'll buy that!!

The bumper of her NHC had caved in and nearly all its paint was now on U-VA's Bumper!

Damage to the U-VA - a crack in the right side of the bumper(reflector broken) and dislocation(increased panel gap) between right rear quaterpanel and the bumper

I just told her to maintain adequate distance between the vehicle ahead at all times and to drive safe!

she was like " I'm feeling even more guilty since you aren't saying anything" LOL!

I honestly thought that at least the hatch door was a goner etc.
but I was surprised to see the impact handling capacity of U-VA's rear bumper!

and driving in the rain, in Delhi is like asking for dents!!
I'm never taking my love out in the rain, ever!

I was thinking of replacing the bumper with a new one! but I've heard of plastic welding! not sure whether the original bumper strength will be retained after repair or not!?

pls suggest!

here are some pics!
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:40   #6394
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Originally Posted by joecherian View Post
saw a fatal accident today morning, in front of Total (Airport road). BMTC bus mowed down a pedestrian crossing the road.The bus was driving very slow and hence it seems like it was the fault of the person who was crossing the road.
At this place, pedestrians keep meandering across the road while vehicles are waiting for the signal. Most probably the bus driver was looking at signal/other vehicles and did not notice the pedestrian in front.

May the soul rest in peace.
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:42   #6395
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
I saw a Dzire brake hard and I down-shifted immediately.
and used gear braking, I was able to maneuver out of the line.
I had to pull the e-brake and steer in order to avoid the swift and i did!
Brilliant driving skills, sohail!! Great presence of mind.
That's all it matters to avoid major accidents.

Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
Damage to the U-VA - a crack in the right side of the bumper(reflector broken) and dislocation(increased panel gap) between right rear quaterpanel and the bumper
Sorry about that.

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she was like " I'm feeling even more guilty since you aren't saying anything" LOL!
Ofcourse, she should be, for the way you reacted. Again
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:44   #6396
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
I was thinking of replacing the bumper with a new one! but I've heard of plastic welding! not sure whether the original bumper strength will be retained after repair or not!?

pls suggest!
not too sure the original strength will be retained after that plastic welding. one of my friends did that on his Accent and next time someone rear ended his car, the bumper didn't quite hold up.

saw this new "REGD." Indigo being towed away on the IRR yesterday. seemed to have rear-ended someone - the front bumper was damaged along with the headlights and the hood was bent.
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Old 21st July 2010, 10:56   #6397
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^I think I'll be going for a new bumper then!(3k bumper and 3k paintjob! ouch! :( )

Thanks ch.nathan

I had been practicing gear braking for quite a while now and learned that it can be used as an ABS alternative!

but now if I see a gal in my RVM, I'll run like hell! lol
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Old 21st July 2010, 11:16   #6398
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
but now if I see a gal in my RVM, I'll run like hell! lol
Not only in the RVM, but anywhere in the vicinity.

This morning in Electronics City, a girl on a two-wheeler skidded due to the wet road and fell in the way of an i10 which had to swerve hard to avoid her.
Luckily there was no other vehicle to make things worse.

Couldnt take PICs as I didn't want to create more traffic jam - already there were 4-5 people helping her.
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Old 21st July 2010, 11:35   #6399
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
I had been practicing gear braking for quite a while now and learned that it can be used as an ABS alternative!
i believe the term is "engine braking" - using the gears to down shift to reduce the momentum of the vehicle. however, in the long run it can cause wear and tear on the gearbox. also, i don't think engine braking can be used as an alternative to ABS. engine braking requires some distance (more than ABS) as rapid down shifting can damage the gears. the vehicle has to be in appropriate speed - for example shifting to 2nd gear whilst at 60kmph not only will it damage the gear, it will cause a sudden jerking/shuddering.

i use the following as a reference while engine braking:
60-45: 4th
45-30: 3rd
30-20: 2nd

this, when used in conjunction with the brakes (for rapid deceleration), can safely stop a vehicle in shorter distances.

Engine Braking

Last edited by IronH4WK : 21st July 2010 at 11:48.
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Old 21st July 2010, 11:54   #6400
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Oh yes! its engine braking!

but if I have to stop suddenly using the engine, I downshift and slowly release the clutch, ensuring that the RPM doesn't go beyond 2k!

using that and mild braking = stopping way earlier than with brake alone!(as you said)

sudden clutch release after downshifting will definitely cause a shudder if at high speeds!
I release the clutch gradually!
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Old 21st July 2010, 12:33   #6401
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post

I was thinking of replacing the bumper with a new one! but I've heard of plastic welding! not sure whether the original bumper strength will be retained after repair or not!?

pls suggest!

here are some pics!
Don't do that, just replace the entire bumper. The whole idea of a deformable bumper is to take the impact during a crash rather than transferring the impact to the car chassis. A repaired bumper will not be able to hold up to any future impact and the car chassis might get damaged in turn.
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Old 21st July 2010, 12:36   #6402
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^Thanks for the suggestion! will be going for a new one!

just need to convince mom now!
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Old 21st July 2010, 17:19   #6403
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Originally Posted by sohail99 View Post
Oh yes! its engine braking!

but if I have to stop suddenly using the engine, I downshift and slowly release the clutch, ensuring that the RPM doesn't go beyond 2k!

using that and mild braking = stopping way earlier than with brake alone!(as you said)

sudden clutch release after downshifting will definitely cause a shudder if at high speeds!
I release the clutch gradually!
Don't ride the clutch. The clutch should not be disengaged gradually. You will end up with burnt plates.

Use correct engine braking as someone suggested.
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Old 21st July 2010, 19:13   #6404
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1 was killed and many injured when a Tanker truck and a private route bus collided in kalamassery near Ernakulam.

The accident happened on the 4 lane NH47 stretch, when the speeding tanker truck lost control and run over the central divider hitting the oncoming bus right in the middle toplling it to a trailer parked on the side. The guy who was killed was thrown out of the bus and got crushed underneath. On inspection it was found out that all the three wheels on the right side was in bad shape.

Dailymotion - bus accident near Kalamassery - a News & Politics video

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Old 21st July 2010, 21:06   #6405
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Originally Posted by prmd_cochin View Post
when the speeding tanker truck lost control and run over the central divider hitting the oncoming bus right in the middle toplling it to a trailer parked on the side.
News video says that local people had complained that the median is dangerous. How can a median be dangerous?
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