Team-BHP - Bad Drivers - How do you spot 'em

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There are idiots who use hazard lights to go straight at a junction!

'How will I indicate I'm not turning either left or right?'

'Don't indicate anything and drive straight?'

One would think it would fall in the 'Duh!' obvious bracket but it apparently doesn't.:Frustrati

Video showing the perils of ignoring truck driver's blind spot, it is not very clear whether truck driver was alone and had no cleaner.

Even in urban settings, people drive really close to large vehicles inside their turning radius, then panic when realization dawns, often with extra crunchy noises.


Originally Posted by ada (Post 4690449)
Video showing the perils of ignoring truck driver's blind spot, it is not very clear whether truck driver was alone and had no cleaner.

Sad thing is that the Gi10 driver’s stupidity will be blamed on the truck driver .


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 4690435)
There are idiots who use hazard lights to go straight at a junction!

I disagree with some of the "correct" use ideas that get posted here, but there is certainly a lot of misuse. This is a good example


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 4690435)
There are idiots who use hazard lights to go straight at a junction!i

I believe this was posted and discussed here before as well. Although i disagree with the method, this does seem to be a good idea sometimes in a busy junction. Especially when majority of traffic moves either left or right and rarely crosses straight into narrow road ahead.


Originally Posted by Torq (Post 4690606)
... Although i disagree with the method, this does seem to be a good idea ...

I don't know how you can disagree with the method and consider it a good idea?

I join with those who consider it a terrible idea. Direction indicators signal intention: hazard lights (even though they use the same lights) indicate danger, and have nothing to do with intention. It can even be misleading, as others on one side can only see the lights flashing on that side.

Hazard lights should never mean "I'm going straight." Nearby vehicles can be informed, if necessary, with a hand signal. Even though there is no formal going-straight hand signal, it is easy enough to get the message across.

If i were waiting in the left lane to turn left and the guy on my right had his hazard lights because he was going straight, i would assume he is turning left because that's all I can see (as mentioned above). Depending on whether I am a defensive or aggressive driver i would either wait thinking he'll turn left or floor it and make a screeching left turn to prevent him from turning in front of me. Also if a car had a genuine problem at a junction and put his hazard light on people would assume they are going straight and honk like crazy. This altered behaviour due to misleading hazard lights is unnecessary.
In significantly decreased visibility, hazard lights may play a role of there is a sudden halt or stoppage due to a pile up etc.


Originally Posted by Torq (Post 4690606)
Especially when majority of traffic moves either left or right and rarely crosses straight into narrow road ahead.

Even if the majority users move either left or right they should be using the left or right signals as the case may be. If they are not using any signals it means they are moving straight (Obviously they cant move straight up towards the sky)


Originally Posted by mallumowgli (Post 4690717)
If they are not using any signals it means they are moving straight

Breath of fresh air logic! Thank you :D


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 4690435)
There are idiots who use hazard lights to go straight at a junction!

This is so ridiculous to do that it does not even warrant a discussion here!. But I will still post something on it.

First time that I saw it was on Old Madras road when I saw the signal turning green on the other side. There were vehicles moving in all three directions. A cab switched on the hazard lights and continued straight. My immediate thought was that he was going to stop anytime as there seems be an issue! But he continued as if he has done something absolutely normal.

That is when I realized that people even get such stupid ideas :Frustrati!.


Originally Posted by Torq (Post 4690606)
.....this does seem to be a good idea sometimes in a busy junction...

No it doesn't!

Using one action to signal two different intents based on situation, presumes the person behind you is using the same logic, and it could be a hazard (pun intended).

In this case, cars either side of a car with hazard lights wanting to go straight only see the blinkers to turn left or right and act accordingly, while the car behind could rightly presume a breakdown and try a go-around, causing lane chaos.

This is akin to how the right blinker has been repurposed as a safe-to-pass signal on Indian highways. I've had several instances over the years when I've indicated a lane change to overtake and a vehicle behind barged in on my right, then argued:

'Why did you put on the blinkers if you didn't want to let me pass?'

'I put on the blinkers because I wanted to pass!'

Minor confusion in crawling traffic, potentially fatal on a highway. Signals should only be used as indicated (pun intended again) by rules of the road.


Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom (Post 4690619)
I don't know how you can disagree with the method and consider it a good idea?

Kind sir, hazard lights, as the name suggests, are to indicate there's a hazardous situation akin to breakdown etc. Hence, the disagreement. But, a potential good idea based on a past experience, where I could've used this perhaps, where I was stuck between cars and bikes and on the right side lane, wanting to go straight. Left lane for the free left. Majority of the people turning right, and I was going straight. I did face ire of some stupid two wheelers who turned right after overtaking from the left!


Originally Posted by BenjiRoss (Post 4690671)
... because that's all I can see (

You are correct sir


Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao (Post 4690825)
Minor confusion in crawling traffic, potentially fatal on a highway. Signals should only be used as indicated (pun intended again) by rules of the road.

Absolutely. Hazard lights are not intended to use on highways in any other condition except to indicate YOU are the hazard! I was talking, rather discussing about its potiential use in B2B traffic.


Originally Posted by Torq (Post 4690829)
. But, a potential good idea based on a past experience, where I could've used this perhaps, where I was stuck between cars and bikes and on the right side lane, wanting to go straight.

If you would like to move from the rightmost lane to the center lane, you need to use the left turn indicator for a lane change. If you're going straight, no indicator. Making up new convenient rules can create a lot of confusion. There will be no end to this.


Originally Posted by Torq (Post 4690829)
Kind sir, hazard lights, as the name suggests, are to indicate there's a hazardous situation akin to breakdown etc. Hence, the disagreement. But, a potential good idea based on a past experience, where I could've used this perhaps, where I was stuck between cars and bikes and on the right side lane, wanting to go straight. Left lane for the free left. Majority of the people turning right, and I was going straight. I did face ire of some stupid two wheelers who turned right after overtaking from the left!

No, it is not a good idea.

Absolutely. Hazard lights are not intended to use on highways in any other condition except to indicate YOU are the hazard!.
No, they are to warn of A hazard.

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