Team-BHP - to deal with traffic stress

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How do you guys deal when in face of the typical traffic situation i.e insensitive fellow drivers,pedestrians who slowly walk in front of you eyeballing you in the deal with a hand up asking you to stop instead of walking faster or waiting for you to go,two wheeler super stars who simply cut into your lane,same bozos scratch past your beloved vehicle and simply shrug,call-center/cabbie shumacher's who feel now that they are on road we should retire!!etc etc etc

well i sure want all the views on dealing with this cause who knows driving in city though just a pain-full way to get from point a to point b has and is affecting mind-set which if not in control creates a new job(road-rage)in middle of point A to point B,what say.....

if its a zebra crossing, or if its a red light crossing- then pedestrian have RIGHT of way over you.

However, i do agree about the rest. I have often encountered men riding cycle on the fast lane , I have to yell at them.
A blue colored BTMC buss nearly crushed my car whille cutting me

When I started car driving some 10 years back, I often felt like yelling at speed manics or those disobeying traffic rules or simply blowing horn needlessly. Well, sometimes, I even yelled at them. This prompted a close friend of mine to comment, "By reacting like this, you are allowing those guys to disturb you. Don't allow that." Those words had a strong impact on me and I still remember them all the time whenever I'm facing morons on the road. Reacting and yelling is a sign of weakness, not strength. If you're a tough guy, (or at least aspire to be one) just stay calm and cool.

AC and music in the car definitely go a long way in keeping one cool and level headed.

I remember reading in the Newsweek magazine once that in Jordan (or may be Israel), it is compulsory for all vehicle manufacturers to provide factory fitted AC in the vehicles, so that the drivers won't lose their cool and exhibit more restrained (and safer) behaviour on the road. Interesting isn't it!


I agree with directinjection on the AC and the Music part.... It does help to a great extent actually especially after a long hard day at work


Originally Posted by directinjection (Post 314417)

I remember reading in the Newsweek magazine once that in Jordan (or may be Israel), it is compulsory for all vehicle manufacturers to provide factory fitted AC in the vehicles, so that the drivers won't lose their cool and exhibit more restrained (and safer) behaviour on the road. Interesting isn't it!

It is my personal experience too. When I am driving long distance, I make sure AC is on most of the time. It reduces the fatigue due to noise (because you have rolled up your glasses) AND temperature. But in the city, it is not easy to keep cool with people trying to hit you from all the sides :D So I go smooth on acceleration and hence breaking. This way I need not be on my attentive best all the time and reach my destination with a good mood.

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