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Old 17th November 2012, 16:38   #286
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by KINI View Post
From the real world and Team-BHP feedback,Sales and A.S.S for both VW and Fiat is a hit and miss here in Chennai.But the next key aspect here is resale value.We just sold our SX4 petrol for very less.We are actively looking at the Vento TDI Highline as of now!!

Just spoke to the broker whom we sold the SX4 to,he mentioned that the Linea suffers from poor resale value.
Absolutely spot on, FIAT has the worst re-sale value of the lot. Rest of them i.e., Vento, Verna, Sx4 (D) enjoy more or less a similar re-sale value.

I guess your Sx4 fetched you a bad re-sale value purely because it was a Petrol, Petrols these days are down in the dumps (barring Honda City for some reason). Otherwise as far as i know, Sx4 Diesel has a similar re-sale value as Verna & Vento (Considering %age as the criteria here). I say this because my closest of friends (with whom i plan to set-up my own shop soon ) owns a used car showroom in Delhi.

Nissan & Renault are unknown commodities on the used car market as of now, so i don't think anyone can really point towards an accurate re-sale value of there models, but since Duster has been a hot - selling product i have all the reasons to believe it would be a hit in the used car market too !!

Nonetheless, Vento is a supreme choice and i am sure it will give you many years of flawless kms !!
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Old 17th November 2012, 20:07   #287
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

So I finally TD'ed the Vento.Dad,coming from a SX4 petrol felt immediately at home.I was pretty comfortable with the car too but I couldn't hit the sweet turbo-zone as often as I would have liked.I was either a gear higher or lower.Clutch was pretty light;so was the steering.Dad loved it,I was okay with it but I'll take the Cruze's steering anyday.I set up the seat at one lever lower than its highest position and visiility was brilliant!!The music system seems to be decent.It won't need an upgrade;atleast not immediately!!The gearbox was an absolute joy to use.Super sweet,leagues ahead of my Cruze.The interiors are really well screwed together.A sore point is the lack of aux connectivity.Wish VW had included auto folding mirrors.Love that feature.

All in all,looks like a solid upgrade from SX4 petrol.The shadow blue bug has bitten us too.


PS:Looks like VW service charges have gone up.The SE quoted 11k for annual service whereas it has cost only 7k for BHPian Mikon.

Last edited by KINI : 17th November 2012 at 20:32.
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Old 17th November 2012, 20:43   #288
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

I bought a Linea 4 months back and am toooooo happy with the performance. The first inspection is done. No charges. The car goes 40 to 100 in no time and you can feel the push once you floor the paddle and I was amezed that before I could register I was crossing 120
Am too satisdied with handling and performance. The seat comfort and suspension is too good ( had zen and accent before)
Was about to buy rapid but am very happy with my beauty.
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Old 17th November 2012, 21:00   #289
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Originally Posted by KINI
PS:Looks like VW service charges have gone up.The SE quoted 11k for annual service whereas it has cost only 7k for BHPian Mikon.
Have seen rates of upto 13k for annual service, even in this forum (that too, with NO work other than regular service). As of now, can only consider this a part of the package.

Hope CCI investigation yields some positive results.
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Old 17th November 2012, 23:16   #290
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Please do not buy any VW or Fiat products.

Please do check the attached pic. This gives you an indication of reliabilty ratings for various manufacturers in the UK presented by whatcar?

These manufacturers might be successful, but they is a vast chasm between successful and competent. By th eway i am not related to any brands what so ever.

Please do check out the Renault Duster, it has high GC, Tackles giant craters with ease, and gives you a good fuel economy with a decent feature set and the driving position ergonomics are better. Please do TD this extensively. It is better than many sedans around.

Strongly recommend Duster!

All the best! Happy and safe motoring!
Attached Thumbnails
Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others-car-reliability-survey-2012.jpg  

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Old 17th November 2012, 23:50   #291
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by Doc Maanava View Post
Please do not buy any VW or Fiat products.
It is no secret that German manufacturers have been struggling with the reliability of high end electronics they add into their car.Mechanically,the Germans are very good.European VW's are loaded with gizmos AFAIK.

I'm no fan of VW or its reliability.But I am a fan of the Vento for what it offers.The car reeks of quality.I am taking the plunge(if I am) solely going by ownership reports and service feedback of BHPians.

As for Fiat,their cars(atleast in India) are not unreliable.They are just niggly.

Last edited by KINI : 17th November 2012 at 23:52.
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Old 17th November 2012, 23:53   #292
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

i have a 2009 August model Punto Em Pack and have started thinking of replacing her with a Sedan. The main reason is my frequent visit to service station cuz of one or the other problem. She reached 57k in odo.

And i am not a happy customer of the FIAT service. I don't really trust the work they do to my car and wasn't happy with some of their repairs. So finally deciding to move to another brand and a higher version.

My budget is ~10 laks so this thread helped me with choices.

My punt is diesel but i have started tinkling of going for a petrol cuz my city driving has come down and only once in a while i hit highways. Diesel by choice but would like to check out petrols too. My wife is a big fan of CIVIC

Now my question... Go for new one or get a second hand (not more than 1 yr old) bigger cars like CRUZE?

help me here

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Old 18th November 2012, 03:56   #293
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by ~~VinZ~~ View Post
My budget is ~10 laks so this thread helped me with choices.

My punt is diesel but i have started tinkling of going for a petrol cuz my city driving has come down and only once in a while i hit highways. Diesel by choice but would like to check out petrols too. My wife is a big fan of CIVIC

Now my question... Go for new one or get a second hand (not more than 1 yr old) bigger cars like CRUZE?

help me here
A used civic should fit perfectly into your budget. The new city itself is around the 10L mark. If the car is well maintained and in good condition, there is no reason not to go for a used car. It is cheaper and other than warranty you lose very little.

Do remember that the bigger and more upmarket vehicle you go for, the higher the servicing cost.
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Old 18th November 2012, 10:29   #294
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by Doc Maanava View Post
Please do not buy any VW or Fiat products.

Please do check the attached pic. This gives you an indication of reliabilty ratings for various manufacturers in the UK presented by whatcar?

These manufacturers might be successful, but they is a vast chasm between successful and competent. By th eway i am not related to any brands what so ever.
I am interested to know how you singled out VW and Fiat and based on the list you attached.

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Old 18th November 2012, 10:37   #295
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by pganapathy View Post
A used civic should fit perfectly into your budget. The new city itself is around the 10L mark. If the car is well maintained and in good condition, there is no reason not to go for a used car. It is cheaper and other than warranty you lose very little.

Do remember that the bigger and more upmarket vehicle you go for, the higher the servicing cost.

But my confusion is still between a diesel and petrol cars. if i finalize on Petrol then used civic will be my first choice (GC will be a concern tho). Else i need to choose from the list of diesel sedans available.

1) Lesser maintenance cost
2) Minimum visits to service centre
3) Good power
4) Good Ground clearance. (faced GC issues with Punto)
5) Availability of after market accessories
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Old 18th November 2012, 11:37   #296
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by Doc Maanava View Post
Please do not buy any VW or Fiat products.

Please do check the attached pic. This gives you an indication of reliabilty ratings for various manufacturers in the UK presented by whatcar?

Strongly recommend Duster!

All the best! Happy and safe motoring!
It is known that when it comes to failure rates and overall reliability, Japanese are much more reliable than the europeans. I can see the Japanese brands having the lowest failure rate.

You mentioned to not go for any VW or Fiat products since in the 10L bracket being discussed on this thread, VW and Fiat have the highest failure rate.

But then Renault is the bottom of the heap. Why not a similar treatment for Duster?
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Old 18th November 2012, 12:21   #297
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by KINI View Post
PS:Looks like VW service charges have gone up.The SE quoted 11k for annual service whereas it has cost only 7k for BHPian Mikon.
Please understand the reason for the increase/decrease of the service cost. A lot of us (including well advised BHPians) end up agreeing to all the add-on services that the workshop suggests; and this is common across most if not all German/Korean/Japanese/etc manufacturers. @mikon didn't go for any of that (e.g. wheel balancing & alignment) - and hence the lower cost. Also a general observed pattern is the SE gives a higher figure initially, as experienced by most on the forum, the final servicing costs is lower.

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Old 18th November 2012, 12:40   #298
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by hrman View Post
It is known that when it comes to failure rates and overall reliability, Japanese are much more reliable than the europeans. I can see the Japanese brands having the lowest failure rate.

You mentioned to not go for any VW or Fiat products since in the 10L bracket being discussed on this thread, VW and Fiat have the highest failure rate.

But then Renault is the bottom of the heap. Why not a similar treatment for Duster?
If every one goes by the list then not many would ever touch a Tata or Mahindra. What is the point if a car has 0% failure rate but there is no fun driving it. There is more to cars than these lists. My point is simple, if you like a car than go for it.

In my native village many common people often say " Too much analysis = Paralysis"

My two cents !!!
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Old 18th November 2012, 12:51   #299
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by Doc Maanava View Post
Please do not buy any VW or Fiat products.

Strongly recommend Duster!
Not bashing Duster here. It is a very competent product and is selling like hot cakes. But if one had to go strongly by the Whatcar analysis you have put up then Renault's failure rate is at 52% which is way beyond VW and Fiat's. Then how do you single out VW and Fiat alone? Beats me!
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Old 18th November 2012, 20:40   #300
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by ~~VinZ~~ View Post

But my confusion is still between a diesel and petrol cars. if i finalize on Petrol then used civic will be my first choice (GC will be a concern tho). Else i need to choose from the list of diesel sedans available.

1) Lesser maintenance cost
2) Minimum visits to service centre
3) Good power
4) Good Ground clearance. (faced GC issues with Punto)
5) Availability of after market accessories
If the mileage per month is below about 1,000 km then petrol makes sense. Especially as you are considering used which has decimated resale values.

As a rule petrol engines are cheaper to maintain than diesel engines in a similar price range.

Most modern engines have similar servicing distances, whether petrol or diesel so there is little to choose from there.

Good power is a very relative term. It seems that the petrol engines are better in this regard when taking the same sized diesel engine where both are NA. It is very difficult to compare different engine size and forced induction vs NA engines. The accord 3.5 V6 is very powerful for example but most diesel engines rarely exceed 2.0 litres at best in the budget you are looking at.

Honda are not great for GCsuggestionsuggestion is drive the car you are considering on roads you would normally use it on and see the result. Pure GC numbers do not tell the whole tale.

Honda as a rule are brilliant tuner cars which means after market accessories are available for just about anything.

I have to take those failure rate numbers with a pinch of salt. Renault and Nissan are twins under the skin. Yet Nissan is looking at 25 % and Renault 52 %. It does not make sense.
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