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Old 30th August 2014, 19:19   #856
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Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
Not a pro, but in my opinion- it's the German attitude. European rather!

They are never good at service and the products are always over-engineered to overcome this limitation they know they have!

Holds true for many European brands like VW and subsidiaries, FIAT and it's subsidiaries, BMW, Mercedes etc.
Crazy driver summed it up pretty good there. That's a good perspective. Still, come to think of it, pretty ironic situation these germans have created....
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Old 2nd September 2014, 19:41   #857
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
City handles better than a Linea TJet, and close to Ford Fiesta?
'City comes a close second and with better tyres, it might be able to challenge the dynamics king, the Ford Fiesta'.

City has a better ride than Vento / Rapid?
'Vento and Rapid have a good ride but the City is even better'

Quality of a Verna?
'Honda has managed to squeeze in the space of a Sunny, quality of a Verna, and dynamics of a Fiesta in one brilliant package!'.

Ya, right! Agreed its an alround package, but i take these words with a packetfull of salt. Go figure!
Ha ha.. If all of what motorbeam review said was true then that has to be the best car we have ever seen. Ever !

Just can't get my head around as to how can they make such sweeping statements and criticize cars in aspects that they are actually good at & are well known to be the best in the segment for these aspects.

Linea TJet/Fiesta at handing ! Vento/Rapid at Ride ! & Verna at quality !

What I remember from my test drive of the city ?

Flimsy to average build, pathetic high speed dynamics & an evident bumpy ride. Its just an average car that's big in size & carries a H badge. Two aspects that's enough to make it sell well in India !

No offence to any current owners of the city, but the motorbeam review seems overly biased.
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Old 10th September 2014, 22:23   #858
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Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Guys. I am in the biggest quandary ever! I am looking to sell my one year old Swift ZDi for a nice Auto Diesel. I am sick of driving in the city and I wish to upgrade my ride to a sedan.
I have a budget of around 10 lakhs for a used car and can stretch to 12 for a brand new car.
I have had a slightly bitter experience with the suspension of my used Civic, but generally 50000 km run Civics do give suspension trouble.
The Cruzes I am seeing are all 2010- 2011, 30000-50000 km done. Are they good deals? Do any major problems crop up up to 1,00,000 km in a Cruze??
In my Civic I changed the A/C cooling coil, shocks twice, mounts three times and suspension mounts twice within 25000 km. I don't want to go wrong with ANOTHER used car if this is what is in store for me.
Any help??

PS: I have a feeling the Rapid DSG will be good for me, but the Cruze is a CRUZE. The oomph factor of a Cruze is WAY higher than a Rapid!
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Old 10th September 2014, 22:45   #859
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Originally Posted by frankmehta View Post
PS: I have a feeling the Rapid DSG will be good for me, but the Cruze is a CRUZE. The oomph factor of a Cruze is WAY higher than a Rapid!
Are you willing to wait for the new Rapid, it may take quite some months for the launch.
Now if you are willing to wait, I don't know what others have to say but I'd suggest the Rapid, the current Rapid is a joy and if the Vento/Rapid is anything to go by, the new Rapid will definitely sport considerable improvements over the current one.

Mind you, Cruze is from a larger segment, but my belief is there is nothing the Rapid can't do that the Cruze can. The new Rapid has the looks, power, space, comfort, handling, possibly features, everything you need from the car, only suspect is the company's attitude to customers.

But yes as GTO recommends, if you get a sweet deal on used, why not try it, may turn into a win-win situation as you won't loose much when you trade it or you may trade it with the Skoda guys when picking up the new Rapid at your convenience.

Just asking, I am sure you must have given this a thought, going by your profile picture, you seem to be a Honda fan, maybe because of your Civic, is the new City in consideration then, or is it that you want to try a car from the segment above, both Rapid and City fall in the same segment.
You could try the petrol City AT as Diesel is being de-regulated, or maybe retain your Civic, if AT and if you still have it or pick the previous gen City with paddles and swap it when the Rapid launches.
Also any intent with user Laura's/Jetta's with DSG, but I presume you may not get them within the warranty period and with DSG's I believe its always good to pick one with warranty.

Back to your question - my answer, if you have time, try waiting for the new Rapid, it definitely should be worth it.

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Old 11th September 2014, 12:53   #860
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by suhas_raj View Post

What I remember from my test drive of the city ?

Flimsy to average build, pathetic high speed dynamics & an evident bumpy ride.
The actual 2014 ASEAN NCAP crash test has rated the 2014 Honda City on the top of the safe cars list in terms of structural rigidity and adult and child passenger protection.

The 2014 Honda City even beats the Euro designed Vento/Rapid and Ford Fiesta in the safety tests.
The body structure in the 2014 city is the strongest launched by Honda so far compared to the previous variants. It is 24% more rigid compared to the previous variant which is a substantial improvement.

As per the reports, the City beats the other C2 segment cars available in India in terms of safety, even the supposedly stronger Euro cars. Even I was surprised to hear that. Seems like it is not as flimsy as it is perceived to be.

The 2014 Honda Jazz (Honda Fit) and the Honda City scored 15.58 and 15.8 respectively out of 16 in Adult Occupant Protection, both securing 4 stars in AOP and 4 stars in COP with a compliance rating of 71%. Both the Honda Jazz and City are built in Thailand to cater to the local Thai market. While the above ratings were secured by their respective base variants with 2 standard airbags, the 6-airbag top-end variant secured 5 stars in AOP and COP. It’s worth mentioning that the Honda City broke the record for the highest points ever achieved in ASEAN NCAP, beating previous holder, the Ford Fiesta’s, score of 15.78 points.

Source: Honda City 2014


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Old 11th September 2014, 14:31   #861
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Originally Posted by frankmehta View Post
The Cruzes I am seeing are all 2010- 2011, 30000-50000 km done. Are they good deals? Do any major problems crop up up to 1,00,000 km in a Cruze??

Any help??
The Rapid will be a practical, sensible and the more obviously niggle-free choice, but I'd look at the Cruze very seriously if I were you. The Cruze's owned on the forum haven't thrown up many major issues and it takes everything the Rapid does well and does it better, save for space at the back.

It's also a whole lot sexier, but you already went there.

The only issue is the mileage on the clock. 50,000 is a bit much, try to find Cruze's that haven't run that much (maybe 20,000-30,000) and then take a call based on their condition.

There's a Vento diesel DSG coming up too apparently, you might want to wait for that.
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Old 11th September 2014, 15:12   #862
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

I will focus on Cruze for my feedback as an owner having done 60,000kms it has been cheaper to or equivalent to my earlier car Hyundai Viva CRDI which was atleast 2 segments lower

My whole story is documented here and you can review it if your interested in Cruze

I have driven the Rapid and it cannot be really compared as it's a class lower than Cruze and simply cannot match the brutal power, stability and overall comfort of Cruze especially if you like high speed cruising

FE has been consistenly 11kmpl-11.50kmpl in city and 13kmpl-14kmpl on highway conditions.

Till date, I may have spent an overall 40K in service and spares in last 4 years that I have owned which is is lower than Rs.1/km which is peanuts for a car from this segment

However, I was given a heads up to expect a 25K-30K bill for my upcoming 60K kms service in which the majority cost will be oil change and timing belt change and a possibility of brake pads replacement (any one pair only)

So your looking to buy a Cruze which has done around 60K kms, either ensure this service is completed or negotiate the price keeping this cost in mind
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Old 11th September 2014, 15:15   #863
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Frank, why not try out an Accord V6? A 2006-07 should come for around 6 L with around 50 K kms on odo which is nothing for this car. You save 5-6 lakhs which will ensure few years of free fuel. Then zero maintenance. And in performance, it will leave the other two cars you mentioned much behind. But yes, very few cars can match the ooomph looks of Cruze's exterior. But then again interior of Cruze is not good.
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Old 11th September 2014, 17:07   #864
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Cruze is a reliable car going through the ownership threads on the forum.

If the Skoda/VW service is good in your area, I would suggest to wait for the Rapid/Vento
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Old 11th September 2014, 20:40   #865
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

Cruze AT gear box is nothing to write about. It was found to be confused at times as per what I read on the forum.
You should wait for Vento / Rapid DSG.
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Old 11th September 2014, 22:08   #866
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by for_cars1 View Post
The 2014 Honda City even beats the Euro designed Vento/Rapid and Ford Fiesta in the safety tests.
Interesting this, I am munching on this bit slowly, taking all the time to digest. This has shaken up some of my staunch beliefs. Honda seems quite responsible after all.

Originally Posted by for_cars1 View Post
The 2014 Honda Jazz (Honda Fit) and the Honda City scored 15.58 and 15.8 respectively out of 16 in Adult Occupant Protection, both securing 4 stars in AOP and 4 stars in COP with a compliance rating of 71%. Both the Honda Jazz and City are built in Thailand to cater to the local Thai market. While the above ratings were secured by their respective base variants with 2 standard airbags, the 6-airbag top-end variant secured 5 stars in AOP and COP. It’s worth mentioning that the Honda City broke the record for the highest points ever achieved in ASEAN NCAP, beating previous holder, the Ford Fiesta’s, score of 15.78 points.
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Old 12th September 2014, 02:19   #867
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by for_cars1 View Post
The actual 2014 ASEAN NCAP crash test has rated the 2014 Honda City on the top of the safe cars list in terms of structural rigidity and adult and child passenger protection.

The City tested was of Thai make.

Vento tested was a 'made in India' model for the malaysian market.
Originally Posted by s_pphilip View Post
Interesting this, I am munching on this bit slowly, taking all the time to digest. This has shaken up some of my staunch beliefs. Honda seems quite responsible after all.

We already have a thread on this topic with a lot more details to munch on!

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 12th September 2014 at 02:24.
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Old 12th September 2014, 02:45   #868
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Othe

Originally Posted by CrAzY dRiVeR View Post
We already have a thread on this topic with a lot more details to munch on!
I did note that thread, maybe I didn't follow it that closely, what I was surprised by is the fact that the City turned out safer than the VW's and Ford's that I normally associate the word "safe" & "well built" with. I am amused at myself too because of my blind belief.

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Old 12th September 2014, 03:04   #869
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Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs ...

Originally Posted by s_pphilip View Post
I did note that thread, maybe I didn't follow it that closely, what I was surprised by is the fact that the City turned out safer than the VW's and Ford's that I normally associate the word "safe" & "well built" with. I am amused at myself too because of my blind belief.


1. Thai version is heavier than the more equipped Indian versions. I doubt if it gets the safe emphasis on safety as in India.

2. A 2014 model going against two products at the fag end of their life cycle.

3. Crash tests show how well a car insulates the cabin from shocks. While our senses feel safer with better build. I believe it's best to have a combination of both. The structural design of the city with better sheet metal- wouldn't that been ideal?
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Old 12th September 2014, 07:26   #870
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Re: Diesel Auto: Used Cruze or wait for Skoda Rapid DSG!?

The Cruze is the better car. However, its slush box isn't very impressive so drive the car first before deciding to buy it.

Oh and if you do buy a Cruze, do remember to change those horrid jk-tyres it comes with.
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