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Old 1st April 2015, 00:11   #1066
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by petrolhead_neel View Post
Thanks a lot Anurag Sir. Your reply influenced my Dad to take the test drive.
YOU, sir- are scarcely to blame for this.

**FORD- What!?**

Yeah- Ford. Ford. My car hunt was quite complicated. Oopsie, it began with a FIAT Linea. Predictably. Until-

I'm coaxing the MJD to move. A slight flick- and the car turns. Here we are, my parking slot. Hmmmm- Flick the steering to the fullest, and coax the MultiJet. Again. We move. Slowly. But- surely.

I edge forward- All seems well. Until......

Oh damn. It touched my Vespa.

I couldn't take it anymore. Somehow reversed the thing out. The Linea is big- beautiful, no doubt. But no way- it was going to fit into my parking slot. A tight fit-- yeah. But doing it everyday is impossible. As if anyone wants to park that huge Italian hulk, after that awful day at work. The car was not for me. Sadly.

So- Here I went.. Punto.

Same story again. Liked it- yeah. Okay- And I liked the Zest too. Strange, no? TD's taken. Found the Punto to be a bit heavy, and the 90HP was a bit of a disappointment- Power wise. Okay- Forgot about it. For a while, anyway.

I *happened* to see a Fiesta (Classic, I know!) TDCi. Whoa! This was 'my' sort of car.
Lovely handling. Yeah. A must requirement for me- A clattery diesel. Yeah.

*You see, I *love* 'em old gen-diesels!*

Looks- Okay....Simplistic. And the best thing- This one was easier to slot in than the Linea. So here you go.

I'm obsessed. At last.

So- Here's my final checklist (Perhaps I'll buy in October. Perhaps not. Blew up some good money for a 2015 Bianchi Via Nirone 7 C2C- And thus, I'm not really that keen on a new car. Let's see- Wot?)

A] FIAT Linea MJD. (Park this one outside, and *pledge* to cover this one everyday. XD)

B] Ford Fiesta / Aspire. (I'll try to bargain when the Aspire is just launched. Dealers will be under tremendous pressure to clear off existing stock of the Fiesta Classic. Besides- As I want a diesel, the newer Aspire will do just fine. As long as I *like* it.)

C] FIAT Grande Punto. 90HP. Whoops! Love this car- honestly!

D] Tata Zest.

Last edited by FINTAIL : 1st April 2015 at 00:13.
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Old 1st April 2015, 21:41   #1067
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by vnabhi View Post
Congratulations @petrolhead_neel! I'm sure both you and your parents will enjoy every mile munched for years to come!

Do post an intital ownership thread after a few days. Do share the on-road price and information on any freebies that were offered.
Thanks a lot. We viewed the pictures from your Team-BHP garage from the SA's computer and decided on the 'Paprika Red' colour.

On road price is Rs. 7,60,000. Freebies will be discussed at a later date.

Originally Posted by aravinrd View Post
Congratulations neel! you will love this car,I do own one for the last 6 years done 53K, loved every bit of the drive. Amazing control anytime.
Thanks a lot. Glad to find another 1.6 Sigma owner who swears by it. I just can't wait any longer for the 'Beasta' to arrive.
Originally Posted by FINTAIL View Post

YOU, sir- are scarcely to blame for this.

**FORD- What!?**

Yeah- Ford. Ford. My car hunt was quite complicated. Oopsie, it began with a FIAT Linea. Predictably. Until-
If you wait till October, you probably won't get the Fiesta(Argh!Classic). Stocks will be cleared by then. They are already giving huge discounts on the diesel models but unfortunately, none for the petrol. Take your decision fast.

So, what is gonna be the official 'FINMOBILE'?

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Old 11th April 2015, 18:28   #1068
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others


Planning to buy a car in 12-13 lakh onroad range and confused between Honda city and Vento.

Why is the City selling 4-5 time more than Vento when Vento is actually cheaper by around 1 lakh for a comparable model? Thoughts on this will be very helpful

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Old 11th April 2015, 18:49   #1069
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post

.. confused between Honda city and Vento....

Why is the City selling 4-5 time more than Vento when Vento is actually cheaper by around 1 lakh for a comparable model? ...
You will find tons of information on the web justifying why Vento is better or why City is a better car.

The pros and cons of each car may stand good in their own right, but the ONLY way to find out what is good for you is to take a test drive of both cars and then your heart/mind will know what to go for.

I'm assuming that you have done the "theoretical" shortlisting based on your needs and now have to decide between these two.

You don't need to rip the cars or test its limits during the drive, just a short drive at a leisurely pace like you would do most days, relax, get a feel of the cars and feel your vibe.
Take along people (family/friends) to the test drive who would be regularly part of your drives in your car Their input also matters.

This worked for me. One drive each of both cars back to back and I made my choice.

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Old 12th April 2015, 10:26   #1070
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post

Planning to buy a car in 12-13 lakh onroad range and confused between Honda city and Vento.

Why is the City selling 4-5 time more than Vento when Vento is actually cheaper by around 1 lakh for a comparable model? Thoughts on this will be very helpful

I think the differenec is in A.S.S.

Vento drives better, but Honda has better and less expensive maintenance. Again most of the City sold are petrol, while Vento sales are predominantly deisel, which means higher maintenance costs.
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Old 12th April 2015, 12:17   #1071
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Is there a marked difference in maintainance cost if you are comparing city diesel to vento diesel?
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Old 12th April 2015, 18:39   #1072
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Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post
Is there a marked difference in maintainance cost if you are comparing city diesel to vento diesel?
Just an example.
First paid service for my diesel city was for 2900 bucks.
First service for my friends Vento was for 9k.

My cousins Polo service always amount to minimum 10k so I believe VW cars do have the tendency for expensive maintenance.

However, I will suggest do a TD for both n make a list of pro and cons. Then decide. You can also check with respective SA of both cars for service bills to get a fair idea yourself.
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Old 12th April 2015, 19:18   #1073
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Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs ...

Originally Posted by Aroy View Post
I think the differenec is in A.S.S.

Vento drives better, but Honda has better and less expensive maintenance.

Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post
Is there a marked difference in maintainance cost if you are comparing city diesel to vento diesel?

Vento diesel highline costs 13.16 L OTR Bangalore while City VX diesel costs 14.64L OTR, both without discounts.

That's a 1.5L difference. Assuming VW service costs 15k INR per service and Honda costs just 0 INR per service. You're still good for 10 services, or 1.5 lakh kilometers in the Vento? This doesn't consider the discounts running on Vento or the actual service costs of City, which widens the gap further.

And most people cover only 60k - 100k kms with their cars.

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Old 12th April 2015, 19:31   #1074
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Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post
Is there a marked difference in maintainance cost if you are comparing city diesel to vento diesel?
Originally Posted by harry10 View Post
Just an example.
First paid service for my diesel city was for 2900 bucks.

First service for my friends Vento was for 9k.

My cousins Polo service always amount to minimum 10k so I believe VW cars do have the tendency for expensive maintenance.
It depends on the customer as to what are the jobs to be done for the service.

Simple example is engine oil to be used varies the final bill amount by a large extent:

Mineral oil - Rs 300 / Litre = 1000/ 3L
Synthetic oil - Rs 1000 / Litre = 3000/3L.

Also IIRC, the service interval is 15K for VW cars whereas 10K kms for Honda.
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Old 13th April 2015, 14:59   #1075
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post

Planning to buy a car in 12-13 lakh onroad range and confused between Honda city and Vento.

Why is the City selling 4-5 time more than Vento when Vento is actually cheaper by around 1 lakh for a comparable model? Thoughts on this will be very helpful

A very good question. Forget the Vento, the City sold double and more compared to even the Ciaz and Verna. The City is a very good product no doubt, but if you compare it section by section with competition, I don't think it comfortably tops any category. Looks are subjective, Vento/Linea are more solidly built, the verna is more feature laden, Linea/Fiesta ride and handle better, Sunny/Scala are equally spacious, and I think variant to variant, the City is more expensive than everything else.

Why does it outsell everything comfortably? In my view, a lot of it has to do with the perception and brand value. It comes across as a safe reliable choice and does not raise any red flags as the competition does. And it has been like that for several years. Even when City had only the petrol option, if you look at petrol only sales, the City outsold everything else by a large margin. It is one of the cars that has captured the Indian heart and irrespective of what the competition comes up with, it is going to outsell them . I don't think the marketing folks at the other companies will be able to put down a clear cut reason for it.

The Alto, Dzire are couple of vehicles that I can think of which enjoy this privilege in India. Of course, they are good products, but to capture the Indian imagination, there is some other X-Factor needed which these vehicles have managed to find.

The Ecosport was a missed opportunity for Ford to get into this unique list.
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Old 15th April 2015, 15:14   #1076
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Well I think the City sells due to the following reasons -
1. It has the most comfortable seats in the segment
2. Lots of features
3. Gem of a petrol engine
4. The honda brand.

If we're considering petrol cars, the city is the best in its segment IMO. But the diesel is too noisy and pricey. I'd go with the Ciaz.
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Old 15th April 2015, 18:51   #1077
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by vishnurp99 View Post
Vento is actually cheaper by around 1 lakh for a comparable model
I would still buy the City.
  • More space
  • Better FE
  • Easier and cheaper maintenance. VW could earn the 1 lakh back via maintenance and spares
  • Better resale value

The Vento rides and Handles better than the city though.
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Old 15th April 2015, 19:48   #1078
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by Aaron:) View Post
Well I think the City sells due to the following reasons -
1. It has the most comfortable seats in the segment

If we're considering petrol cars, the city is the best in its segment IMO. But the diesel is too noisy and pricey. I'd go with the Ciaz.
I beg to differ with these two points.

Most comfortable seats is slightly a broader definition.

1) Most legroom?
2) Most headroom?
3) Best under-thigh support?
4) 5 people can sit comfortably?
5) Rear AC vents?
6) Window line is lower to make the rear seat feeling better?

I have travelled in Linea, City and Vento over long distances. The most stress-free, least-fatigue experience for me was in the Linea. I think that is due to outstanding ride quality and dynamics of Linea. We were only 4 of us in the car and only two on the rear seat, so seat width did not matter much.

Also, the recline angle of Linea is better than City IMHO. That also makes a difference to the comfort.

I am not saying City's rear seat is not good. But its surely not the MOST comfortable according to me.

But yes, Honda has a good brand following and the general perception is that their cars are reliable over longer period, compared to other brands.
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Old 15th April 2015, 20:08   #1079
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I think. City sells so much cos of its reliability factor. Maruti, Toyota and Honda are the only car brands people trust with eyes closed in our country.

And that's with good reason as they have provided good service and reliable cars over the years which others like Tata, Mahindra, Skoda, VW, Renault, Fiat etc haven't been able to do so consistently.

Also word of mouth is considered more important in our society. If a friend or relative asks me today which car to buy in this segment I will suggest as City, Verna, Ciaz, Fiesta in that order omitting Skoda, VW and Fiat just cos of the A.S.S.

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Old 16th April 2015, 01:35   #1080
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Re: Which Diesel car for ~10 Lakh? Vento vs Verna vs Rapid vs Fiesta vs Linea vs Others

Originally Posted by ajay_satpute View Post
I have travelled in Linea, City and Vento over long distances. The most stress-free, least-fatigue experience for me was in the Linea. I think that is due to outstanding ride quality and dynamics of Linea. We were only 4 of us in the car and only two on the rear seat, so seat width did not matter much.

Also, the recline angle of Linea is better than City IMHO. That also makes a difference to the comfort.
Well IMO the Linea has a better ride and a good seat, but it is really lacking when it comes to space. In fact that is one of the few major shortcomings that mark it down. It otherwise is a great package if rude and handling is a priority.
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