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Old 29th April 2008, 12:48   #1
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Ford Fiesta Diesel Zxi Vs Hyundai Verna Crdi Sxi ABS

Hi All,

I am planning to buy a new car.
I am very keen in these two cars.
1.Ford Fiesta Diesel Zxi/Sxi
2.Hyundai Verna Crdi Sxi ABS

Ford Fiesta Diesel Zxi/Sxi
Good FE
Looks very propotionate likes a sedan.
Interior is OK
Very Bad A.S.S
Lack in power
Sxi has 6CD changer not supported MP3
No Automatic Climate Control

Hyundai Verna Crdi Sxi ABS
Very Powerful engine
Looks is subjective
Lots of Gizmos.
Good A.S.S
Not a Good FE as compare with Fiesta
problem in High Speed driving
No Airbags

I have had TD of both vehicle.For city driving Fiesta is good and seating position compare with Verna is up to the mark.
Verna has more space overall but ingress and egress is little cumbersome
and looks smaller than Fiesta.

I enquired some owners of both vehicle.
FE (City with 100% AC) - 14-16 kmpl
(Highway with 100% AC) - 18-22kmpl

FE (City with 100% AC) - 12-14 kmpl
(Highway with 100% AC) - 16-18kmpl

Please give some valuable inputs so that i can decide my next car.
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Old 29th April 2008, 13:24   #2
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Since you have already shortlisted two these cars. I would recommend you to go for a Verna CRDI SX with ABS. Change it to fatter rubber and you will be quite safe until 160kmph. Don't ask what will happen after that Just kidding!

I have only two complaints against a Fiesta. Low power and A.S.S is not even comparable with that of a Hyundai.
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Old 29th April 2008, 13:37   #3
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Blindly go for verna CDRI

Ford A.S.S is very bad when compared to hyundai
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Old 29th April 2008, 14:06   #4
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Depends on what is your priority (power vs FE) and kind of use (city vs highways).

If you are going to do mostly city driving and are conscious about FE, the Fiesta is the one for you. While the Fiesta is definitely lower on power, it sure is enough for city conditions and the normal highway runs. I would take the Fiesta-D of the two.
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Old 29th April 2008, 14:43   #5
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Being a Fiesta owner, I think the bad comments of Ford A.S.S. is not
really valid. They've improved a lot and apart from the slightly more
expensive spares(which in normal life shouldnt be that much a problem) you'll never have any issues.

Just go and buy the'll never regret.
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Old 29th April 2008, 17:15   #6
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go for the verna. the ford is not powerful enough. the verna gives 16kmpl with very hard driving. what more can you ask for?

and the instability that everyone talks about is only after 140kmph in a stock car, that too on undulating road surfaces, you'll get used to it.inspite of all its handling and stability, Point A to Point B will be much much slower in a fiesta.changing the tyres will help but its not a must like the swift's stock tyres.

as far as A S S is concerned- my brother owns an endeavour, and he sends me to the workshop because he cant control his temper like I can.
spares are expensive, staff are rude and inept.
contrast that with the holiday resort like friendliness of hyundai and maruti, and you wonder, why are people buying ford?(my brother included)
Old 29th April 2008, 17:25   #7
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16kmpl in City or highway and also with 100% AC
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Old 29th April 2008, 17:33   #8
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Originally Posted by aks_karthik View Post

16kmpl in City or highway and also with 100% AC
its always 16kmpl, whether its highway or city, with AC on all the time with climate control at 22 degrees.
I think I dont find much difference between city and highway mileage because in the city- the verna willl go around with the engine at idling in slow traffic.

on the highway, i should be getting more- but I have a very heavy right foot.
most people get better figures on highway.
Old 29th April 2008, 23:28   #9
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Well here in Mumbai the A.S.S has been very good provided by Shaman Ford till date to me,regarding expensive spare parts has anyone compared the pricelist across the C segment i had put such specific posts in different threads but there was no response.
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Old 29th April 2008, 23:47   #10
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no doubts about the choice here , should be a Verna for sure , the newer vernas are much better off and upgrading the tyre will also help to a large extend. and i dont think that you will be driving consistantly at over 140 KMPH , yes sudden spurts are fine and accounted for , I for one get 17- 19 KMPL in city driving with the AC set at half way , and on the highways i get about 20- 24 KMPL numbers depending on how heavy my right foot is .

The Verna CRDi engine is a gem, even more so if you get the Petes installed , but remember driving stlyes affect the FE to a large extend, but the lowest i have heard anywhere is around 14 KMPL and the same car has reported better FE now when the right foot is less heavy .....
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Old 30th April 2008, 09:39   #11
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Hi all,
Thanx for your suggestions.
I am inclined towards Verna now.
Already my Brother has a Passion Red Verna Crdi SX ABS.
That's why I am thinking of buying some other car.
I TD all diesel cars.Verna,GetZ,Dzire,Fiesta,Fusion,Logan,Swift and magnum
I filtered and at last car lineups were GetZ,Verna,Fiesta,Dzire.
After seeing Dzire in road,the appearance was not good as a sedan.I left out.
Got an appraisal .so planned to go for excluded GetZ.
Finally uncertainty between Verna and Fiesta.
Any how i'll go for another test drive by this weekend and morrow and finalize the car.
My choice of colors are Platinum or moon dust silver in Fiesta
Real Earth,Kyara or Bright Silver in Verna.
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Old 30th April 2008, 11:02   #12
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If you can spend that extra, go for the verna. Certainly more power and almost equal mielage to the fiesta. If you cannot afford that extra amount, go for the fiesta.

Both are good cars.
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Old 30th April 2008, 12:38   #13
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If you already have a Verna CRDi at home, why buy another one ? Try out the Fiesta. Anyway, as you said, take a testdrive of both and decide based on whichever appeals to you overall.
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Old 30th April 2008, 12:48   #14
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Karthik, go for a test drive, and see which car appeals more to you.
As far as after-sales is concerned, its not as bad as most people here proclaim. Check out the reviews from other Chennai owners as well.
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Old 30th April 2008, 13:30   #15
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You could also consider waiting for the Fiesta 1.6 diesel? However, in your analysis, you have overlooked the cramped interiors of the Fiesta. Hyundais Verna is far more spacious.
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