Team-BHP - The Human Mind - Fascinating/Unexplained

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I've had this question for sometime now, and finally em posting it here - hoping to get an answer/opinion.

When I was little I had a couple soft toys - One Doggy named Chickoo and a Panda Bear named Podiak.
As I am told I gave them these names - Chickoo & Podaik.
While Chickoo is a commom name, Podiak is not, and definitely not for a toddler!

Here is the interesting part.

Kodiak is a place in Alsaka famous for its bears.
Now I know this could all be coincidence, but what if its not.

I mean what prompts a toddler who could barely speak a couple words call his Panda Bear 'Podiak' of all the names in the world,when there is similar sounding word 'Kodiak' synonymous with Bears. How/Why would this happen ? Fascinating to probe.

While this was a lingering question in my head for sometime.
What actually promtes this was, I saw a documentary on The Genius of the Brain. wherein people (some of them Autistic) could hear a piece of music
and reproduce it flawlessly, without any training. And other such unexplained feats of the mind. How on earth is this possible

Let me know what you think.

Toddlers have the best learning ability. They are very good in grasping languages when compared to grownups.
Check out this documentary: The Human Body (TV mini-series 1998) - IMDb
Very good on the explanation on parts 2 and 3 (It is a 7 part series!)

We'll this came up yesterday when I meet some of my old cousins. And I recollected that I had posted here a while ago but didn't see much interest (which is surprising for TBHP) - I know there are some intellectuals here.

Would be nice to get your thoughts. I find these sort of telepathic,deja vu instances fascinating to probe.

PS : I am a skeptic at heart and look for a scientific explanation (and em willing to except that current scientific knowledge may not have the answer) but that does not mean there is something super natural happening. It simply means we don't understand why/how it is happening.

Feel free to share your experiences.

The human mind is vast, much beyond our imagination.

Ever thought about someone and then got a call/sms/ping from that person? I think this is the single most happening common occurrence amongst people.

Ever thought about what time you want to wake up and set the alarm, only to find that you actually woke up before the alarm could ring?!

Recounting an incident;
I have had many instances of deja-vu in my life, each one of them very interesting and intriguing, but this one took the cake.

Right from my 8th Standard, I used to dream that I am sitting on a terrace along with a boy (whose face I couldn't see) and we are talking about a particular house across the street and he tells me that this house was constructed in a month's time only!

Now this was a very unusual dream, and it was recurring as well. The exact same dream used to repeat over and over again. I passed my 8th, 9th and then gave my 10th board exams.
Post which we migrated from Mumbai to Kathmandu, Nepal, and we were staying in this locality called Boudha, Jorpati.

At this place, we had rented the ground floor of a huge bungalow while the owner was staying on the first and second floor.

The owner had two sons, the younger one being my friend. Once, he took me to show the terrace and while sitting there on the boundary wall, he said the exact same thing while showing me the house across the street. I had goose bumps then like I am having right now when I heard that.

I could not make sense of it at all and till date I have never found any answer to it.

I believe in the sub-conscious mind and have seen it work, but this was beyond imagination.

But then, like your thread suggests the human mind is fascinating and unexplained.

@ Trojan - And I had goose bumps when I read your post.

My cousin just reminded me of an incident from his school days.
He was going to his relatives house for a home party and insisted that he take a potato along in his pocket. His mother didn't allow. And right enough when the reached the relatives house the host was short a few potatoes and he had to go get some. Coincidence !?!

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