Team-BHP - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Researchers at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas have found that hours in the car can cause carpal tunnel syndrome and that the risk increases if the motorist talks on cell phone while driving.
"Repeated, prolonged gripping of anything-whether it's a steering wheel or a tool-can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome," said Jennifer Valle, occupational therapist and certified hand therapist, Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas.
"There are activities you can do and modifications you can make to help alleviate the risk of developing carpal tunnel," she added.

Following are some tips to ease the problem:

- Switch the hand you drive with-periodically using your left, then your right.

- Keep your hand in line with your elbow and your wrist straight.

"If you imagine the steering wheel as a clock, the best position to put your wrist in would actually be at three o'clock and nine o'clock," Valle said.

According to experts, most people who have already developed carpal tunnel symptoms can reverse them by making simple changes.
"A lot of times patients will come back and say 'I'm having fewer symptoms,' and that the activity modifications are working," Valle said.
Drivers also increase their risk of carpal tunnel-they talk on their cell phone while driving-holding it with their wrist bent.
Experts suggest that one must use an earpiece or headset to overcome this problem. (ANI)

Long drives, mobile use can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Umm, what exactly is the carpal tunnel syndrome? You have provided only the solution :)

Carpus is a word derived from the Greek word "karpos" which means "wrist." The wrist is surrounded by a band of fibrous tissue that normally functions as a support for the joint. The tight space between this fibrous band and the wrist bone is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel to receive sensations from the thumb, index, and middle fingers of the hand. Any condition that causes swelling or a change in position of the tissue within the carpal tunnel can squeeze and irritate the median nerve. Irritation of the median nerve in this manner causes tingling and numbness of the thumb, index, and the middle fingers, a condition known as "carpal tunnel syndrome."


To put simply what GS has put in such detailed intricacy, CTS is a problem that causes swelling and pain in the wrist. It mainly occurs to the computer professionals who work the keyboards for long hours. This has to do with an unnatural angle of the wrist for extended periods.

Its considered a Professional Hazard for the IT professionals but can actually happen to anyone who exposes his/her wrist to such extreme stress.


Originally Posted by diabloo (Post 905500)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Researchers at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas have found that hours in the car can cause carpal tunnel syndrome


Originally Posted by Zappo (Post 905829)
CTS is a problem that causes swelling and pain in the wrist. It mainly occurs to the computer professionals who work the keyboards for long hours.

That means, we T-bhpians are doubly exposed to carpal tunnel ? :Shockked:


Originally Posted by diabloo (Post 905500)

- Switch the hand you drive with-periodically using your left, then your right.

whatever happened to the rule where u have to hold the steering at 10 - 2 o' clock.

too much ps2 and xbox can also leads to cts :mad:


Originally Posted by discobiscuit (Post 906754)
whatever happened to the rule where u have to hold the steering at 10 - 2 o' clock....

Airbags happened.

See this thread :


There is no 'rule' for the 10 - 2 holding positions of the steering wheel. Auto safety research in the 70's had found that this is position from which drivers - strong or weak, man or woman - can react the fastest to deviate the car in accident-avoidance situations. One is supposed to adjust seating in a way that the wrists touch the steering wheel with arms extended - so that the elbows are slightly bent when you actually hold the wheel. Car ergonomics are designed assuming this as the default driver position (NOT with stomach touching the steering wheel the way many drivers in India drive).

In this holding position, driver's airbag will always stay clear of the wrist and arms at the time of firing.

These OSHA-sponsored studies are ultimate. If one goes by their data, the only safe situations to avoid CTS etc. are where there is no repetition of body movement. :p I have always dreamed of lazing around doing nothing, or maybe doing 1 or 2 of such movements a day, and getting paid for that.

CTS can also be caused due to constant use of computers viz. due to the position of ones wrists while using the keyboard and mouse.

I suffer from CTS, not due to driving but due to prolonged usage of PC/laptops. I was advised to change my sitting posture and arm levels while using comp and follow some exercises for my fingers and wrist. It is under control now.

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