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Old 21st October 2014, 14:31   #196
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I do agree with the comments of you both but strange thing was that, there is much bigger hospital (MS Ramaiah memorial hospital) at just about 10 seconds of walk. And the ambulance which was going on the road was some private nursing home from Banaswadi which is almost 15 Kms away. The question which arises is why any person would opt for a hospital which is far away rather than opting for a hospital which is just few seconds away.
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Old 21st October 2014, 14:46   #197
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by meetbadri View Post
When the ambulance came next to me just saw that there was no patient inside. He needed a way to go and put the sirens to get way. I also thought that he was going to pick some patient but that was not the case, there no nurse inside to take care of patient.

I am still in shock that why people take advantages of facility given to them

Let use practice the norm of giving way to emergency vehicles in all situations. In your case, the ambulance could have been going to another hospital to pick up patient. He could also be going back to hospital after dropping off a dead body or another patient home. It is important for ambulances to be present at the hospital at all times. So, we just should not infer that the ambulance driver is having a joy ride.

The ambulance drivers too have to maintain logs for billing purposes, so they always will have a strong reason for putting on the siren.
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Old 12th November 2014, 14:45   #198
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This did not happen to me but my wife:

My wife had to come back in an auto one day from work. She does not have a very good relationship with the auto stand next to her office as they take every opportunity to fleece everyone. Anyway that night it was a bit late and hence she got into an available auto. She told the amount she was willing to pay and there was no response from the auto guy.

When she got down at my house, she was about to give the amount which she had talked to him when the person asked her to give 20 Rs only (In Chennai, at 8PM for a distance of around 10km). Surprised, she asked the reason and what he said was this in his own words:

"You do not remember me but I had dropped you some days back from office to your home. That day my child was unwell and I did not have any money and was wondering what to do when I was dropping you. You did not have change that day so your father in law paid on your behalf and he gave me a 100 thinking it to be a 50 note. Even I noticed only after I had gone some distance. Because of that extra money, I was able to buy some medicines for my kid. So today I am taking this money from you only as a token gesture"

Wow!! Such people still exist!!! Realized that not all auto guys are the same "fleece the customer" type. May such auto guys tribe (infact such nice humans) increase
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Old 4th December 2014, 09:16   #199
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A friend experienced this recently..
He was on the way to work when an auto screeched, veered and rear-ended his car on one side of the bumper. My friend was very upset and angry, stopped the car to look at the damage and to give the auto driver a mouthful. He assessed the damage and estimated about Rs.1500 for the repair work and was in a mood to ask the auto driver to pay up.
Surprisingly, the auto guy did not escape from there, he got out and kept saying sorry.
My friend asked why he was driving so rashly and the guy showed his left hand - he had only thumb, index and small finger, 2 fingers missing. He said he suddenly felt a pain in his wrist and could not control the vehicle. My friend was suddenly overtaken by emotion and instantly gave the auto driver a Rs.500 note and asked him to be careful in future
Never know if the driver was faking the pain part, but the humanity aspect at that moment overtook all other emotions my friend was experiencing and made him do this.
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Old 4th December 2014, 17:23   #200
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

So, sometime 6 weeks ago, I was on my solo drive on the old Pune-Mumbai highway - took some diversions into some villages after Talegaon and was enjoying the serenity, what with the rains having just lashed that part of the country side. And since I had walked out into the open fields and was quite a distance away from my car, I was drenched by the time I could run back to my car.

And I somehow manage to find the road back to the highway, and had stopped at a small road side tea stall, somewhere closer to Talegaon I guess. A Red colour MSRTC pulls over a little ahead and there is a girl who gets down from the bus. Dressed in white shirt/black suit and black shoes - clearly you can make out she's a student. She has one big roller type suit case with her.

Damsel in distress - I am sipping my tea. She's trying to get to this tea shop to escape the rains. And she asks where a particular B-School was close by and if she can get a rick. I was bewildered - and realize the bus guy didn't guide her properly and she didn't know this place, maybe she was visiting for the first time and she got off there trusting the bus conductor. The mobile phone of hers was fully discharged.

So, I offered her a lift and I vaguely remember seeing the B-School somewhere near the Pune-Blr by-pass road and I had to anyways take that road to reach my house.

A good 25 KM's drive - not a word spoken, don't even know the name - and I could see her eyes getting welled up. She sees the B-school, saw her friend waiting outside for her, jumps out, hugs her friend, turns back to take her luggage - and with a polite "Thanks a lot Bhaiyya", she's off.

Last edited by jkrishnakj : 4th December 2014 at 17:26. Reason: Spellings
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Old 4th December 2014, 21:05   #201
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by jkrishnakj View Post
A good 25 KM's drive - not a word spoken, don't even know the name - and I could see her eyes getting welled up. She sees the B-school, saw her friend waiting outside for her, jumps out, hugs her friend, turns back to take her luggage - and with a polite "Thanks a lot Bhaiyya", she's off.
The last part was really painful. From a Knight in shining armour to Bhaiyya.

Try to strike a conversation the next time you drop someone, else cast thy bread upon the waters, for you shall find it after many days…
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Old 4th December 2014, 22:32   #202
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Somedays back, on the freeway, saw a Maruti 800 with its emergency lights on, bonnet up and uncles in white kurta's and young girls in burkha's standing outside the car. The uncle's were trying to fiddle with something inside the bonnet and I was appalled that all those cars passing by them, no even bothered to stop.

I immediately stopped the car ahead of theirs and got my parking lights up. All of them turned and started looking towards my car. I got out and started walking towards them and that smile on everyone's face was worth a million dollars. The first thing uncle told me 'Main yaha 25 minute se khada hoon, mujhe laga insaniyat bombay main bachi hi nahi hai'. I just smiled at him and told him 'Insaniyat traffic main fasi thi uncle, ab aa gayi hai' and started asking him what was wrong with the car.

He said, he went over the big speedbreaker kind of things at the Chembur-Mumbai freeway at quite a speed and suddenly the car just lost all power and stopped.I realized his battery terminal must have come lose as this has happened to my Swift before. Took a stone and nudged both the terminals back into their place, cranked the starter and voila, the car was running like nothing happened. He gave me his card with all his details and told me 'Life main kabhi bhi kisi cheez ki zarrorat ho, dial karna, banda haazir hoga' and left. Felt so good.

I kept following him as I know after the flyover gets over, the concrete roads are so bumpy that maybe a terminal might come out again and his car would stop. Nothing happened and we both went on our way.

I am glad I stopped. This is India and his or his family's way of dressing up should not influence us in anyway to help or not help them. Human's are in trouble, people should come to the rescue. Period.

Last edited by humyum : 4th December 2014 at 22:48.
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Old 5th December 2014, 09:13   #203
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

As this thread is not limited to heart-warming incidents in India alone, i believe it would be worth sharing this experience i had in Australia. People spent over 2 hours of their time helping out, without even having to ask.
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Old 10th December 2014, 13:35   #204
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Sharing an experience I had this week here in Mangalore. I was driving on KS Rao Road towards Hampankatta Signal at evening. I wouldn't say it is Four lane Road, maybe a 3 lane with median (1.5 lanes on each side). It was peak hour traffic and a guy in KL registered car on the opposite lane was trying to make an U-turn. The traffic was slow but no one bothered to stop for a couple of seconds for him to complete the turn. I was driving sedately and stopped for him. While completing the turn, he waved and gave a . It was truly a heartwarming gesture and I returned the same. Felt nice.
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Old 11th December 2014, 09:15   #205
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

One of the most irritating things I find difficult to tolerate/accept is when people deface or destroy public property
Recently, I see many "poster boys" sticking/stapling paper brochures/sheets for PG accommodation, etc during morning/evening walks. Their targets are electric poles, walls, fences and worst even trees

Last week I saw couple of guys stapling the sheets to trees and asked them to stop. They did so reluctantly and then continued after they couldn't see me anymore (found out in the evening). Next day I took a bag when leaving from home, pulled down all the sheets from the trees on my walking path, collected them in the bag and trashed them at home.

When will such people be booked and when will this stop ? Swachh Bharat seems an elusive dream! Unless we really care for our environment and society we can't change these things.
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Old 11th December 2014, 11:57   #206
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Next day I took a bag when leaving from home, pulled down all the sheets from the trees on my walking path, collected them in the bag and trashed them at home.
Great initiative, man! One thing we can all emulate instead of crying over trees being mutilated sitting in our living rooms. Thanks
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Old 11th December 2014, 13:21   #207
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened with me today. I just entered the basement parking and it will total pitch dark. I couldn`t see anything and I had to switch on my lights. I was wondering why it was total dark today as everyday I used to park my car in the basement and I never witnessed such a blackout. I thought of checking with the traffic masters present in the basement. As I was about to get down, I realized that I was wearing sunglass..
I usually come to office by 7am so it didn't required me to wear sunglass. However today I reached at 12pm and I was wearing the sunglass.
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Old 11th December 2014, 15:13   #208
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Glad to come across this thread. I have interesting incidents to relate.

#1: In a noida traffic signal cum traffic jam, I was slowing down in the middle lane to change to the right most lane because I needed to take a u-turn at the signal. I misjudged my speed and the distance to the stationary brand new maruti dezire in front of me. While changing the lane; I completely demolished the rear bumper of the new car with the side of my car. Now I'm completely scared of being beaten black and blue (as this happens frequently in NCR - the beatings due to road rage).

Sure enough, 3 or 4 big guys exit the dezire and survey the damage. I promptly offer to have it repaired myself at no cost at all to them. I could see the burly guys with the driver wanting to have a go at me. But the driver says its not a problem and asks me to go my way . I insist on giving him my visiting card if he changes his mind but he refuses and gets back into his car to leave. I was shaking and pleasantly surprised at the same time. Will never forget the incident.

#2. Was driving to pusa road from noida. And had never previously gone there. I had a nokia phone (the 6500i, i think) that had navigation. So I went about diligently following the turn instructions and ended up standing at a closed railway crossing. I switched off my car and waited a bit. I remember there was no one else waiting along side me or on the other side of the crossing. It was day time and this did not bother me.

There was a tea stall on my right with the usual few patrons sitting around sipping their cuppa. After some time, one of them came up to me and knocked on the window, I rolled it down and he asked me where I wanted to go, he was giving me quite the incredulous look. Then he told me that the crossing is permanently closed and never opens; I should find another way to pusa. Stupid GPS, switched it off and asked my way around after that.
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Old 13th December 2014, 11:04   #209
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by amarpreet99 View Post
Stupid GPS, switched it off and asked my way around after that.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why it is believed that in India at least , the best GPS is to get down and ask in case you have doubts about the way forward.



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Old 19th December 2014, 18:15   #210
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Mods: If this is not the appropriate thread to share the below, please move the content. Thanks.

Though not the experience on the road, I would like to share the story that I came across today in TOI. These type of stories only remind us that there are still wonderful human beings on earth.

Source link and full article:

2 year old boy's heart airlifted from Bangalore to Chennai

CHENNAI: The heart of a two-year-old brain dead boy was airlifted from Bangalore to Chennai to be transplanted in a two-year-old boy at Fortis Malar Hospitals in Chennai.

The boy in Chennai, who has been suffering from a condition called dilated cardiomyopathy, was admitted to Fortis Malar Hospitals in a critical condition, with transplant being the only solution.

Luckily, help came from Bangalore, where the parents of another two-year-old boy, who was declared brain dead on Thursday, agreed to donate their child's organs to other children. The doctors at Manipal Hospitals and a team of doctors from Fortis Malar Hospital harvested the organs of the child.

Police created green corridors in Bangalore and Chennai to transport the child's heart. The heart was airlifted from HAL airport to Chennai on a chartered flight after 1pm.

An ambulance was kept ready at the Chennai airport. The ambulance carrying the heart left the airport at 2.10pm. Eleven minutes later, it reached Fortis Malar Hospitals at Adyar, covering 12km and crossing 12 junctions.

Doctors at the hospital would complete the transplant procedure on Friday evening.

The parents of the brain dead boy work at a prominent IT company in Bangalore.

The boy's liver was used for a child in Bangalore.
I guess this is the second time that a heart has been airlifted from Bangalore to Chennai this year. Salutes and respects to the brave parents of the boy.
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