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Old 19th December 2014, 18:27   #211
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Few months back, driving on one of the by-lanes of indiranagar, I spotted a group of people who were trying to cross the road and could not due to the traffic. I did not realize at first, but as I came closer to them, I saw that they were visually challenged. I stopped my car on the side of the road, put on the hazard lights, got down and asked the person at the front if they wanted to cross the road and if they wanted to get somewhere. He said, we have been here for almost 15 minutes and want to get to the nearest bus stand and head to Majestic. The bus stop was opposite to where they were, I told them to hold hands and with my hands directed the traffic to stop. Thankfully, MOST of them slowed down or stopped and I was able to get them to cross the road and also stood there for a while till they boarded the bus. All of them said Thank you and I left from there with a feeling of accomplishment.

What I did was nothing great, but the fact that they were there for 15 minutes and NO ONE noticed them made me feel a little bad about myself.
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Old 3rd January 2015, 11:28   #212
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Not about heart-warming / funny etc ..

On a recent drive, doing a 100 odd on a 4-lane highway, we spotted on the road ahead, what looked like a truck / bus tyre. Initially thought that the tyre had fallen off a vehicle. Managed to stop the car on the side, and went up to the object. It was the treaded layer from a retreaded bus / truck tyre. The piece was about 1.25 cm thick, approx 10 inches wide. Pulled it off road from the right lane on to the side. It was still warm.

Was glad that we did so - that was a heavy piece. In case anyone had made the mistake of trying to run over it, that person would have definitely had an accident.

Lesson learnt - do Not try to drive over any object that is lying on the road - not just driving one tyre on it, but even not to drive over things by positioning the tyres on either side of such objects.
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Old 3rd January 2015, 12:20   #213
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

About two months back, I was driving with my wife from Kattappana to Kanjirappally in the Fiat Uno (coming down the hills in the western ghats - high ranges - of Kerala) around 7.00 pm, and suddenly we had a flat tyre. It was dark and there were no street lights. After parking in the side of the road, I tried to raise the car on the jack in the screen light of my mobile phone, but somehow the jack was slipping. I was sweating when three people appeared and offered help. One was a driver and another a mechanic - together they changed the tyre in less than ten minutes. I was very thankful and was about to offer them a monetary remuneration when the third man asked me whether I had enough money to reach home. He said he can give me thousand rupees if necessary, and I can return the money to a certain shop in the "peruvanthanam" junction nearby, whenever I drive by that road next time. If I hadn't refused strongly, he would have put the money in my shirt pocket! We thanked them profusely and drove off, surprised at their consideration and kindness to total strangers like us.
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Old 3rd January 2015, 12:27   #214
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened some time in June. I was crossing a village on State Highway in rural Rajasthan. The time was around 3 PM and most of the roads were deserted that hour. I was at a sedate pace and had just crossed a speed breaker while entering the village. I had noticed a man approaching the road from the sides about 200 meters ahead.

I took mental note of his presence and adjusted my speed accordingly in second gear. He stopped at the edge of road as I approached closer and stood there watching me. Thinking that he intends to let me pass before crossing the road, I accelerated, shifting to third gear. As soon as I did that, he made a dash for crossing the road. I literally stood on brakes to stop the vehicle. He had in fact stopped at a tea stall on other end of road and was standing there, grinning.

It took me a couple of moments to control my pulse and temper. Thinking about giving a piece of my mind about crossing the road, I launched into a verbal tirade against him, asking if he was visually challenged not to see an approaching vehicle before making run. On hearing this, the tea stall owner said "Sir, pardon him, he is blind in right eye and does this often." (I was approaching from his right)

I could not argue any more and left asking him to be more careful crossing roads in future.
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Old 9th January 2015, 20:53   #215
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Saw this Grand i10 driver spreading awareness regarding road safety with the medium of printed sheets along his rear windows in Pimple Saudagar, Pune few days back.
Attached Thumbnails
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Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_20141230_082406857.jpg  

Last edited by noopster : 19th January 2015 at 18:21. Reason: Minor Correction
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Old 10th January 2015, 12:18   #216
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by //M View Post
Saw this Eon driver spreading awareness regarding road safety with the medium of printed sheets along his rear windows in Pimple Saudagar, Pune few days back.
A unique way to promote a good cause

An unintended? positive side effect of doing this is that it effectively replaces the side window sun films by reducing the amount of sun filtering into the car
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Old 11th January 2015, 11:55   #217
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened on Vinayaka Chavithi of last year where I was very unlearned about cars and still owned one.
Just before the incident, out of sheer enthusiasm for macho looks, I bought a bull bar, got it fitted in a local shop and was proud of my achievement [ since I looked out for shops which were very few who could do such fittings] and yet, this was one big and costly mistake that I did not know !
After the pooja on the day, we went out for some shopping and while coming back, I, as usual, took a less traveled path which had severe potholes and the neighbors' attempts of pile them up with mud/stones. And while travelling over one such little pileup of stones and mud[ and water, the last night, it rained ], the car, with a thud, stopped which left me baffled as I could not really think of the under body taking a hit since i take thisroad regularly. I cranked the Engine and tried to accelerate but it was not moving. This road was located in a little industrial area where there are no homes/shops but only industries. Some workers who were present there signaled to me that there's something under my car and so I got down and saw the horrific scene ; the half-inch nuts in the plate that held the bull bar I installed hit those stoned mud and broke and the bullbar got removed on one side, almost stuck into that potholes filled with watery mud burdening my bumper.
I tried to remove the bumper for sometime where I did not have any luck. Luckily, a worker from a neighboring industry attended my problem and after a good amount of time, he was successful in the removal of the bullbar . When I offered money, he politely refused and asked me to be careful .
And this one incident made me wiser !
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Old 12th January 2015, 15:52   #218
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Well, A freak incident happened with me last weekend, While traveling towards Satara I was at 90kmph maintaining a steady distance from the car in front a swift.
Suddenly I saw something flying towards my car. It hit the windshield and bounced over the roof. I slowed down and since there was no one behind me stopped at the left side. Went back to check what hit me, It was the rear mudflap of the swift that came loose and acted like a flying bullet. Luckily it hit the wiper and then bounced over, if it would have hit the glass it would have resulted in severe damage.

I guess no one can avoid this, just hope something like this never happens. Guys please check your mudflaps once. Tighten them if they are loose.

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Old 19th January 2015, 18:05   #219
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

While coming from Munnar-hyd, towards the end of the ghat section a man in khakis flagged us down. I was lost in my thoughts, slowed and braked. I was on auto-pilot. So when he beckoned for me to roll the window down and shoved the cello-taped plastic gadget into the space between my face and the steering wheel, I held my hand up and told him I was not interested in buying. He did not get it. His hand stayed there. In that moment I happened to see his uniform more closely, his insignia and the paraphernalia of all things police on him. That is when it hit me – it was a breathalyser. I blew into it softly, for I had not done this before. He made me blow savagely next time, at the end of which his device chirruped happily.

My wife and I laughed at length. Who would have confused a policeman for a guy selling gadgets!
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Old 18th March 2015, 18:21   #220
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Well, this just happened an hour or two back.

I was riding back home and was on the road near KIMS College, near Banashankari BDA Complex.

So here I am, riding on the up-slope road which starts near J-Cubez pub. A few hundred feet before the junction I realised it was green and my lane was completely empty. The timer read 11 seconds. Ample time to cross, I thought. Gave a slight rev.

As I approached the junction, the timer read 6 seconds. Ample time, again. Suddenly my eyes fell on a lady (probably 40+) towards the right of the road (just near the dividing line), waiting to cross over. Now, this is a usual sight many of us riders/drivers see on busy roads, right?

Not for me. The moment I saw her, my eyes fell on a grey guiding stick she was holding which was waving near her leg to guide her cross the road. She was blind.

Saw the timer. 4 seconds. My conscience hit me. No way was I revving past her and scaring her. Braked. Braked hard. The ABS kicked in. I stopped 5 feet before the white line, even though the signal was green. No one behind me, the RVM confirmed.

The signal was still green when she carefully started walking across. A bunch of school kids on RX-100s appeared behind me right when she was in front of my bike and the signal turned yellow, and I signalled them to stop. They surprisingly did (probably to check out my gear and bike, I feel ). Only after the lady crossed over did I move near the white line.

Looked left, she looked towards my direction and gave a wholehearted smile. Made my day.

Last edited by barcalad : 18th March 2015 at 18:24.
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Old 18th March 2015, 18:27   #221
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Well done brother. Just a little confused about this:

Originally Posted by barcalad View Post
------ She was blind--------
she looked towards my direction and gave a wholehearted smile.
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Old 18th March 2015, 18:35   #222
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by saket77 View Post
Well done brother. Just a little confused about this:

Elders have told me that blind people have an amazing sense and can figure out a lot of things.

She knew I was there. She knew I had stopped. She simply turned her head towards me and smiled. That's it.
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Old 15th April 2015, 20:47   #223
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

An incident from a few days ago:
I was on my Aviator scooter getting back home around noon after a visit to the busy central business district area in Bangalore.
The traffic light at the signal near the BDA shopping complex/IOC petrol bunk on Old Madras road was red and I stopped behind the white limit line. A few seconds later the green light came on, I moved ahead. The initial pickup of the Aviator is amazing and so I was off the blocks in an instant as it was a clear road ahead.
Just a few hundred metres away, a traffic cop flagged me down. I stopped and asked him the reason, he said I jumped the signal. I told him that is not true and I moved only after the light turned green and I was 100% sure of this, adding I never break traffic rules. He said I moved about 2 seconds before the light turned green (!), and wanted to see my DL. I was in no mood to accept the cops version as I was sure the light was green and only then I moved ahead and I was determined that I will convince him.
With several thoughts running in my mind, I opened the seat lock to fetch the pouch with documents from the under-seat storage compartment, then realised I was carrying the DL in my wallet, so closed the seat and took my wallet out. During this time, I mumbled something to the effect of "my bad luck today, when I follow all the rules and tell the truth I get caught for something I've not done while other morons get away with even riding on the wrong side in front of cops".
I do not remember a time when I've mumbled to myself cursing my fate like this but it just happened. I took the DL out and handed it to the cop and he just waved his hand asking me to put it back and patted me on my shoulder and said "go sir, it's ok"
I thanked him, told him again that I'd not jumped the signal and moved on

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Old 27th May 2015, 11:25   #224
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Saw this news article today.

Kudos to UP police.

Next will be a seat belt fine for a 2 wheeler driver.
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Old 17th June 2015, 00:40   #225
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This is what happened to me in Bangalore. A huge herd of buffaloes dint let me go past and I ended up trailing them for over half a km. They covered both the lanes and weren't budging one bit. Finally had to take a u-turn to proceed further.
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-1434481507400.jpg
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