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Old 25th June 2015, 22:07   #241
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by poised2drive View Post
Why the hell does he want you to visit the Police Station ?

Did that cop think the Police Station to be a State Guest house or what ?

Well, Just to drop in to say Hello. I guess that was his way to thank me and offer to be of assistance in case I needed one. In a way I am glad at least he offered me to drop by next time which I haven't done till now as I didn't want to make him feel obliged in any way especially at his work place.
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Old 26th July 2015, 06:08   #242
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Have been witnessing lot of cattle related issues in and around Bangalore!
In this case, two guys going at snail's speed to keep up with their towed Cow.
Also, notice the goat at back seat.
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Old 26th July 2015, 21:43   #243
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Resh@22 View Post
Have been witnessing lot of cattle related issues in and around Bangalore!
In this case, two guys going at snail's speed to keep up with their towed Cow.
Also, notice the goat at back seat.
Attachment 1395536
That was a nice pic! I have come across a similar incident in Noida where a slow moving bullock cart occupied one lande during the peak time traffic of 9.30 AM. Entire traffic had to take the remaining one lane and that slowed speed of every vehicle.
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Old 26th July 2015, 21:50   #244
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Was on my way to get some groceries on my Maestro. Suddenly, there is a group of cops standing there and one cop signals me to stop. I ask him what's the matter, and suddenly the cop sits behind me asking me to drop him to a place which is a km away from the grocery shop.

Had to drop him to his destination but felt really good to help a person who lets us sleep peacefully at night and ensures law and order
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Old 26th July 2015, 22:59   #245
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

The other day, on my way to office; a chap on an Activa brushed across an auto and left a little mark.

If the roles were reversed, the auto driver would shrug it off as if it was nothing. Alas, that was not to be.

The auto driver was pestering the Activa driver to accompany him to a mechanic to get it sorted it. Since there was a huge jam, the could discuss the matter at relative ease. At the end, the Activa guy paid up.

How much? I know not.

Currency of payment?

Sodexo Coupons!
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Old 3rd August 2015, 15:00   #246
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This last Saturday, I was riding my Ninja to the Indiranagar service center to pick up a rubber hose for the coolant reservoir which had finally reached after months of waiting for the part to arrive.

I had covered around half the distance and at the Forum Mall signal the clutch cable on my bike snapped all of a sudden without any warning. Thankfully, I was at a traffic stop so killed the engine and pushed to the side of the road. Checked with a few auto drivers and they directed me to a mechanic a little further from the well known Jyoti Nivas College. It was quite a distance to push a 172 kilo bike so I called the service center and they replied that no one could come and attend to the issue at least for another hour or two.

It was already close to 4pm and I had no clue what to do. I pushed the bike to that suggested mechanic's garage but he had no clue how to dismantle the fairing and was not too keen to take the trouble either.

Last weekend, I was part of a group of TeamBHP'ians who rode to Yercaud and back. I pinged the group and immediately, this gentleman, who I had never met in person earlier (he had not joined in for the ride) dropped everything like a hot brick and zipped over on his bike to where I was stranded.

God sent he was and he suggested I coast the bike down a slope and slot it in gear and ride the distance. Anoop, as he is known, ensured that he was right behind me at all times directing me through by-lanes to avoid traffic stops and we finally got onto the inner ring road. From there, it was all smooth and I reached the ASC. I had called ahead to check if they had a spare cable and luckily they did.

Anoop only left from the ASC when my bike was wheeled into the elevator to the top floor where the Ninja's are attended to. Turns out he was on office duty and had to get back.

An hour later, the clutch cable and the coolant reservoir pipe was fitted and I was back home.

Anoop, if you are reading this, you were truly great help and support on that day mate. I cannot thank you enough for your timely help and moral support. May God shower you with a million blessings.
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Old 3rd August 2015, 15:24   #247
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

^ this is a perfect example of a BHPian in need is a BHPian indeed.

just awesome!

Anoop - now i know whom to call if my Ninja fails
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Old 17th August 2015, 12:17   #248
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I don`t understand what is with the people who honks even when the signal is red.
This happened yesterday evening, I was waiting near Delmia signal and this guy in Alto 800 was continuously honking and was constantly flooring his accelerator as if he is going to hit me from the rear. This guy out of shame asked me make him way to take left in the signal even though there is no free left. I was getting irritated and finally I gave it up and asked him is he blind enough see the red light and argument continued for sometime. I noticed the traffic police standing next to the car, seeing our argument SI made signs to keep quite and let him take left turn. I believe the alto guy didn`t noticed the police standing next to his car as it was bit dark and upon moving his car to take left, traffic police didn`t wasted any time to take out his camera and took a snap of the car.
My learning from this incident "don`t stop people who are about to commit traffic voilation"

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Old 17th August 2015, 21:46   #249
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

On our recent trip to Ladakh our hired car got a flat on the way to Tso Moriri and the driver pulled in at a small village which had just a couple of houses and a forest officer collecting a toll. The driver loosened the nuts on the punctured wheel and raised the car on the jack. While he went to the back of the car to get the spare, a little 3-4 year old local boy who had been watching came up to the car and grabbed the spanner and started removing the wheel nuts ! It was too cute. the driver came back with the spare and replaced it while the little chap tried to roll the flat to the back but couldnt because it was almost as big as he was. We gave him a bit of cash and left a generous tip at his moms tea stall.

The forest guys took a video of the little guys antics and I wont be surprised to see it circulating on Whatsapp
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Old 24th August 2015, 16:18   #250
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

For a moment I thought it was the beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse...

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Old 26th August 2015, 12:09   #251
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Earlier this month, while I stopped near a signal, spotted this Gentleman who refused to give way for the traffic behind him, by talking over the phone and taking his own sweet time to process his thoughts though the signal was Green to turn left. Even the guy in the Innova had a good laugh.

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Old 9th September 2015, 13:42   #252
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Might not the most appropriate thread, but thought of sharing this news item
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Old 16th September 2015, 19:36   #253
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Didn't happen to me on the road, but right outside my house.

There's a Hero Honda Passion parked outside my house since the past 3 days where No Parking is written.
Day before I found a pair of keys next to the bike which strangely unlocked and gave ignition to the bike upon checking.
Now, I as an avid biker, know 'that' feeling of losing something as precious as losing your bike keys and the mental trauma that follows. So, I assumed this fellow must've abandoned his bike and gone to Hero for a duplicate key set.

Hence, I wrote this message in my pathetic Hindi handwriting on his fuel tank just now. Asked the guard to keep an eye on the bike for the nights too.

Hope he reads the message soon.
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Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-atoesazj2_ktvwdwbzfziqgba0e2plrfcbkucxhluzk.jpg  

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Old 16th September 2015, 21:07   #254
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by barcalad View Post
Didn't happen to me on the road, but right outside my house.

There's a Hero Honda Passion parked outside my house since the past 3 days where No Parking is written.
Day before I found a pair of keys next to the bike which strangely unlocked and gave ignition to the bike upon checking.
Now, I as an avid biker, know 'that' feeling of losing something as precious as losing your bike keys and the mental trauma that follows. So, I assumed this fellow must've abandoned his bike and gone to Hero for a duplicate key set.

Hence, I wrote this message in my pathetic Hindi handwriting on his fuel tank just now. Asked the guard to keep an eye on the bike for the nights too.

Hope he reads the message soon.

Keys next to the bike ? Bike remains unclaimed for 3 days? This looks odd. As if this bike was involved in a hit-n-run or any other unlawful activity and dumped in front of your house. I'd notify the local PS, if I were you.
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Old 16th September 2015, 21:27   #255
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ankan.m.blr View Post
Keys next to the bike ? Bike remains unclaimed for 3 days? This looks odd. As if this bike was involved in a hit-n-run or any other unlawful activity and dumped in front of your house. I'd notify the local PS, if I were you.
Just met the owner.

It belonged to a guest of the family which is staying in the 4th floor of my building. In their joy and merry, they forgot that a bike key was missing and assumed it was safely parked outside. Understandable, because they use their cars for travelling all the time. Some weird people in this world, I tell you. Asked them to park the bike at a safe place and under cover.

Returned it back to him after thorough verification of his credentials and bike papers.
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