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Old 17th September 2015, 15:21   #256
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I don't know if this is funny / unusual. But I was truly stunned that day.

This happened a year ago. I was driving back in my car from Vijaynagar to JP Nagar at around 11 pm and decided to come via Nayandahalli and ORR as I had to drop a friend near Byatrayanpura Police station. So I arrive at the signal near PESIT where all the sand lorries are parked, quite a deserted and secluded area. As I arrive at the signal, I recieve a call and I start speaking through my car's bluetooth. As we all do while speaking, I was making hand gestures and then happned to just brushed my hair.

What happened next truly shocked me. This female staring at me all this while on the footpath walks upto my car, opens the door, sits inside and tells me that there is a lodge nearby and she would give me a good rate . (Stupid Hyundai, why don't you provide auto locking doors!).

So I ask her politely to get off. She insists she will be gentle, is disease free, is good in bed and the lodge will not cause trouble with the cops The signal turns green and people start honking, so I move ahead thinking I will kick her out of my car at the Hoskerahalli Cross signal. I turn up there and there are a bunch of cops patrolling in a Bolero. I think, cops might get me into trouble if this lady makes a scene, so I take her to the next junction - Kathriguppe Cross, near the KTM showroom. I park the car to the side, I tell her gently, that I'm not in the mood (LOL) and ask her to please get out of my car OR I will really kick her out literally. She starts caressing my thighs and says she knows a lodge in Banashankari too. Now I'm furious, I yell at her to get out of my car OR I will take her straight to the cops (I was done being scared now).

She gets off, gives me a flying kiss and winks at me. I lock the doors, do a mini burnout and scoot from there.

Now apparently my neighbours were right behind me in their i20 coming from Nagarbhavi and they saw the whole incident, and then narrated it to my parents.

Boy oh boy, there was a family meeting at home and I was counselled and lectured by 6 of my uncles and my parents.

Come to think of it, its funny now, back then I nearly peed myself.

MORAL: Always make sure you have locked your doors before you drive

Last edited by Rehaan : 19th September 2015 at 18:10. Reason: Minor edit
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Old 17th September 2015, 15:35   #257
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
... just brushed my hair.

What happened next truly shocked me.

Moral of the story - make sure you dont, even accidentally, brush your hair !! We have heard of genies popping up on rubbing the magical lamp. Who knew this kind of magic can happen when You brushed your hair with your hand !!!
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Old 17th September 2015, 15:51   #258
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
She gets off, gives me a flying kiss and winks at me. I lock the doors, do a mini burnout and scoot from there.

and they saw the whole incident, narrated it to my parents.

Boy oh boy, there was a family meeting at home and I was counselled and lectured by 6 of my uncles and my parents.
Should have been quite a scene at home, trying to explain your circumstances, especially when she was in the car for a couple of junctions and the parting flying kiss.

BTW what did your neighbour narrate to your parents
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Old 17th September 2015, 16:00   #259
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
I don't know if this is funny / unusual. But I was truly stunned that day.
DrHoneyCake ... really??... Is that why your handle is named such?
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Old 17th September 2015, 16:14   #260
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by condor View Post

Moral of the story - make sure you dont, even accidentally, brush your hair !! We have heard of genies popping up on rubbing the magical lamp. Who knew this kind of magic can happen when You brushed your hair with your hand !!!
I have now stopped doing that at shady signals at late nights.

Originally Posted by raghu.t.k View Post
Should have been quite a scene at home, trying to explain your circumstances, especially when she was in the car for a couple of junctions and the parting flying kiss.

BTW what did your neighbour narrate to your parents
This neighbour aunty is a really nosy neighbour. She always poking her nose into my business and always has something to complain about. Moreover she narrates it in such a way that my parents always think, I'm upto no good.

Coming to this scene, she told my parents that I pick up random girls and drop them in different areas, park in shady places and maybe I do this quite often since I return home late from work.

My mother went full on rage mode "our son has gone to dogs, this is what he is upto and this is why he comes home late nights, is on phone in the nights, acts wierd at home. I knew this would happen one day.....blah blah blah....tell us the you drink, do you smoke, do you do drugs ???!?!? blah...blah....blah". Lots of phone calls to relatives. Called all my relatives, had family get-together on following sunday (just for the counselling session) .

Oh, one of my uncles even advised me to goto Pattaya to have some fun and instructed me to not do all this here. Seriously ?!?!

Originally Posted by sukhoi30 View Post
DrHoneyCake ... really??... Is that why your handle is named such?
LOL no, it rhymes with my name Aniketh. It was my PSN Account name and XboxLive Gamertag.

I have had quite a few similar incidences, will share them over time.
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Old 17th September 2015, 19:49   #261
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened about 4 months back on the way to office in the morning.

While going on the BTM layout road, I saw a donkey running on the road alongwith the cars and bikes. I overtook it and while I stopped near the next signal (29th main), it overtook me again and just ran at the same pace as it was running in BTM layout. I caught up again after sometime and overtook the running donkey. At the next junction (silk board), same thing repeated, it crossed and went towards HSR layout. This cat and mouse (or donkey and monkey) race continued even after HSR layout. It just kept on running through the signals and on the flyovers in HSR layout. Most amazing sight was, it took the service road towards Sarjapur road after alighting from the Agara flyover. All through this distance, it was just running at constant pace and never confused on which way to go or not. Finally I caught up with it once more on ORR, near Bellandur and lost it while I was caught up with traffic pile up. For non-Bengalureans, this distance is almost 7 to 8 KMs on one of the most crowded road during peak time.

I was almost certain that it had to be an IT professional working on ORR in the previous birth, and still hasn't come to terms with the current birth.

Last edited by Indian : 17th September 2015 at 19:51.
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Old 17th September 2015, 20:17   #262
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Indian View Post
I was almost certain that it had to be an IT professional working on ORR .
You're going to get hundreds of TBHPians now asking you: "Was that my boss?"

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Old 17th September 2015, 21:18   #263
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Ha ha, the boss was definitely seemed to be "running" late for some meeting.
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Old 17th September 2015, 22:56   #264
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
What happened next truly shocked me. This female staring at me all this while on the footpath walks upto my car, opens the door, sits inside and tells me that there is a lodge nearby and she would give me a good rate ---
Whoa man ! That is one hair-raising experience ..
Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post

Now apparently my neighbours were right behind me in their i20 coming from Nagarbhavi and they saw the whole incident, narrated it to my parents.
And just look at the timing ! How bad can something get !?

Seriously, Murphy's law works always strike at the right time !
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Old 17th September 2015, 23:10   #265
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Sorry if I sound cruel, but I am literally ROFL-ing here! Seriously, what are the chances for all these happening and what are the chances of your neighbour spotting you at exactly the wrong time!!

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
Oh, one of my uncles even advised me to goto Pattaya to have some fun and instructed me to not do all this here. Seriously ?!?!
I managed to stop my laughter somehow and then (^^) this happened! I am laughing like a retard now!!

Sorry again if I sound like a cruel person with absolutely no heart! Anyway, I was in kind of a gloomy mood this evening and this brightened me up! Thanks for sharing. Now I can sleep peacefully!
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Old 18th September 2015, 09:05   #266
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Indian View Post
While going on the BTM layout road, I saw a donkey running on the road alongwith the cars and bikes.
I was almost certain that it had to be an IT professional working on ORR in the previous birth, and still hasn't come to terms with the current birth.
Wow, that is one super curious case of a donkey
It seemed to know the route quite well and also how to get on to the service road! You also said, it was maintaining a good speed (auto enthusiast maybe in another life ?) Was it also following traffic rules and stopping at the lights ?

Last edited by NPV : 18th September 2015 at 09:06.
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Old 18th September 2015, 09:50   #267
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Been meaning to sharing a recent experience I had where an Auto Rickshaw driver ended up crying after a confrontation with me.

Before I start, to make it clear, this is not a road rage confession, but a nice incident actually.

For all those in Mumbai & who frequently travel by the Eastern Freeway, you must know the Shivaji Circle in Chembur. One night, a week back approximately, I was returning from office at around 2230 hours. The mentioned circle has 6 entry & exit points. An Auto Rickshaw driver was in the first lane at the circle & wanted to take an immediate exit. I've shown the directions below, with the RED being the path of the Auto Rickshaw driver & the Green being myself. X marks the spot of confrontation after I chased him:
Name:  Capture.PNG
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What exactly happened was that he ALMOST rammed into me & we both immediately diverted. Being slightly late in the night, fortunately there was nobody at my side. BUT, what got me angry was there he started abusing me(typical behavior). That really ticked me off. I chased him & made him pull over.

Now this is where Team-BHP kicked in.
-Rather than getting angry at him(a 35~40 year old man), I calmly went up to him(he's still abusing) & approached him with respect addressing him as "AAP kyon chilla rahe ho?"(Why are you screaming?)
-He immediately calmed down & was more receptive to what I had to say
-I explained to him how he was wrong trying to cut from the first lane to directly the exit
-He still tried to defend, but eventually agreed it was his mistake, ALL in a respectable tone

Having sorted the issue, I still went on saying the only reason I stopped him was because he abused. You need to give respect to get respect.
THIS IS WHERE he broke down crying. He went on & on saying that's not how most of the people are, & of how people in general treat them & how they end up responding the same way. I consoled the man, gave him some water & simple piece of advise:
"When there are some people who you don't deserve respect, still try to make a single effort from your end & still see if they don't respond back. If they don't, their loss, if they do, your & their gain"

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Old 19th September 2015, 14:34   #268
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

What are the odds of something like that happening! I'm so sorry but is hilarious!

I'm going to be extra careful from now on about my personal idiosyncrasies when driving late in the night. Or when standing at a signal!!
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Old 19th September 2015, 14:58   #269
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Hilarious read. The wonders and blunders of technology. Apparently the bluetooth sync function which is common nowadays is a loonie feature. Just the other day I happened to meet a gentleman at a major crossing who was frantically waving his arms and scream (couldn't hear though but felt like it) .Myself , another family from an innova were amused. Very soon he realised he was putting on a show, embarrassed , head buried he scampered away as soon as the signal went green.
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Old 19th September 2015, 15:02   #270
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
...just brushed my hair.

What happened next truly shocked me.
Till date, I was cursing myself for getting the Male Pattern Baldness gradually (Its due to heredity and I'm 26). But now.., especially after reading your story, I'm kind of reconsidering my thoughts and have started to think of this as a boon I keep my hairs short and never let them grow to such lengths where combing is needed - forget brushing

I drive a Hyundai and I've never had such an experience. I never would want one either
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