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Old 22nd September 2015, 10:49   #286
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Yesterday, 8:15 AM on Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in the direction of pari chowk, observed 2 cars standing parallel with 4-5 persons around them of 25-30 yrs age group.
Initially, thought of it is an ongoing road rage incident, but when i slowed down and passed beside them, saw a guy with pistol and they dragged a person from other car into their skoda Octavia.
They abducted the guy from other car and raced towards pari chowk.
I followed them and called 100 in the meantime time and narrated the whole incident along with Octavia's registration number.
After 4-5 Kms, they took a U turn on the service lane from a left side exit.
Near Pari chowk, i found a PCR van standing and narrated the whole story to them and requested them to keep my identity as confidential.
After that got two calls from police and again narrated the whole scene.
I believe the youths have noted my car's registration no. and also seen me when they took the U turn.

Today, morning i was just seraching for this incident in local news and found this.

This media report says my car along with skoda intercepted the other car.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 11:12   #287
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pushpender_s View Post
Yesterday, 8:15 AM on Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in the direction of pari chowk, observed 2 cars standing parallel with 4-5 persons around them of 25-30 yrs age group.
Initially, thought of it is an ongoing road rage incident, but when i slowed down and passed beside them, saw a guy with pistol and they dragged a ....
This media report says my car along with skoda intercepted the other car.
Dear fellow bhpian.
Guess its time to change your car! Either change your plates, or change the color if you dont want to dispose it!
It may be a far fetched idea, but nothing like the safety of knowing you have done your bit in ensuring your wellbeing. As you must be aware of the Delhi culture of thuggery, it pays to be safe than sorry.
I dont know how and where all your drives take you, but I hope you leave nothing to chance, especially considering that you may be accompanied by your children etc.
As I learnt, forewarned is twice armed. Good thing you saw the article in Amar Ujala, and you now know for sure that someone had made note of your moves.
In the meanwhile, also keep adequate backup deterrents within arms reach at all times against likely misadventures by anyone, be wary and stay clear.
Adequate mental preparation about how to react to various likely scenarios is vital. Always remember that mental preparation and element of surprise makes all the difference.
Please take care, and drive safe.
Warms Regards,
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Old 22nd September 2015, 11:31   #288
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pushpender_s View Post
Yesterday, 8:15 AM on Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in the direction of pari chowk, observed 2 cars standing parallel with 4-5 persons around them of 25-30 yrs age group.
Oh My God, this is definitely not funny incident. First of all, I appreciate what you did - like a good Citizen should do. Have they mentioned your car number in the article too? That'll be scary
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Old 22nd September 2015, 12:25   #289
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Originally Posted by pushpender_s View Post
This media report says my car along with skoda intercepted the other car.

You did the right thing by following them and letting the cops know about this. But it was TOTALLY unsafe, what you did. If these thugs have noted your car's number, then you are in deep trouble. Usually the ones who get arrested have many contacts roaming outside, ready to take revenge as you played an active role by handing over their details to the police, and I would suggest you to change the route or appearance of your car. If you frequently go over that stretch, try changing your number plate type to HSRP/3D/Normal to make your car harder to recognise. Changing the car just because of this is not a feasible option. Inform the cops that your identity should be kept private and try mailing the publisher of that article to make the necessary changes. Be safe!

EDIT - You were in the Santro, right?

Originally Posted by Indian View Post
Have they mentioned your car number in the article too? That'll be scary
The report says that pushpender_s' car (Santro) intercepted the victim's Sunny along with the gang's Octavia! No mention of the registration number but the report says that pushpender_s is involved in the crime! (from what I could understand)

Last edited by vin11 : 22nd September 2015 at 12:27.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 12:33   #290
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Agree with "Indian" and "vin11".
1. Changing car may not be possible. Changing the looks and the plates is.
2. Keep adequate deterrents close to hand.
3. Anticipate and mentally prepare for possible interceptions. I repeat, FOREWARNED IS TWICE ARMED.
4. If you are a frequent user on that same route, and cannot avoid it, keep a lookout.
5. Avoid desolate stretches until you feel the issue has calmed down, though you can never be sure.
Drive safe.

Last edited by Unavowed_X9 : 22nd September 2015 at 12:34. Reason: Spelling mistake. Addition.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 15:37   #291
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Well my experience is nowhere as hilarious or torturous as Drhoneycake's. This happened about the time the Y2K bug was buzzing(now we have Dengue), Me and my friend had got new Bajaj Calibers. It was Diwali time and like many in Bangalore till today we also decided to ride to Hosur(TN) to buy crackers. So two astride on two calibers we headed towards our destination. Those were the days when the roads on this side of the fence(KA) were wide and after the check-post it was a single lane carriage way. As road widening had started both sides of the roads were dug up to about 3 feet. The bus stops were on the road itself and whenever a bus stops the trail was at least 40 4 wheelers long. One such bus had stopped and a trail had formed. My friend was ahead of the bus so I decided I will overtake all the vehicles and join him. So I started picking them one by one and the opposite lane was devoid of any traffic. As I was 3/4 of the way through, an 18 wheeler appeared on the opposite lane and there was no break in the trail for me to tuck in. Decided to play chicken with the 18 wheeler and pass the bus before we end up as paste on the asphalt. Boy it was a wrong decision. If only the bike would have synced with our intention we would have been fine. Initially when we wanted it to go faster it didn't and by the time we wanted it to stop it didn't either. To make matters worse the bus started moving so there was no way for us to tuck in. I could see the anguish in the truck driver's face and I had nowhere to go. So told myself and my friend "THIS IS IT" and so giving up on life on earth leaned on to the bus.

Meanwhile the truck swerved just enough to miss and pass us. The side beading ripped my clothing, skin and hit the handle bar. We went down on the right side, luckily no vehicles behind the truck. Then as the handle bar and foot rest dug in and kicked we were thrown to the left. I am not certain how many too's and fro's we did. All the while my friend had his one hand locked on the grab handle and one holding my T-shirt to prevent me from going over the handle bar. It was the longest 8-10 seconds of my life and still get goosebumps as I am typing thinking that I am alive. Non of us were wearing helmets and our attire was T-shirt and jeans with flip flops. And the miracle was apart from the scrapes and bruises no major injuries. The major casualty was the bike. The fork was bent, the levers and mirrors were gone and crash guard twisted. Spent all the money meant for crackers on the bike in Hosur. Took rest for some time under a tree and got back home without giving any body at home an inclination as to what had transpired.

Come evening, my uncle calls me and asks where I was that afternoon. I gave him the usual answers. Then he told me he was in the vehicle right behind the bus and had a grand stand view of the incident. My heart sank. Luckily he kept the secret to himself and advised me to be careful. Wow, I am alive.

Last edited by Rehaan : 22nd September 2015 at 18:43. Reason: Added some paragraph spacing for readability :)
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Old 22nd September 2015, 17:36   #292
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by drhoneycake View Post
I don't know if this is funny / unusual. But I was truly stunned that day.

What happened next truly shocked me. This female staring at me all this while on the footpath walks upto my car, opens the door, sits inside and tells me that there is a lodge nearby and she would give me a good rate . (Stupid Hyundai, why don't you provide auto locking doors!).

MORAL: Always make sure you have locked your doors before you drive
A similar event happened to me, except...

Its been two years, and I now consider it funny. It was in Feb 2013, I was coming back alone in my nano, at around 930pm, from Kalyanagar to Jayanagar via the Military area that leads on to the commercial street region (near hotel lemon tree). As I crossed the well lit junction, I see a lady frantically signaling me to stop while walking/running towards the junction. The events of the delhi rape case was fresh in my mind, so I thought I should stop and help. I stopped slight ahead of the junction, so the lady was approaching from behind. I was reaching to open the rear door by stretching from my driving position, when this lady directly opens the co-driver door and jumps in. She was reeking of Vodka, so I was feeling that this is turning from bad to worse. I started driving and asked if I could drop her somewhere. She turned her face to me and then I realized that she, is a he. A transgender.

Okay Nijel, my rational side speaks up, so what if she/he/(it?) is a transgender? A human in any case right?

I repeat my question to which the person replies " Anywhere you like" !. Controlling my anger, I reply that " I thought you were in trouble and that's why I picked you up, I will drop you now" The person starts fingering my collar and saying the same stuff that we see hookers promising in movies. I screech over to the side and asks the person to exit to which (s)he refuses. I thank God a million times for making me buy a pepper spray to keep in each of my cars. I open the door, and threaten the person with pepper spray. Scared, the intruder jumps out of the car. My 0-60kmph time as I sped away would have shamed GTO's bimmer!

MORAL of the story : I don't freaking know!

Last edited by nijelj : 22nd September 2015 at 17:38.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 17:42   #293
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by nijelj View Post
I see a lady frantically signaling me to stop while walking/running towards the junction.
She turned her face to me and then I realized that she, is a he. A transgender.
Once upon a time, long ago, you could expect a damsel in distress to be just that - a damsel in distress.

Last edited by arunphilip : 22nd September 2015 at 17:46.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 18:19   #294
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pushpender_s View Post
Yesterday, 8:15 AM on Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in the direction of pari chowk, observed 2 cars standing parallel with 4-5 persons around them of 25-30 yrs age group.
Initially, thought of it is an ongoing road rage incident, but when i slowed down and passed beside them, saw a guy with pistol and they dragged a person from other car into their skoda Octavia.
They abducted the guy from other car and raced towards pari chowk.
I followed them and called 100 in the meantime time and narrated the whole incident along with Octavia's registration number.
After 4-5 Kms, they took a U turn on the service lane from a left side exit.
Near Pari chowk, i found a PCR van standing and narrated the whole story to them and requested them to keep my identity as confidential.
After that got two calls from police and again narrated the whole scene.
I believe the youths have noted my car's registration no. and also seen me when they took the U turn.

Today, morning i was just seraching for this incident in local news and found this.

This media report says my car along with skoda intercepted the other car.
Brave thing to do, very brave and very very GOOD. Just look at it from a common sense point of view, after they have got the silver, why will they even come after you and risk being exposed for just a term called 'revenge'. They will neither get money from you, neither anything else, just an ego satisfaction, I believe they won't pursue, but just in case, keep a spanner+pepper spray and cops number on speed dial for some weeks along with what others suggested to change the number plate font.
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Old 22nd September 2015, 22:29   #295
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Originally Posted by vin11 View Post
This funny incident happened with me yesterday. Since it was 'on the road', decided to write it down here.

I was going towards Hauz Khas village with one of my GFs (out of two ) in the car at around 4.30 PM. While searching for a parking spot, I stalled the car on an incline (a very slight incline) just outside the Deer Park. I had my GF's hand instead of the gear knob in my hand and the car started rolling backwards. As the car started rolling backwards, I banged the bullbar of the Duster behind me - because he too probably was searching for a parking spot and didn't honk or flash. Till this time, GF (GF1 from here on) had a sweet grin on her face and I was also in a good mood - talking to her and holding her hand all the way (except while gear changing)! I got out, inspected the damage and almost had a heart attack when I saw through the front windsheild of the Duster!
Pray that your GF1 does not come across this post of yours on this thread. You will end up in a bigger soup.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
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Old 22nd September 2015, 23:34   #296
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Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Pray that your GF1 does not come across this post of yours on this thread. You will end up in a bigger soup.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
No chance. She thought that I was associated with some political party (Team B(J)P tabs) for almost an year!

Could not control sharing this funny little conversation (on phone) that happened last year in December -

She - Can we talk if you're free.
Me - We can talk after some time. I am getting a new ICE Setup installed in a friend's car!
She - What? Ice in this freezing cold!

Last edited by vin11 : 22nd September 2015 at 23:38.
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Old 23rd September 2015, 00:07   #297
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by pushpender_s View Post
Today, morning i was just seraching for this incident in local news and found this.
Honestly, glad to read what you did. For some times its nice to see people not doing the obvious (i.e.ignore) frankly while we read things we assume that we would have done the same but doing it at that moment takes a lot of courage.

Which brings me to the second point, what should one do ? Call up the police? Clearly not helping with the law and order situation in ghaziabad/ noida (i come from ghaziabad been there seen it all).

At the end of the day the only thing left is to keep a weapon handy? and plan and hope not be identified? Question in my head on which I have no answers.
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Old 23rd September 2015, 12:13   #298
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I am not sure if this qualifies as a road rage incident nevertheless I will narrate the incident.
Driving with high beams and not switching to low beam is a common irritant on the road this does not apply only for opposing traffic but also if driving behind a vehicle. Some how I have noticed that most of the cabbies are least aware of the functionality and usage of low beam and high beam.
So a few weeks ago returning from Coimbatore to Bangalore already cursing all the morons behind me on the highway driving with high beams reach the 100 feet road ( Bangalore), A cab on high beam behind me starts honking, lights reflecting right into my eyes from both the ORVM and the IRVM .
Irritated I let him pass and then starts revenge I switch to high beam and as it was late in the night not much traffic and apparently the cab was on the same route that I was taking so on high beam making sure he has enough of my high beam start following him at very very slow speeds. Our man starts turning his mirrors in the other direction and after a few kms he actually signals me to pass I dont! Follow him all the way upto Old madras road that is about 4 kms (approx) and he pulls over to the left I park beside him and lower my window, in a very soft tone in the local language the conversation as below:
Me: Was it not difficult for you if I drive on High beam?
Cabbie: Sir???
Me: Was it not difficult for you to drive If i drive behind you with my high beams on?
Cabbie: Yes sir it is..( Realises his mistake)
Cabbie: Some one seems to have changed the switch to my lights!
Me: Please do not BS! Please do not use high beam inside the city atleast.
Cabbie: Sorry sir! I did not know! Sorry!

All happy! I drive off, happy that i at least made one guy realize the difficulty for the other road users when one drives on high beam.

But must say the look in the guys face when he pulled over and admitted his mistake was such a comfort to the ego..

Not the best way to educate people on usage of high beams but this just happened at that moment.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 23rd September 2015 at 12:22. Reason: Smileys = 2 per post.
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Old 23rd September 2015, 15:33   #299
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by KPS View Post
The problem is that even if you have auto lock, we tend to switch off the car at signals. This is to save petrol and for a few to cut pollution levels. When you switch off the car, the lock will open in any case.
No, the car DOESN'T unlock when you switch off the engine. It will unlock when you remove the keys.

When you switch off the engine, your car is in battery mode. When you twist the key once more and remove the key completely, that's when the doors get unlocked.
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Old 23rd September 2015, 20:06   #300
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Indian View Post
This happened about 4 months back on the way to office in the morning.

While going on the BTM layout road, I saw a donkey running on the road alongwith the cars and bikes. I overtook it and while I stopped near the next signal (29th main), it overtook me again and just ran at the same pace as it was running in BTM layout. I caught up again after sometime and overtook the running donkey. At the next junction (silk board), same thing repeated, it crossed and went towards HSR layout. This cat and mouse (or donkey and monkey) race continued even after HSR layout. It just kept on running through the signals and on the flyovers in HSR layout. Most amazing sight was, it took the service road towards Sarjapur road after alighting from the Agara flyover. All through this distance, it was just running at constant pace and never confused on which way to go or not. Finally I caught up with it once more on ORR, near Bellandur and lost it while I was caught up with traffic pile up. For non-Bengalureans, this distance is almost 7 to 8 KMs on one of the most crowded road during peak time.

I was almost certain that it had to be an IT professional working on ORR in the previous birth, and still hasn't come to terms with the current birth.
Holy hell! you just made me splurt out some water onto my keyboard man! All my friends had a nice laugh as well reading your incident. Damn, why can't my life be this interesting.
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