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Old 9th June 2016, 16:12   #436
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by D C View Post
[b]Careful----SNIP------l in India!
Good going!!
I wouldn't have done that though. Mostly because this side, the plates would probably have begun with "HR...", which means Hurry up and Run away!

There was a similar incident, where one the members had banged in to a CLS, and the owner let it go, while his guards wanted to beat up the fiat owning member. I think he got carried away pushing his luck and asked for money to repair his fiat. To which the mercedes guy suggested that they should repair each other's cars. Case closed.

Last edited by mayankk : 9th June 2016 at 16:15.
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Old 9th June 2016, 16:24   #437
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by D C View Post
... ... ... in a world where most people make a big fuss about silly things, I am happy to have found a nice gentleman with a positive attitude. He happens to be the Founder and CEO of one of the largest matrimony portal in India!

Remarkable story. Hats off to the gentleman. It would have been even better only if he was a she and you ended up married!

I once went to my London neighbour and confessed that my obsession with parking outside my house, even though the gap, that day, was not quite big enough, had led to me scuffing his bumper. I told him I expected to pay the bill --- but he never gave me one
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Old 9th June 2016, 17:09   #438
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by D C View Post
My office is very next to the beach and I casually pulled up to a parking spot as usual.
I work in a building close to the sea in Chennai. And I visualised your story to be from my work place's parking space.

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Unfortunately, that was a Jaguar XJL!
This made me wonder if you were from the same building as mine.

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He happens to be the Founder and CEO of one of the largest matrimony portal in India!
And yes, we are in the same building. Lets connect sometime ... I usually spot a white Hyundai parked on the lane next to the Jag. Is that yours?

He is indeed kind & big hearted to overlook the dent and scratch.
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Old 9th June 2016, 19:03   #439
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by D C View Post
[b]Careful while you park during a stormy weather, I damaged a nice car! And, what followed the incident encouraged me to write this.
forced my door wide open and hit the car parked on the next spot, leaving a dent and a scratch of almost 10 inches. Unfortunately, that was a Jaguar XJL! I identified the owner and walked up to his office to offer an apology and a fix.
You are a brave and courageous man. A dent like that on a Jag can sometimes cost a Swift and a half.
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Old 9th June 2016, 19:10   #440
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This was way back in 2002-03 when I was in college. Some department in our college had arranged for free PUC to the students. Part of our college building and the campus was under construction since we had relocated to new premises. There were 2 ways to reach the PUC spot. One was through a levelled but unlaid road and the other was through a path with lot of stones (2 sizes larger than a cricket ball) laid for laying the road and was completely uneven, not to forget dangerous.

While all students rushed through the other road on hearing about the PUC, one of my friends decided to act the smarty pants guy and took the other route on his Bajaj Spirit. A little about this guy - he is a little short and very stocky in built and on the spirit, he looked like an elephant on a mouse. In the quest to make it to the PUC center before others, this guy broke the rear suspension on his spirit which was then titled to one side. We had a hearty laugh and told him penny wise pound foolish. To save on a (probably) 20 buck PUC, he ended up spending 200 bucks to get the shocks replaced

Next experience

I was driving around from home to a place in the city. I approach a signal and just as am about to pass, it turns red. I wanted to take a right at this signal and so had my indicator on. The junction was a slightly big junction where in to take a right I had to move a little ahead and then take a turn than take a right immediately then. The signal turns green and I start moving along the median getting ready to take a right. Suddenly this biker squeezes himself between the median and my vehicle and pulls up to my side causing me to brake suddenly. He slows down, looks at me and tells "aapka right indicator chalu hai" (your right indicator is blinking) and zooms off straight. I couldnt make out if I should be laughing at this guy or get angry on him but took it on the lighter side and moved on with a smile
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Old 9th June 2016, 20:13   #441
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by arvind71181 View Post
Nice things happen to nice people. You were courteous enough to take the time and find out and inform the owner. How many people would do that?
Arvind, Thanks for the encouraging words. Mostly we cannot do it because the other party often overreacts. By sharing this experience on the forum, I also have an intention to let people know that not everyone overreacts in these situations when their property is damaged.

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post

There was a similar incident, where one the members had banged in to a CLS, and the owner let it go, while his guards wanted to beat up the fiat owning member. I think he got carried away pushing his luck and asked for money to repair his fiat. To which the mercedes guy suggested that they should repair each other's cars. Case closed.
That's an interesting story, thanks for sharing with us

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
Remarkable story. Hats off to the gentleman. It would have been even better only if he was a she and you ended up married!
Interesting thought

I once went to my London neighbour and confessed that my obsession with parking outside my house, even though the gap, that day, was not quite big enough, had led to me scuffing his bumper. I told him I expected to pay the bill --- but he never gave me one
That's nice of him and you, glad to know there are many people like this around the world

Originally Posted by tud View Post

And yes, we are in the same building. Lets connect sometime ... I usually spot a white Hyundai parked on the lane next to the Jag. Is that yours?

He is indeed kind & big hearted to overlook the dent and scratch.
I will drop you a PM shortly, looks like we are in the same building!

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post
You are a brave and courageous man. A dent like that on a Jag can sometimes cost a Swift and a half.
It was not bad enough to cost that high, but it surely would have been expensive.
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Old 9th June 2016, 21:02   #442
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I once went to my London neighbour and confessed that my obsession with parking outside my house, even though the gap, that day, was not quite big enough, had led to me scuffing his bumper. I told him I expected to pay the bill --- but he never gave me one
Originally Posted by D C View Post
That's nice of him and you, glad to know there are many people like this around the world
The funny thing about that interview is that the son of the house was dead nervous because he thought I had come to complain about the very noisy party he had had while his parents were on holiday. I told them, no way... i wouldn't want such an event every week, but hey, you only have one 18th birthday. My only regret was that I felt far too old to go and join in the fun.

Yes, they were good neighbours. We still exchange cards at Christmas.
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Old 9th June 2016, 22:40   #443
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by biggrin View Post
An unusual and heartwarming experience for the other person, but a really funny experience for me.
He called me at 6.20 PM that he has reached with the money. Pure bollywood-style, I told him to wait at the bench near the main entrance of the park and hung up. I went to him and told him that I was the same person!
As somebody had rightly said in one of the posts above - "to each his own". To me, I neither see anything heartwarming nor do I see anything funny here.

Just visualize what your plight would have been, if the kid had come out with a few of his relatives with him when he came to meet you @ 6:20pm. Now, I'm not even mentioning cops here in which case, the story would have been totally different.

Irrespective of whether your uncle/dad/whoever is in police, if he had come up with a cop, you would not be in a position to write this post so casually.

I might have been a bit harsh here. But, sorry to say that I'm not sorry for what I have said here.
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Old 9th June 2016, 23:02   #444
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Dear biggrin,
That was mean of you. Imagine the anxiety the boy would have had when you asked him to pay INR 2000. I think you should have just sent him an SMS saying you found his set of documents on the road. He would have called you and both of you could have decided a place (convenient to you) to meet and handover the documents.
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Old 10th June 2016, 14:13   #445
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by biggrin View Post
Oops, after posting this, I am feeling bad and guilty.

PS. To be clear, I didn't take his money and returned the documents without any argument.
Well, the prank was indeed fun till you included money in the scheme. Imagine if the boy did something illegal to collect the money. Imagine if he robbed someone or robbed from his own house to get to the money. Anything could have happened.
With any prank, never involve money as things can turn ugly.
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Old 10th June 2016, 21:08   #446
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This will fall under "unusual" category.

A couple of weeks back I was driving towards Vijayawada from Hyderabad and soon after crossing the second toll booth (Korlapahad) I see a small herd of buffaloes standing right in the middle of the road. It was about 4.30 pm. As I drive close, I could see a bike lying in the center of the road and to my horror spotted a man lying prone beyond. As I near the buffaloes suddenly took to their heels. I slowed down and to my great relief find the man moving. Apparently his bike went and rammed these buffaloes. He was bleeding profusely. The next instant I see a couple of local guys rushing toward the victim. I slowed down near an old man standing a little distance away beside the road and asked him the name of the place. My idea was to call the ambulance. After I spoke to him from my parked car, I learnt the name of the place and I became busy dialing 1033, the helpline. Having updated the details, I look up to see this man standing in front of the car and shouting for attention from local people. He wouldn't let me proceed. Apparently, soon after I asked the name of the place, he noticed the accident and guessed that I had caused it. He wanted to detain me. Luckily a woman appeared there and shouted at this man and gingerly he moved away.

As I drove on, within a couple of minutes I got an SMS stating that they have already dispatched an ambulance.

Never knew that trying to be of some help in situations can be risky.
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Old 3rd July 2016, 22:43   #447
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

On Saturday, we needed to go for a housewarming function near Whitefield. An aunt and uncle asked if they could come with us.

Everyone got in - 5 up. As we were driving, I noticed the car was giving random squealing noises. Yes, my German was approaching 5 years, time for heart attacks, I was really getting irked. Dropped my daughter off enroute. What drove me mad was that the noise was inconsistent. It happened while idling. sometimes when braking, sometimes when slowing down, even when cruising. My mental diagnostics were going mad. The only change from normal had been that I was carrying 3-4 up. I remembered having an overweight moderator in the car who sat and ended an annoying rattle in the car. This was the opposite, the increase in payload seemed to have created some weird phenomenon. All logical causes were exhausted.

After a heavy lunch and milling with lots of folks and also admiring the bathrooms and wardrobe furnishings that were designed and executed by my wife. We returned, the squeaks persisted and I was mentally calculating costs of new brakes, suspension etc. We got caught in the saturday evening traffic. I decided to switch the engine off in a particularly long queue. No motion, no nothing. the squeaks kept happening at random. I turned around and look for possible causes - no dangling earrings (previous VW ad), no loose plastics nothing.

While glancing at my uncle sleeping, the penny dropped

His hearing aid was on max volume and squeaking in reaction to various frequencies!

Much relief after that!

Last edited by ajmat : 4th July 2016 at 11:52.
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Old 4th July 2016, 10:46   #448
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Probably not unusual but was definitely heartwarming!

When you're on a morning walk that's been a routine for several years, you tend to notice the "regulars" and I guess your mind sub-consciously identifies their presence and absence (more) to an extent when you begin to expect to see someone at a certain place and time.

During these walks, there are a few people whom I know as they're family friends/neighbors/acquaintances who exchange a wave of the hand or a hello or good morning and few others who are regulars but just pass by without any visible reaction.

I ended up missing my morning walk routine for a few days due to changes in work timings and other commitments. The day I got back to the routine, I first met a family friend (elderly gentleman) who was quite surprised when I wished him good morning (he hadn't seen me as I was on the other side of the street). He quickly said he hadn't seen me for a while and waved a bye.
Few minutes later, another elderly gentleman and a regular walker goes past me, comes back and says "Sir, it's good to see you again. I was wondering if everything is alright since I'd not seen you for a few days, I guess you must have traveled out of town. Take care, bye". This caught me by surprise since I was least expecting it, and I quickly managed to say "Yes, thanks for asking!". I've seen this person stop and talk to many of the morning walkers every day for many years and I did not find that unusual since those people were probably acquaintances/neighbors in the same locality but he definitely did not know me.

I really thought it was weird when my mind would highlight it when I don't see someone who I usually expect to see and if that happens over a period of few days, it does register in your mind.
But after this little incident, I think it's quite "normal" and there are lot of good souls around in this world

Last edited by NPV : 4th July 2016 at 10:49.
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Old 6th July 2016, 20:40   #449
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happend yesterday morning at the base of the Sion flyover. I was on my way to Matunga and as the good residents of Mumbai will know that the southbound traffic has only one lane on the Sion flyover. This often leads to traffic jams. There are those who don't like waiting in line (especially cabs) and cut into the rightmost lane. Well yesterday an Etriga (yellow plate) tried to do it to me. However i muscled him out and he got in behind me ahead of this white Brio.This Brio behind me driven by a lady.As soon as the traffic stopped, i first observed her gesticulating at the Etriga driver, then she stepped out of the car and walked up to the driver, flashed a finger at him with some choice words and walked back. I don't support this kind of behavior, but i admit i was elated and flashed a thumbs up at her. I was rewarded with a sweet smile I felt it was funny-road rage incident from my perspective.
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Old 11th July 2016, 12:08   #450
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re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

On the way to office today, the roads were gridlocked due to the rains here in Hyderabad. As i was coming from the Hitech MMTS station towards the Hitech flyover, the bumper to bumper traffic was just starting to ease into a slow moving traffic. Suddenly heard a siren from behind. It was an Ambulance. As i started to move off to the side, i was wondering if the Ambulance would be able to move through the traffic. And to my amazement, all the vehicles made way for the Ambulance (and remember these were the same vehicles that were jostling for space earlier.). Even a city RTC bus moved aside for the Ambulance. This sight really made my day and made me realize we still do have some humanity in this crazy world. The ambulance went under the Hitech flyover while i continued over the flyover.
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