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Old 19th July 2016, 15:17   #466
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This happened a few years back outside my building. As I left with my wife from our place, I found the road unusually jammed. There is a traffic junction nearby and the place is usually jammed in the evenings, but this was late noon.

I soon found out a family of three in a Santro stuck on the biggish speed hump just before the junction. The driver seemed to be very green, i.e. new and was unable to manage the incline. Every time he started, the clutch would pop and the engine would die. This happened three times as I watched and the patience of motorists was wearing thin.

Before my wife realized, I had pulled up at the kerb and got out. I went to the driver of the Santro who was looking at me apologetically, and I requested him to get out and let me take the wheel. He was aware of the problem he was causing and got out quickly. I then started the car and got it over the hump and pulled it to the side for him to drive on.

It was over before my wife could even frown at me.
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Old 26th July 2016, 08:25   #467
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I saw this sight this morning as I was waiting in the bus stop for my office bus. I think it happened just then as the driver was still inside looking sheepish.

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-funny.jpg
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Old 28th July 2016, 23:19   #468
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Cross posting from my intro thread. Link
The other anecdote is when I was riding shotgun with a friend on I-95. We were doing about 75 mph in a 65 zone. I notice a marked unit in the mirror and ask Steve to slow it down. Needless to say, Mr. Cop pulls us over. I curse Steve and give him a piece of my mind. Then the cop comes over and says, "That was a bit fast, may I see your pilot license"? What Steve did then made him a legend in our circles. Steve says, "Sure thing", and hands over his FAA CPL card. As it turns out, Steve was a pilot. The look on the Mr. Cop's face was priceless. Anyway, he had a good sense of humor and started laughing. He let us go with a warning. "Everything seems to be in order, drive a bit more careful from now on, will you?"
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Old 31st July 2016, 21:09   #469
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Had planned a small meet at Marine lines last friday, Me along with bhpain karan and ajay, Karan well took off early, I was coding Ajay's car in his jetta and i heard a loud bang right behind our car! We got outside and saw a Skoda Laura had banged a Maruti Wagon R, We went to the skoda and checked on the people and they were fine, And then we saw the Team- BHP stickers and a UP number plate! Me and Ajay would have anyways helped them regardless if had the stickers or not but well since they had the stickers on we had to go the extra mile, After checking the people out in the Skoda and they were fine, We quickly went up to the guy in the wagon R and he was too fine a bit shaken though.

Now our meet was supposed to have driving around and messing around with VCD's, This situation came as a surprise, Anyways we got the Wagon R guy calmed down and then he started saying he needs money right here right now or he will file a police complaint blah blah, Skoda guys on the other hand was very apologetic even though it wasn't their fault completely, Wagon R guy was standing Still in the second lane and according to him he had the parking lights on so its valid to wait there, Anyways i will cut down the story a bit, We all got drenched in rain for 2 hours trying to make the Wagon R guy that the damage isn't much to pay him 60,000 Rs in cash then and there, That guy just started a business there let me tell you that, Only fault the skoda driver was at was driving around with no insurance and Infact they had come from UP and were covering several cities, Hence he was not willing to involve the police into the matter, In the End 35000rs was given to the wagon R guy, Which was way too much for 1 broken tail lamp, Bumper and a reparable bent boot. The night for me and Ajay did not end there but well, I don't want to go off topic here.

Couple of pictures of the Laura, Only the bumper and the headlamp was damaged, Car was working fine, Unfortunately i was all wet and forgot to take a snap of the wagon R, Any lessons learnt here? YES! Always drive around with a valid insurance and go the extra mile if you spot a Team-Bhpian or a Team-BHP fan! Between all the chaos the Skoda guy also told me he knows me and follows my post here, It was an expected thing said by him considering the situation he was in but well i liked it, We exchanged numbers too and later he sent me thanks for the help message too.

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_4824.jpg

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_4825.jpg

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_4842.jpg

Me and Ajay decided to make this moment memorable and click a couple of selfies, Notice us being all drenched in rain for 2.5hours trying to make the guy in the wagon understand his damages aren't of 60,000INR.

Last edited by Rehaan : 2nd August 2016 at 13:28. Reason: Hi Tanveer_2558, am removing an unnecessary comment from your post, as per our rules. Thanks.
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Old 31st July 2016, 21:48   #470
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by Tanveer_2558 View Post
Me and Ajay would have anyways helped them regardless if had the stickers or not but well since they had the stickers on we had to go the extra mile, Notice us being all drenched in rain for 2.5hours trying to make the guy in the wagon understand his damages aren't of 60,000INR.
Wow, that's really nice and respectable act from your side. Its an inspiration and motivation to help the needy. Thanks for sharing the same.
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Old 1st August 2016, 05:32   #471
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Originally Posted by PetrolRider View Post
Are you sure it is not photo-shopped ?.

Oh it indeed happened in Sydney! It was in the news even. And it was carrying goats, not furniture

Here's a video link:
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Old 2nd August 2016, 11:37   #472
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Re: Road rage confession

This is not about road rage, but I feel it is worse than that:
I went to a temple in the outskirts of Chennai suburbs. I parked my car and when I came back from temple, saw a Innova parked right behind my car, so I tried to drive forward around a fairly medium sized rock. One of the Mahindra Van (which was parked nearby ) driver got down, pushed the rock with some effort and made way for my car. I just drove away. After driving about a Km, I realized that I hadn’t thanked the driver of the Van. I thought of turning back but I rationalized that the driver would have left so no point in going back. It’s been a week and I feel so guilty that I want to go there this weekend just to see if I can find the Van driver and thank him.
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Old 8th August 2016, 10:35   #473
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happened yesterday night while I was coming back to home after dinner. Approach to my apartment in J PNagar is more like a single road but two cars can pass easily.
I generally have the tendency to put high beam if the incoming driver doesn`t dim the lights. There was this brand new Mercedes car I don`t know which model with lights on which was bright enough to obstruct my visibility. As usual I switched on the high beam, little did I know he actually had his lights dimmed. Seeing my response he did what exactly I used to do, he switched on high beams which was so powerful that I was literally blind for few seconds and I had to stop the car. Having my sense prevailed rolled my window and gave a broad smile to the driver and zipped away as quickly as I could.
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Old 8th August 2016, 10:58   #474
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Last week, me and my wife were out for shopping by about 7 PM. I had informed Airtel broadband for a connection since BSNL was not fast enough, the Airtel guy had come by afternoon and had installed the connection, wife decided the plans and rentals.

While driving I asked whether the work has been completed, she said yes, then

Me: Ethana BHP??? (how much BHP???)
Wife: Enna??? (What???)
Me: (Again) Ethana BHP??? (how much BHP???)
Wife: (irritated) Enna kekura??? (What are you asking????)

Only then I realized that instead of asking about MBPS I had been asking about BHP

Had a good laugh though wifey was staring at me

Last edited by Karthik Chandra : 8th August 2016 at 11:00.
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Old 8th August 2016, 14:06   #475
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Happened yesterday to me. I was at the supermarket buying household items when I get a call from my wife. She wanted me to pick up couple of things in addition to what I had already on my list. She said she would be taking the dog for a walk and would be back by the time I returned. Before hanging up she remembered one last item and asked me to look for either Complan or Pedigree in Vanilla flavor! I burst out laughing as I realized she was thinking of Pediasure ! (Pedigree is a dog food company) We both had a good laugh.

I have one thing to blackmail her with - am threatening to tell our son that his mother was asking me to buy Pedigree for him.
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Old 8th August 2016, 14:19   #476
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by DragonHawk View Post
This incident ...with lights on which was bright enough to obstruct my visibility. As usual I switched on the high beam, little did I know he actually had his lights dimmed
Not my experience, but this was narrated by a friend who had an RD. He came face to face with a Gypsy whose lights were blinding to him. He was running some powerful lights, and without further thought, flicked on his high beam and aux lights. The gypsy retaliated - it had some 3 or 4 pairs of aux lights, typical of a rally-going one - turned on high beams, followed by each of the pairs of aux and fog lamps, soon turning the road into a flood-lit stadium, while my friend was left gaping at it. He lived to tell the tale
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Old 8th August 2016, 14:24   #477
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by DragonHawk View Post
I generally have the tendency to put high beam if the incoming driver doesn`t dim the lights.
I used to do the same. But then I realized that I am actually blinding the other guy, the same way he is blinding me. It makes us both blind! Now that is much more dangerous than just me being blind. I now 'signal' once, hoping he realizes that his high beam is ON. If there is no response, I just curse my luck and move on...
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Old 8th August 2016, 15:32   #478
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by shifu View Post
I used to do the same. But then I realized that I am actually blinding the other guy, the same way he is blinding me. It makes us both blind! Now that is much more dangerous than just me being blind. I now 'signal' once, hoping he realizes that his high beam is ON. If there is no response, I just curse my luck and move on...
Well this is what exactly I wanted to convey, I just used to signal so that the incoming driver makes a note that he has his high beam on. I completely agree with you, my bad it didn`t phrased my post correctly.

Last edited by DragonHawk : 8th August 2016 at 15:34.
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Old 21st September 2016, 18:17   #479
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happened almost three years ago, but I believe I haven't documented it here. Got reminded of this experience during another conversation about honest services rendered by cops -

2012 December 24th, I started my 800kms drive to Trivandrum from Chennnai, post midnight and after work, just like many other IT folks working in the city and got a last minute leave confirmation.

Almost 150 kms after Chennai, I was starting to feel a bit sleepy and tired, when we got stuck at a small traffic jam. Realized later that there is police checking going on.

As I rolled down my window to listen to what they have to say, I was pretty sure they would be checking for alcohol etc (festive season collection), but got a shocker when the constable said- "Sir, you look sleepy. Have tea. " And handed over a cup of hot tea.

Wife was so shocked, she was damn sure we're being tricked. "Which police station serves tea?" But came to know from them that the idea was the avoid accidents within their station limits during the festive season.
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Old 21st September 2016, 19:53   #480
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Precursor to the story - my wife drives a GT TSI for over 2 years. This happened a week back.

Me and my wife were headed out to meet my wife's friend in a popular high end restaurant. We dressed in a formal attire (assuming there was a dress code at the restaurant) and got ready to leave. We were already late. That's when my wife's friend who had already reached the venue called my wife and asked her to come in "sports" mode and get there quickly.

When we started to leave I noticed my wife had frantically changed into comfortable polo t shirt and jeans. On inquiring she told me her friend had asked her to come in sports attire which slightly intrigued me. It was then I realized her friend meant "sport mode" on her GT TSI. I all the way to the venue since it's not always you get that chance.

Ofcourse it meant I had to eat tendli ka subzi the next day.

Last edited by Rehaan : 22nd September 2016 at 14:27. Reason: Adding some paragraph spacing. Hilarious story :)
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