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Old 23rd May 2017, 10:34   #586
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Didn't you try figuring out who that guy was? Probably calling the cops or something or asking him what his business with your car was. If he was indeed a thief, he should have been behind bars as that would have saved many other people their rides.
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Old 23rd May 2017, 10:46   #587
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I guess he would be a security staff who probably thought you were trying to steal the car. He was probably trying to scare you off by acting as the owner by reaching out to the door handle. Just my thoughts!
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Old 23rd May 2017, 14:06   #588
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

'Brown dog' security! That is a stray dog happily napping on the canopy of a parked thar. Sorry for the picture quality, phone cam shot and my high-beam was on, trying to light it up
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Old 23rd May 2017, 16:08   #589
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This one fits right into this thread...

Yesterday evening while driving back to Pune from Mumbai, at the Vashi bridge just before the toll booths, noticed a strange phenomenon where crows were descending on the windscreens and roofs of cars that were slowing down to pay the toll.

It was a very weird thing to watch- the birds seemed to be pretty deliberate and rather aggressive in their actions. They would descend almost-helicopter like onto the car with a thud sound. The hair on my arms literally rose up as one glided in, seemingly looking me straight in the eye and settling on my driver's windscreen. Or maybe I've just been watching too much Game of Thrones!

Wife surmised that perhaps they were interested in the squashed fruit or dead insects accumulated on the car after a day of parking in the open. But it doesn't explain why I have never observed this ever before!

Any explanations?

Last edited by noopster : 23rd May 2017 at 16:10.
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Old 23rd May 2017, 16:40   #590
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
Wife surmised that perhaps they were interested in the squashed fruit or dead insects accumulated on the car after a day of parking in the open. But it doesn't explain why I have never observed this ever before!
Was there any fruit on the windshield ?

One possibility - it was a hot day and the crows had not got much food ? And hence scouring for food on the cars ?
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Old 23rd May 2017, 17:03   #591
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
This one fits right into this thread...

Yesterday evening while driving back to Pune from Mumbai, at the Vashi bridge just before the toll booths, noticed a strange phenomenon where crows were descending on the windscreens and roofs of cars that were slowing down to pay the toll.

It was a very weird thing to watch- the birds seemed to be pretty deliberate and rather aggressive in their actions. They would descend almost-helicopter like onto the car with a thud sound. The hair on my arms literally rose up as one glided in, seemingly looking me straight in the eye and settling on my driver's windscreen. Or maybe I've just been watching too much Game of Thrones!

Wife surmised that perhaps they were interested in the squashed fruit or dead insects accumulated on the car after a day of parking in the open. But it doesn't explain why I have never observed this ever before!

Any explanations?
Have observed this many times and even I had the same reaction and thought I would be getting a live version of A Feast for Crows. Though these crows are just there to have fruits and vegetables.

If you have been to Vashi fruit market, you will understand the reason. The place is h-u-g-e and many trucks move in and out from the market. At toll, since the trucks slow down the crows have an easier access to get in the truck for the vegetables and fruits.

Though they're ultimately crows and have grown aggressive nowadays and fly on all the vehicles at the toll.
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Old 23rd May 2017, 17:03   #592
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by centaur View Post
If he was indeed a thief, he should have been behind bars as that would have saved many other people their rides.
Well, I do not think he was a thief. A thief (lone one at that) would never make a move while there is audience.
The guy must have been hired, maybe, by the restaurant guys to keep a vigil on the cars parked there, and in all probability he did his job alright.

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
But it doesn't explain why I have never observed this ever before!

Any explanations?
Probably something new that they just learned and if that is the case, it should become a regular affair from now on.
Lets see what the future beholds !
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Old 23rd May 2017, 17:25   #593
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by vinit.merchant View Post
Probably something new that they just learned and if that is the case, it should become a regular affair from now on.
Lets see what the future beholds !
Vinit - have you seen this interesting video ?
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Old 23rd May 2017, 19:13   #594
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by noopster View Post
noticed a strange phenomenon where crows were descending on the windscreens and roofs of cars that were slowing down to pay the toll.
Had you been living in Karnataka, you would have realised that these crows are the handmaidens of Angels of New Cars and are probably on the rolls of a few car dealerships. Confused? Please read this and you will see why.

For people lazy enough not to click on the link, here's a video:

PS: Crows and pigs coming in contact with vehicles is considered a bad omen by some people.
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Old 24th May 2017, 14:03   #595
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Re: An encounter with a thief?

Originally Posted by vishy76 View Post
- I go home and refer to the service manual only to find that the car has a safety feature. "Incase if there is no activity detected 10 seconds after unlocking the car through the Keyfob, the car will lock itself."

This is indeed a good feature and present in my TUV 300 as well. It saved me once when I unlocked the car after coming out of the shop and realized I forgot something in the shop. I went back and forgot to lock it. But I soon realised I had kept the car unlocked with my expensive goggles on dash. Came running back only to realize the car had locked itself due to inactivity.
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Old 25th May 2017, 07:22   #596
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Should have checked his ID to confirm if he was a valet person or not. If not, the matter should have been taken to the police. Would have saved a lot of car owners like me who don't have the functionality of smart key in their cars.
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Old 27th May 2017, 17:13   #597
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A bunch of my colleagues & I travelled to Trichy from Chennai today for another colleague's wedding. After crossing Perungalathur, we stopped at a road side shop for checking the tyre pressure and we were having a chat.

At one point, when I turned back to see the traffic, I noticed vehicles piling up / coming to halt and saw something in the middle of the road which looked like a dead dog / cat run over by vehicles. I was saddened and while I was looking at it, saw a pup (not dead yet) trying to cross the road and got sacred and froze right in the middle of the road.

It took a second for me to understand that a truck & some cars had stopped for the pup to cross the road (where as people drive at a clean 80-100 kmph otherwise) but it was too scared to move. In one second I started running towards it and noticed another biker (ahead of me) who had by then parked his bike by the road side, 15 feet ahead of where the pup was, had already started running to save it.

Even before both of us could reach the place, we saw a kid on a scooter stopping right next to the pup, took it on his scooter and rode past us all. I wanted to give him a thumbs up for his attitude, but he didn't make an eye contact with anyone.I was quite quite happy to see a very humane touch from a lot of people, right from stopping the vehicles to running to help the pup to rescuing it.

While I see such videos on FB, primarily from other countries, it was quite heart warming to see it happen in India too, where we happily get into egoistic road rages.

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Old 27th May 2017, 18:14   #598
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Wonderful, heartwarming indeed. Thank you. But...

Originally Posted by swiftnfurious View Post
While I see such videos on FB, primarily from other countries, it was quite heart warming to see it happen in India too, where we happily get into egoistic road rages.
The puppy might have got a good telling off after being rescued
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Old 30th May 2017, 15:13   #599
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Few days ago, I was driving uphill a narrow road and this driver chose to move his bus too far into right and give me way! Rare breed of drivers -
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Old 30th May 2017, 21:07   #600
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Bengaluru cops are getting more chilled out by the day The duo on the two wheeler did not even realise someone was taking their picture. Poor souls.

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