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Old 29th January 2019, 14:00   #841
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
An encyclopedia of fake "facts" could be created from WhatsApp forwards. But is there any truth in the egg/visibility/robbery thing?

My "common sense" tells me that it falls at the first hurdle: broken egg would wash off the glass, especially with screen wash additives. I don't have any problems washing egg off glass bowls in the kitchen!
When in doubt about any rumor, you can trust to set the record straight!
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Old 29th January 2019, 16:42   #842
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happened in 2000.

I bought a ticket from booking clerk at Secunderabad railway station and went on to platform. Sabari Express (back then it was called Cochin Express, if I remember correctly), which goes through my town, was about to move, and is quite packed. As I had originally planned to board another train which was due an hour later, I didn't think of boarding the Cochin Express. I went to the book stall and bought a Frontline and a couple of other magazines along with a Sidney Sheldon novel. After 20 minutes my train arrived and I boarded it, put my head in the novel.

After some time, a middle aged man boarded along with his wife and children, settled in seats and asked me if there was a need to buy 'surcharge' ticket. I said the booking clerk gave the ticket and that he need not bother. I went back to my novel.

About 20 minutes from my town a TTE entered our compartment and started checking tickets. When the aforementioned gentleman showed his tickets the TTE said the train is a Super fast one and an additional surcharge ticket of Rs.10 per head should have been bought. The gentleman pleaded with the TTE but was fined nevertheless. The gentleman, now livid with me, said angrily that it was I who said he need not buy surcharge ticket and goaded the TTE to book me too. Only then that I realized what had happened. When I bought ticket at Secunderabad, I didn't know there was Cochin Express on platform and I had this super fast express in my mind. The booking clerk, knowing that Cochin Express is on platform, issued a normal ticket. I thought the railways had removed the surcharge on the said super fast express.

When it struck me the predicament I was in, I was flabbergasted. I was deeply embarrassed and the prospect of suffering an ignonimity of being reprimanded for travelling with invalid ticket blanked my mind. A fleeting thought of jumping from the moving train came up (only fleetingly, fortunately). The TTE looked at me for a few seconds. I stared back stone faced. He then looked at the books in my lap (all of them are english language publications) and left the compartment without asking me to show the ticket. I heaved a sigh of relief.

When I looked at the gentleman, he was irate and throwing daggers with his eyes. He also spat out some choicest expletives, not directly to me, nevertheless directed at me. I moved away to the door and in a few minutes I alighted at my station.

I still remember how flushed I was and how hot my face had become when I realized the mistake. Also, I still cannot fathom how could I forget that there was Cochin Express ( I travelled in Cochin Express to Ernakulam a couple of times prior to this incident but never from Hyderabad or Secunderabad - even this November in Sabari Express or how I didn't mind when the gentleman asked me about the surcharge.
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Old 29th January 2019, 22:24   #843
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
But is there any truth in the egg/visibility/robbery thing?
None I believe, unless they're throwing ostrich eggs I doubt anyone would bother stopping.

Not sure if this is true but here's something similar that floated even before WhatsApp was the fad.

During my first year of motorcycling circa 2011, we came up with this crazy idea to attempt the Saddlesore run, and back then the internet was not as helpful as it is now.

We asked a few random locals about the route and one warning we received still gives me nightmares.

In the Southern tip of TN, while riding through isolated highways at night there seems to be a practice of extortion by means of throwing a recently dead body onto oncoming traffic, once the occupants of the vehicle stop to assess the situation a crowd claiming to be the kin of the supposedly recently murdered would extort money from the unsuspecting victims promising to cover-up the incident if they're compensated handsomely for it.

To this date I've not verified the information as this is news to enthusiasts I've come across, but it still does give me the chills, especially since I'd be on a motorcycle if this were to happen to me.
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Old 4th February 2019, 18:24   #844
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Parenting done right!

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_1173.png
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Old 6th February 2019, 11:51   #845
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

*Request to the mods to move it to right thread.* I hope it would be helpful for you all.

1. It was one day before Diwali and I was in the bustling parking which had stalls and people walking across it. The traffic was moving at snail's pace.
I was behind a car for way out whilst people continued to cross road for other side of stalls.
As traffic moved little, I lurched the car forward.
A guy knocks passenger side window and says, You have hit my feet.
I was surprised. There was no sign of pain. He was standing close yet away from car wheels. I apologized and rolled over the glass and moved on.

2. A busy narrow street had bikes, people, cyclists and every god made creature on it( ) I was waiting for my brother who would be coming after getting some stuff from shop.
Another car started to honk for way. I move forward the car carefully.
A guy came from nowhere and told the tyre rolled over my foot. I had checked front and back(mirrors) whilst moving. This time I asked where were you?
He pointed towards passenger side rear wheel. I knew no one was there.
I asked there was barely any space for you to stand. It had bikes parked on the side.
He got angry and said same thing again.
Meanwhile, My grandpa asked him to move as this is a busy street and you should have seen if you were behind us.
Anyway, He left the place.

Their intent was different.

Drive Safe!
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Old 6th February 2019, 12:09   #846
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I was riding back to Hyderabad from Udaipur.

The plan was to halt in a town called Betul. We stopped at a tea shop about 110 kilometers away.

Me: How many kilometers from Betul.
Tea Shop Guy: 100 hoga. (About a 100)

Then he continued: Will take you about 30-40 minutes.

I am literally laughing and ask him how to do a 100 kms in 30 mins.

In the same monotone voice he replied, "Agar Aapki Bike nahi kar sakti to main kya karoon".
(If your bike can't do it, then what am I to do)

It took me a few minutes to pick up my jaw from the road for I have never been burned so bad.
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Old 6th February 2019, 22:47   #847
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Parenting done right!

Attachment 1844871
A well fitting helmet is just as important as the helmet itself. Together with that, putting on the chin strap. This helmet looks way too big for the kid.
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Old 7th February 2019, 08:45   #848
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Guess who has an LTD sticker!

Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-51228000_2256654267938086_1072390562864168960_o.jpg

Found this in Facebook.
Photo courtesy: whosoever has taken it
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Old 7th February 2019, 09:18   #849
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I was travelling home in my office cab one afternoon. The cab driver wasn't in the best of moods as he had been issued a speeding ticket a couple of hours ago. He was complaining that his monthly EMI for his car was x amount and now this speeding ticket was 1000 bucks something that he had to pay from his own pocket.
When he finished, I then asked him if he had learnt his mistake. He said yes, I have. from tomorrow on wards I will stop travelling on the road where the cops check for over-speeding.
I was like
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Old 7th February 2019, 10:07   #850
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Spotted this Tata Ace near Delhi border.

Out of the box thinking
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-new.jpg

I liked it!
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Old 8th February 2019, 12:07   #851
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

This incident happened last Friday. Being a weekend, I was gingerly driving back home from work. While passing through Mother-Dairy signal in Yelahanka, a Jetta caught my attention with hazard lights on and a triangle placed at the corner. Pulled my car over to the shoulder past the signal, with parking lights ON. I was praying myself, this should not be the DSG one. My first glance was to find out the type of gear box it was and yes, it was MT. Asked the gentleman, if I could be of any help to him. He was amazed to find help at that hour of 21:40 and described "I’m not able to slot my car into any gear yaaaar…".
I got into the driver seat to confirm and yes, the problem persist. It was hardly driven for 38k km, 2015 Comfort line model. Advised him, "let’s push to the service lane past the signal, as it was stopped right at signal and camouflaged between the trees to not to attract any undue attention". He obliged, we both pushed off to the service lane for about 200 meters, while myself guiding the steering through the window and he using his mighty strength. Advised him to call the Helpline and by the time they arrive it would be too late for him to stay and wait for it.

I offered him to drop at his apartment, which is small deviation of 2km en-route. He was little hesitant and was prepared to walk all long to his community. Insisted myself to not to worry about me. He thinks "I‘ve already done great deed to him". Informed him to pick up any valuables in the car, as it would be towed. Got into my Vento and had a small chat. Enquired, if he is aware of Team-BHP. He mutters "I’ve read couple of blogs, it’s nice". I was proud of myself claiming to be TBHPian and got to know he was entrepreneur, who sold his data analytics firm to a Singapore based company and working for transition. We arrived at his destination. We exchanged numbers, wished him to have a great weekend as he can spend some time with his family by the time the towing arrives.
Following day, while dropping my son to school, was narrating the whole story to him and trying to "gyaan" to help someone who are in need and found the Jetta missing. Thought, the vehicle might have been towed, another string runs in my mind, "what if the Jetta is stolen?. I didn't have his number, as he promised to give me a missed call, which he might have forgot in being panic.

On Monday, WhatsApp message popped up, "Hey Ram, this is Alok, the guy you helped me with the Jetta. The vehicle is in service center and claims to be master cylinder had failed. Thank you so much for your help yaaaar".

I was glad, I was of some help to him, as I had nothing else to do on reaching home early, ONLY to flip channels on Tata Sky or watch a series on Netflix.

Last edited by aah78 : 12th February 2019 at 01:22. Reason: Random capitalization, typos fixed.
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Old 8th February 2019, 12:50   #852
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Ramsagar View Post
I was glad, I was of some help to him
Excellent! Giving a helping hand to someone stuck on the road seems to be a lost cause these days, no one has the time or the enthusiasm to help one.

On a similar note, I had a different situation back in the US a few years ago.


This was on an interstate highway between Virginia and North Carolina, back in summer 2015.

I was heading back home, from an biking event some 100 miles away. Midway I stopped at a gas station to fuel up when I saw this guy on the side of the road, trying to get a lift from passing cars. I probably spent about 10 odd minutes in that gas station, during which he probably got ignored by more than 50 cars during that period; a lot of them moving out of the gas station, mostly empty with just one single rider.

He didn’t seem so dangerous; he had two luggage bags, and also he had a pair of crutches; on a scale of 1 to 10 (danger to me), I’d probably put him at 3 or 4. So I decided to give him a lift. And I did.

What followed was one of the most interesting conversations I ever had with anyone in US over the last 8 months; we discussed (in detail) about rock songs; Pink Floyd, Jon Bon Jovi, Guns & Roses; and so on. All starting from a Pink Floyd song running on the FM when he boarded the car. Of course there was the small matter when he requested if he could have a look at my iPhone (apparently he never had one in his life), and I allowed him to go ahead; and the fact that in the span of 2-3 minutes he used it to look up porn on youtube (lol), which I guess is as weird as it is hilarious!

The fact of the matter is the ride ended just fine; he got down when I asked him to; and even thanked me as graciously as anyone can; considering I was the first one to give him a lift in nearly 8+ hours of standing outside the gas station!

I was glad I was able to help him that day; and also gave him a bottle of water and a few bucks for the next stage of his hitch hiking journey. He'd started this trip from Seattle and was heading to Florida!

Note: The US govt strongly advocates not giving lifts to hitchhikers though. There are boards put up on the highways mentioning the same.
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Old 9th February 2019, 22:21   #853
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I am generally very very choosy about which stranger I give a ride to. Once when returning from work, a school kid motioned for a ride not very far from home. Traffic being very light, I obliged. Some conversations start -

Me: It's a good habit to put on the seat-belts. Feel free to use it. What grade are you studying in?

Him: 8th

After knowing the name of the school etc...

Me: Favorite subject?
Him: Math

Now I am totally into the conversation. Math has always been my favorite as well.

Me: What topic in math are you currently studying?
Him: Algebra, trigonometry, etc (he mentions bunch of other topics).

Me: Sum of the angles in an equilateral triangle?
Him: Hmm.uh...

Me: Should it not be 180, for all triangles? Ok, tell me the angles of an equilateral triangle.
Him: Hmmm. Uh. Oh.

Me: What is that property of the triangle that related equal sides and angles?
Him: Angle opposite to equal sides...(he gets that right).

Me: Ok, so now use that algebra and figure out all the angles now that you know the sum of them all.
Him: Hmmm. Uh. Oh. Ok.

Me: x + x + x equals what?

Eventually we reach the solution and destination. 7-10 minutes in all.

I tell him to get himself a teacher who will inspire better learning.

I doubt he'll ever ask for a ride again with anyone after that episode. Hopefully he didn't feel tortured!
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Old 11th February 2019, 16:13   #854
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

We usually as a family have a habit of going out on weekends to try out local cuisines/snacks/roadside food or anything that claims to be "famous", we should have a dig at it, to satisfy our tickling taste buds.

One fine weekend, we ventured out at 19:30 to grab "piping hot jalebis" at the road side food joint 5 km away from our place.
After gaining some speed, saw old Corolla with hazard lights ON, and the gentleman in his 40’s was fumbling with a flat tire, while the lady carrying an infant was watching at her husband's tussle.
I felt something alarming and inquired my wife, "Is the lady holding an infant in her arms?". She confirmed "YES". I quickly shed speed, pulled over to the shoulder, switched ON my hazard lights and approached the vehicle.

Gentleman was trying to focus his cellphone torch with one hand and guiding the other under the car. I got onto my knees, saying, "let me help you with that" and discovered the jack was stuck elsewhere, rather than the exact location. Tried to pull away the misplaced jack with one arm, it didn't budge. This time, I rested myself on left & right "cheeks" with both my feet against the car and equally used my arms to dislocate the Jack. Naaaaaaah…, the jack was very adamant and started challenging 198 pound individual royally stuck beneath. I gave up!!
The lady was petrified on what was happening, I assured her to sit in the car safely, while this will be done in matter of minutes.

Cried out to my son to fetch our car jack. He came in sprinting. Placed our jack at right point, instructed my son to keep winding "clockwise" till I say so, he obliged, I was at the wheel quickly unlocking the nuts. The gentleman "rescued" his jack.
Looking at the pace of work, the gentleman rolled his spare tier next to me at a wink. Have bolted on the spare and started working with the bolts. In the meanwhile, my "Jack"-boy diligently unwind the jack "counter-clockwise" till the tyre landed! He tossed the blown up tyre into the boot. All the four were, new Goodyear Excellence tyres.

As promised, the car was back on road within 20 mins. He thanked us profusely. The lady's face was gleaming in the dark, blessing us! We head back picking up our jack towards the steed.

With that act, the hot jalebis were even more tasty than ever before. Oops, I don't remember whether we washed our hands or not .

Last edited by benbsb29 : 12th February 2019 at 06:35. Reason: 16:22 EDIT: Random capitalization fixed. Typos, fixed.
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Old 11th February 2019, 18:52   #855
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A colleague-friend needed help in distributing his house warming invitation cards. I would go to his house, park my car and get into his Wagon R to drive him around the town. Twice, his four year old nephew insisted on accompanying us and as is my wont in such cases, I asked my colleague to sit at the back. At a few places, the young one would refuse to go with his uncle and sit in the car with me. I entertained him by getting him biscuits, wafers etc.

Today was the house warming ceremony.

While I was supervising at the lunch counters, a relative of my colleague - who had seen me being busy with the arrangements since yesterday afternoon - asked me how was I related to the owner of the house.

Before I could answer him, the four year old boy burst in and said "'This uncle is my uncle's car driver".

What could I say!
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