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Old 11th February 2019, 19:31   #856
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Miyata View Post
I am generally very very choosy about which stranger I give a ride to. Once when returning from work, a school kid motioned for a ride not very far from home. Traffic being very light, I obliged.
I doubt he'll ever ask for a ride again with anyone after that episode. Hopefully he didn't feel tortured!
I was half expecting you to write that the kid asked you to stop the car and rather walk the remaining distance than bear the torture that you subjected him to.
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Old 11th February 2019, 20:15   #857
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Few days back my friend and I were in a (low) Honda City pulling out of an undivided road. A new gen Fortuner was turning into the road but stopped (due to car in front of him) in a way that it was diagonally facing us.

Although his low beams were on, considering he was much higher and the super bright led xenons, hit our eyes quite badly. Both of us kind of covered our eyes for those 2-3 seconds. When the Fortuner crossed us, the guy said sorry and smiled apologetically.

Very unlike the behaviour of most white Fortuner owners in Delhi NCR

Last edited by suhaas307 : 12th February 2019 at 01:41. Reason: Spacing
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Old 11th February 2019, 20:52   #858
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by rayjaycleoful View Post
.. the guy said sorry and smiled apologetically.

Very unlike the behaviour of most ..
Similar incident recently: Was driving the A-Star, and a Fortuner with high-beams was behind me as we pulled up at a signal. His lights were way too bright even thru my mirrors. I rolled down my window and waved to him - signalled about his high-beam. He actually switched them off !

In situations where the other driver has been considerate, I try to do something for the person - the most common thing is to let the other guy pass. Here, his car being the more powerful one, I looked for an opportunity to do the same. But he pulled away into another street. Hope we have more people like him.

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Old 11th February 2019, 21:35   #859
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Ramsagar View Post
As promised, the car was back on road within 20 mins. He thanked us profusely.
Totally lived up to that moniker. Hope more and more of us become a bit like you. Good going.

Originally Posted by drmohitg View Post
I was half expecting you to write that the kid asked you to stop the car and rather walk the remaining distance than bear the torture that you subjected him to.
Haha...would have totally understood if he did that! I am a poor conversationalist otherwise!
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Old 12th February 2019, 00:25   #860
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
The US govt strongly advocates not giving lifts to hitchhikers though. There are boards put up on the highways mentioning the same.[/i]
Here is what happened to bunch of our friends who went for trekking in a forest in NY around 2016. They parked their car in one location went on to trek around afternoon. These folks were high of energy and they went deep inside the forest and forgot the way back. With no signal in phones, light is fading quickly, these guys panicked and somehow found a nearest road and looked for a ride to their car's parking.

One old American lady pulled her Chevy Suburban seeing these guys looking for a ride. In the typical American accent that lady asked about these guys what they are doing in mid of forest, when they told they need lift to the parking spot, she obliged. But before letting them in her car, she pulled a Glock from her jacket and shown these guys that if you ever try to do something to me, I will put the bullets into your body . Petrified seeing the gun in her hand and no help coming to them and no signal in phones, these guys silently went in the car and got dropped of at their parking.

While getting down, that lady advised them not to venture into forest in the evening time without proper guidance and asked them to carry a paper map always with them. That lady seems to be US army veteran and living in a small town nearby and also gave them a paper map to the interstate to get back to NYC.

P.S While riding in the car, my friends told us that they had all kind of thoughts imagining all Hollywood Psycho/Horror movies and they were relieved only after they saw civilization around the parking lot area .
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Old 12th February 2019, 01:42   #861
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I was going thru this t-log & i just remembered this fun & exciting moment which happened some 6-7 years back.

I was on an unplanned trip to Vagamon in a KeSRTC. When our bus reached a place near Vagamon, we saw a crowded bus stopped in the side and a couple of jeeps stopped behind with people guiding the traffic. Our driver refused to go past stating there was no space and the other bus moved further to make space. While over taking the bus, I noticed the driver wearing an aviator sun glass and some one from the seat behind him spray something near his face. Thought its strange to see a driver sporting one in the high ranges without much sun. And even the guy looked so familiar. It was just in the next 10 seconds I realised it was Biju Menon , the actor and he infact had driven the bus to make way for us, starting from a small incline (mind you that was a crowded bus too). Wasnt convinced it was him, so came back and a quick check in the internet gave details of the Malayalam movie 'Ordinary' to re-confirm I indeed saw the right guy in the driver's seat. For the same sentiments, I watched the movie in the first week of release and the movie went to become a hit giving the debut director a place in the industry.

Those who dont know, Ordinary is the category in state transport buses which stops in all bus stops and is the least expensive. Then we have Limited Stops, Fast Passenger, Super Fast & Deluxe (Green color) buses.

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Old 12th February 2019, 06:36   #862
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by dailydriver View Post
Before I could answer him, the four year old boy burst in and said "'This uncle is my uncle's car driver".

What could I say!
We can see this has had a profound influence on your choice of handle on this forum.
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Old 12th February 2019, 07:34   #863
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by benbsb29 View Post
We can see this has had a profound influence on your choice of handle on this forum
Actually - Factually no.

I am over two years old on the forum and the incident in question happened just yesterday.
Originally Posted by dailydriver View Post
Today was the house warming ceremony
I can assure you that there was absolutely no prerecognition moment while filling up the entry form in Feb 2017 .

But on a serious note, when I look back at the driving I have done in the past decade, I realise that I have actually been driving people around more often than I thought I have. Mine was the first car in the family and friends' circle. So, people would hop in at the first available chance. I have ferried a bride to her wedding and a dying man to his home; I have helped people transport unimaginable numbers of luggage when they shifted houses or were getting up a feast. Not to mention the undocumented/able trips I have been on, helping dear and near ones distribute invites.

Remember the Wagon R referred to in my previous post? I was the one who drove it down from Bengaluru to my town after taking delivery from RNS. There have been many instances where, being the sole teetotaller in the group, I have driven a variety of cars to deliver blabbering souls safe to their homes. Another time, I had accompanied a friend and his two very naughty toddlers on a 500 km trip wherein my role was solely to drive.

Other than these, given my profession, I can also be accused of driving scores of teenagers mad, on a daily basis .

So, dailydriver I am!
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Old 12th February 2019, 18:23   #864
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

A very close friend “Chaddi dost - CD”, is a resident of Hyderabad, working for an IT Major in Bangalore. We casually met on Friday night to bid goodbye and wished him a safe journey, as he was travelling from Bangalore to pick up his family in Hyderabad and return to Bangalore over the weekend. At any cost, CD had to reach his office on Monday to meet his deadlines.

Saturday morning at 0630, I heard a someone ringing door bell. Me, being very lazy, sinking myself to get more sleep on the weekend, pleaded the missus to attend to it, while I covered myself with a blanket rolling over the mattress. It was a common friend of who came from 12 kms from our house and sat next to me and mumbled, “Our Chaddi dost met with an accident”

I jumped over the bed and landed on my feet like an “Olympic pole vault athlete”. He pronounced “He is safe and sound, only the car has taken the beating. BTW, CD was trying to reach you on your mobile for close to an hour and the phone was unanswered”. I asked my wife to help look for my phone. I see 27 missed calls from CD.

I called back instantaneously and he reacted “Rey idiot, where did you stick your phone.......with obscene language. Yes, I deserve this for not answering his call while he was suffering. Have patiently taken all the confrontations and waiting for him to pause, I mellowed down and the conversation went on.

Myself : Are you hurt?
CD : No, but car went into a ditch on the road side.
Myself : Are you able to walk or have any injuries to your body.
CD : No, I’m absolutely fine.
Myself : Good. Which location is that?
CD : This happened at a hamlet called “Pamidi”, 35 km away from Anantapur, towards Hyderabad and was explaining the whole scene… (I cut short the discussion)
Myself : I’m starting now, hang in there. See if you can find any shelter (I requested him to call the customer car for towing).

I started off towards the location in my shorts, informed the missus to not to wait for me and promised to keep in touch. I grabbed my wallet, keys and zoomed off. During the travel, I was conversing with CD over the phone, trying to console him, while CD was narrating the whole act like an episode from "Final Destination". He had described a couple of landmarks to help me avoid passing the site. Back then, Google Maps, location sharing, 3G etc. were very feeble. Rather, we didn't know how to use it. I pretended to be Michael Schumacher, racing past every vehicle in sight and then spotted a guy who came sprinting raising his hand. I was puzzled as to who this guy was? After coming closer, I recognized him to be my friend. He had become tan from the scorching sun, sweating all over. I was not able to identify him from far. He was petrified & fumbling. Pulled over towards him and alighted. We hugged each other. There was a silence for brief period. We sat together under a the Mango tree, without dialogue. We were about to get emotional and break down. It was a dramatic situation. Before it got worse, I regained my senses and said “let’s walk down and inspect the vehicle.”

It took me four hours to reach the mess. CD was trying to pass a truck, which was on the extreme Left. While approaching the truck, the driver chose to take a right to avoid a slow moving tractor in front him. CD panicked and slammed the brakes and pulled the car towards the left after letting the truck pass. Due to the loose gravel on the shoulder, the car swung out and landed front facing down, presenting its back to an 8 metre deep storm water drain following the mango orchard all along the road. We required a proper hauling truck to winch it out. The nearest tow truck needed at least 4 hours to reach.

In the middle of the day, we were looking for a place to have decent snack. Upon probing the caretaker of the mango orchard, he led us to the same Pamidi village. This settlement is tucked 4 km away from the highway. On reaching the place, folks pointed us to a lady organizing a shack. CD was deprived of breakfast and the lady swiftly spread out a plantain leaf and served steaming rice, sambar trailed by rasam & curd.

After a sumptuous lunch, we still had 3 more hours for the tow truck to show up. There was Telugu flick screening in a tent opposite the shack. We assumed the best way to spend some time would be by viewing the show. We received a call from the truck driver and put the car on the truck for Hyderabad. Kurnool was the adjacent place to visit, but the work on the car would take time. We believed Hyderabad would be ideal, as it would be easy to monitor the progress of the work with known service staff at our disposal. At 2200 hours, we got an acknowledgement from truck driver. We reached CD’s home, behaving as if nothing had happened.

Act of destiny: CD was supposed to reach home for breakfast. Instead, we had supper together at his residence.

Following day, we picked up CD's family and returned to Bangalore. All through the travel, CD's wife had queries running in her mind:

What happened to our car? Why did this fellow come to Hyderabad?

It was CD's turn, to respond to his partner .

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Old 15th February 2019, 22:14   #865
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Tuesday morning, near Freedom Park, BLR

There was a demonstration by a group of people providing citizen services, and the people wanted the state govt to extend some benefits to them (these people were not govt employees, but are providing official services). The demonstration was on the road adjacent to the park. The road blocked by cops from both ends. I had to pick up my cousin from there, since he was part of this group.

I pulled up next to the barricade, and a cop asked me to not park there. I told him why I was there, and would be moving in a few minutes. He was insistent. He came up and said quite politely but sternly - You look like someone who is sensible enough to understand what I am saying. If you still dont, then I will be forced to change my language and would then look like a senseless person. Pls go and park there - we wont say anything. (The spot he pointed out actually had no-parking boards).

I did move, and good too - my cousin took a little more time to come.

Looking back, the cop's approach was polite. He has his pressures. Not everyone would have cooperated, and that's what he faces every day.
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Old 16th February 2019, 20:20   #866
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

We were in Goa sometime back. The Tavera had already done a lot on that tank of diesel, and I knew we had to fill up. But as luck would have it, we missed a few pumps and we kept driving. Finished the task we had set out for, and it was time to return. Asked for pumps around, and the nearest one was 6 km away. We started our return leg, with the re-fuel being the immediate activity. But couple of km later, we ran dry. Cousin pulled over to the side. We emptied a 2 litre water bottle, and he offered to go to the nearest bunk. Flagged down an on-coming Tata Ace, and he got in. 20 meters down the road, they stopped and he got out. What do I see ? the driver of the Ace too got down, and both began to siphon out diesel from the tank of the Ace. The driver of the Ace had in stead offered diesel, so we could go on our own. And he only took the price of the diesel and not a paise more.

Hats off to that person, who came as a God send at that moment.

We easily reached the nearest bunk and did a top-up. The return journey was un-eventful, though I myself was quite empty much before we were able to get some decent snacks a few hours later.
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Old 18th February 2019, 12:36   #867
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by condor View Post
The driver of the Ace had in stead offered diesel, so we could go on our own. And he only took the price of the diesel and not a paise more.

Hats off to that person, who came as a God send at that moment.

For all you know, he made money off his owner's diesel!
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Old 18th February 2019, 12:54   #868
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Tejas@perioimpl View Post
For all you know, he made money off his owner's diesel!
Possibility is there. However, the guy was a Kannadiga. We were in a KA registered vehicle. He said he was the owner.

Even otherwise, 2 litres in a Ace would mean 35-40 km difference in distance for a tank of diesel. If he was making money off the owner, this difference for a tankful for local running would have needed a good explanation.

I dont want to go too deep into the back-grounds, but he helped us.
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Old 19th February 2019, 13:39   #869
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First incident:

It was on my Hyderabad-Arunachal drive.
We were at Bumla Pass, China border.
The moment you reach the parking you are welcomed by an army personnel (probably due to the altitude rise). The person greeted me and a funny incident happened at the parking lot of Bumla Pass.

ME: Bhaiya parking idhar hi hay ya aage hay? ( Brother, is the parking here or somewhere further)
Army Guy : Aage? Aage kahan parking karoge aap, India toh idhar hi khatam hogaya. (Further? Where will you park further, this is where India ends)
ME: Theek hay fir Idhar hi park kar deta hoon. ( Sure, then i'll park here then )

99% of the time with car or bike, I have been asked "Aage karlo parking" Never had I thought I would get this reply. The place, situation and the way the Army guy addressed my question was ironical yet heart warming to say the least.

The parking ..
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-img_20171222_140520.jpg

Second incident:

This occurred in Vizag while driving-up to Ketaki waterfalls.
The path leading to the falls is broken with protruding sharp rocks. In short, it was a tricky off-road trail as of June 2017.

While ascending OR at the beginning of the ascent, the local (Jeep and M&M 4x4) guys try to bring down the morale quite a lot.

4x4 taxi guy - Your car can't climb the terrain, it will get damaged, hire our vehicles, let us drive you .
Me - Sure but I would like to try.
4x4 taxi guy - Government does not allow.
Me - Sure, show me a board saying that.
4x4 taxi guy - You will get royally stuck and no one will be there to help you.
Me - That's fine, I have you guys who are experts in this terrain, l surely think you will help. You are a good human being, I know that. That's why you are worried about me.

40 mins later, Duster AWD at the foothills of the falls.
Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road-2-ketaki-parking-duster-.jpg

Met the same Guy again at parking below.

4x4 taxi guy - Now you are happy?
Me - Thanks a lot for the moral support.
I smiled and left.

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Old 19th February 2019, 14:34   #870
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Last year, my family went for summer vacation to our home town. Thus, giving me some liberty of going back to my unattached days.

It was time to bring my family back post vacation. I usually tend to start early at 0300 and reach home for Breakfast. After passing a place “Srikalahasti” towards “Naidupeta”, hit a traffic jam queuing up for at least 1km. Majorly being heavy vehicles. Cars/jeep/Autos were making their way passing on either side, where there was no room for Buses/Truck to pass. Upon inquiry the group, got to know there was an accident. I was following up TATA Sumo ahead of me and reached the site of accident. APS RTC – Govt. Bus had hit oncoming Truck. Looking at the scene, there were people gathered, I stopped and cried out if anyone need some help. All passengers circled my car wanting a lift. I didn’t understand what to do. Vehicles behind me were blaring their horns at me since I blocked the ONLY way out for them. It is for me as well.
I gave a damn and screamed “Ladies & children first”. As I was travelling alone, I can only accommodate 4, else Five with a tight squeeze. A Family of four got in. Since they were lean, requested them to squeeze in the rear while I choose to pick up an elderly man in his 70’s made him sit next to me and left the place.

Inquired if anyone needs immediate attention or should I take them to nearby hospital/clinic whatever available. They resonated everyone are fine, but still in shock of incident. Gave some water and I started hunting for First Aid kit in Dash board, which is being used for the first time. Elderly man started narrating the whole incident: “Bus started from Bangalore towards Nellore-AP. Due to traffic in the city, it was delayed by about 90 mins. The driver wanting to cover the missing part of journey ended up hitting oncoming truck. where the Truck Driver had both him limbs crumpled and was rushed to nearby hospital by 108. Bus driver had some bruises on his forehead and he is doing good. The other passengers in the bus were safe with very minor bruises/injuries. And most of them where in a shock.”

Where every knows: in these situations, another Govt. bus comes in rescue of the stranded passengers. This is best part in travelling by a Govt. bus than a private operator. Besides, they were stuck in there for long time since all the buses were never able to pass the site of accident to hitch ride. Since all of them were destined to Nellore, where I was heading to, queried about their dropping points. In the meanwhile, their mobiles started ringing, inquiries from their relatives/friends about their whereabouts and how are they travelling. Elderly Gentleman requested to drop him on the way towards Bus station and thanked me profusely to come pay visit his home. The Family was heading to another place which 40 kms away from Nellore. Promised them to drop till Bus station where they usually pick another bus home. Which is 7 kms away from my house. Which I obliged.

After receiving blessing from everyone, reached home an hour late for brunch, followed by a tight sleep till late in the evening!!
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